1000 resultados para glazing systems


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Energy used in buildings is a major contributor to Australia’s energy consumption and associated environmental impacts. The advent of complex glazing systems such as double glazing, particularly in northern America and Europe, has partially closed a weak thermal link in the building envelope. In milder climates, however, building envelope features may not be as effective in life cycle energy terms, i.e. including the embodied energy of their manufacture. A net energy analysis compares the savings in operational energy to the additional requirements for embodied energy, in terms of the energy payback period and energy return on investment. The effectiveness of double glazing is determined for an Australian residential building. A wide range of building operation regimes was simulated. These results support the principle of installing double glazing in residential buildings in Melbourne, Australia, at least in terms of net primary energy savings.


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Over the past decades there has been a great deal of research related to simulation programs that calculate glazing thermal performance. In this study, several glazing systems were designed using VISION 3 (University of Waterloo, 1992) and WINDOW-6 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2010). The systems were fabricated and experimentally tested in-situ for a summer month. It was found that in most cases the predicted results of the glass temperature matched those measured, though slight discrepancies were observed during periods of high solar radiation, particularly for more complex systems and systems with shading devices.


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Architects and designers could readily use a quick and easy tool to determine the solar heat gains of their selected glazing systems for particular orientations, tilts and climate data. Speedy results under variable solar angles and degree of irradiance would be welcomed by most. Furthermore, a newly proposed program should utilise the outputs of existing glazing tools and their standard information, such as the use of U-values and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC’s) as generated for numerous glazing configurations by the well-known program WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The results of this tool provide interior glass surface temperature and transmitted solar radiation which link into comfort analysis inputs required by the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool –V2 (ASHRAE, 2011). This tool is a simple-to-use calculator providing the total solar heat gain of a glazing system exposed to various angles of solar incidence. Given basic climate (solar) data, as well as the orientation of the glazing under consideration the solar heat gain can be calculated. The calculation incorporates the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient function produced for the glazing system under various angles of solar incidence WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The significance of this work rests in providing an orientation-based heat transfer calculator through an easy-to-use tool (using Microsoft EXCEL) for user inputs of climate and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (WINDOW-6) data. We address the factors to be considered such as solar position and the incident angles to the horizontal and the window surface, and the fact that the solar heat gain coefficient is a function of the angle of incidence. We also discuss the effect of the diffuse components of radiation from the sky and those from ground surface reflection, which require refinement of the calculation methods. The calculator is implemented in an Excel workbook allowing the user to input a dataset and immediately produce the resulting solar gain. We compare this calculated total solar heat gain with measurements from a test facility described elsewhere in this conference (Luther et.al., 2012).


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This report summarises the findings from the Sustainable Subdivisions: Energy-Efficient Design project. As new energy-efficiency regulations are developed, there will be a significant demand for information on available assessment tools for rating energy-efficient dwellings, and subdivisional issues such as orientation and solar access will become increasingly important. There will also be increased pressure for products that deliver energy efficiency, such as solar technology, glazing systems, insulation and low-energy building products and materials. The objectives of the Sustainable Subdivisions: Energy-Efficient Design project were to:


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In many highly glazed buildings, the thermal comfort of the occupants will tend to be related to the incoming solar energy and the heat transfer behaviour of the glazing. In this study, several glazing systems were designed using the software tools VISION 3 (University of Waterloo 1992) and WINDOW-6 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2011), with a view to improving thermal environment of occupants near the glazed wall of a commercial office. The systems were fabricated and experimentally tested to validate the software modelling results. Subsequently, the glazing systems were retro-fitted to the office and tested in situ for a summer month. Results of this testing, in the form of Fangers’ predicted mean vote (PMV) and the predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD), are presented, and some options for improving the thermal environment in this near-façade zone are discussed.


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This research aims to investigate whether real spaces can support legitimate measurements on glazing energy and thermal comfort analysis. This paper presents the development of a research facility for doing this. It will test simple to complex glazing and shading systems in a real (occupied) interior office environment. The purpose of this research project is to compare measured results with those being simulated with existing software and to discover discrepancies between simulation and real measured results. What parameters characterize a glazing system, whether simple or complex? Can these parameters be used to predict the energy transfer and comfort in the space? One must begin with simple glazing systems and verify measured with readily known simulated results. It is, at present, very difficult to use geometric based software with thermal based software to predict the performance of complex glazing systems. However, if we can characterize glazing systems with a set of reliable measurements, we can provide the data necessary for predicting performance in a live space. Specifically, the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is a variable parameter based upon solar incident angle to a glazing system and is intended to be measured in its integral components: solar transmittance and inward-flowing fraction (radiative/convective) heat gain. A new instrumental approach through variable surface coated heat flux meters is being investigated to provide the measurement of interior glazing surface radiative and convective heat gain. The results suggest that this instrumentation may support be a viable method of testing inward-flowing heat gains from the interior glass surface. The test set-up also considers the application of a well-known B&K 1221 Comfort Meter for determining thermal comfort responses in the ‘perimeter zone’ on the interior side of a façade. This work requires further investigation, but is intended to be used in conjunction with solar pyranometers measuring transmittance as well as the heat flux meter and surface temperature instrumentation.


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La hipótesis de esta tesis es: "La optimización de la ventana considerando simultáneamente aspectos energéticos y aspectos relativos a la calidad ambiental interior (confort higrotérmico, lumínico y acústico) es compatible, siempre que se conozcan y consideren las sinergias existentes entre ellos desde las primeras fases de diseño". En la actualidad se desconocen las implicaciones de muchas de las decisiones tomadas en torno a la ventana; para que su eficiencia en relación a todos los aspectos mencionados pueda hacerse efectiva es necesaria una herramienta que aporte más información de la actualmente disponible en el proceso de diseño, permitiendo así la optimización integral, en función de las circunstancias específicas de cada proyecto. En la fase inicial de esta investigación se realiza un primer acercamiento al tema, a través del estado del arte de la ventana; analizando la normativa existente, los componentes, las prestaciones, los elementos experimentales y la investigación. Se observa que, en ocasiones, altos requisitos de eficiencia energética pueden suponer una disminución de las prestaciones del sistema en relación con la calidad ambiental interior, por lo que surge el interés por integrar al análisis energético aspectos relativos a la calidad ambiental interior, como son las prestaciones lumínicas y acústicas y la renovación de aire. En este punto se detecta la necesidad de realizar un estudio integral que incorpore los distintos aspectos y evaluar las sinergias que se dan entre las distintas prestaciones que cumple la ventana. Además, del análisis de las soluciones innovadoras y experimentales se observa la dificultad de determinar en qué medida dichas soluciones son eficientes, ya que son soluciones complejas, no caracterizadas y que no están incorporadas en las metodologías de cálculo o en las bases de datos de los programas de simulación. Por lo tanto, se plantea una segunda necesidad, generar una metodología experimental para llevar a cabo la caracterización y el análisis de la eficiencia de sistemas innovadores. Para abordar esta doble necesidad se plantea la optimización mediante una evaluación del elemento acristalado que integre la eficiencia energética y la calidad ambiental interior, combinando la investigación teórica y la investigación experimental. En el ámbito teórico, se realizan simulaciones, cálculos y recopilación de información de distintas tipologías de hueco, en relación con cada prestación de forma independiente (acústica, iluminación, ventilación). A pesar de haber partido con un enfoque integrador, resulta difícil esa integración detectándose una carencia de herramientas disponible. En el ámbito experimental se desarrolla una metodología para la evaluación del rendimiento y de aspectos ambientales de aplicación a elementos innovadores de difícil valoración mediante la metodología teórica. Esta evaluación consiste en el análisis comparativo experimental entre el elemento innovador y un elemento estándar; para llevar a cabo este análisis se han diseñado dos espacios iguales, que denominamos módulos de experimentación, en los que se han incorporado los dos sistemas; estos espacios se han monitorizado, obteniéndose datos de consumo, temperatura, iluminancia y humedad relativa. Se ha realizado una medición durante un periodo de nueve meses y se han analizado y comparado los resultados, obteniendo así el comportamiento real del sistema. Tras el análisis teórico y el experimental, y como consecuencia de esa necesidad de integrar el conocimiento existente se propone una herramienta de evaluación integral del elemento acristalado. El desarrollo de esta herramienta se realiza en base al procedimiento de diagnóstico de calidad ambiental interior (CAI) de acuerdo con la norma UNE 171330 “Calidad ambiental en interiores”, incorporando el factor de eficiencia energética. De la primera parte del proceso, la parte teórica y el estado del arte, se obtendrán los parámetros que son determinantes y los valores de referencia de dichos parámetros. En base a los parámetros relevantes obtenidos se da forma a la herramienta, que consiste en un indicador de producto para ventanas que integra todos los factores analizados y que se desarrolla según la Norma UNE 21929 “Sostenibilidad en construcción de edificios. Indicadores de sostenibilidad”. ABSTRACT The hypothesis of this thesis is: "The optimization of windows considering energy and indoor environmental quality issues simultaneously (hydrothermal comfort, lighting comfort, and acoustic comfort) is compatible, provided that the synergies between these issues are known and considered from the early stages of design ". The implications of many of the decisions made on this item are currently unclear. So that savings can be made, an effective tool is needed to provide more information during the design process than the currently available, thus enabling optimization of the system according to the specific circumstances of each project. The initial phase deals with the study from an energy efficiency point of view, performing a qualitative and quantitative analysis of commercial, innovative and experimental windows. It is observed that sometimes, high-energy efficiency requirements may mean a reduction in the system's performance in relation to user comfort and health, that's why there is an interest in performing an integrated analysis of indoor environment aspects and energy efficiency. At this point a need for a comprehensive study incorporating the different aspects is detected, to evaluate the synergies that exist between the various benefits that meet the window. Moreover, from the analysis of experimental and innovative windows, a difficulty in establishing to what extent these solutions are efficient is observed; therefore, there is a need to generate a methodology for performing the analysis of the efficiency of the systems. Therefore, a second need arises, to generate an experimental methodology to perform characterization and analysis of the efficiency of innovative systems. To address this dual need, the optimization of windows by an integrated evaluation arises, considering energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality, combining theoretical and experimental research. In the theoretical field, simulations and calculations are performed; also information about the different aspects of indoor environment (acoustics, lighting, ventilation) is gathered independently. Despite having started with an integrative approach, this integration is difficult detecting lack available tools. In the experimental field, a methodology for evaluating energy efficiency and indoor environment quality is developed, to be implemented in innovative elements which are difficult to evaluate using a theoretical methodology This evaluation is an experimental comparative analysis between an innovative element and a standard element. To carry out this analysis, two equal spaces, called experimental cells, have been designed. These cells have been monitored, obtaining consumption, temperature, luminance and relative humidity data. Measurement has been performed during nine months and results have been analyzed and compared, obtaining results of actual system behavior. To advance this optimization, windows have been studied from the point of view of energy performance and performance in relation to user comfort and health: thermal comfort, acoustic comfort, lighting comfort and air quality; proposing the development of a methodology for an integrated analysis including energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. After theoretical and experimental analysis and as a result of the need to integrate existing knowledge, a comprehensive evaluation procedure for windows is proposed. This evaluation procedure is developed according to the UNE 171330 "Indoor Environmental Quality", also incorporating energy efficiency and cost as factors to evaluate. From the first part of the research process, outstanding parameters are chosen and reference values of these parameters are set. Finally, based on the parameters obtained, an indicator is proposed as windows product indicator. The indicator integrates all factors analyzed and is developed according to ISO 21929-1:2011"Sustainability in building construction. Sustainability indicators. Part 1: Framework for the development of indicators and a core set of indicators for buildings".


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La hipótesis general que esta tesis quiere demostrar es que la integración arquitectónica de sistemas fotovoltaicos semitransparentes (STPV) puede contribuir a mejorar la eficiencia energética de los edificios. Por lo tanto, la investigación se centra en el desarrollo de una metodología capaz de cuantificar la reducción de la demanda energética del edificio proporcionada por estas novedosas soluciones constructivas. Al mismo tiempo, los parámetros de diseño de las soluciones STPV se han analizado para establecer cuales presentan el mayor impacto sobre el balance energético global del edificio y por lo tanto tienen que ser cuidadosamente definidos a la hora de optimizar el comportamiento energético del mismo. A la luz de estos objetivos, la metodología de estudio se ha centrado en tres puntos principales:  Caracterizar el comportamiento energético global de sistemas STPV en condiciones de operación realistas, similares a las que se darían en un sistema real;  Caracterizar el comportamiento energético global de sistemas STPV en condiciones controladas, con el objetivo de estudiar la variación del comportamiento del los elementos en función de parámetro de diseño y operación;  Evaluar el potencial de ahorro energético global de los sistemas STPV en comparación con soluciones acristaladas convencionales al variar de las condiciones de contorno constituidas por los parámetros de diseño (como el grado de transparencia), las características arquitectónicas (como el ratio entre superficie acristalada y superficie opaca en la fachada del edificio) y las condiciones climáticas (cubriendo en particular la climatología europea). En síntesis, este trabajo intenta contribuir a comprender la interacción que existe entre los sistemas STPV y el edificio, proporcionando tanto a los fabricantes de los componentes como a los profesionales de la construcción información valiosa sobre el potencial de ahorro energético asociado a estos nuevos sistemas constructivos. Asimismo el estudio define los parámetros de diseño adecuados para lograr soluciones eficientes tanto en proyectos nuevos como de rehabilitación. ABSTRACT The general hypothesis this work seeks to demonstrate is that the architectural integration of Semi-Transparent Photovoltaic (STPV) systems can contribute to improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Accordingly, the research has focused on developing a methodology able to quantify the building energy demand reduction provided by these novel constructive solutions. At the same time, the design parameters of the STPV solution have been analysed to establish which of them have the greatest impact on the global energy balance of the building, and therefore which have to be carefully defined in order to optimize the building operation. In the light of these goals, the study methodology has focused on three main points:  To characterise the global energy behaviour of STPV systems in realistic operating conditions, similar to those in which a real system will operate;  To characterise the global energy behaviour of STPV systems in controlled conditions in order to study how the performance varies depending on the design and operating parameters;  To assess the global energy saving potential of STPV systems in comparison with conventional glazing solutions by varying the boundary conditions, including design parameters (such as the degree of transparency), architectural characteristics (such as the Window to Wall Ratio) and climatic conditions (covering the European climatic conditions). In summary, this work has sought to contribute to the understanding of the interaction between STPV systems and the building, providing both components manufacturers and construction technicians, valuable information on the energy savings potential of these new construction systems and defining the appropriate design parameters to achieve efficient solutions in both new and retrofitting projects.


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A planar polynomial differential system has a finite number of limit cycles. However, finding the upper bound of the number of limit cycles is an open problem for the general nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigated a class of Liénard systems of the form x'=y, y'=f(x)+y g(x) with deg f=5 and deg g=4. We proved that the related elliptic integrals of the Liénard systems have at most three zeros including multiple zeros, which implies that the number of limit cycles bifurcated from the periodic orbits of the unperturbed system is less than or equal to 3.