995 resultados para geothermal gradient


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Acknowledgements We acknowledge financial support from ICDP for the drilling programme. AEF, ATB and ARP thank NERC for financial support through NE/G00398X/1. VAM thanks the Norwegian Research Council for financial support through 191530/V30. We are grateful for sample preparation and analyses to all the personnel at NGU lab. At SUERC we enjoyed exceptional analytical support from Julie Dougans. Anonymous reviewers and the editor provided comments that improved the final manuscript.


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New temperature data obtained in 2007 in a hydrogeological borehole (1100 m deep) near Berkane have revealed an average geothermal gradient of about 126°C/km at depths greater than 300 m. This result confirms the average geothermal gradient estimated in a mining borehole located about 30km west of the Berkane borehole, in which water with temperatures as high as 96°C was reached at a depth of about 700 m. The new geothermal gradient, exceeding by far the ones already determined for this Moroccan area allows thinking about the possibility of programs for using high temperature waters in north-eastern Morocco.


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Across central Australia and south-west Queensland, a large (~800,000km2) subsurface temperature anomaly occurs (Figure 1). Temperatures are interpreted to be greater than 235°C at 5km depth, ca. 85°C higher than the average geothermal gradient for the upper continental crust (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Holgate & Gerner, 2011). This anomaly has driven the development of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) at Innamincka, where high temperatures have been related to the radiogenic heat production of High Heat Producing Granites (HHPG) at depth, below thermally insulative sedimentary cover (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Draper & D’Arcy, 2006; Meixner & Holgate, 2009). To evaluate the role of granitic rocks at depth in generating the broader temperature anomaly in SW-Queensland, we sampled 25 granitic rocks from basement intervals of petroleum drill cores below thermal insulative cover along two transects (WNW–ESE and NNE–SSW — Figure 1) and performed a multidisciplinary study involving petrography, whole-rock chemistry, zircon dating and thermal conductivity measurements.


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The wave-theoretical analysis of acoustic and elastic waves refracted by a spherical boundary across which both velocity and density increase abruptly and thence either increase or decrease continuously with depth is formulated in terms of the general problem of waves generated at a steady point source and scattered by a radially heterogeneous spherical body. A displacement potential representation is used for the elastic problem that results in high frequency decoupling of P-SV motion in a spherically symmetric, radially heterogeneous medium. Through the application of an earth-flattening transformation on the radial solution and the Watson transform on the sum over eigenfunctions, the solution to the spherical problem for high frequencies is expressed as a Weyl integral for the corresponding half-space problem in which the effect of boundary curvature maps into an effective positive velocity gradient. The results of both analytical and numerical evaluation of this integral can be summarized as follows for body waves in the crust and upper mantle:

1) In the special case of a critical velocity gradient (a gradient equal and opposite to the effective curvature gradient), the critically refracted wave reduces to the classical head wave for flat, homogeneous layers.

2) For gradients more negative than critical, the amplitude of the critically refracted wave decays more rapidly with distance than the classical head wave.

3) For positive, null, and gradients less negative than critical, the amplitude of the critically refracted wave decays less rapidly with distance than the classical head wave, and at sufficiently large distances, the refracted wave can be adequately described in terms of ray-theoretical diving waves. At intermediate distances from the critical point, the spectral amplitude of the refracted wave is scalloped due to multiple diving wave interference.

These theoretical results applied to published amplitude data for P-waves refracted by the major crustal and upper mantle horizons (the Pg, P*, and Pn travel-time branches) suggest that the 'granitic' upper crust, the 'basaltic' lower crust, and the mantle lid all have negative or near-critical velocity gradients in the tectonically active western United States. On the other hand, the corresponding horizons in the stable eastern United States appear to have null or slightly positive velocity gradients. The distribution of negative and positive velocity gradients correlates closely with high heat flow in tectonic regions and normal heat flow in stable regions. The velocity gradients inferred from the amplitude data are generally consistent with those inferred from ultrasonic measurements of the effects of temperature and pressure on crustal and mantle rocks and probable geothermal gradients. A notable exception is the strong positive velocity gradient in the mantle lid beneath the eastern United States (2 x 10-3 sec-1), which appears to require a compositional gradient to counter the effect of even a small geothermal gradient.

New seismic-refraction data were recorded along a 800 km profile extending due south from the Canadian border across the Columbia Plateau into eastern Oregon. The source for the seismic waves was a series of 20 high-energy chemical explosions detonated by the Canadian government in Greenbush Lake, British Columbia. The first arrivals recorded along this profile are on the Pn travel-time branch. In northern Washington and central Oregon their travel time is described by T = Δ/8.0 + 7.7 sec, but in the Columbia Plateau the Pn arrivals are as much as 0.9 sec early with respect to this line. An interpretation of these Pn arrivals together with later crustal arrivals suggest that the crust under the Columbia Plateau is thinner by about 10 km and has a higher average P-wave velocity than the 35-km-thick, 62-km/sec crust under the granitic-metamorphic terrain of northern Washington. A tentative interpretation of later arrivals recorded beyond 500 km from the shots suggests that a thin 8.4-km/sec horizon may be present in the upper mantle beneath the Columbia Plateau and that this horizon may form the lid to a pronounced low-velocity zone extending to a depth of about 140 km.


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Processing of a recently acquired seismic line in the northeastern South China Sea by Project 973 has been conducted to study the character and the distribution of gas hydrate Bottom-Simulating Reflectors (BSRs) in the Hengchun ridge. Analysis of different-type seismic profiles shows that the distribution of BSRs can be revealed to some extents by single-channel profile in this area, but seismic data processing plays an important role to resolve the full distribution of BSRs in this area. BSR' s in the northeastern South China Sea have the typical characteristics of BSRs on worldwide continental margins: they cross sediment bed reflections, they are generally parallel to the seafloor and the associated reflections have strong amplitude and a negative polarity. The characteristics of BSRs in this area are obvious and the BSRs indicate the occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northeastern South China Sea. The depth of the base of the gas-hydrate stability zone was calculated using the phase stability boundary curve of methane hydrate and gas hydrate with mixture gas composition and compared with the observed BSR depth. If a single gradient geothermal curve is used for the calculation, the base of the stability zone for methane hydrate or gas hydrate with a gas mixture composition does not correspond to the depth of the BSRs observed along the whole seismic profile. The geothermal gradient therefore changes significantly along the profile. The geothermal gradient and heat flow were estimated from the BSR data and the calculations show that the geothermal gradient and heat flow decrease from west to east, with the increase of the distance from the trench and the decrease of the distance to the island arc. The calculated 2 heat flow changes from 28 to 64 mW/m(2), which is basically consistent with the measured heat flow in southwestern offshore Taiwan.


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Abstract In order to provide basic data for evaluation of the petroleum potential in the deep water area of the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS), present-day thermal regime and basin tectonothermal evolution are reconstructed and the maturation history of the Cenozoic major source rocks in the study area is derived. The present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is defined according to the geothermal gradient, thermal properties and heat flow data. Tectonic subsidence history is reconstructed based on borehole and seismic data, and accordingly the stretching episodes are determined from the subsidence pattern. Heat flow history in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is estimated on a finite time, laterally non-uniform and multi-episode stretching model. Maturation history of the main source rocks in the study area is estimated through EASYRo% kinetic model and thermal history, and the potential of petroleum in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is evaluated based on the data above. The results show that the present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is characterized by “hot basin” with high geothermal gradient (39.1±7.4℃/km) and high heat flow (77.5±14.8 mW/m2), and that the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) underwent three stretching episodes and consequently suffered three heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene and Pliocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 65~90 mW/m2 at the end of the Pliocene, that the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) two stretching and two heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 60~70 mW/m2 at the end of the Oligocene, and that the source rocks matured drastically responding to the heating episodes. There are four hydrocarbon generation kitchens in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS which are favor of its bright petroleum perspective. Tectonothermal analysis indicates that the present-day geothermal regime which is characterized with “hot basin” in the deep water area of the PRMB resulted mainly from the Cenozoic stretching as well as faulting and magmatic activities during the Neotectonic period, and that the Pliocene heating episode of the QDNB is coupled with the transition from sinistral to dextral gliding of the Red Rive fault, and that the deep water basins in the northern margin of SCS are typical of multiple rifting which caused multi-episode heating process.


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The Study on rheology of the lithosphere and the environments of the seismogenic layer is currently the basic project of the international earthquake research. Yunnan is the ideal place for studying this project. Through the multi-disciplinary comprehensive study of petrology, geophysics, seismo-geology, rock mechanics, etc., the depth-strength profiles of the lithosphere have been firstly constructed, and the seismogenic layer and its geophysical and tectonic environments in Yunnan have been systematically expounded in this paper. The related results achieved are of the important significances for further understanding the mechanism of strong earthquake generation, dividing the potential foci and exposing recent geodynamical processes in Yunnan. Through the comprehensive contrast of the metamorphic rocks in early and middle Proterozoic outcropping on the surface, DSS data and experimental data of rock seismic velocity under high temperature and high pressure, the petrological structure of the crust and upper mantle has been studied on Yunnan: the upper, middle and lower crust is composed of the metamorphic rocks of greenschist, amphibolite and granulite facies, respectively or granitoids, diorites and gabbros, respectively, and the upper mantle composed of the peridotites. Through the contrast studies of the heat flow and epicenters of the strong earthquakes, the distribution of the geotemperature and the data of focal depth, the relationship of between seismicity and geothermal structure of the lithosphere in Yunnan has been studied: the strong earthquakes with magnitude M ≥ 6.0 mainly take place at the geothermal gradient zone, and the seismic foci densely distribute between 200~500 ℃ isogeotherms. On the basis of studies of the rock properties and constituents of the crust and upper mantle and geothermal structure of the lithosphere, the structure of the rheological stratification of the lithosphere has been studied, and the corresponding depth-strength profiles have been constructed in Yunnan. The lithosphere in majority region of Yunnan has the structure of the rheological stratification, i.e. the brittle regime in the upper crust or upper part of the upper crust, ductile regime in the middle crust or lower part of the upper crust to middle crust, ductile regime in the lower crust and ductile regime in the subcrustal lithosphere. The rheological stratification has the quite marked lateral variations in the various tectonic units. The distributions of the seismogenic layer have been determined by using the high accurate data of focal depth. Through the contrast of the petrological structure, the structure of seismic velocity, electric structure, geotemperature structure, and rheological structure and the study of the focal mechanism in the seismogenic layer, the geophysical environments of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan have been studied. The seismogenic layer in Yunnan is located at the depths of 3 ~ 20 km; the rocks in the seismogenic layer are composed of the metamorphic rocks of greenschist to amphibolite facies (or granites to diorites); the seismogenic layer and its internal focal regions of strong earthquakes have the structure of medium properties with the relatively high seismic velocity, high density and high resistivity; there exists the intracrustal low seismic velocity and high conductivity layer bellow the seismogenic layer, the geotemperature is generally 100~500 ℃ in the depth range in which the seismogenic layer is located. The horizontal stress field predominates in the seismogenic layer, the seismogenic layer corresponds to the brittle regime of the upper crust or brittle regime of the upper crust to semibrittle regime of the middle crust. The formation of the seismogenic layer, preparedness and occurrence of the strong earthquakes is the result of the comprehensive actions of the source fault, rock constituent, structure of the medium properties, distribution of the geotemperature, rheological structure of the seismogenic layer and its external environments. Through the study of the structure, active nature, slip rate, segmentation of the active faults, and seismogenic faults, the tectonic environments of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan have been studied. The source faults of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan are mainly A-type ones and embody mainly the strike slip faults with high dip angle. the source faults are the right-lateral strike slip ones with NW-NNW trend and left-lateral strike slip ones with NE-NEE trend in Southwestern Yunnan, the right-lateral strike slip ones with NNW trend and left-lateral strike slip ones with NNE trend (partially normal ones) in Northwestern Yunnan, the right-lateral strike slip ones with NWW trend in Central Yunnan and left-lateral strike slip ones with NW-NNW trend in Eastern Yunnan. Taking Lijiang earthquake with Ms = 7.0 for example. The generating environments of the strong earthquake and seismogenic mechanical mechanism have been studied: the source region of the strong earthquake has the media structure with the relatively high seismic velocity and high resistivity, there exists the intracrustal low velocity and high conductivity layer bellow it and the strong earthquakes occur near the transitional zone of the crustal brittle to ductile deformation. These characteristics are the generality of the generating environments of strong earthquakes. However, the specific seismogenic tectonic environments and action of the stress field of the seismic source in the various regions, correspondingly constrains the dislocation and rupture mechanical mechanism of source fault of strong earthquake.


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Natural gas pays more important role in the society as clean fuel. Natural gas exploration has been enhanced in recent years in many countries. It also has prospective future in our country through "85" and "95" national research. Many big size gas fields have been discovered in different formations in different basins such as lower and upper Paleozoic in Erdos basin, Tertiary system in Kuche depression in Tarim basin, Triassic system in east of Sichuan basin. Because gas bearing basins had been experienced multiple tectogenesis. The characteristics of natural gases usually in one gas field are that they have multiple source rocks and are multiple maturities and formed in different ages. There has most difficult to research on the gas-rock correlation and mechanism of gas formation. Develop advanced techniques and methods and apply them to solve above problems is necessary. The research is focused on the critical techniques of geochemistry and physical simulation of gas-rock correlation and gas formation. The lists in the following are conclusions through research and lots of experiments. I 8 advanced techniques have been developed or improved about gas-rock correlation and gas migration, accumulation and formation. A series of geochemistry techniques has been developed about analyzing inclusion enclave. They are analyzing gas and liquid composition and biomarker and on-line individual carbon isotope composition in inclusion enclave. These techniques combing the inclusion homogeneous temperature can be applied to study on gas-rock correlation directly and gas migration, filling and formation ages. Technique of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in kerogen and bitumen thermal pyrolysis is developed. It is applied to determine the source of natural is kerogen thermal degradation or oil pyrolysis. Method of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in rock thermal simulation has being improved. Based on the "95"former research, on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in different type of maceral and rocks thermal pyrolys is has been determined. The conclusion is that carbon isotope composition of benzene and toluene in homogenous texture kerogen thermal degradation is almost same at different maturity. By comparison, that in mixture type kerogen thermal pyrolysis jumps from step to step with the changes of maturity. This conclusion is a good proof of gas-rock dynamic correlation. 3. Biomarker of rock can be determined directly through research. It solves the problems such as long period preparing sample, light composition losing and sample contamination etc. It can be applied to research the character of source rock and mechanism of source rock expulsion and the path of hydrocarbon migration etc. 4. The process of hydrocarbon dynamic generation in source rock can be seen at every stage applying locating observation and thermal simulation of ESEM. The mechanism of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in source rock is discussed according to the experiments. This technique is advanced in the world. 5. A sample injection system whose character is higher vacuum, lower leaks and lower blank has been built up to analyze inert gas. He,Ar,Kr and Xe can be determined continuously on one instrument and one injection. This is advanced in domestic. 7. Quality and quantity analysis of benzene ring compounds and phenolic compounds and determination of organic acid and aqueous gas analysis are applied to research the relationship between compounds in formation water and gas formation. This is another new idea to study the gas-rock correlation and gas formation. 8. Inclusion analysis data can be used to calculate the Paleo-fluid density, Paleo-geothermal gradient and Paleo-geopressure gradient and then to calculate the Paleo-fluid potential. It's also a new method to research the direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. 9. Equipment of natural gas formation simulation is produced during the research to probe how the physical properties of rock affect the gas migration and accumulation and what efficiency of gas migrate and factors of gas formation and the models of different type of migration are. II study is focused on that if the source rocks of lower Paleozoic generated hydrocarbon and what the source rocks of weathered formation gas pool and the mechanism of gas formation are though many advanced techniques application. There are four conclusions. 1.The maturity of Majiagou formation source rocks is higher in south than that in north. There also have parts of the higher maturity in middle and east. Anomalous thermal pays important role in big size field formation in middle of basin. 2. The amount of gas generation in high-over maturity source rocks in lower Paleozoic is lager than that of most absorption of source rocks. Lower Paleozoic source rocks are effective source rocks. Universal bitumen exists in Ordovician source rocks to prove that Ordovician source rocks had generated hydrocarbon. Bitumen has some attribution to the middle gas pool formation. 3. Comprehensive gas-rock correlation says that natural gases of north, west, south of middle gas field of basin mainly come from lower Paleozoic source rocks. The attribution ratio of lower Paleozoic source rocks is 60%-70%. Natural gases of other areas mainly come from upper Paleozoic. The attribution ratio of upper Paleozoic source rocks is 70%. 4. Paleozoic gases migration phase of Erdos basin are also interesting. The relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is quite low especially toluene that of which is divided by that of methyl-cyclohexane is less than 0.2 in upper Paleozoic gas pool. The migration phase of upper Paleozoic gas may be aqueous phase. By comparison, the relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is higher in lower Paleozoic gas. The distribution character of gasoline gas is similar with that in source rock thermal simulation. The migration phase of it may be free phase. IH Comprehensive gas-rock correlation is also processed in Kuche depression Tarim basin. The mechanism of gas formation is probed and the gas formation model has been built up. Four conclusions list below. 1. Gases in Kuche depression come from Triassic-Jurassic coal-measure source rocks. They are high-over maturity. Comparatively, the highest maturity area is Kelasu, next is Dabei area, Yinan area. 2. Kerogen thermal degradation is main reason of the dry gas in Kuche depression. Small part of dry gas comes from oil pyrolysis. VI 3.The K12 natural gas lays out some of hydro-gas character. Oil dissolved in the gas. Hydro-gas is also a factor making the gas drier and carbon isotope composition heavier. 4. The mechanism and genesis of KL2 gas pool list as below. Overpressure has being existed in Triassic-Jurassic source rocks since Keche period. Natural gases were expulsed by episode style from overpressure source rocks. Hetero-face was main migration style of gas, oil and water at that time. The fluids transferred the pressure of source rocks when they migrated and then separated when they got in reservoir. After that, natural gas migrated up and accumulated and formed with the techno-genesis. Tectonic extrusion made the natural gas overpressure continuously. When the pressure was up to the critical pressure, the C6-C7 composition in natural gas changed. The results were that relative abundance of alkane and aromatic decreased while cycloalkane and isoparaffin increased. There was lots of natural gas filling during every tectonic. The main factors of overpressure of natural gas were tectonic extrusion and fluid transferring pressure of source rocks. Well preservation was also important in the KL2 gas pool formation. The reserves of gas can satisfy the need of pipeline where is from west to east. IV A good idea of natural gas migration and accumulation modeling whose apparent character is real core and formation condition is suggested to model the physical process of gas formation. Following is the modeling results. 1. Modeling results prove that the gas accumulation rule under cap layer and gas fraction on migration path. 2. Natural gas migration as free phase is difficult in dense rock. 3. Natural gases accumulated easily in good physical properties reservoirs where are under the plugging layer. Under the condition of that permeability of rock is more than 1 * 10~(-3)μm~(-1), the more better the physical properties and the more bigger pore of rock, the more easier the gas accumulation in there. On the contrary, natural gas canonly migrate further to accumulate in good physical properties of rock. 4. Natural gas migrate up is different from that down. Under the same situation, the amount of gas migration up is lager than that of gas migration down and the distance of migration up is 3 times as that of migration down. 5. After gas leaks from dense confining layer, the ability of its dynamic plug-back decreased apparently. Gas lost from these arils easily. These confining layer can confine again only after geology condition changes. 6. Water-wetted and capillary-blocking rocks can't block water but gases generally. The result is that water can migrate continuously through blocking rocks but the gases stay under the blocking rocks then form in there. The experiments have proved the formation model of deep basin gas.


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Through generalizing the thermal field characteristics in gas hydrates distribution area in the world, the favorable thermal conditions for gas hydrates in the South China Sea are analyzed firstly. On the basis of above analysis, focused on the gas hydrates stability zone (GHSZ), the dissertation initiated the gas hydrates studies with geothermal methods in the South China Sea which will provide useful information for gas hydrates resource exploration and evaluation in the future. On the basis of study on hydrates phase equilibrium and the GHSZ affecting factors, the potential planar distribution of gas hydrates is determined by studying the temperature and pressure conditions in the sea bottom with different water depth, and the thickness of GHSZ is attained by solving the hydrates phase boundary curve equation and geothermal gradient curve equation. The result shows that, if the chemical composition of hydrocarbons contains methane only and the salt content of water is 3.5%, hydrates can form and keep stable at sea bottom at water depth not less than 550m, and the thickness of GHSZ is more than 200m in Xisha Through, Southeastern area of Dongsha Islands, Southwestern basin of Taiwan Island, northern area of Nansha Trough. The GHSZ is thicker with heat flow, geothermal gradient, and thermal conductivity decreasing, and with water depth increasing. Geothermal field simulating also attains the base of GHSZ in Xisha through, which is less than the depth of BSR. Although the present T-P conditions is not the most favorable for gas hydrates through 6Ma history, gas hydrates are still profitable in Xisha Through, Southeastern area of Dongsha Islands, Southwestern basin of Taiwan Island, Luzon Trough and northern area of Nansha Trough by systemic study on the sedimentary and structural characteristics, the conditions of T-P and natural gas source, considering geochemical and geophysical indications found in the South China Sea.


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The studies of this paper is an important part of the "ninth five" science&technology-tackling project of CNPC -The oil and gas distribution regulation and the aims of explortion in jizhong depression. Basing on the former research results, with the materials of regional structural setting, major tectonic movements, bi-and tri-dimension seismic sections, oil well sections and reservoir sections, this paper involves studies of tectonic evolution, sedimentarv evolution, magma movement and reservoir prediction. The existence of huge stripping and gliding nappe is proved in the RaoYang Sag for the frist time. The properties, development, evolution and the relationship with reservoir of the stripping and gliding nappe are discussed in details in this paper. It is also talked about the affects of stripping and nappes to oil and gas exploration theoretically and practically in the paper. The marking attributes of the stripping and gliding nappe includes stripping and gliding plane, two deformation systems, stratigraphic repeat and hiatus close to the stripping and gliding plane, and the deformation attributes in the front and back of stripping and gliding nappe. The RaoYang stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into different belts in north-south direction and different zones in east-west direction. RaoYang Stripping and gliging nappes took place in the late Paleogene period and before the sedimentation of Neogene period. The sliding direction is NWW. The sliding distance is about 6km. The geothermal gradient in the separating slump area is low and stable. The formation of the stripping and gliding nappes is due to the regional structural setting, the sediments of Paleogene system, the soft roof and the uneven rising movement of structure units. The evolution of the stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into the following stages: regional differential elevation and subsidence, unstable gravity and gravitational sliding, the frist wholly stripping faults and sliding stage, and the following second and third stripping faults and sliding stages. The identification of RaoNan stripping and gliding nappes has an important role on the research of regional structure and oil and gas exploration. Basing on the properties of stripping and gliding nappes, we can identtify the gliding fractures, ductile compressional folds, the front and back structures of gliding nappes and gliding plane covered structures. Combination with different reservoir forming conditions, these structures can lead to different categories of reservoirs.


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East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB), as a basin with prospect of oil & gas resource and due to its special geological location on the west margin of the west Pacific, attracts a lot of attention from many geologists in the world.Based on systematic temperature measurements, bottom hole temperature (BHT) and the oil temperature data, the geothermal gradients in the ECS SB are calculated and vary from 25 to 43°C/km, with a mean of 32.7°C/km. The geothermal gradient in Fuzhou Sag has the higher value(40.6°C/km) in Taibei Depression than that in others. The lower value (27.2 °C/km) occurs in in Xihu Depression. The middle values occurs in Jiaojiang and Lishui sags in Taibei Depression with a mean value of 34.8 °C/km. Incorporated with the measured thermal conductivity, heat flow values show that the ECSSB is characterized by present-day heat flow around 70.6mW/m2, varying between 55 and 88 mW/m2. No significant difference in heat flow is observed between the Xihu and the Taibei Depressions. These heat flow data suggest that the ECSSB is geothermally not a modem back-arc basin.Applying the paleogeothermal gradient based method, thermal history is reconstructed using vitrinite reflectance (VR) and apatite fission track (AFT) data. The results suggest that the thermal history was different in the Taibei and the Xihu depressions. Paleo-heat flow values when the pre-Tertiary formations experienced their maximum temperature at the end of the Paleocene reached a mean of 81 mW/m2 in the Taibei Depression, much higher than the present-day value. The lower Tertiary sediments in the Xihu Depression experienced maximum temperatures at the end of Oligocene and reached a mean paleo-heat flow value of 83.4 mW/m2. The time, when the paleo-heat flow reached the maximum value, suggests that the ECSSB rifted eastward.Tectonic subsidence analysis shows that the timing of the major rifting episode was different across the ECSSB. The rifting occurred from the Late Cretaceous to the early Eocene in the Taibei Depression, followed by thermal subsidence from the late Eocene to the end of Miocene. In contrast, in the Xihu Depression the initial subsidence lasted until the early Miocene and thermal subsidence to the end of Miocene. From Pliocene to the present, an accelerated subsidence took place all along the West Pacific margin of the east Asia.The thermal lithosphere thickness is determined by temperature profile in the lithosphere, the mantle adiabat or the dry basalt solidus. It indicates that the thermal lithosphere reached the thinnest thickness at the end of Eocene in the Taibei Depression and the end of Oligocene in the Xihu Depression, respectively, corresponding with a value of 57-66km and 56-64km. In Taibei Depression, the lithosphere thickness decreased 16-22km from the end of Mesozoic to Paleocene. After Paleocene, the thickness increased 13-16km and reached 71-79 km at present-day. In Xihu Depression, From the end of Oligocene to present-day, the thickness increased 10-13km and reached 69-76km at present-day. The evolution of the lithosphere thickness is associated closely with the lithosphere stretching.Combining the reconstructed thermal history and the burial history, the maturation of the Jurassic oil-source rock shows that the main hydrocarbon generation phase was in the mid-Jurassic and a secondary hydrocarbon generation occurred at the end of Paleocene. The secondary generation was controlled mainly by the tectono-thermal background during the Paleocene.


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Cementing operation is one of the most important stages in the oil well drilling processes and has main function to form hydraulic seal between the various permeable zones traversed by the well. However, several problems may occur with the cement sheath, either during primary cementing or during the well production period. Cements low resistance can cause fissures in the cement sheath and compromise the mechanical integrity of the annular, resulting in contamination of groundwater and producing zones. Several researches show that biomass ash, in particular, those generated by the sugarcane industry have pozzolanic activity and can be added in the composition of the cementing slurries in diverse applications, providing improvements in mechanical properties, revenue and cement durability. Due to the importance of a low cost additive that increases the mechanical properties in a well cementing operations, this study aimed to potentiate the use of sugarcane bagasse ash as pozzolanic material, evaluate the mechanisms of action of this one on cement pastes properties and apply this material in systems slurries aimed to cementing a well with 800 m depth and geothermal gradient of 1.7 °F/100 ft, as much primary cementing operations as squeeze. To do this, the ash beneficiation methods were realized through the processes of grinding, sifting and reburning (calcination) and then characterization by X-ray fluorescence, XRD, TG / DTG, specific surface area, particle size distribution by laser diffraction and mass specific. Moreover, the ash pozzolanic activity added to the cement at concentrations of 0%, 20% and 40% BWOC was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index with lime and with Portland cement. The evaluation of the pozzolanic activity by XRD, TG / DTG and compressive strength confirmed the ash reactivity and indicated that the addition of 20% in the composition of cement slurries produces improvement 34% in the mechanical properties of the slurry cured. Cement slurries properties evaluated by rheological measurements, fluid loss, free fluid, slurry sedimentation, thickening time and sonic strength (UCA) were satisfactory and showed the viability of using the sugarcane ash in cement slurries composition for well cementing


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The possible development of thermal events in the central portion of São Paulo state was described based on apatite fission track analysis. Using apatites of sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin, modeling the thermal history was made possible due to the homogeneity of the data. Every thermal history begins with a total annealing of fission tracks, related to the Serra Geral magmatism, evolving into a cooling period. In addition to cooling after the magmatism (Early Cretaceous) two other periods of cooling were also detected, registered in the Late Cretaceous/ Paleocene and Eocene, driven as much by uplift with tectonic denudation as by faulting. The nearest portion of the edge of the basin (external to the Dome of Pitanga), registered a period of warming over the Paleocene that can be attributed to the increase in the geothermal gradient. The periods of cooling have a regional and temporal relationship with the tectonic events that occurred in the southeastern Brazil and were described in the crystalline basement. The period of warming, registered in the Late Cretaceous/ Paleocene, has local occurrence and can be found only in the southern portion of the studied area.


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Several geothermometers have been employed to determine the expected temperature in the groundwater reservoirs, most part of them based on the chemical equilibrium between thermal groundwaters and minerals which constitute the aquifer framework. Based on this principle, groundwater from Guarani Aquifer System, which presents temperatures upon to 38°C, classified as hyperthermal by the Brazilian Mineral Water Code, had their chemical composition evaluated with the main purpose to determine the expected temperatures in the reservoir based on the application of several geothermometers. These groundwaters can be classified as Na-HCO3 type evolving to Na-HCO3-Cl-SO4 type due the increase in sulphate and chloride concentrations. Measured groundwater temperatures show a good correlation with the depth of the aquifer, indicating an average geothermal gradient of 27.7°C/km. The lowest geothermal gradients, bellow 25°C/km, are observed in the central portion of the study area; meanwhile the highest gradients are observed in NE and W portions of the study area. Quartz equilibrium based geothermometers return temperature over the measured temperatures, meanwhile chalcedony geothermometer returns temperatures near the measured in the wells, except for the wells located in the area which presents the lowest geothermal gradients. The geothermometers based on the equilibrium between Na/K have returned temperatures diverse from the measured at the field, meanwhile the geothermometer based on the equilibrium between Na/K/Ca has presented good match with groundwater which present temperatures under 50°C, due the thermodynamic equilibrium between these waters and feldspars. Geothermometers show evidences about mixtures between groundwaters from GAS and underlying units, especially in wells located in the SW portion of the study area.


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Um estudo detalhado de geotermia rasa foi realizado no intervalo de profundidade de 0,02 a 210,0 m, na região metropolitana de Belém. As medidas de temperatura foram efetuadas com o uso de termômetros de mercúrio e termistor, enquanto as medidas de condutividade térmica foram feitas em testemunhos de sondagem, utilizando-se o aparato tipo agulha. O fluxo de radiação solar incidente foi registrado com um actinógrafo do tipo Robitzech. O gradiente geotérmico médio obtido na região metropolitana de Belém foi de 0,0254 ± 0,0007 °C.m-1. O valor médio de condutividade térmica dos testemunhos de sondagem coletados nesta região foi de 1,66 ± 0,52 W.m-1.°C-1. Por sua vez, o fluxo geotermal médio na região estudada é de 42,16 ± 1,14 mW.m-2. A 1,0 m de profundidade ocorrem mudanças temporais nos valores de temperatura, as quais não podem ser consideradas como desprezíveis. Estas, mudanças estão diretamente relacionadas com as variações do fluxo de radiação solar incidente na superfície. O maior incremento deste fluxo, observado de um dia para o outro, foi de cerca de 30 W.m-2, o que correspondeu a um aumento de temperatura a 1,0 m de profundidade da ordem de 0,22° C. Os perfis de temperatura obtidos durante este trabalho apresentaram deriva em sentidos alternados, durante o ciclo de período de um ano. Os perfis geotérmicos rasos são caracterizados por uma zona de fluxo de calor nulo, denominada "cotovelo", a partir da qual os valores de temperatura crescem com o aumento da profundidade. A profundidade do cotovelo é fundamentalmente influenciada pelo fluxo de calor gerado pela radiação solar incidente na superfície da área em estudo. Elaborou-se um modelo de evolução temporal o qual representa a estrutura térmica e suas variações, da zona compreendida de 0,02 a 10,0 m de profundidade. Os resultados oriundos deste modelo de transferência de calor por condução foram comparados com os obtidos em trabalhos de campo. Observa-se uma boa concordância entre esses resultados. Porém, o ajuste numérico é mais evidente para o período de setembro a fevereiro. Este modelamento poderá ser utilizado também para previsões de deriva dos perfis geotérmicos, desde que sejam conhecidos, a priori, os valores correspondentes às temperaturas médias mensais na superfície, o gradiente geotérmico regional e um dado perfil geotérmico. Este trabalho comprova que o fluxo de radiação solar incidente na superfície é a principal fonte de influência sobre os perfis geotérmicos rasos. A profundidade máxima dessa influência depende principalmente da magnitude desse fluxo, do grau de proteção superficial à incidência direta da radiação e da litologia do local em estudo.