11 resultados para geomembrane
Many factors such as the sunlight, intensity of radiation, temperature, and moisture may influence the degradation process of geosynthetics. UV stabilizers are used especially in polyolefin geomembrane to prevent the degradation process. In these geomembranes the service lifetime is initially governed by the consumption of antioxidants. Tests like MFI and OIT are a alternative to detect the oxidative degradation in polyolefins. This article evaluates HDPE geomembrane degradation after UV exposure through the results of MFI and OIT tests. Two kinds of geomembranes were evaluated: a black and smooth (0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5 mm) and a white and textured (1.0 mm). MFI test showed some levels of superficial degradation (crosslink) in HDPE geomembrane.
Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
The cassava starch industries generate a large volume of wastewater effluent that, stabilized in ponds, wastes its biogas energy and pollutes the atmosphere. To contribute with the reversion of this reality, this manipueira treatment research was developed in one phase anaerobic horizontal pilot reactor with support medium in bamboo pieces. The reactor was excavated into the ground and sealed with geomembrane in HDPE, having a volume equal to 33.6 m³ and continuous feeding by gravity. The stability indicators were pH, volatile acidity/total alkalinity ratio and biogas production. The statistical analyses were performed by a completely randomized design, with answers submitted to multivariate analysis. The organical loads in COD were 0.556; 0.670; 0.678 and 0.770 g L-1 and in volatile solids (VS) of 0.659; 0.608; 0.570 and 0.761 g L-1 for the hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 13.0; 11.5; 10.0 and 7.0 days, respectively. The reductions in COD were 88; 80; 88 and 67% and for VS of 76; 77; 65 and 61%. The biogas productions relatively to the consumed COD were 0.368; 0.795; 0.891 and 0.907 Lg-1, for the consumed VS of 0.524; 0.930; 1.757 and 0.952 Lg-1 and volumetric of 0.131; 0.330; 0.430 and 0.374 L L-1 d-1. The reactor remained stable and the bamboo pieces, in visual examination at the end of the experiment, showed to be in good physical conditions.
The break of polymer chemical bonds may occur due to penetration of sun short wavelengths. In sanitary landfills for instance, ultraviolet radiation affects uncovered materials and can be dangerous during the installation of the liner and before the placement of the waste. Only the ultraviolet part of the light is harmful to the geosynthetic materials, moreover, each material is sensitive to a particular wavelength. This article evaluates the effects of UV degradation and condensation in black HDPE (1.0 and 1.5 mm) and white HDPE (textured - 1.0 mm) geomembrane that were tested in laboratory during 6 months. The tests were performed using a weatherometer assembled at EESC-USP in accordance to ASTM G154. The results have shown variations in punction and tear resistance after each period of exposure.
A utilização de materiais poliméricos designados por geossintéticos tem aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos na Engenharia Civil. Para desempenhar adequadamente a função para a qual foram projetados, os geossintéticos devem ser submetidos a um rigoroso processo de controle de qualidade durante a fabricação. Discussões sobre a freqüência e os principais tipos de ensaios de laboratório utilizados nesse processo de controle para dois tipos de geossintéticos, os geotêxteis e as geomembranas, os materiais mais utilizados da famíla dos geossintéticos, são abordados no presente trabalho. As análises efetuadas com base em normas disponíveis no Brasil, nos EUA e na Europa mostram que no cenário nacional não há recomendações normativas sobre o controle de qualidade para a maioria das aplicações de geotêxteis e geomembranas, sendo o assunto pouco discutido na literatura técnica. No cenário internacional, as normas Européias se destacam como o conjunto de práticas mais completo para ensaios de controle de qualidade de fabricação, considerando os diversos tipos de aplicação dos geossintéticos na Engenharia Civil.
This paper presents results from stress cracking (SC) tests performed in both fresh and exposed high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GM). The HDPE GMs were exposed to ultraviolet radiation, thermal aging (air oven) and tested for chemical compatibility with sodium hydroxide. Stress cracking tests in both fresh and degraded samples were performed in accordance to ASTM D5397: Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (NCTL) and Single Point-Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (SP-NCTL). The results of the NCTL showed that the geomembrane degradation process can be considered to be a catalyst for the phenomenon of SC because it caused a 50% to 60% reduction in stress crack resistance. The most resistance reduction was observed for the sample under chemical compatibility with sodium hydroxide. For the SP-NCTL, the results showed that the samples maintain the same trend verified in the NCTL. The largest resistance reduction was evidenced in samples undergoing ultraviolet degradation. © 2012 ejge.
This paper presents the results of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) tests in PVC (1.0; 2.0 mm) and HDPE (0.8; 2.5 mm) geomembranes exposed to weathering and leachate after 30 months. The aim of this paper is the comparison of fresh and exposed samples to assess the degradation process concerning the total loss of mass of geomembranes. The exposure was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of ASTM standards. The TGA tests were carried out according to ASTM D6370 and E2105. Results show, for instance, that for PVC geomembrane the largest reductions of plasticizers occurred for samples exposed to weathering. The loss of plasticizers after the exposure contributed to the decrease of deformation and consequent increase in stiffness. TGA tests shows to be a valuable tool to control the quality of the materials. © 2012 ejge.
Chemical compatibility between geomembranes and site-specific waste liquids should be assessed since the waste liquids are highly complex mixtures. This paper presents some considerations about the chemical compatibility of geomembranes and some results of mechanical tests in HDPE and PVC geomembranes that were exposed to leachate and chemical residue (niobium). PVC and HDPE geomembranes of two thicknesses were tested: 1.0, 2.0 mm (PVC) and 0.8, 2.5 mm (HDPE). The results obtained show that after exposure the PVC geomembranes (1.0, 2.0 mm) were more rigid and stiffer than fresh samples. The HDPE geomembranes, on the other hand, when exposed to leachate and niobium residue presented increases in deformation. Melt flow index (MFI) tests were also carried out to verify the oxidation. © 2013 ejge.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work evaluated the effect of vinasse (residue from sugar cane) in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes having in mind that it is deposited at temperatures of 80-90˚C on the geomembrane in storage tanks. The objective was to evaluate the resistance of the geomembrane in contact with residue in a total period of 4 months. Physical and mechanical tests, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to determine degradation of polymer membranes after chemical immersion. In general, the results obtained show that the vinasse affected the geomembranes significantly in some aspects, for instance, the thickness of the material presented a variation of 7.8%. The average values in both directions at yielding showed a significant loss of tensile strength (34.13%) and strain (23.48%) and an increase in the modulus of elasticity (9.63%). At the rupture the behavior presented the same trend: a loss of 32% for tensile strength and 24.4% for the deformation were observed. Tear strength presented small decrease (4.72%) and puncture resistance a increase of 7.9% after immersion of geomembranes. The TGA tests were not efficient to detect evidence of degradation in samples of geomembranes after exposures, but identified problems in the quality of the supplied material.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.