1000 resultados para geochemical method


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Sinking particulate material collected from Nansha Yongshu reef lagoon and the continental shelf of the East China Sea by sediment traps has been analyzed and studied for the first time using organic geochemical method. The results show that about half of the sinking particulate organic matter in the two study areas are consumed before reaching the depth of 5 m to the sea floor and the degree of this consumption in Yongshu reef lagoon is larger than that in the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The distributions of hydrocarbons and fatty acids indicate that the minor difference of biological sources of sinking particulate organic matter exists between Yongshu reel lagoon and the continental shelf of the East China Sea, but they mainly come from marine plankton. Stronger biological and biochemical transformations of sinking particulate organic matter are also observed and the intensity of this transformation in Yongshu reef lagoon is greater than that in the continental shelf of the East China Sea. It is found that the occurrence of C-25 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) diene may be related to the composition of diatom species.


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The Rio Preto Project, developed by the extinct Brazilian nuclear state company, Nuclebrás, during the late 70s and early 80s, consisted of basic geological mapping and radiometric characterization by aerogeophysical gamma-ray spectrometry, without channel discrimination, of a surface area of 650 km2 located to the west of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park on the northeastern of Goiás State, Brazil, including the confluence area of Claro and Preto Rivers. Additionally, the natural radioelements U, Th and 40K were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry in 300 rock samples from cores of the Rio Preto Project area. The tests were conducted at LABIDRO-Isotopes and Hydrochemistry Laboratory of the Departament of Petrology and Metallogeny (DPM) of the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, UNESP, in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. This paper reports the results of petrographic characterization and chemical analyses of major oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O, CaO and P2O5) for all samples used to determine the natural radioelements present in the region. The organic matter content results obtained by colorimetry are also reported for selected cores of different lithotypes in order to investigate the possible relationship between graphite and the radioelements uranium and thorium. Finally, uranium content and 234U/238U activity ratio data for selected samples of schists and gneisses of the Lower Member of the Ticunzal Formation suggest the influence of weathering processes in the area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.


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With the progress of prospecting, the need for the discovery of blind ore deposits become more and more urgent. To study and find out the method and technology for the discovery of blind and buried ores is now a priority task. New geochemical methods are key technology to discover blind ores. Information of mobile components related to blind ores were extracted using this new methods. These methods were tested and applied based on element' s mobile components migrating and enriched in geophysical-geochemical process. Several kinds of partial extraction techniques have tested based on element' s occurrence in hypergenic zone. Middle-large scale geochemical methods for exploration in forest and swamp have been tested. A serious of methods were tested and applied effetely about evaluation of regional geochemical anomaly, 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system instead of the normal net. 1. Element related with ores can be mobiled to migrate upwards and be absorpted by surface soil. These abnomal components can be concentrated by natural or artificial methods. These trace metalic ions partially exist in dissovlvable ion forms of active state, and partially have been absorbed by Fe-Mn oxide, soil and organic matter in the soil so that a series of reaction such as complex reaction have take place. Employing various partial extraction techniques, metallic ions related with the phase of the blind ores can be extracted, such as the technique of organic complex extraction, Fe-Mn oxide extraction and the extraction technique of metallic ions of various absorption phases. 2.1:200000 regional geochemical evaluation anomaly methods: Advantageous ore-forming areas were selected firstly. Center, concentration, morphological feature, belt of anomaly were choosed then. Geological and geochemical anomalies were combined. And geological and geochemical background information were restrained. Xilekuduke area in Fuyun sheet , Zhaheba area in Qiakuerte sheet, the west-north part in Ertai sheet and Hongshanzui anomaly in Daqiao sheet were selected as target areas, in Alertai, in the north of Xinjiang. in Xilekuduke area, 1:25000 soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was carried out. Cu anomaly and copper mineralization were determined in the center area. Au , Cu anomalies and high polarization anomaly were determined in the south part. Prospecting by primary halo and organic complex extraction were used to prognosis blind ore in widely rang outcrop of bedrock. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system were used in transported overburden outside of mining area. Shallow seismic method and primary halo found a new blind orebody in mining area. A mineralization site was fou and outside of Puziwan gold mine, in the north of Shanxi province. Developing middle-large scale geochemical exploration method is a key technique based 1:200000 regional geochemical exploration. Some conditions were tested as Sampling density , distribution sites of sample, grain size of sample and occurrence of element for exploration. 1:50000 exploration method was advanced to sample clast sediment supplement clast sediment in valley. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was applied to sample residual material in A or C horizon. 1:2000 primary or soil halo methods used to check anomalies and determine mineralization. Daliang gold mineralization in the northern Moerdaoga was found appling these methods. Thermomagnetic method was tested in miniqi copper-polymetallic ore. Process methods such as grain size of sample, heated temperature, magnetic separating technique were tested. A suite of Thermomagnetic geochemical method was formed. This method was applied in Xiangshan Cu~Ni deposit which is cover by clast or Gobi in the eastern Xinjiang. Element's content and contrast of anomaly with Thermomagnetic geochemical method were higher than soil anomaly. Susceptibility after samples were heated could be as a assessment conference for anomaly. In some sectors thermo-magnetic Cu, Ni, Ti anomalious were found outside deposits area. There were strong anomal ies response up ore tested by several kind of partial extraction methods include Thermomagnetic, enzyme leach and other partial extractions in Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit in hungriness area in the northern of Xinjiang. Element's anomalies of meobile were mainly in Fe-Mn oxide and salt. A Copper mineralization site in Xilekuduke anomaly area had been determined. A blind ore was foung by shallow seismic and geochemical method and a mineralization site was found outside this mining area in Puziwan gold deposit in shanxi province. A Gold mineralization site was found by 1:50000 geochemical exploration in Daliang, Inner Mongolia.


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The petrographic and geochemical characterization of flood basalts of Serra Geral Formation are here presented. The investigated areas are situated in four different regions of São Paulo state: Jaú, Ribeirão Preto, Franca and Fernandópolis. They represent almost the total area of outcrops of basalts in the São Paulo State. The petrographical data reveals that these rocks are constituted mainly by plagioclase (30-40%), pyroxenes, augite and pigeonita (20-30%) and magnetite (5-15%), and show a intergranular texture and its varieties intersertal, hialophitic and pilotaxitic. The geochemical data show a basic and tholeiitic affinity of the studied basalts, with high-Ti content (TiO2 > 1.8%), typical of the northern region of Paraná Basin. Three different magma-types were recognized: Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga. The first magma-type is concentrated in the Fernandópolis region, the second in the Franca region, and the Pitanga occurs in the Ribeirão Preto and Jaú regions. The distribution patterns of these magma-types and the detailed study of geochemical data showed that they are, probably, generated by a melting of a continental lithospheric mantle.


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The main objective of the project was to develop a geochemical method for exploration of ores associated with granitic rocks. Fe and Mn oxidates were sampled in streambeds and lakes from 129 localities in Southeastern Norway. 65 of these localities are situated in the northern Oslo Graben. The samples were examined mineralogically and chemically by a variety of methods. Geochemical maps of the element content in oxidates show regional distribution patterns for several elements. Sampling and analysis of oxidates can be used in exploration for mineralizations such as the Skrukkelia Mo-deposit in the northern Oslo Graben. New anomalies (especially for Zn and W) have been detected. Appendix I contains a description of samples, chemical and mineralogical determinations performed on the samples, backscattered electron image-, X-ray image- and scanning electron image pictures of the oxidate preparates. Appendix II contains spectral plots, point analysis with the microprobe, X-ray diffractograms, analytical results, correlation coefficient matrix, scatterplots, frequency distributions and information on data storage. Appendix III containS maps of the element content in oxidates.


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The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km(2)) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials, Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function T indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with -286 x 10(6) mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), -67 x 10(6) mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and -39 x 10(6) mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with -55 x 10(6) mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), -22 x 10(6) mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and -16 x 10(6) mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.


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The otoliths (N = 12) of freshwater invasive species tilapia (Tilapia mossambicus) collected from two water bodies located at Kolkata and Bangalore, India, were analyzed for stable isotopes (delta 18O, delta 14C) and major and trace elements in order to assess the suitability of using otoliths as a tracer of aquatic environmental changes. The stable isotope analysis was done using the dual inlet system of a Finnigan-MAT 253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo-Fisher, Bremen, Germany). Concentrations of major and trace elements were determined using a Thermo X-Series II quadrupole mass spectrometer. The stable isotope composition in tilapia otolith samples from Bangalore and Kolkata water bodies are quite good agreeing with that of the respective lake/pond and rain water. Elemental composition revealed in a pattern of Ca > Fe > Na > Sr > K > Ba > Cr > Mg > As > Mn > Zn > Co > Cu > Cd > Pb. The otoliths from Kolkata pond water are more enriched in Ba, Zn, Pb, Mn, Se, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni whereas Cr and As were found to be higher in otolith samples from Bangalore lake. The enrichment factor (EF) values of Cr were higher for both the sampling location in comparison with other metals, although all the studied metals exhibited EF values >1. The PCA shows clustering of metals in the otolith which are related either with the metabolic and physiological attributes or waterborne source. The study demonstrated the potential of stable isotope techniques to distinguish otolith specimens from varied climatic zone, while elemental composition recorded the quality of water at both the locations. The role of climate driving the quality of water can be understood by detailed and continuous monitoring of otolith specimens in the future. Future method allows reconstruction of climate and water quality from old specimens from field exposures or museum collection.


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Single component geochemical maps are the most basic representation of spatial elemental distributions and commonly used in environmental and exploration geochemistry. However, the compositional nature of geochemical data imposes several limitations on how the data should be presented. The problems relate to the constant sum problem (closure), and the inherently multivariate relative information conveyed by compositional data. Well known is, for instance, the tendency of all heavy metals to show lower values in soils with significant contributions of diluting elements (e.g., the quartz dilution effect); or the contrary effect, apparent enrichment in many elements due to removal of potassium during weathering. The validity of classical single component maps is thus investigated, and reasonable alternatives that honour the compositional character of geochemical concentrations are presented. The first recommended such method relies on knowledge-driven log-ratios, chosen to highlight certain geochemical relations or to filter known artefacts (e.g. dilution with SiO2 or volatiles). This is similar to the classical normalisation approach to a single element. The second approach uses the (so called) log-contrasts, that employ suitable statistical methods (such as classification techniques, regression analysis, principal component analysis, clustering of variables, etc.) to extract potentially interesting geochemical summaries. The caution from this work is that if a compositional approach is not used, it becomes difficult to guarantee that any identified pattern, trend or anomaly is not an artefact of the constant sum constraint. In summary the authors recommend a chain of enquiry that involves searching for the appropriate statistical method that can answer the required geological or geochemical question whilst maintaining the integrity of the compositional nature of the data. The required log-ratio transformations should be applied followed by the chosen statistical method. Interpreting the results may require a closer working relationship between statisticians, data analysts and geochemists.


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A new method, based on linear correlation and phase diagrams was successfully developed for processes like the sedimentary process, where the deposition phase can have different time duration - represented by repeated values in a series - and where the erosion can play an important rule deleting values of a series. The sampling process itself can be the cause of repeated values - large strata twice sampled - or deleted values: tiny strata fitted between two consecutive samples. What we developed was a mathematical procedure which, based upon the depth chemical composition evolution, allows the establishment of frontiers as well as the periodicity of different sedimentary environments. The basic tool isn't more than a linear correlation analysis which allow us to detect the existence of eventual evolution rules, connected with cyclical phenomena within time series (considering the space assimilated to time), with the final objective of prevision. A very interesting discovery was the phenomenon of repeated sliding windows that represent quasi-cycles of a series of quasi-periods. An accurate forecast can be obtained if we are inside a quasi-cycle (it is possible to predict the other elements of the cycle with the probability related with the number of repeated and deleted points). We deal with an innovator methodology, reason why it's efficiency is being tested in some case studies, with remarkable results that shows it's efficacy. Keywords: sedimentary environments, sequence stratigraphy, data analysis, time-series, conditional probability.


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Landscape geochemical investigations were conducted upon portions of a natural uniform landscape in southern Norway. This consisted of sampling both soil profile samples and spruce tree twigs for the analysis of twelve chemical elements. These elements were cobalt, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and aluminum which were determined by atomic absorption analysis on standardized extraction techniques for both organic and inorganic materials. Two "landscape traverses" were chosen for a comparative study of the effects of varying landscape parameters upon the trace element distribution patterns throughout the landscape traverses. The object of this study was to test this method of investigation and the concept of an ideal uniform landscape under Norwegian conditions. A "control traverse" was established to represent uniform landscape conditions typical of the study area and was used to determine "normal" or average trace element distribution patterns. A "signal traverse" was selected nearby over an area of lead mineralization where the depth to bedrock is very small. The signal traverse provided an area of similar landscape conditions to those of the control traverse with significant differences in the bedrock configuration and composition. This study was also to determine the effect of the bedrock mineralization upon the distribution patterns of the twelve chemical elements within the major components of the two landscape traverses (i.e. soil profiles and tree branches). The lead distribution within the soils of the signal traverse showed localized accumulations of lead within the overburden with maximum values occurring within the organic A horizon of soil profile #10. Above average concentrations of lead were common within the signal traverse, however, the other elements studied were not significantly different from those averages determined throughout the soils of the control traverse. The spruce twig samples did not have corresponding accumulations of lead near the soil lead anomaly. This is attributable to the very localized nature of the lead dispersion pattern within the soils. This approach to the study of the geochemistry of a natural landscape was effective in establishing: a) average or "normal" trace element distribution patterns b) local variations in the landscape morphology and c) the effect of unusually high lead concentrations upon the geochemistry of the landscape (i.e. within the soil profiles and tree branches). This type of study provides the basis for further more intensive studies and serves only as a first approximation of the behaviour of elements within a natural landscape.


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A detailed quantitative microstructural study coupled with cathodoluminescence and geochemical analyses on marbles from Naxos demonstrates that the analysis of microstructures is the most sensitive method to define the origin of marbles within, and between, different regions. Microstructure examination can only be used as an accurate provenance tool if a correction for the second-phase content is considered. If second phases are not considered, a large spread of different microstructures occurs within sample sites, making a separation between neighbouring outcrops difficult or impossible. Moreover, this study shows that the origin of a marble is defined more precisely if the microstructural observations are coupled with cathodoluminescence data.


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This paper describes a geostatistical method, known as factorial kriging analysis, which is well suited for analyzing multivariate spatial information. The method involves multivariate variogram modeling, principal component analysis, and cokriging. It uses several separate correlation structures, each corresponding to a specific spatial scale, and yields a set of regionalized factors summarizing the main features of the data for each spatial scale. This method is applied to an area of high manganese-ore mining activity in Amapa State, North Brazil. Two scales of spatial variation (0.33 and 2.0 km) are identified and interpreted. The results indicate that, for the short-range structure, manganese, arsenic, iron, and cadmium are associated with human activities due to the mining work, while for the long-range structure, the high aluminum, selenium, copper, and lead concentrations, seem to be related to the natural environment. At each scale, the correlation structure is analyzed, and regionalized factors are estimated by cokriging and then mapped.


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In dieser Arbeit werden geochronologische und isotopen-geochemische Daten zur Entwicklung der Zentralen Westlichen Karpathen präsentiert. Die Karpathen bilden die östliche Fortsetzung der Alpen und können in drei Alpine Grundgebirgsdecken unterteilt werden, von denen zwei, die Veporische und die Gemerische, bearbeitet wurden. In der Veporischen Einheit wurden polymetamorphe Grundgebirgseinheiten untersucht, um deren genaue Altersstellung zu definieren und sie isotopengeochemisch zu klassifizieren. Dagegen wurde in der der Gemerischen Einheit, welche die Veporische Einheit überlagert, ein spezialisierter S-Typ Granit im Detail untersucht, um die petrogenetischen Prozesse, die zur magmatischen Entwicklung dieses Granits geführt haben, zu identifizieren. U-Pb Datierungen an Zirkonen der Veporischen Grundgebirgseinheiten zeigen für die gesamte Veporische Einheit ordovizische Entsehungsalter an (440-470 Ma). Diese Datierungen revidieren publizierte kambrische Entstehungsalter dieses Grundgebirges. Die Isotopensignatur (epsilon Nd und 87Sr/86Sr) der ordovizischen Grundgebirgseinheiten, bestehend aus stark überprägten Amphiboliten und Gneissen, ist von der Signatur der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit gut unterscheidbar. Die Bleiisotopenzusammensetzung dieser Gesteine ist stark krustal geprägt und überschneidet sich mit der der Tatrischen Einheit. Zusammen mit den T-DM Altern sind diese Einheiten vergleichbar mit prävariskischen Einheiten der Alpen. Somit kann das ordovizische Grundgebirge zu den peri-Gondwana Terranen gezählt werden, die an einem aktiven Kontinentalrand im Norden von Gondwana gebildet wurden. In den Gesteinen der Veporischen Einheit wurde im Weiteren eine starke metamorphe überprägung und intensiver felsischer Magmatismus karbonischen Alters erkannt (320-350 Ma). Dieses Ereignis ist zeitgleich mit dem Magmatismus, welcher hauptsächlich in der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit beobachtet wird. Dieser gehört der variskischen Orogenese an. Intensive alpine Deformation und Metamorphose konnte in der südlichen Veporischen Einheit anhand der Einzelzirkondatierungen und der Isotopendaten der ordovizischen Einheiten nachgewiesen werden. Am Dlha Dolina Granit in der Gemerischen Einheit können starke Fraktionierungs- und Auto-Metasomatose-Effekte beobachtet werden. Durch die magmatische Fraktionierung wird eine Anreicherung der SEE erzeugt, wogegen die Metasomatose die SEE stark verarmt. Es kommt sogar zur Ausbildung eines Tetraden Effektes im SEE Muster, welche den starken Einfluss von Fluiden während der spät-magmatischen Phase belegt. Gesamtgesteins Pb-Pb Daten beschränken das minimale Intrusionsalter dieses Granites auf 240 Ma. Dieses Alter ist in guter übereinstimmung mit den Sr-Isotopendaten der magmatisch dominierten Gesteine, wohingegen die stark metasomatisch geprägten Gesteine ein zu radiogenes 87Sr/86Sri aufweisen. Während dieser Arbeit wurde intensiv mit der Blei-Isotopenzusammensetzung von Gesamtgesteinsproben gearbeitet. Um die Auswertung dieser Daten optimieren zu können wurde ein Computerscript für das GPL Programm Octave erstellt. Die Hauptaufgabe dieses Scripts besteht darin, Regressionen für geochronologische Anwendungen gemäss York (1969) zu berechnen. Ausserdem können mu und kappa-Werte für diese Regressionen berechnet und eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse, welche hilfreich für den Vergleich von zwei Datensätzen ist, durchgeführt werden. Am Ende der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die analytische Methode für einen Mikrowellen beschleunigten Säureaufschluss von granitoidem Material zur Bestimmung der Sr- und Nd-Isotopenzusammensetzung und der Elementkonzentrationen vorgestellt. Diese kombinierte Methode nutzt ein TIMS für die Sr und Nd Isotopenmessungen und eine Einzelkollektor-ICPMS zur Bestimmung der SEE, Rb und Sr Konzentrationen, welche mithilfe von relativen Sensitivitätsfaktoren gegenüber einem internen Standard quantifiziert werden. Diese Methode wird durch Messungen von internationalen Referenzmaterialien bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine Reproduzierbarkeit von <10% für die Elementkonzentrationen und von <5% für Elementverhältnisse.


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This PhD thesis concerns geochemical constraints on recycling and partial melting of Archean continental crust. A natural example of such processes was found in the Iisalmi area of Central Finland. The rocks from this area are Middle to Late Archean in age and experienced metamorphism and partial melting between 2.7-2.63 Ga. The work is based on extensive field work. It is furthermore founded on bulk rock geochemical data as well as in-situ analyses of minerals. All geochemical data were obtained at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz using X-ray fluorescence, solution ICP-MS and laser ablation-ICP-MS for bulk rock geochemical analyses. Mineral analyses were accomplished by electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS. Fluid inclusions were studied by microscope on a heating-freezing-stage at the Geoscience Center, University Göttingen. Part I focuses on the development of a new analytical method for bulk rock trace element determination by laser ablation-ICP-MS using homogeneous glasses fused from rock powder on an Iridium strip heater. This method is applicable for mafic rock samples whose melts have low viscosities and homogenize quickly at temperatures of ~1200°C. Highly viscous melts of felsic samples prevent melting and homogenization at comparable temperatures. Fusion of felsic samples can be enabled by addition of MgO to the rock powder and adjustment of melting temperature and melting duration to the rock composition. Advantages of the fusion method are low detection limits compared to XRF analyses and avoidance of wet-chemical processing and use of strong acids as in solution ICP-MS as well as smaller sample volumes compared to the other methods. Part II of the thesis uses bulk rock geochemical data and results from fluid inclusion studies for discrimination of melting processes observed in different rock types. Fluid inclusion studies demonstrate a major change in fluid composition from CO2-dominated fluids in granulites to aqueous fluids in TTG gneisses and amphibolites. Partial melts were generated in the dry, CO2-rich environment by dehydration melting reactions of amphibole which in addition to tonalitic melts produced the anhydrous mineral assemblages of granulites (grt + cpx + pl ± amph or opx + cpx + pl + amph). Trace element modeling showed that mafic granulites are residues of 10-30 % melt extraction from amphibolitic precursor rocks. The maximum degree of melting in intermediate granulites was ~10 % as inferred from modal abundances of amphibole, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Carbonic inclusions are absent in upper-amphibolite facies migmatites whereas aqueous inclusion with up to 20 wt% NaCl are abundant. This suggests that melting within TTG gneisses and amphibolites took place in the presence of an aqueous fluid phase that enabled melting at the wet solidus at temperatures of 700-750°C. The strong disruption of pre-metamorphic structures in some outcrops suggests that the maximum amount of melt in TTG gneisses was ~25 vol%. The presence of leucosomes in all rock types is taken as the principle evidence for melt formation. However, mineralogical appearance as well as major and trace element composition of many leucosomes imply that leucosomes seldom represent frozen in-situ melts. They are better considered as remnants of the melt channel network, e.g. ways on which melts escaped from the system. Part III of the thesis describes how analyses of minerals from a specific rock type (granulite) can be used to determine partition coefficients between different minerals and between minerals and melt suitable for lower crustal conditions. The trace element analyses by laser ablation-ICP-MS show coherent distribution among the principal mineral phases independent of rock composition. REE contents in amphibole are about 3 times higher than REE contents in clinopyroxene from the same sample. This consistency has to be taken into consideration in models of lower crustal melting where amphibole is replaced by clinopyroxene in the course of melting. A lack of equilibrium is observed between matrix clinopyroxene / amphibole and garnet porphyroblasts which suggests a late stage growth of garnet and slow diffusion and equilibration of the REE during metamorphism. The data provide a first set of distribution coefficients of the transition metals (Sc, V, Cr, Ni) in the lower crust. In addition, analyses of ilmenite and apatite demonstrate the strong influence of accessory phases on trace element distribution. Apatite contains high amounts of REE and Sr while ilmenite incorporates about 20-30 times higher amounts of Nb and Ta than amphibole. Furthermore, trace element mineral analyses provide evidence for magmatic processes such as melt depletion, melt segregation, accumulation and fractionation as well as metasomatism having operated in this high-grade anatectic area.