977 resultados para generated tiny virtual machines
In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software makes every PC an individual managed entity, lowering the scalability and increasing the costs to manage hundreds or thousands of PCs. Virtualization is an established technology, however its use is been more focused on server consolidation and virtual desktop infrastructure, not for managing distributed computers over a network. This paper discusses the feasibility of the Distributed Virtual Machine Environment, a new approach for enterprise computer management that combines virtualization and distributed system architecture as the basis of the management architecture. © 2008 IEEE.
Cloud computing and, more particularly, private IaaS, is seen as a mature technol- ogy with a myriad solutions to choose from. However, this disparity of solutions and products has instilled in potential adopters the fear of vendor and data lock- in. Several competing and incompatible interfaces and management styles have increased even more these fears. On top of this, cloud users might want to work with several solutions at the same time, an integration that is difficult to achieve in practice. In this Master Thesis I propose a management architecture that tries to solve these problems; it provides a generalized control mechanism for several cloud infrastructures, and an interface that can meet the requirements of the users. This management architecture is designed in a modular way, and using a generic infor- mation model. I have validated the approach through the implementation of the components needed for this architecture to support a sample private IaaS solution: OpenStack.
The current infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud systems, allow users to load their own virtual machines. However, most of these systems do not provide users with an automatic mechanism to load a network topology of virtual machines. In order to specify and implement the network topology, we use software switches and routers as network elements. Before running a group of virtual machines, the user needs to set up the system once to specify a network topology of virtual machines. Then, given the user’s request for running a specific topology, our system loads the appropriate virtual machines (VMs) and also runs separated VMs as software switches and routers. Furthermore, we have developed a manager that handles physical hardware failure situations. This system has been designed in order to allow users to use the system without knowing all the internal technical details.
Object-oriented programming languages presently are the dominant paradigm of application development (e. g., Java,. NET). Lately, increasingly more Java applications have long (or very long) execution times and manipulate large amounts of data/information, gaining relevance in fields related with e-Science (with Grid and Cloud computing). Significant examples include Chemistry, Computational Biology and Bio-informatics, with many available Java-based APIs (e. g., Neobio). Often, when the execution of such an application is terminated abruptly because of a failure (regardless of the cause being a hardware of software fault, lack of available resources, etc.), all of its work already performed is simply lost, and when the application is later re-initiated, it has to restart all its work from scratch, wasting resources and time, while also being prone to another failure and may delay its completion with no deadline guarantees. Our proposed solution to address these issues is through incorporating mechanisms for checkpointing and migration in a JVM. These make applications more robust and flexible by being able to move to other nodes, without any intervention from the programmer. This article provides a solution to Java applications with long execution times, by extending a JVM (Jikes research virtual machine) with such mechanisms. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Actualment, el Servei d'Informàtica de l'Escola d'Enginyeries (SIEE) s'enfronta a dos problemes: l'augment del nombre d'alumnes, mantenint el mateix número d'ordinadors per fer les pràctiques i, d'altra banda, el també creixent nombre d'aplicacions que s'han desenvolupat i es desenvolupen per resoldre les necessitats generades pels mateixos alumnes. Aquest projecte neix amb la voluntat de solucionar aquests problemes, creant per un costat un aula de màquines virtuals i per altra banda crear un aplicatiu web, que servirà de framework i contenidor de futures aplicacions, on es pugui connectar de manera senzilla amb les màquines virtuals.
One of the main challenges in Software Engineering is to cope with the transition from an industry based on software as a product to software as a service. The field of Software Engineering should provide the necessary methods and tools to develop and deploy new cost-efficient and scalable digital services. In this thesis, we focus on deployment platforms to ensure cost-efficient scalability of multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding service for different types of load conditions. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds provide Virtual Machines (VMs) under the pay-per-use business model. Dynamically provisioning VMs on demand allows service providers to cope with fluctuations on the number of service users. However, VM provisioning must be done carefully, because over-provisioning results in an increased operational cost, while underprovisioning leads to a subpar service. Therefore, our main focus in this thesis is on cost-efficient VM provisioning for multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding. Moreover, to prevent provisioned VMs from becoming overloaded, we augment VM provisioning with an admission control mechanism. Similarly, to ensure efficient use of provisioned VMs, web applications on the under-utilized VMs are consolidated periodically. Thus, the main problem that we address is cost-efficient VM provisioning augmented with server consolidation and admission control on the provisioned VMs. We seek solutions for two types of applications: multi-tier web applications that follow the request-response paradigm and on-demand video transcoding that is based on video streams with soft realtime constraints. Our first contribution is a cost-efficient VM provisioning approach for multi-tier web applications. The proposed approach comprises two subapproaches: a reactive VM provisioning approach called ARVUE and a hybrid reactive-proactive VM provisioning approach called Cost-efficient Resource Allocation for Multiple web applications with Proactive scaling. Our second contribution is a prediction-based VM provisioning approach for on-demand video transcoding in the cloud. Moreover, to prevent virtualized servers from becoming overloaded, the proposed VM provisioning approaches are augmented with admission control approaches. Therefore, our third contribution is a session-based admission control approach for multi-tier web applications called adaptive Admission Control for Virtualized Application Servers. Similarly, the fourth contribution in this thesis is a stream-based admission control and scheduling approach for on-demand video transcoding called Stream-Based Admission Control and Scheduling. Our fifth contribution is a computation and storage trade-o strategy for cost-efficient video transcoding in cloud computing. Finally, the sixth and the last contribution is a web application consolidation approach, which uses Ant Colony System to minimize the under-utilization of the virtualized application servers.
Current advanced cloud infrastructure management solutions allow scheduling actions for dynamically changing the number of running virtual machines (VMs). This approach, however, does not guarantee that the scheduled number of VMs will properly handle the actual user generated workload, especially if the user utilization patterns will change. We propose using a dynamically generated scaling model for the VMs containing the services of the distributed applications, which is able to react to the variations in the number of application users. We answer the following question: How to dynamically decide how many services of each type are needed in order to handle a larger workload within the same time constraints? We describe a mechanism for dynamically composing the SLAs for controlling the scaling of distributed services by combining data analysis mechanisms with application benchmarking using multiple VM configurations. Based on processing of multiple application benchmarks generated data sets we discover a set of service monitoring metrics able to predict critical Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameters. By combining this set of predictor metrics with a heuristic for selecting the appropriate scaling-out paths for the services of distributed applications, we show how SLA scaling rules can be inferred and then used for controlling the runtime scale-in and scale-out of distributed services. We validate our architecture and models by performing scaling experiments with a distributed application representative for the enterprise class of information systems. We show how dynamically generated SLAs can be successfully used for controlling the management of distributed services scaling.
Advancements in cloud computing have enabled the proliferation of distributed applications, which require management and control of multiple services. However, without an efficient mechanism for scaling services in response to changing workload conditions, such as number of connected users, application performance might suffer, leading to violations of Service Level Agreements (SLA) and possible inefficient use of hardware resources. Combining dynamic application requirements with the increased use of virtualised computing resources creates a challenging resource Management context for application and cloud-infrastructure owners. In such complex environments, business entities use SLAs as a means for specifying quantitative and qualitative requirements of services. There are several challenges in running distributed enterprise applications in cloud environments, ranging from the instantiation of service VMs in the correct order using an adequate quantity of computing resources, to adapting the number of running services in response to varying external loads, such as number of users. The application owner is interested in finding the optimum amount of computing and network resources to use for ensuring that the performance requirements of all her/his applications are met. She/he is also interested in appropriately scaling the distributed services so that application performance guarantees are maintained even under dynamic workload conditions. Similarly, the infrastructure Providers are interested in optimally provisioning the virtual resources onto the available physical infrastructure so that her/his operational costs are minimized, while maximizing the performance of tenants’ applications. Motivated by the complexities associated with the management and scaling of distributed applications, while satisfying multiple objectives (related to both consumers and providers of cloud resources), this thesis proposes a cloud resource management platform able to dynamically provision and coordinate the various lifecycle actions on both virtual and physical cloud resources using semantically enriched SLAs. The system focuses on dynamic sizing (scaling) of virtual infrastructures composed of virtual machines (VM) bounded application services. We describe several algorithms for adapting the number of VMs allocated to the distributed application in response to changing workload conditions, based on SLA-defined performance guarantees. We also present a framework for dynamic composition of scaling rules for distributed service, which used benchmark-generated application Monitoring traces. We show how these scaling rules can be combined and included into semantic SLAs for controlling allocation of services. We also provide a detailed description of the multi-objective infrastructure resource allocation problem and various approaches to satisfying this problem. We present a resource management system based on a genetic algorithm, which performs allocation of virtual resources, while considering the optimization of multiple criteria. We prove that our approach significantly outperforms reactive VM-scaling algorithms as well as heuristic-based VM-allocation approaches.
Analysis of learning data (learning analytics) is a new research field with high growth potential. The main objective of Learning analytics is the analysis of data (interactions being the basic data unit) generated in virtual learning environments, in order to maximize the outcomes of the learning process; however, a consensus has not been reached yet on which interactions must be measured and what is their influence on learning outcomes. This research is grounded on the study of e-learning interaction typologies and their relationship with students? academic performance, by means of a comparative study between different interaction typologies (based on the agents involved, frequency of use and participation mode). The main conclusions are a) that classifications based on agents offer a better explanation of academic performance; and b) that each of the three typologies are able to explain academic performance in terms of some of their components (student-teacher and student-student interactions, evaluating students interactions and active interactions, respectively), with the other components being nonrelevant.
Los sistemas empotrados son cada día más comunes y complejos, de modo que encontrar procesos seguros, eficaces y baratos de desarrollo software dirigidos específicamente a esta clase de sistemas es más necesario que nunca. A diferencia de lo que ocurría hasta hace poco, en la actualidad los avances tecnológicos en el campo de los microprocesadores de los últimos tiempos permiten el desarrollo de equipos con prestaciones más que suficientes para ejecutar varios sistemas software en una única máquina. Además, hay sistemas empotrados con requisitos de seguridad (safety) de cuyo correcto funcionamiento depende la vida de muchas personas y/o grandes inversiones económicas. Estos sistemas software se diseñan e implementan de acuerdo con unos estándares de desarrollo software muy estrictos y exigentes. En algunos casos puede ser necesaria también la certificación del software. Para estos casos, los sistemas con criticidades mixtas pueden ser una alternativa muy valiosa. En esta clase de sistemas, aplicaciones con diferentes niveles de criticidad se ejecutan en el mismo computador. Sin embargo, a menudo es necesario certificar el sistema entero con el nivel de criticidad de la aplicación más crítica, lo que hace que los costes se disparen. La virtualización se ha postulado como una tecnología muy interesante para contener esos costes. Esta tecnología permite que un conjunto de máquinas virtuales o particiones ejecuten las aplicaciones con unos niveles de aislamiento tanto temporal como espacial muy altos. Esto, a su vez, permite que cada partición pueda ser certificada independientemente. Para el desarrollo de sistemas particionados con criticidades mixtas se necesita actualizar los modelos de desarrollo software tradicionales, pues estos no cubren ni las nuevas actividades ni los nuevos roles que se requieren en el desarrollo de estos sistemas. Por ejemplo, el integrador del sistema debe definir las particiones o el desarrollador de aplicaciones debe tener en cuenta las características de la partición donde su aplicación va a ejecutar. Tradicionalmente, en el desarrollo de sistemas empotrados, el modelo en V ha tenido una especial relevancia. Por ello, este modelo ha sido adaptado para tener en cuenta escenarios tales como el desarrollo en paralelo de aplicaciones o la incorporación de una nueva partición a un sistema ya existente. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar la tecnología actual de desarrollo de sistemas particionados con criticidades mixtas. Para ello, se ha diseñado e implementado un entorno dirigido específicamente a facilitar y mejorar los procesos de desarrollo de esta clase de sistemas. En concreto, se ha creado un algoritmo que genera el particionado del sistema automáticamente. En el entorno de desarrollo propuesto, se han integrado todas las actividades necesarias para desarrollo de un sistema particionado, incluidos los nuevos roles y actividades mencionados anteriormente. Además, el diseño del entorno de desarrollo se ha basado en la ingeniería guiada por modelos (Model-Driven Engineering), la cual promueve el uso de los modelos como elementos fundamentales en el proceso de desarrollo. Así pues, se proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para modelar y particionar el sistema, así como para validar los resultados y generar los artefactos necesarios para el compilado, construcción y despliegue del mismo. Además, en el diseño del entorno de desarrollo, la extensión e integración del mismo con herramientas de validación ha sido un factor clave. En concreto, se pueden incorporar al entorno de desarrollo nuevos requisitos no-funcionales, la generación de nuevos artefactos tales como documentación o diferentes lenguajes de programación, etc. Una parte clave del entorno de desarrollo es el algoritmo de particionado. Este algoritmo se ha diseñado para ser independiente de los requisitos de las aplicaciones así como para permitir al integrador del sistema implementar nuevos requisitos del sistema. Para lograr esta independencia, se han definido las restricciones al particionado. El algoritmo garantiza que dichas restricciones se cumplirán en el sistema particionado que resulte de su ejecución. Las restricciones al particionado se han diseñado con una capacidad expresiva suficiente para que, con un pequeño grupo de ellas, se puedan expresar la mayor parte de los requisitos no-funcionales más comunes. Las restricciones pueden ser definidas manualmente por el integrador del sistema o bien pueden ser generadas automáticamente por una herramienta a partir de los requisitos funcionales y no-funcionales de una aplicación. El algoritmo de particionado toma como entradas los modelos y las restricciones al particionado del sistema. Tras la ejecución y como resultado, se genera un modelo de despliegue en el que se definen las particiones que son necesarias para el particionado del sistema. A su vez, cada partición define qué aplicaciones deben ejecutar en ella así como los recursos que necesita la partición para ejecutar correctamente. El problema del particionado y las restricciones al particionado se modelan matemáticamente a través de grafos coloreados. En dichos grafos, un coloreado propio de los vértices representa un particionado del sistema correcto. El algoritmo se ha diseñado también para que, si es necesario, sea posible obtener particionados alternativos al inicialmente propuesto. El entorno de desarrollo, incluyendo el algoritmo de particionado, se ha probado con éxito en dos casos de uso industriales: el satélite UPMSat-2 y un demostrador del sistema de control de una turbina eólica. Además, el algoritmo se ha validado mediante la ejecución de numerosos escenarios sintéticos, incluyendo algunos muy complejos, de más de 500 aplicaciones. ABSTRACT The importance of embedded software is growing as it is required for a large number of systems. Devising cheap, efficient and reliable development processes for embedded systems is thus a notable challenge nowadays. Computer processing power is continuously increasing, and as a result, it is currently possible to integrate complex systems in a single processor, which was not feasible a few years ago.Embedded systems may have safety critical requirements. Its failure may result in personal or substantial economical loss. The development of these systems requires stringent development processes that are usually defined by suitable standards. In some cases their certification is also necessary. This scenario fosters the use of mixed-criticality systems in which applications of different criticality levels must coexist in a single system. In these cases, it is usually necessary to certify the whole system, including non-critical applications, which is costly. Virtualization emerges as an enabling technology used for dealing with this problem. The system is structured as a set of partitions, or virtual machines, that can be executed with temporal and spatial isolation. In this way, applications can be developed and certified independently. The development of MCPS (Mixed-Criticality Partitioned Systems) requires additional roles and activities that traditional systems do not require. The system integrator has to define system partitions. Application development has to consider the characteristics of the partition to which it is allocated. In addition, traditional software process models have to be adapted to this scenario. The V-model is commonly used in embedded systems development. It can be adapted to the development of MCPS by enabling the parallel development of applications or adding an additional partition to an existing system. The objective of this PhD is to improve the available technology for MCPS development by providing a framework tailored to the development of this type of system and by defining a flexible and efficient algorithm for automatically generating system partitionings. The goal of the framework is to integrate all the activities required for developing MCPS and to support the different roles involved in this process. The framework is based on MDE (Model-Driven Engineering), which emphasizes the use of models in the development process. The framework provides basic means for modeling the system, generating system partitions, validating the system and generating final artifacts. The framework has been designed to facilitate its extension and the integration of external validation tools. In particular, it can be extended by adding support for additional non-functional requirements and support for final artifacts, such as new programming languages or additional documentation. The framework includes a novel partitioning algorithm. It has been designed to be independent of the types of applications requirements and also to enable the system integrator to tailor the partitioning to the specific requirements of a system. This independence is achieved by defining partitioning constraints that must be met by the resulting partitioning. They have sufficient expressive capacity to state the most common constraints and can be defined manually by the system integrator or generated automatically based on functional and non-functional requirements of the applications. The partitioning algorithm uses system models and partitioning constraints as its inputs. It generates a deployment model that is composed by a set of partitions. Each partition is in turn composed of a set of allocated applications and assigned resources. The partitioning problem, including applications and constraints, is modeled as a colored graph. A valid partitioning is a proper vertex coloring. A specially designed algorithm generates this coloring and is able to provide alternative partitions if required. The framework, including the partitioning algorithm, has been successfully used in the development of two industrial use cases: the UPMSat-2 satellite and the control system of a wind-power turbine. The partitioning algorithm has been successfully validated by using a large number of synthetic loads, including complex scenarios with more that 500 applications.
The proliferation of legalized gaming has significantly changed the nature of the hospitality industry. While several aspects of gaming have flourished, none has become more popular, profitable, or technologically advanced as the slot machine. While more than half of all casino gambling, and earnings, is generated by slot machines, little has been written about the technology integral to these devices. The author describes the workings of computer-controlled slot machines and exposes some of the popular operating myths.
The rapid growth of virtualized data centers and cloud hosting services is making the management of physical resources such as CPU, memory, and I/O bandwidth in data center servers increasingly important. Server management now involves dealing with multiple dissimilar applications with varying Service-Level-Agreements (SLAs) and multiple resource dimensions. The multiplicity and diversity of resources and applications are rendering administrative tasks more complex and challenging. This thesis aimed to develop a framework and techniques that would help substantially reduce data center management complexity.^ We specifically addressed two crucial data center operations. First, we precisely estimated capacity requirements of client virtual machines (VMs) while renting server space in cloud environment. Second, we proposed a systematic process to efficiently allocate physical resources to hosted VMs in a data center. To realize these dual objectives, accurately capturing the effects of resource allocations on application performance is vital. The benefits of accurate application performance modeling are multifold. Cloud users can size their VMs appropriately and pay only for the resources that they need; service providers can also offer a new charging model based on the VMs performance instead of their configured sizes. As a result, clients will pay exactly for the performance they are actually experiencing; on the other hand, administrators will be able to maximize their total revenue by utilizing application performance models and SLAs. ^ This thesis made the following contributions. First, we identified resource control parameters crucial for distributing physical resources and characterizing contention for virtualized applications in a shared hosting environment. Second, we explored several modeling techniques and confirmed the suitability of two machine learning tools, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine, to accurately model the performance of virtualized applications. Moreover, we suggested and evaluated modeling optimizations necessary to improve prediction accuracy when using these modeling tools. Third, we presented an approach to optimal VM sizing by employing the performance models we created. Finally, we proposed a revenue-driven resource allocation algorithm which maximizes the SLA-generated revenue for a data center.^
Virtual machines (VMs) are powerful platforms for building agile datacenters and emerging cloud systems. However, resource management for a VM-based system is still a challenging task. First, the complexity of application workloads as well as the interference among competing workloads makes it difficult to understand their VMs’ resource demands for meeting their Quality of Service (QoS) targets; Second, the dynamics in the applications and system makes it also difficult to maintain the desired QoS target while the environment changes; Third, the transparency of virtualization presents a hurdle for guest-layer application and host-layer VM scheduler to cooperate and improve application QoS and system efficiency. This dissertation proposes to address the above challenges through fuzzy modeling and control theory based VM resource management. First, a fuzzy-logic-based nonlinear modeling approach is proposed to accurately capture a VM’s complex demands of multiple types of resources automatically online based on the observed workload and resource usages. Second, to enable fast adaption for resource management, the fuzzy modeling approach is integrated with a predictive-control-based controller to form a new Fuzzy Modeling Predictive Control (FMPC) approach which can quickly track the applications’ QoS targets and optimize the resource allocations under dynamic changes in the system. Finally, to address the limitations of black-box-based resource management solutions, a cross-layer optimization approach is proposed to enable cooperation between a VM’s host and guest layers and further improve the application QoS and resource usage efficiency. The above proposed approaches are prototyped and evaluated on a Xen-based virtualized system and evaluated with representative benchmarks including TPC-H, RUBiS, and TerraFly. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy-modeling-based approach improves the accuracy in resource prediction by up to 31.4% compared to conventional regression approaches. The FMPC approach substantially outperforms the traditional linear-model-based predictive control approach in meeting application QoS targets for an oversubscribed system. It is able to manage dynamic VM resource allocations and migrations for over 100 concurrent VMs across multiple hosts with good efficiency. Finally, the cross-layer optimization approach further improves the performance of a virtualized application by up to 40% when the resources are contended by dynamic workloads.
The astonishing development of diverse and different hardware platforms is twofold: on one side, the challenge for the exascale performance for big data processing and management; on the other side, the mobile and embedded devices for data collection and human machine interaction. This drove to a highly hierarchical evolution of programming models. GVirtuS is the general virtualization system developed in 2009 and firstly introduced in 2010 enabling a completely transparent layer among GPUs and VMs. This paper shows the latest achievements and developments of GVirtuS, now supporting CUDA 6.5, memory management and scheduling. Thanks to the new and improved remoting capabilities, GVirtus now enables GPU sharing among physical and virtual machines based on x86 and ARM CPUs on local workstations,computing clusters and distributed cloud appliances.
This work explores the development of MemTri. A memory forensics triage tool that can assess the likelihood of criminal activity in a memory image, based on evidence data artefacts generated by several applications. Fictitious illegal suspect activity scenarios were performed on virtual machines to generate 60 test memory images for input into MemTri. Four categories of applications (i.e. Internet Browsers, Instant Messengers, FTP Client and Document Processors) are examined for data artefacts located through the use of regular expressions. These identified data artefacts are then analysed using a Bayesian Network, to assess the likelihood that a seized memory image contained evidence of illegal activity. Currently, MemTri is under development and this paper introduces only the basic concept as well as the components that the application is built on. A complete description of MemTri coupled with extensive experimental results is expected to be published in the first semester of 2017.