39 resultados para gela egonkorra


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Azken hiru hamarkadetan, Euskal Autonomia-Erkidegoan aldaketa garrantzitsua eman da HPB (heziketa premia bereziak) duten ikasleei ematen zaien heziketa-erantzunean, laguntzaren behar orokor eta iraunkorrak aurkezten dituenari dagokionez bereziki. Gaur egun, ikasle hauek, LH eta DBH zentro arruntetan kokatutako gela egonkorretara joan daitezke. Gela hauetako curriculuma zabala eta malgua da eta ez dago era arauemailean Hezkuntza Sailagatik araututa. Gela horietan matrikulatutako ezgaitasuna duten ikasleek, eskola-ordutegi barruan, gorputz-hezkuntzako jarduerak egiteko eskubidea dute, bere etapako beste kideek bezala. Ikasle hauekin bultzatzen diren jarduera fisikoek bere bizi-kalitatea eta komunitatean bere inklusioa hobetzera orientatuta egon behar dute. Beraz, egokia izango litzateke zentro honen H.F. ikasleak jarduera horiek talde horrekin egiteko denbora espezifikoa bere ordutegian kontuan izan zezan . Ikasle horiek zentroaren bizitzan parte hartzeaz gain, institutuko irakasleek parte hartu behar dute mutil horien jardueretan. Inklusioak bere gain hartu behar ditu heziketa komunitatearen kide guztiak. GrAL honetan proposatzen eta justifikatzen da GH irakasleak irakasten duen kirola igeriketa izan dadila, ikasle hauen ezaugarriak kontutan hartuta eta fisiko, psikiko eta sozial mailan eragiten dituen onurengatik. Erabilitako metodoa analisi orokorrekotik kasu zehatz baten praktikara joatea izan da. Eusko Autonomia Erkidegoko HPBk duten ikasleei ematen zaien erantzun orokorra aztertzen hasi da gela egonkorretara heldu arte, bereziki Sopela BHI-ko G.H. kurrikuluma zehaztuz.


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[eus] Proiektu honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloan bertsogintza eta koplagintza lantzea posible dela erakutsi nahian, eguneroko errutinetan eta ipuin baten sekuentzializazioan bertsoak eta koplak txertatu ditut. Horretarako, hizkuntza lantzea izan da nire helbururik nagusiena, taldea motibatuz eta bertsoekiko zaletasuna bultzatuz. Ebaluaketa egiterakoan, metodo kualitatiboan oinarritu naiz ikasleen garapenaz ohartzeko. Azkenik, emaitzak eta ondorioak plazaratu ditut.


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[eus] Azken urteetan euskararen ezagutza handiagotzen ari bada ere, erabilera gero eta murritzagoa da bai gizartean, bai eskolan. Lan honetan, D ereduko eskola bateko Haur Hezkuntzako 5 urteko gelako hizkuntza-erabilera ikertu da eta erabilera horretan eragin ditzaketen aldagaiak aztertu dira. Horretarako, ikasleei, irakasleari eta haurren familiei ARRUE proiektuan oinarrituriko zenbait galdetegi pasatu zaizkie. Horrez gain, haurren hizkuntza-erabilera neurtzeko behaketak ere egin dira egoera ezberdinetan (gela barruan eta gelatik kanpo irakasleekin, gela barruan ikaskideekin lanak burutzen, gela barruan ikaskideekin jolas librean eta jolastorduan ikaskideekin), informazio horiez baliatuz euskararen erabilera handitzeko neurriak hartu daitezen.


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Background In angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, symptoms linked to B-lymphocyte activation are common, and variable numbers of CD20(+) large B-blasts, often infected by Epstein-Barr virus, are found in tumor tissues. We postulated that the disruption of putative B-T interactions and/or depletion of the Epstein-Barr virus reservoir by an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) could improve the clinical outcome produced by conventional chemotherapy. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty-five newly diagnosed patients were treated, in a phase II study, with eight cycles of rituximab + chemotherapy (R-CHOP21). Tumor infiltration, B-blasts and Epstein-Barr virus status in tumor tissue and peripheral blood were fully characterized at diagnosis and were correlated with clinical outcome. RESULTS: A complete response rate of 44% (95% CI, 24% to 65%) was observed. With a median follow-up of 24 months, the 2-year progression-free survival rate was 42% (95% CI, 22% to 61%) and overall survival rate was 62% (95% CI, 40% to 78%). The presence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (14/21 patients) correlated with Epstein-Barr virus score in lymph nodes (P<0.004) and the detection of circulating tumor cells (P=0.0019). Despite peripheral Epstein-Barr virus clearance after treatment, the viral load at diagnosis (>100 copy/μg DNA) was associated with shorter progression-free survival (P=0.06). Conclusions We report here the results of the first clinical trial targeting both the neoplastic T cells and the microenvironment-associated CD20(+) B lymphocytes in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, showing no clear benefit of adding rituximab to conventional chemotherapy. A strong relationship, not previously described, between circulating Epstein-Barr virus and circulating tumor cells is highlighted.


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This paper presents a previously unpublished Attic lekythos and discusses visual ambiguity as an intentional drawing style used by a vase painter who conceptualised the many possible relationships between pot and user, object and subject. The Gela Painter endowed this hastily manufactured and decorated lekythos with visual effects that drew the viewer into an inherently ambivalent motif: a mounting Dionysos. This motif, like other Dionysian themes, had a vogue in late Archaic times but did not necessarily invoke chthonic associations. It had the potential to be consumed in diverse contexts, including religious festivals, by a wide range of audiences. Such images were not given to the viewer fully through visual perception but through interpretation.


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A multi-proxy chronological framework along with sequence-stratigraphic interpretations unveils composite Milankovitch cyclicity in the sedimentary records of the Last GlacialeInterglacial cycle at NE Gela Basin on the Sicilian continental margin. Chronostratigraphic data (including foraminifera-based eco-biostratigraphy and d18O records, tephrochronological markers and 14C AMS radiometric datings) was derived from the shallow-shelf drill sites GeoB14403 (54.6 m recovery) and GeoB14414 (27.5 m), collected with both gravity and drilled MeBo cores in 193 m and 146 m water depth, respectively. The recovered intervals record Marine Isotope Stages and Substages (MIS) from MIS 5 to MIS 1, thus comprising major stratigraphic parts of the progradational deposits that form the last 100-ka depositional sequence. Calibration of shelf sedimentary units with borehole stratigraphies indicates the impact of higher-frequency (20-ka) sea level cycles punctuating this 100-ka cycle. This becomes most evident in the alternation of thick interstadial highstand (HST) wedges and thinner glacial forced-regression (FSST) units mirroring seaward shifts in coastal progradation. Albeit their relatively short-lived depositional phase, these subordinate HST units form the bulk of the 100-ka depositional sequence. Two mechanisms are proposed that likely account for enhanced sediment accumulation ratios (SAR) of up to 200 cm/ka during these intervals: (1) intensified activity of deep and intermediate Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) associated to the drowning of Mediterranean shelves, and (2) amplified sediment flux along the flooded shelf in response to hyperpycnal plumes that generate through extreme precipitation events during overall arid conditions. Equally, the latter mechanism is thought to be at the origin of undulated features resolved in the acoustic records of MIS 5 Interstadials, which bear a striking resemblance to modern equivalents forming on late-Holocene prodeltas of other Mediterranean shallow-shelf settings.


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The Holocene Twin Slides form the most recent of recurrent mass wasting events along the NE portion of Gela Basin within the Sicily Channel, central Mediterranean Sea. Here, we present new evidence on the morphological evolution and stratigraphic context of this coeval slide complex based on deepdrilled sediment sequences providing a >100 ka paleo-oceanographic record. Both Northern (NTS) and Southern Twin Slide (STS) involve two failure stages, a debris avalanche and a translational slide, but are strongly affected by distinct preconditioning factors linked to the older and buried Father Slide. Core-acoustic correlations suggest that sliding occurred along sub-horizontal weak layers reflecting abrupt physical changes in lithology or mechanical properties. Our results show further that headwall failure predominantly took place along sub-vertical normal faults, partly through reactivation of buried Father Slide headscarps.


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Contiene : Chiste Nou del consell de una mareó una filla sobre pendre estat ; de tots els*


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Ein auszug aus ... Sonne und morgen."


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Includes index.


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LABURPENA: Lan honek, hezkuntzan sormenak eta musikak duen garrantzia aztertuz eta hauek gelan lantzeak duen abantaila adieraziz, Haur Hezkuntzako gela batean praktikan jarri daitekeen lan proiektua sortzea du helburu. Honez gain, herri kantak zer diren eta lantzearen garrantzia aipatuz, mendizaleen orkestra izendatutako proposamena sortu da, musika, artea eta ingurune hurbila ezagutzeko asmoekin.


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El autoconcepto es una pieza esencial para el desarrollo adecuado del individuo, por lo que en este trabajo se elabora y aplica una intervención en relación al logro de un autoconcepto ajustado. Para ello, se llevan a cabo una serie de dinámicas en un grupo-clase y periodo de tiempo específicos. Asimismo, se utilizan una serie de instrumentos de medida previa y posteriormente a la intervención, con el objetivo de evaluar las posibles variaciones en lo que al autoconcepto de los alumnos respecta. Finalmente, se concluyen ciertas variaciones que más que reflejar grandes cambios en el autoconcepto del alumnado, indican la importancia y posible eficacia de programas que dirigen su atención a dicho constructo