977 resultados para gays and lesbians


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Issue addressed: As one of the most significant sites of homophobia is the school, a six week school based program designed to help students explore their attitudes to gays and lesbians was developed called 'Pride and Prejudice'. This paper reports on the initial data from the evaluation of this program. Methods: In order to evaluate the usefulness of the program, a group of year 10 students at a state secondary school participated in the Pride and Prejudice program. Students' attitudes to gay men and lesbians and their social connectedness, self esteem, attitudes to race and beliefs about gender roles were measured before and after their participation. Results: Attitudes held by students toward gay men and lesbians were significantly more positive after the program. The level of attendance during the program significantly predicted the change in attitudes toward gay men but not to lesbians. Conclusion: School based programs delivered to individual classes in which students are given the opportunity to explore their attitudes toward lesbians and gay men may be a useful part of a strategy to reduce homophobia. So what?: Health promoting schools now have a tool available for enabling students to reflect on their attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. It is hoped that school wide implementation of such a program will eventually lead to a reduction in the discrimination same sex attracted youth often experience.


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My research aims to understand how and why fundamentalists justify violence against people who do not fit their profile of "righteous" or "saved" persons, such as abortion doctors and clinic workers, gays and lesbians, and Jews. The first section of this paper travels through the history of fundamentalism since its origins in the British and American apocalipticism, or belief in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However, my history of Protestant Fundamentalism in the United States will focus on the ways in which Fundamentalism developed in response to many changes in American social structure. I interpret Fundamentalism as an anti-modern movement seeking to reassert "traditional" Christian values.


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A violência íntima entre parceiros do mesmo sexo assume-se como um problema bastante preocupante, trando-se de um fenómeno imensamente complexo e constituído por diversos fatores, nomeadamente de índole psicológica, ideológica e sociocultural. Assim a violência íntima entre parceiros, como que pode constatar, trata-se de um fenómeno que não se encontra inerente ao género ou à orientação sexual. Existe, de facto, uma necessidade de se desenvolver literatura científica sobre esta temática, mais precisamente no contexto nacional, uma vez que as repercussões destas vivências são nocivas tanto a nível individual como a nível social. A revisão sistemática de literatura, apresentada no primeiro artigo da presente dissertação, é composta por 38 artigos que abordam a temática da prevalência da violência entre parceiros íntimos homossexuais e a temática dos fatores de risco nessa mesma população. Do estudo da revisão de literatura, pode concluir-se que existem diversas tipologias de abuso, sendo que a agressão psicológica é a que assume maior destaque, e as percentagens de prevalência do fenómeno encontram-se dispersas. É de salientar que o estudo da prevalência assume diversas lacunas metodológicas, as quais podem ser a explicação para as diferenças nas taxas de prevalência, e por conseguinte, nos resultados constatados. No que diz respeito aos fatores de risco, são diversos os fatores de risco de violência entre parceiros do mesmo sexo, contudo a existência de literatura que incida exclusivamente no estudo dos fatores de risco é confusa e escassa. Seguindo como linha orientadora este pressusposto, o segundo artigo é composto por um estudo empírico, de carácter exploratório e descritivo, de natureza quantitativa, com recurso a medida de autorrelato, com o método de amostragem por conveniência, cujo objetivo é estudar a prevalência do fenómeno em relacionamentos homossexuais, gays e lésbicos, e estudar um número limitado de fatores de risco encontrados na literatura, nomeadamaente, a idade, a educação, o historial de violência familiar, a presença de perturbações mentais e a presença de consumos. Para o efeito, o instrumento utilizado foi a Escala de Relações Abusivas em Casais Gay e Lésbica (Osório, Soeiro, Sani, & Domingues, 2016, adaptado de Violence and Abuse in Same-Sex Relationships de Noret & Richards, 2003). A amostra do estudo é constituída por 48 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 55 anos (M=26.50; DP=8.011), sendo que 72.9% (n=35) da amostra se identifica como lésbica (sexo feminino) e 27.1% (n=13) se identifica como gay (sexo masculino). Os resultados apresentam elevados índices globais de vitimação e perpetração de violência, nomeadamente na vertente de vitimação (97.6% psicológica; 88.1% física; 47.6% socioeconómica e 33.3% sexual) e perpetração (66.7% psicológica; 45.2% física; 2.4% socioeconómica e 2.4% sexual). A violência psicológica foi a tipologia de abuso mais presente no estudo.


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The third wave of the National Congregations Study (NCS-III) was conducted in 2012. The 2012 General Social Survey asked respondents who attend religious services to name their religious congregation, producing a nationally representative cross-section of congregations from across the religious spectrum. Data about these congregations was collected via a 50-minute interview with one key informant from 1,331 congregations. Information was gathered about multiple aspects of congregations’ social composition, structure, activities, and programming. Approximately two-thirds of the NCS-III questionnaire replicates items from 1998 or 2006-07 NCS waves. Each congregation was geocoded, and selected data from the 2010 United States census or American Community Survey have been appended. We describe NCS-III methodology and use the cumulative NCS dataset (containing 4,071 cases) to describe five trends: more ethnic diversity, greater acceptance of gays and lesbians, increasingly informal worship styles, declining size (but not from the perspective of the average attendee), and declining denominational affiliation.


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Os séculos XX e XXI corresponderam ao agudizar de processos globalizantes potenciados pelas novas tecnologias, quer no âmbito comunicacional, quer industrial, sublinhando dinâmicas de desruralização e de construção de tecidos urbanos densos onde o anonimato se tornou possível na vivência de experiências, outrora reconduzidas ao silêncio do sujeito socialmente isolado. A diferença, enquanto experiência vivida, tornou-se comunitariamente possível, surgindo grupos que delimitam geograficamente determinadas áreas urbanas a que correspondem afinidades eróticas ou de práticas sexuais, inicialmente de gays e lésbicas. Quebra-se na prática a uni-direccionalidade entre sexo e género, entre sexo e sexualidade, questionando-se esquemas de relações assimétricas e modelos de pensamento enraizados (heterossexualidade, patriarcado, machismo, etc.). Rubin (1975 in Lewin 2006, in Vance, 1984) propõe a existência de dois sistemas diferenciados de sexo e género que tornam plausível, sob o ponto de vista analítico, a não correspondência entre sexo, género e sexualidade. O paradigma máximo desta autonomia sistémica alcança-se na construção de uma identidade travesti. Esta identidade mutante, mutável e instável parece acompanhar um mundo de fluxos intensos e interdependências múltiplas. É na sociedade global que as travestis encontram espaço para a vivência comunitária da sua experiência, constituindo-se como um grupo com práticas transnacionais, marcado pela mobilidade de género e geográfica, primeiramente dentro das fronteiras brasileiras e depois para a Europa. Cidade, prostituição e migração surgem como factores chave da disseminação geográfica e identitária desta comunidade. Este projecto tomado sob uma perspectiva global mantêm ou reinventa relações com a estrutura, que aparentemente as apaga enquanto actores sociais e da qual, aparentemente, se auto-excluem.


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Les objectifs généraux de ce mémoire visent à mieux comprendre comment les gais et les lesbiennes d'origine libanaise (primo-migrants ou descendants) vivant à Montréal articulent et négocient leurs identifications ethno-sexuelles à travers la (re)production et la mobilisation de divers capitaux (économique, social, culturel et symbolique). Basée sur sept entrevues menées auprès de cinq femmes lesbiennes et deux hommes gais d’origine libanaise, cette recherche propose d’examiner, en suivant un cadrage intersectionnel, les manières dont les discours identitaires des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise de Montréal sont structurés par les rapports de classe, de genre, de sexualités, d’ethnicité, d’âge, etc. Les chapitres 1 à 3 sont consacrés à la mise en situation théorique et pratique de la recherche. Le chapitre 4 est dédié à l’analyse des subjectivités ethno-sexuelles des répondants.


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Este artículo ofrece un estado del arte de los principales trabajos realizados desde la geografía en torno a la diversidad de experiencias vividas en la ciudad por parte de las mujeres y otros colectivos tradicionalmente olvidados en la planifi cación urbanística por razón de su sexualidad (gays y lesbianas) o su edad (niños).


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Two key determinants of mental health are (a) freedom from discrimination and (b) social connectedness. Same-sex attracted youth who are subjected to violence and discrimination, or who experience homophobia in their everyday lives are at greater risk of mental health problems, including suicidal thoughts and behaviours. As one of the most significant sites of homophobia is the school, a 6-week school-based program designed to help students explore their attitudes to gays and lesbians was developed, called “Pride & Prejudice”. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the program, students’ attitudes were measured before and after their participation. Variables assessed were: beliefs about gender roles, social desirability, attitudes to gay men and lesbians, social connectedness, self-esteem, and attitudes to race. Attitudes towards gay men held by students were significantly more positive after the program, and the level of attendance during the program significantly predicted > this change. A significant positive change also occurred in attitudes towards lesbians. Process evaluation showed that students generally viewed the program positively. From this preliminary data, it can be concluded that school-based programs delivered to individual classes in which students are given the opportunity to explore their attitudes towards lesbians and gay men are likely to lead to a significant reduction in homophobia. Health-promoting schools now have available to them an effective tool for promoting opportunities for students to reflect on their attitudes towards gay men and lesbians, and other aspects of “social diversity”. It is hoped that school-wide implementation of such a program will eventually lead to a reduction in the discrimination same-sex attracted youth often experience (either directly, or indirectly), and improve the social-connectedness of all students.


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In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The existence of intimate partner violence within non heterosexual and/or noncisgendered relationships is gaining greater recognition. There are a handful of community organisations that offer services and assistance to victims and perpetrators of this violence (particularly gay men and lesbians), and the body of research literature in this area is slowly growing. While some critiques warn of the dangers of applying the theoretical and conceptual tools developed to understand relationship violence among heterosexuals directly to queer relationships, the inclusion of queer relationships in these discourses has for the most part been celebrated as a positive step forward, addressing the historical invisibility of sexual minorities in these areas. Nevertheless, the debate about how best to understand and represent the experience of violence in these communities continues, with the focus being to determine whether it is better to expand the tools used to understand heterosexual intimate partner violence to include queer communities, or whether new tools are necessary in order to understand their experiences...


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Despite a large body of literature on the development of sexual orientation, little is known about why some men who marry women have (or develop) a homosexual orientation. In the current study, a selfselected sample of 43 never-married gay men and 26 gay men who were married to a woman completed a self-report questionnaire. As well as obtaining descriptive information from the 26 men about their marriages and reason for marrying, hypotheses were tested, based on five possible explanations for gay men’s marriages: (a) internalised homophobia; (b) religious intolerance (c) confusion created because of childhood/adolescent sexual experiences; (d) poor psychological adjustment; and (e) differences in strength of sexual preference. The two most frequent reasons for marriage were that it “seemed natural”, and a desire to have children and “family life”. The attitudes to gay men and lesbians held currently by the married group were significantly more positive than their reports of their attitudes around the time their marriage commenced, and the level of childhood sexual experiences with adults or older adolescents was significantly associated with the extent of their unsafe sexual practices with men (prior, during and/or after marriage). Marrieds described their families’ religious beliefs as more fundamentalist than never-marrieds. Family adaptability and family cohesion and the degree to which respondents reported having experienced child maltreatment did not distinguished between marrieds and never-marrieds, however these variables did predict the level of self-depreciation. No differences were found between marrieds and never-marrieds’ ratings of their sexual orientation and identity, homophobia, or self-depreciation. The results highlight how little is understood of the reasons why gay men marry, and the need to develop an adequate theoretical model.