997 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual (A1763, A1770)
The A1763 superstructure at z = 0.23 contains the first galaxy filament to be directly detected using mid-infrared observations. Our previous work has shown that the frequency of starbursting galaxies, as characterized by 24 mu m emission is much higher within the filament than at either the center of the rich galaxy cluster, or the field surrounding the system. New Very Large Array and XMM-Newton data are presented here. We use the radio and X-ray data to examine the fraction and location of active galaxies, both active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and starbursts (SBs). The radio far-infrared correlation, X-ray point source location, IRAC colors, and quasar positions are all used to gain an understanding of the presence of dominant AGNs. We find very few MIPS-selected galaxies that are clearly dominated by AGN activity. Most radio-selected members within the filament are SBs. Within the supercluster, three of eight spectroscopic members detected both in the radio and in the mid-infrared are radio-bright AGNs. They are found at or near the core of A1763. The five SBs are located further along the filament. We calculate the physical properties of the known wide angle tail (WAT) source which is the brightest cluster galaxy of A1763. A second double lobe source is found along the filament well outside of the virial radius of either cluster. The velocity offset of the WAT from the X-ray centroid and the bend of the WAT in the intracluster medium are both consistent with ram pressure stripping, indicative of streaming motions along the direction of the filament. We consider this as further evidence of the cluster-feeding nature of the galaxy filament.
As a part of our galaxy-cluster redshift survey, we present a set of 79 new velocities in the 4 clusters Abell 376, Abell 970, Abell 1356, and Abell 2244, obtained at Haute-Provence observatory. This set now completes our previous analyses, especially for the first two clusters. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and we discuss some cluster properties. For A376, we obtained an improved mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.04750 with a velocity dispersion of sigma(V) = 860 km s(-1). For A970, we have (z) over bar = 0.05875 with sigma(V) = 881 km s(-1). We show that the A1356 cluster is not a member of the ""Leo-Virgo"" supercluster at a mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.112 and should be considered just as a foreground group of galaxies at (z) over bar = 0.0689, as well as A1435 at (z) over bar = 0.062. We obtain (z) over bar = 0.09962 for A2244 with sigma(V) = 965 km s(-1). The relative proximity of clusters A2244 and A2245 ((z) over bar = 0.08738, sigma(V) = 992 km s(-1)) suggests that these could be members of a supercluster that would include A2249; however, from X-ray data there is no indication of interaction between A2244 and A2245.
We use multiwavelength data (H I, FUV, NUV, R) to search for evidence of star formation in the intragroup medium of the Hickson Compact Group 100. We find that young star-forming regions are located in the intergalactic H I clouds of the compact group which extend to over 130 kpc away from the main galaxies. A tidal dwarf galaxy (TDG) candidate is located in the densest region of the H I tail, 61 kpc from the brightest group member and its age is estimated to be only 3.3 Myr. Fifteen other intragroup H II regions and TDG candidates are detected in the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) FUV image and within a field 10' x 10' encompassing the H I tail. They have ages <200 Myr, H I masses of 10(9.2-10.4) M(circle dot), 0.001
Context. The Abell 222 and 223 clusters are located at an average redshift z similar to 0.21 and are separated by 0.26 deg. Signatures of mergers have been previously found in these clusters, both in X-rays and at optical wavelengths, thus motivating our study. In X-rays, they are relatively bright, and Abell 223 shows a double structure. A filament has also been detected between the clusters both at optical and X-ray wavelengths. Aims. We analyse the optical properties of these two clusters based on deep imaging in two bands, derive their galaxy luminosity functions (GLFs) and correlate these properties with X-ray characteristics derived from XMM-Newton data. Methods. The optical part of our study is based on archive images obtained with the CFHT Megaprime/Megacam camera, covering a total region of about 1 deg(2), or 12.3 x 12.3 Mpc(2) at a redshift of 0.21. The X-ray analysis is based on archive XMM-Newton images. Results. The GLFs of Abell 222 in the g' and r' bands are well fit by a Schechter function; the GLF is steeper in r' than in g'. For Abell 223, the GLFs in both bands require a second component at bright magnitudes, added to a Schechter function; they are similar in both bands. The Serna & Gerbal method allows to separate well the two clusters. No obvious filamentary structures are detected at very large scales around the clusters, but a third cluster at the same redshift, Abell 209, is located at a projected distance of 19.2 Mpc. X-ray temperature and metallicity maps reveal that the temperature and metallicity of the X-ray gas are quite homogeneous in Abell 222, while they are very perturbed in Abell 223. Conclusions. The Abell 222/Abell 223 system is complex. The two clusters that form this structure present very different dynamical states. Abell 222 is a smaller, less massive and almost isothermal cluster. On the other hand, Abell 223 is more massive and has most probably been crossed by a subcluster on its way to the northeast. As a consequence, the temperature distribution is very inhomogeneous. Signs of recent interactions are also detected in the optical data where this cluster shows a ""perturbed"" GLF. In summary, the multiwavelength analyses of Abell 222 and Abell 223 are used to investigate the connection between the ICM and the cluster galaxy properties in an interacting system.
Aims. Given that in most cases just thermal pressure is taken into account in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to estimate galaxy cluster mass, the main purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of all three non-thermal components to total mass measurements. The non-thermal pressure is composed by cosmic rays, turbulence and magnetic pressures. Methods. To estimate the thermal pressure we used public XMM-Newton archival data of five Abell clusters to derive temperature and density profiles. To describe the magnetic pressure, we assume a radial distribution for the magnetic field, B(r) proportional to rho(alpha)(g). To seek generality we assume alpha within the range of 0.5 to 0.9, as indicated by observations and numerical simulations. Turbulent motions and bulk velocities add a turbulent pressure, which is considered using an estimate from numerical simulations. For this component, we assume an isotropic pressure, P(turb) = 1/3 rho(g)(sigma(2)(r) + sigma(2)(t)). We also consider the contribution of cosmic ray pressure, P(cr) proportional to r(-0.5). Thus, besides the gas (thermal) pressure, we include these three non-thermal components in the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium equation and compare the total mass estimates with the values obtained without them. Results. A consistent description for the non-thermal component could yield a variation in mass estimates that extends from 10% to similar to 30%. We verified that in the inner parts of cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while in non-cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is dominant. For cool core clusters the magnetic pressure is the dominant component, contributing more than 50% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure components. However, for non-cool core clusters, the major influence comes from the cosmic ray pressure that accounts for more than 80% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure effects. For our sample, the maximum influence of the turbulent component to the total mass variation can be almost 20%. Although all of the assumptions agree with previous works, it is important to notice that our results rely on the specific parametrization adopted in this work. We show that this analysis can be regarded as a starting point for a more detailed and refined exploration of the influence of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium (ICM).
We describe a search for compact dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster using the FLAIR spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope. We measured radial velocities of 453 compact galaxies brighter than B-T approximate to 17.3 and found seven new compact dwarf cluster members that were not classified in previous surveys as members of the cluster. These are amongst the most compact, high surface brightness dwarf galaxies known. The inclusion of these galaxies in the cluster does not change the total luminosity function significantly, but they are important because of their extreme nature; one in particular appears to be a dwarf spiral. Three of the new dwarfs have strong emission lines and we identify them as blue compact dwarfs (BCDs), doubling the number of confirmed BCDs in the cluster. We also determined that none of the compact dwarf elliptical (M32-like) candidates is in the cluster, down to an absolute magnitude M-B = -13.2. We have investigated the claim of Irwin et al. that there is no strong relation between surface brightness and magnitude for the cluster members and find some support for this for the brighter galaxies (B-T < 17.3), but fainter galaxies still need to be measured.
A recent all-object spectroscopic survey centred on the Fornax cluster of galaxies has discovered a population of subluminous and extremely compact members, called 'ultra-compact dwarf' (UCD) galaxies. In order to clarify the origin of these objects, we have used self-consistent numerical simulations to study the dynamical evolution a nucleated dwarf galaxy would undergo if orbiting the centre of the Fornax cluster and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. We find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are removed by the strong tidal field of the cluster, whereas the nucleus manages to survive as a result of its initially compact nature. The developed naked nucleus is found to have physical properties (e. g. size and mass) similar to those observed for UCDs. We also find that although this formation process does not have a strong dependence on the initial total luminosity of the nucleated dwarf, it does depend on the radial density profile of the dark halo in the sense that UCDs are less likely to be formed from dwarfs embedded in dark matter haloes with central 'cuspy' density profiles. Our simulations also suggest that very massive and compact stellar systems can be rapidly and efficiently formed in the central regions of dwarfs through the merging of smaller star clusters. We provide some theoretical predictions on the total number and radial number density profile of UCDs in a cluster and their dependencies on cluster masses.
We present BVI photometry of 190 galaxies in the central 4 x 3 deg(2) region of the Fornax cluster observed with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt Telescope. Results from the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) and the Flair-II Fornax Surveys have been used to confirm the membership status of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Catalogue (FCC). In our catalogue of 213 member galaxies, 92 (43 per cent) have confirmed radial velocities. In this paper, we investigate the surface brightness-magnitude relation for Fornax cluster galaxies. Particular attention is given to the sample of cluster dwarfs and the newly discovered ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) from the FCSS. We examine the reliability of the surface brightness-magnitude relation as a method for determining cluster membership and find that at surface brightnesses fainter than 22 mag arcsec(-2), it fails in its ability to distinguish between cluster members and barely resolved background galaxies. Cluster members exhibit a strong surface brightness-magnitude relation. Both elliptical (E) galaxies and dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies increase in surface brightness as luminosity decreases. The UCDs lie off the locus of the relation. B-V and V-I colours are determined for a sample of 113 cluster galaxies and the colour-magnitude relation is explored for each morphological type. The UCDs lie off the locus of the colour-magnitude relation. Their mean V - I colours (similar to1.09) are similar to those of globular clusters associated with NGC 1399. The location of the UCDs on both surface brightness and colour-magnitude plots supports the 'galaxy threshing' model for infalling nucleated dwarf elliptical (dE, N) galaxies.
We present results from a pilot study of a new wide-field, multicolour (BVR) CCD imaging project, designed to examine galaxy evolution along large-scale filaments that connect clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshifts (0.07 < z < 0.20). Our pilot data set is based on 0.56 deg(2) of observations targeted on Abell 1079 and Abell 1084 using the Wide Field Imager on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. We describe our data reduction pipeline and show that our photometric error is 0.04 mag. By selecting galaxies that lie on the colour-magnitude relation of the two clusters we verify the existence of a low-density (similar to3-4 Mpc(-2)) filament population, conjoining them at a distance of > 3r(Abell) from either cluster. By applying a simple field correction, we characterize this filament population by examining their colour distribution on a (V-R)-(B-V) plane. We confirm the galaxian filament detection at a 7.5 sigma level using a cut at M-V = -18 and we discuss their broad properties.
We are undertaking a program to measure the characteristics of the intracluster light ( ICL; total flux, profile, color, and substructure) in a sample of 10 galaxy clusters with a range of cluster mass, morphology, and redshift. We present here the methods and results for the first cluster in that sample, A3888. We have identified an ICL component in A3888 in V and r that contains 13% +/- 5% of the total cluster light and extends to 700 h(70)(-1) kpc (similar to 0.3r(200)) from the center of the cluster. The ICL color in our smallest radial bin is V - r 0.3 +/- 0.1, similar to the central cluster elliptical galaxies. The ICL is redder than the galaxies at 400 h(70)(-1) kpc < r < 700 h(70)(-1) kpc, although the uncertainty in any one radial bin is high. Based on a comparison of V - r color with simple stellar models, the ICL contains a component that formed more than 7 Gyr ago ( at z less than 1) with a high-metallicity ( 1.0 Z(circle dot) < Z(ICL) less than or similar to 2.5 Z(circle dot)) and a more centralized component that contains stars formed within the past 5 Gyr ( at z similar to 1). The profile of the ICL can be roughly fitted by a shallow exponential in the outer regions and a steeper exponential in the central region. We also find a concentration of diffuse light around a small group of galaxies 1.4 h(70)(-1) Mpc from the center of the cluster. In addition, we find three low surface brightness features near the cluster center that are blue ( V - r 0.0) and contain a total flux of 0.1M*. Based on these observations and X-ray and galaxy morphology, we suggest that this cluster is entering a phase of significant merging of galaxy groups in the core, whereupon we expect the ICL fraction to grow significantly with the formation of a cD galaxy, as well as the infall of groups.
We have discovered nine ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Virgo Cluster, extending samples of these objects outside the Fornax Cluster. Using the Two Degree Field (2dF) multifiber spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the new Virgo members were found among 1500 color-selected, starlike targets with 16: 0 < b(j) < 20.2 in a 2 degrees diameter field centered on M87 (NGC 4486). The newly found UCDs are comparable to the UCDs in the Fornax Cluster, with sizes less than or similar to 100 pc, -12.9 < M-B < -10.7, and exhibiting red absorption-line spectra, indicative of an older stellar population. The properties of these objects remain consistent with the tidal threshing model for the origin of UCDs from the surviving nuclei of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies disrupted in the cluster core but can also be explained as objects that were formed by mergers of star clusters created in galaxy interactions. The discovery that UCDs exist in Virgo shows that this galaxy type is probably a ubiquitous phenomenon in clusters of galaxies; coupled with their possible origin by tidal threshing, the UCD population is a potential indicator and probe of the formation history of a given cluster. We also describe one additional bright UCD with M-B = -12.0 in the core of the Fornax Cluster. We find no further UCDs in our Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey down to bj 19.5 in two additional 2dF fields extending as far as 3 degrees from the center of the cluster. All six Fornax bright UCDs identified with 2dF lie within 0.degrees 5 (projected distance of 170 kpc) of the central elliptical galaxy NGC 1399.
Aims. We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 1942 based on a set of 128 velocities obtained at the European Southern Observatory. Methods. Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the determined velocities as some properties of the cluster are discussed. We have also made use of publicly available Chandra X-ray data. Results. We obtained an improved mean redshift value z = 0.22513 +/- 0.0008 and velocity dispersion sigma = 908(139)(+147) km s(-1). Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of similar to 1.5 h(70)(-1) Mpc (similar to 7 arcmin) the cluster is well relaxed, without any remarkable features and the X-ray emission traces the galaxy distribution fairly well. Two possible optical substructures are seen at similar to 5 arcmin from the centre in the northwest and the southwest directions, but are not confirmed by the velocity field. These clumps are, however, kinematically bound to the main structure of Abell 1942. X-ray spectroscopic analysis of Chandra data resulted in a temperature kT = 5.5+/-0.5 keV and metal abundance Z = 0.33 +/- 0.15 Z(circle dot). The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the T(X-sigma) scaling relation is in good agreement with the measured galaxy velocities. Our photometric redshift analysis suggests that the weak lensing signal observed to the south of the cluster and previously attributed to a ""dark clump"" is produced by background sources, possibly distributed as a filamentary structure.
The Perseus galaxy cluster is known to present multiple and misaligned pairs of cavities seen in X-rays, as well as twisted kiloparsec-scale jets at radio wavelengths; both morphologies suggest that the active galactic nucleus (AGN) jet is subject to precession. In this work, we performed three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the interaction between a precessing AGN jet and the warm intracluster medium plasma, whose dynamics are coupled to a Navarro-Frenk-White dark matter gravitational potential. The AGN jet inflates cavities that become buoyantly unstable and rise up out of the cluster core. We found that under certain circumstances precession can originate multiple pairs of bubbles. For the physical conditions in the Perseus cluster, multiple pairs of bubbles are obtained for a jet precession opening angle >40 degrees acting for at least three precession periods, reproducing both radio and X-ray maps well. Based on such conditions, assuming that the Bardeen-Peterson effect is dominant, we studied the evolution of the precession opening angle of this system. We were able to constrain the ratio between the accretion disk and the black hole angular momenta as 0.7-1.4. We were also able to constrain the present precession angle to 30 degrees-40 degrees, as well as the approximate age of the inflated bubbles to 100-150 Myr.
We present a new insight on NGC 6034 and UGC 842, two groups of galaxies previously reported in the literature as being fossil groups. The study is based on optical photometry and spectroscopy obtained with the CTIO Blanco telescope and Sloan Digital Sky Survey archival data. We find that NGC 6034 is embedded in a large structure, dominated by three rich clusters and other small groups. Its first and next four ranked galaxies have magnitude differences in the r band and projected distances which violate the optical criteria to classify it as a fossil group. We confirm that the UGC 842 group is a fossil group, but with about half the velocity dispersion that is reported in previous works. The velocity distribution of its galaxies reveals the existence of two structures in its line of sight, one with sigma(nu) similar to 223 km s(-1) and another with sigma(nu) similar to 235 km s(-1), with a difference in velocity of similar to 820 km s(-1). The main structure is dominated by passive galaxies, while these represent similar to 60% of the second structure. The X-ray temperature for the intragroup medium of a group with such a velocity dispersion is expected to be kT similar to 0.5-1 keV, against the observed value of kT similar to 1.9 keV reported in the literature. This result makes UGC 842 a special case among fossil groups because (1) it represents more likely the interaction between two small groups, which warms the intragroup medium and/or (2) it could constitute evidence that member galaxies lost energy in the process of spiraling toward the group center, and decreased the velocity dispersion of the system. As far as we know, UGC 842 is the first low-mass fossil group studied in detail.
Context. The cosmic time around the z similar to 1 redshift range appears crucial in the cluster and galaxy evolution, since it is probably the epoch of the first mature galaxy clusters. Our knowledge of the properties of the galaxy populations in these clusters is limited because only a handful of z similar to 1 clusters are presently known. Aims. In this framework, we report the discovery of a z similar to 0.87 cluster and study its properties at various wavelengths. Methods. We gathered X-ray and optical data (imaging and spectroscopy), and near and far infrared data (imaging) in order to confirm the cluster nature of our candidate, to determine its dynamical state, and to give insight on its galaxy population evolution. Results. Our candidate structure appears to be a massive z similar to 0.87 dynamically young cluster with an atypically high X-ray temperature as compared to its X-ray luminosity. It exhibits a significant percentage (similar to 90%) of galaxies that are also detected in the 24 mu m band. Conclusions. The cluster RXJ1257.2+4738 appears to be still in the process of collapsing. Its relatively high temperature is probably the consequence of significant energy input into the intracluster medium besides the regular gravitational infall contribution. A significant part of its galaxies are red objects that are probably dusty with on-going star formation.