998 resultados para functional observer


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This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a reduced-order linear functional state observer for linear stochastic systems. The order of the observer is the same as the dimension of the vectors to be estimated. A simple design algorithm is given together with a numerical example to illustrate the simplicity of the design procedure.


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This paper presents an efficient technique to design low order state function observers for linear time-delay systems. Assuming the existence of a linear state feedback controller to achieve stability or some control performance criteria of the time-delay system, a design procedure is proposed for
reconstruction of the state feedback control action. The procedure involves solving an optimisation problem with the objective to generate a matrix that is as close as possible to the given feedback gain of the required feedback controller. A condition for robust stability of the time-delay system using the observer-based control scheme is given. The attractive features of the proposed design procedure are that the resulted linear functional state observer is of a very low order and it requires information of a small number of outputs. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the design procedure and its merits.


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Functional observers estimate a linear function of the state vector directly without having to estimate all the individual states. In the past various observer structures have been employed to design such functional estimates. In this paper we discuss the generality of those various observer structures and prove the conditions under which those observer structures are unified. The paper also highlights and clarifies the need to remove the self-convergent states from the system and also from the functions to be estimated before proceeding with the design of a functional observer or else incorrect conclusions regarding the existence of functional observers can be arrived at.


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This paper presents a functional observer based fault detection method. The fault detection is achieved using a functional observer based fault indicator that asymptotically converges to a fault indicator that can be derived based on the nominal system. The asymptotic value of the proposed fault indicator is independent of the functional observer parameters and also the convergence rate of the fault indicator can be altered by choosing appropriate functional observer parameters. The advantage of using this new method is that the observed system is not necessarily needed to be observable; therefore, the proposed fault detection technique is also applicable for systems where state observers cannot be designed; moreover, the functional observer fault detection scheme is always of reduced order in comparison to a state observer based scheme.


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This paper proposes a partially distributed functional observer scheme for a class of interconnected linear systems with very strong non-instantaneous subsystems interaction and with time delays in the local states and in the transmission of output information from the remote subsystems. A set of easily verifiable existence conditions is established and upon its satisfaction, simple distributed observers are designed using a straightforward design procedure. Simulation results of a numerical example are given to substantiate the feasibility of the approach.


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A delay-dependent functional observer is designed for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with time-varying input delay. Compared to delay-free observers, delay-dependent functional observers are less conservative and cover more systems. The designed functional observer is with minimum possible order (minimal). Necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of the observer and asymptomatic stability of it are illustrated. The proposed observer is extended to multiple input delayed systems with time-varying delays. An algorithm is developed for designing of the minimal order observer based on the methodology of this paper. Two numerical examples and simulations are used to support our proposed methodology.


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Partial state estimation of dynamical systems provides significant advantages in practical applications. Likewise, pre-compensator design for multi variable systems invokes considerable increase in the order of the original system. Hence, applying functional observer to pre-compensated systems can result in lower computational costs and more practicability in some applications such as fault diagnosis and output feedback control of these systems. In this note, functional observer design is investigated for pre-compensated systems. A lower order pre-compensator is designed based on a H2 norm optimization that is designed as the solution of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Next, a minimum order functional observer is designed for the pre-compensated system. An LTI model of an irreversible chemical reactor is used to demonstrate our design algorithm, and to highlight the benefits of the proposed schemes.


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This paper presents a novel residual generator that uses minimum-order functional observers to trigger actuator and component faults in time-delay systems. We first present a fault detection scheme and derive existence conditions of the residual generator and functional observer. The observer and residual parameters are then systematically determined via solving some coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations. To deal with the time-delay issue, a stabilizability condition expressed in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) is derived to ensure the time-delay observer error system converges to zero with a prescribed convergence rate. Our design approach has the advantage that the designed fault detection scheme has lower order than existing results in the literature. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.


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This paper examines the design of minimal-order residual generators for the purpose of detecting and isolating actuator and/or component faults in dynamical systems. We first derive existence conditions and design residual generators using only first-order observers to detect and identify the faults. When the first-order functional observers do not exist, then based on a parametric approach to the solution of a generalized Sylvester matrix equation, we develop systematic procedures for designing residual generators utilizing minimal-order functional observers. Our design approach gives lower-order residual generators than existing results in the literature. The advantages for having such lower-order residual generators are obvious from the economical and practical points of view as cost saving and simplicity in implementation can be achieved, particularly when dealing with high-order complex systems. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed fault detection and isolation schemes. In all of the numerical examples, we design minimum-order residual generators to effectively detect and isolate actuator and/or component faults in the system.


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This paper presents a novel common functional observer scheme for three systems with unknown inputs. The scheme uses three observers in cascade with two logic switches. The existence conditions of the scheme are investigated and presented in terms of the original system matrices. Significantly, the conditions allow the observers to be designed independently of each other which greatly simplify the design process, and also serve as a basis of comparison for future development of common functional observer schemes. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


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This paper considers a class of uncertain, nonlinear differential state delayed control systems and presents a reduced-order observer design procedure to asymptotically estimate any vector state functionals. The method proposed involves decomposition of the delayed portion of the system into two parts: a matched and mismatched part. Provided that the rank of the mismatched part is less than the number of the outputs, a reduced-order linear functional observer, with any prescribed stability margin, can be constructed by using a simple procedure. A numerical example is given to illustrate the new design procedure and its features.


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This paper considers the design of a common linear functional observer for two linear time-invariant systems with unknown inputs. A structure for a common observer which only uses the available output information is proposed. Here, for the proposed structure, we show that the simultaneous functional observation problem of two plants is reduced to a problem of designing two observers: the first is a full-order unknown input observer of one of the two systems; the second observer is a common unknown input observer of a system comprises two-connected systems. In general, the existence conditions for the second observer are very difficult to satisfy. This paper thus concludes that it is indeed very difficult to find a common observer for two linear systems with unknown inputs.


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This paper presents a methodological approach to design dynamic output feedback sliding-mode control for a class of uncertain dynamical systems. The control action consists of the equivalent control and robust control components. The design of the equivalent control and the sliding function are based on the pole-placement technique. Linear functional observers are developed to implement the sliding function and the equivalent control. Stability of the resulting system under the proposed control scheme is guaranteed. A numerical example is given to demonstrate its efficacy.


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Darouach [1] recently derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of functional observers with an order, p, equals to the dimension m of the vectors to be estimated. In general, these conditions are difficult to satisfy and when they are not, the only available option is to increase the order of the functional observers. This note presents new conditions for the existence of a general pth-order functional observer. Systematic procedures for the synthesis of reduced-order functional observers are given. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedures.


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This paper presents a solution to the problem of designing a common linear functional observer that can observe a partial set of the state vector of two linear systems with unknown inputs. A new structure of a decoupled linear functional observer is proposed for systems subject unknown disturbances, using only the available output information. Existence conditions as well as a design procedure are given for constructing the proposed observer. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new observer structure.