999 resultados para freshwater reservoir offset


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Freshwater reservoir effects (FRE) can cause a major problem with radiocarbon dating human skeletal material in the Eurasian steppe. We present the first results of research into the extent of the FRE in the sites of Borly 4 (Eneolithic), and Shauke 1 and 8b (Early Bronze Age), North-Eastern Kazakhstan. AMS 14C dating and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of associated groups of samples (32 samples, 11 groups in total) demonstrate that: a) the diet of the humans and fauna analysed was based on the C3 foodchain with no evidence of a C4 plant (such as millet) contribution; aquatic resources apparently were a continuous dietary feature for the humans; b) the first 14C dates obtained for the Upper and Middle Irtysh River region attribute the Eneolithic period of the area to the 34th-30th c. BC, and the Early Bronze Age – to the 25th-20th c. BC; there is a ca. 450 years hiatus between the two periods; c) the maximum fish-herbivore freshwater reservoir offset observed equals 301±47 14C yrs. As such, 14C dates from aquatic and human samples from the area need to be interpreted with caution as they are likely to be affected by the offset (i.e. appear older).
The paper also discusses the effect of a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) wash on δ13C, δ15N, C:Natomic levels and collagen yields of the bone samples. Our results indicate a minor but significant effect of NaOH treatment only on C:Natomic ratios of the samples.


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Freshwater reservoir effects (FRE) can cause a major problem with radiocarbon dating human skeletal material in the Eurasian steppe. Recent research has demonstrated that, for the Eneolithic to Early Bronze Age sites of North-Eastern Kazakhstan, the maximum fish-herbivore freshwater reservoir offset observed equals 301±47 14C yrs, as such indicating that 14C dates from aquatic and human samples from the area apparently need to be interpreted with caution as they are likely to be affected by the offset. The current paper presents the new data on the FRE of the Eneolithic to the Early Iron Age sites of Kazakhstan and South of Siberia.


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Climate variability along the 600 km Tibbitt to Contwyoto Winter Road (TCWR) in central Northwest Territories is poorly understood. With the transportation of goods from Yellowknife to the mines projected to increase significantly as new mines open, it is critical that planners and mine developers have reasonable data on the future viability of the road, as alternative transportation costs (e.g. air transport) are prohibitively high.

The research presented here is part of a paleoclimate study based on the analysis of multiple proxy data derived from freeze cores in lakes along the TCWR.


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There is a major problem with dating human skeletal material in Eurasian
steppe, possibly due to the freshwater reservoir effects (FRE). The goal of the
project is to examine the extent of the FRE in key areas of Siberia and
Kazakhstan through AMS 14C dating and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S)
analysis of c. 150 archaeological and modern samples. Here, we present the
very first results of the tests. We hope that within next years the study will
provide advanced knowledge of FRE across the region; improved 14C sampling
protocols for 14C and isotopic studies; new data on the chronology, diet and
isotopic ecology of particular archaeological sites, and a database on the
extent and variability of the FRE in the region


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Freshwater resources in past diets can lead to inaccuracies when attempts are made to ascertain their radiocarbon ages or those of the consumers. Radiocarbon reservoir effects may lead to significant age offsets when the bones or other tissues of these consumers are radiocarbon dated. A number of recent studies have investigated freshwater reservoir offsets. However no study thus far has satisfactorily obtained a ubiquitous freshwater reservoir correction due to variability in the ecosystems analysed. This study tests the possibility of predicting freshwater reservoir effects from the carbonate alkalinity of the water with measurements on modern fish bone and water samples. A predictive capability would be especially valuable in the absence of well-preserved archaeological fish bone. We surveyed samples from lakes and rivers in varying geological settings in Britain and Ireland. Modern fish bone and water samples were analysed to investigate modern radiocarbon offsets from the atmosphere. Archaeological fish bone was also analysed to examine past reservoir offsets at selected sites. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values were measured to aid in interpretation of any variability in the offsets. Large freshwater reservoir offsets were measured in some modern and archaeological samples (maximum offset = 1638 14C years). The freshwater reservoir offsets in the fish bone were highly correlated with alkalinity of water in modern lake sites analysed. However, a high amount of variation within and between fish species was also evident in the results, precluding the possibility of providing regional corrections for freshwater reservoir offsets from alkalinity although this still may provide a general guideline. The variability is thought to be due to differences in the diet of individual fish.


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The Jutland peninsula in northern Denmark is home to the Limfjord, one of the largest estuarine bodies of water in the region. Human inhabitance of the Limfjord’s surrounding coastlines stretches back further than 7,800 cal BP, with anthropogenic influence on the landscape beginning approximately 6,000 cal BP. Understanding how the Limfjord as a system has changed throughout time is useful in comprehending subsistence patterns and anthropogenic influence. This research is part of a larger project aimed at discerning subsistence patterns and environmental change in the region. Following the Younger Dryas, as the Fennoscandian ice sheet began to melt, Denmark experienced isostatic rebound, which contributed to the complex sea level history in the region. Between ice melt and isostatic rebound, the Jutland peninsula experienced many transgression and regression events. Connections to surrounding seas have shifted throughout time, with most attention focused on the western connection of the Limfjord with the North Sea, which has experienced numerous closures and subsequent re-openings throughout the Holocene. Furthermore, the Limfjord-North Sea connection has been the focal point of research because of the west to east water flow in the system, and the present day higher salinity in the west compared to the east. Little to no consideration has been paid to the influence of the Kattegat and Baltic on the Limfjord until now. A 10m sediment core was taken from Sebbersund (near Nibe, Limfjord), along the connection between the Limfjord and the Kattegat in the east to understand how the eastern part of the system has changed and differed from changes observed in the west. The Sebbersund sequence spans a majority of the Holocene, from 9600 cal BP to 1030 cal BP, determined via radiocarbon dating of terrestrial macrofossils and bulk sediment. Over this time period palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed through the use of geochemical analyses (13C, 15N, C:N), physical sediment analyses, dinoflagellate cyst abundances and molluscan analyses. apart from two instances of low salinity, one at the top and one at the bottom of the core, the sequence has a strong marine signal for a majority of the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of bulk sediment samples showed the presence of old carbon in the system, creating an age offset between 1,300 ± 200 and 2,800 ± 200 calibrated 14C years compared to the age-depth curve based on the terrestrial macrofossils. This finding, along with the strong marine influence in the system, discerned through geochemical data, dinoflagellate cyst and mollusc counts, is important for obtaining accurate radiocarbon ages in the region and stresses the importance of understanding both the marine and freshwater reservoir effects. The marine dominance in the eastern Limfjord differs from the west, which is characterized by a number of freshwater events when the North Sea connection was closed off during the Holocene. The eastern connection was open to the Kattegat throughout a large portion of the Holocene, with influx of open ocean water entering the system during periods of higher sea level.


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Despite it is widely acknowledged that the ability to hydrolyze dissolved organic matter using extracellular phosphatases is diverse in fresh water phytoplankton, the competition within single species related to presence and quantity of cell-surface-bound phosphatases has not been examined in natural conditions yet. Here, we studied phytoplankton species competition in a freshwater reservoir during an in situ experiment. A natural plankton community, with the exclusion of large zooplankton, was enclosed in permeable dialysis bags inside two large containers of different bioavailable phosphate concentrations. Phytoplankton species biomass and the abundance of bacteria were determined in purpose to compare the development of enclosed microbial communities. Total and cell-surface-bound phosphatase activities in the phytoplankton were investigated using the Fluorescently Labelled Enzyme Activity (FLEA) technique that allows for direct microscopic detection of phosphatase-positive cells and, with image cytometry, enables quantification of phosphatase hydrolytic capacity. Production of extracellular phosphatases was not completely inhibited or stopped in the phosphate-enriched environment, phytoplankton cells only showed the activity less often. Under the phosphate-nonenriched conditions, the production of phosphatases was enhanced, but active species did not proliferate amongst phytoplankton assemblage. Further, specific growth rates of the phosphatase-positive species in the non-enriched environment were lower than the same phosphatase-positive species in phosphate-enriched environment. Interestingly, the phosphatase-positive cells of Ankyra ancora increased their size in both treatments equally, although the population in phosphate-enriched environment grew much faster and the cell-specific phosphatase activity was lower. We hypothesize that brand new daughter cells had sufficient phosphorus reserves and therefore did not employ extracellular phosphatases until they matured and needed extra bioavailable phosphorus to support their metabolism before cell division. Based on presented in situ experiment, we propose that the ability to hydrolyze organic polymers and particles with cell-surface-hound phosphatases is advantageous for longer persistence of given population in a phosphate-scarce environment; although phosphatase-positive species cannot dominate the reservoir phytoplankton solely because of specific phosphorus-scavenging strategy.


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Thermal permafrost degradation and coastal erosion in the Arctic remobilize substantial amounts of organic carbon (OC) and nutrients which have accumulated in late Pleistocene and Holocene unconsolidated deposits. Permafrost vulnerability to thaw subsidence, collapsing coastlines and irreversible landscape change are largely due to the presence of large amounts of massive ground ice such as ice wedges. However, ground ice has not, until now, been considered to be a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and other elements which are important for ecosystems and carbon cycling. Here we show, using biogeochemical data from a large number of different ice bodies throughout the Arctic, that ice wedges have the greatest potential for DOC storage, with a maximum of 28.6 mg/L (mean: 9.6 mg/L). Variation in DOC concentration is positively correlated with and explained by the concentrations and relative amounts of typically terrestrial cations such as Mg2+ and K+. DOC sequestration into ground ice was more effective during the late Pleistocene than during the Holocene, which can be explained by rapid sediment and OC accumulation, the prevalence of more easily degradable vegetation and immediate incorporation into permafrost. We assume that pristine snowmelt is able to leach considerable amounts of well-preserved and highly bioavailable DOC as well as other elements from surface sediments, which are rapidly frozen and stored in ground ice, especially in ice wedges, even before further degradation. We found that ice wedges in the Yedoma region represent a significant DOC (45.2 Tg) and DIC (33.6 Tg) pool in permafrost areas and a freshwater reservoir of 4200 km**3. This study underlines the need to discriminate between particulate OC and DOC to assess the availability and vulnerability of the permafrost carbon pool for ecosystems and climate feedback upon mobilization.


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A new species of Allocreadium, Allocreadium danjiangensis n. sp., is described from the intestine of several species of freshwater fish, including Abbottina rivularis (Basilewsky, 1855), Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis nigripinns (Gunther, 1873), Gnathopogon argentatus (Sauvage et Dabry 1874), Opsariichthys uncirostris bidens (Gunther, 1873), and Erythroculter mongolicus mongolicus (Basilewsky, 1855) (Cyprinidae) from the Danjiangkou Reservoir in central China. The main morphological characters of the new species are as follows: vitelline follicles numerous, extending from the level of acetabulum to posterior extremity, distributed over both sides around the ceca; cirrus sac relatively large, developed, lying obliquely anterior to the acetabulum, extending from the level of the intestinal bifurcation to the central level of acetabulum, and overlapping left or right cecal; and ovary much smaller than testes, generally close to or even overlapping the anterior border of anterior testis. Observation by scanning electron microscopy shows only 2 kinds of tegumental formations, i.e., papillae and tubercles, instead of 3 types of tegumental formations, i.e., papillae, bosses, and minute sensor receptors observed on other species of the Allocreadiidae. The tegumental striations of the present species vary on the different parts of the body. In addition, a new structure, identified as the "groove" with a tonguelike tubercle, was observed on the inner wall of acetabulum.


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An Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) has been used to investigate the freshwater sensitivity of secondary corrensite (regularly interstratified chlorite/smectite) and chlorite-rich chlorite/smectite in order to determine whether hydrocarbon reservoirs hosting these clays should be regarded as freshwater sensitive. ESEM experiments involved an examination and close comparison of selected clay areas in three samples at high magnification before, during and after prolonged freshwater treatments. Corrensite and chlorine/smectite in the samples did not visibly swell when immersed in fresh water. After soaking in fresh water for up to three months, these clays retained their original morphology and associated porosity. Hence, the presence of corrensite or chlorite/smectite in a hydrocarbon reservoir need not indicate that the reservoir is freshwater sensitive. © 1994.


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The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to image liquid hydrocarbons in sandstones and oil shales. Additionally, the fluid sensitivity of selected clay minerals in hydrocarbon reservoirs was assessed via three case studies: HCl acid sensitivity of authigenic chlorite in sandstone reservoirs, freshwater sensitivity of authigenic illite/smectite in sandstone reservoirs, and bleach sensitivity of a volcanic reservoir containing abundant secondary chlorite/corrensite. The results showed the suitability of using ESEM for imaging liquid hydrocarbon films in hydrocarbon reservoirs and the importance of simulating in situ fluid-rock interactions for hydrocarbon production programmes. In each case, results of the ESEM studies greatly enhanced prediction of reservoir/borehole reactions and, in some cases, contradicted conventional wisdom regarding the outcome of potential engineering solutions. (C) 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The water sensitivity of authigenic smectite- and illite-rich illite/smectites in sandstone reservoirs has been investigated using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). The ESEM enabled the illite/smectites to be directly observed in situ at high magnification during freshwater immersion, and was also particularly effective in allowing the same selected illite/smectite areas to be closely compared before and after freshwater treatments. The tendency of authigenic smectite-rich illite/smectite to swell on contact with fresh water varies greatly. Smectite-rich illite/smectite may osmotically swell to many times its original volume to form a gel which greatly reduces porosity and permeability, or may undergo only a subtle morphological change which has little or no adverse effect on reservoir quality. Authigenic illite-rich illite/smectite in sandstones does not swell when immersed in fresh water. Even after prolonged soaking in fresh water, illite-rich illite/smectite particles retain their original morphology. Accordingly, illite-rich illite/smectite in sandstones is unlikely to cause formation damage if exposed to freshwater-based fluids. © 1993.


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. Inland capture fisheries in India have declined in recent years, leaving thousands of fishers to sink deeper into poverty. Freshwater aquaculture in small water bodies like ponds now contributes 80% of the country¡¯s inland fish production. This manual outlines the use of small reservoir for freshwater aquacultureas a means of providing rural areas with food and livelihoods and protecting aquatic ecosystems, in particular by facilitating the conservation of indigenous fish species. (PDF contains 22 pages)


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There are over 2,300 lakes over 1 km2 in China (total area 80 000 km2). In addition there are approximately 87 000 reservoirs with a storage capacity of 413 billion m3. These form the main supply of drinking water as well as water for industrial and agricultural production and aquaculture. Because of a lack of understanding of the frailty of lake ecosystems and poor environmental awareness, human activities have greatly affected freshwater systems. This article focuses on the problems of one water supply reservoir, Dalangdian Reservoir, and considers options for improving its management. Dalangdian Reservoir is described and occurrence of algal genera given. The authors conclude with remarks on the future of the Dalangdian Reservoir.