949 resultados para fractional urea clearance
Many studies have demonstrated the relationship between dialysis dose and survival. Global mortality is similar among men and women; however, the influence of dialysis dose in the survival could be more intensive between women. Therefore, we conduct an observational study to evaluate the gender-related impact of single pool Kt/V (spKt/V) on the survival of patients submitted to hemodialysis in a university hospital. We found that survival was lower in groups with spKt/V smaller than 1.2 than in those with Kt/V between 1.2 and 1.4. Among female patients, spKt/V smaller than 1.2 had a more adverse effect in survival than among men with a comparable Kt/V. Otherwise, among women, the dialysis dose had an impact in survival even with Kt/V greater than 1.4. Thus, fractional urea clearance more heavily influenced the survival of females than males in hemodialysis patients.
Purpose: Malnutrition is a strong predictor of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Several scoring systems for evaluating nutritional status have been proposed. However, they rely on different sets of anthropometric and laboratory markers to make a diagnosis of malnutrition and assess its impact on prognosis. To validate them, nutritional scores should be compared with clinical outcomes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess malnutrition by three different nutrition scoring systems and determine which best predicts mortality in hemodialysis patients. Methods: This prospective study included 106 adult chronic hemodialysis patients. Their mean age was 56.3 ± 14.9 years and mean body mass index 24.8 (21.8-28.9); 52 % were men and they had been on dialysis for 24 (5-55) months. Nutritional status was classified according to the diagnostic systems proposed by Wolfson et al. (Am J Clin Nutr 39(4):547-555, 1984), International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM) (Fouque et al. in Kidney Int 73(4):391-398, 2008), and Beberashvili et al. (Nephrol Dial Transplant 25(8):2662-2671, 2010). During about 2 years of follow-up, mortality was assessed by Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank, and Cox's models adjusted for diabetes, sex, C-reactive protein, time on dialysis, age, and fractional urea clearance. Results: Twenty-three deaths (21.5 %) occurred during the study period. According to the systems of Wolfson, Beberashvili, and the ISRNM, 54, 32, and 20 % of patients, respectively, had malnutrition. Both univariate and multivariate analyses showed that the ISRNM system was the only one that predicted poorer survival (fourfold higher death risk) in malnourished patients. Conclusions: The scoring system proposed by the ISRNM most accurately identifies patients at higher risk of death. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Purpose: There is no consensus on the optimal method to measure delivered dialysis dose in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The use of direct dialysate-side quantification of dose in preference to the use of formal blood-based urea kinetic modeling and simplified blood urea nitrogen (BUN) methods has been recommended for dose assessment in critically-ill patients with AKI. We evaluate six different blood-side and dialysate-side methods for dose quantification. Methods: We examined data from 52 critically-ill patients with AKI requiring dialysis. All patients were treated with pre-dilution CWHDF and regional citrate anticoagulation. Delivered dose was calculated using blood-side and dialysis-side kinetics. Filter function was assessed during the entire course of therapy by calculating BUN to dialysis fluid urea nitrogen (FUN) ratios q/12 hours. Results: Median daily treatment time was 1,413 min (1,260-1,440). The median observed effluent volume per treatment was 2,355 mL/h (2,060-2,863) (p<0.001). Urea mass removal rate was 13.0 +/- 7.6 mg/min. Both EKR (r(2)=0.250; p<0.001) and K-D (r(2)=0.409; p<0.001) showed a good correlation with actual solute removal. EKR and K-D presented a decline in their values that was related to the decrease in filter function assessed by the FUN/BUN ratio. Conclusions: Effluent rate (ml/kg/h) can only empirically provide an estimated of dose in CRRT. For clinical practice, we recommend that the delivered dose should be measured and expressed as K-D. EKR also constitutes a good method for dose comparisons over time and across modalities.
BACKGROUND Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in dogs. Few studies have assessed sequential changes in indices of kidney function in dogs with naturally occurring AKI. OBJECTIVE To document sequential changes of conventional indices of renal function, to better define the course of AKI, and to identify a candidate marker for recovery. ANIMALS Ten dogs with AKI. METHODS Dogs were prospectively enrolled and divided into surviving and nonsurviving dogs. Urine production was measured with a closed system for 7 days. One and 24-hour urinary clearances were performed daily to estimate solute excretion and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Solute excretion was calculated as an excretion ratio (ER) and fractional clearance (FC) based on both the 1- and 24-hour urine collections. RESULTS Four dogs survived and 6 died. At presentation, GFR was not significantly different between the outcome groups, but significantly (P = .03) increased over time in the surviving, but not in the nonsurviving dogs. Fractional clearance of Na decreased significantly over time (20.2-9.4%, P < .0001) in the surviving, but not in the nonsurviving dogs. The ER and FC of solutes were highly correlated (r, 0.70-0.95). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPACT Excretion ratio might be used in the clinical setting as a surrogate marker to follow trends in solute excretion. Increased GFR, urine production, and decreased FC of Na were markers of renal recovery. The FC of Na is a simple, noninvasive, and cost-effective method that can be used to evaluate recovery of renal function.
Alguns trabalhos demonstraram que a planta, Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí) é rica em polifenóis e que uma dieta rica em polifenóis pode estar envolvida na proteção contra o risco cardiovascular. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento com o extrato hidroalcoólico do caroço do açaí (ASE) (200mg/Kg/dia), sobre as alterações renais, cardiovasculares, metabólicas, morfológicas e o estresse oxidativo na prole adulta com dezesseis semanas, cujas mães foram submetidas a uma dieta hipoprotéica durante a gestação. Quatro grupos de ratas foram alimentados com dietas experimentais: controle (20% de proteínas); controle + ASE (20% de proteína + ASE); hipoprotéica (6% de proteína); hipoprotéica + ASE (6% de proteína + ASE) durante a gestação. Após o desmame, todos os filhotes passaram a ser alimentados com uma dieta controle e foram sacrificados com 4 meses de idade. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) foi medida por pletismografia de cauda e o efeito vasodilatador da acetilcolina (ACh) e nitroglicerina (NG) foi avaliado em leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) perfundido. Foram determinados o peso corporal, níveis séricos de colesterol total, triglicerídeos, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), albumina, uréia, creatinina, glicose, insulina, resistência à insulina (índice de Homa IR), sódio, potássio e a renina plasmática. Foi avaliada a depuração de creatinina, volume de urina, excreção fracionada de sódio (EFNa) e o número de glomérulos renais. O dano oxidativo, níveis de nitrito e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes: superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase foram dosados no plasma e homogenato de rim. O peso corporal foi menor no grupo hipoprotéico e recuperado com ASE. A PAS foi aumentada no grupo hipoprotéico e revertida pelo tratamento com ASE. Os níveis de renina plasmática foram aumentados no grupo hipoprotéico e reduzidos com ASE. A resposta vasodilatadora à ACh em LAM estava reduzida no grupo hipoprotéico com ASE houve uma melhora dessa resposta.O efeito vasodilatador da NG não foi diferente entre os grupos. No grupo hipoprotéico também foi observado o aumento dos níveis de triglicerídeos, colesterol total, uréia, creatinina, glicose e insulina, os mesmos foram reduzidos pelo ASE. Não houve diferença nos níveis de HDL, sódio, potássio, depuração de creatinina e volume urinário nos grupos estudados. Os níveis de malondialdeído e carbonilação de proteínas estavam aumentados e os níveis de nitrito reduzidos no grupo hipoprotéico e foram revertidos pelo ASE. As atividades das enzimas antioxidantes no plasma e no rim foram reduzidas no grupo hipoprotéico e aumentadas pelo ASE, com exceção da catalase que não apresentou diferença entre os grupos. Os animais hipoprotéicos apresentaram redução no número de glomérulos renais e aumento da EFNa e o tratamento com ASE preveniu as alterações renais encontradas neste modelo. Em conclusão, o ASE parece proteger a prole, cujas mães foram expostas a uma dieta com pouca proteína durante a gestação, através do efeito anti-hipertensivo, vasodilatador e antioxidante observado neste trabalho.
In this paper, the effect of seal clearance on the efficiency of a turbine with a shrouded rotor is compared with the effect of the tip clearance when the same turbine has an unshrouded rotor. The shrouded versus unshrouded comparison was undertaken for two turbine stage designs one having 50% reaction the other having 24% reaction. Measurements for a range of clearances, including very small clearances, showed three important phenomena. Firstly, as the clearance is reduced, there is a "break-even clearance" at which both the shrouded turbine and the unshrouded turbine have the same efficiency. If the clearance is reduced further, the unshrouded turbine performs better than the shrouded turbine, with the difference at zero clearance termed the "offset loss". This is contrary to the traditional assumption that both shrouded and unshrouded turbines have the same efficiency at zero clearance. The physics of the break-even clearance and the offset loss are discussed. Secondly, the use of a lower reaction had the effect of reducing the tip leakage efficiency penalty for both the shrouded and the unshrouded turbines. In order to understand the effect of reaction on the tip leakage, an analytical model was used and it was found that the tip leakage efficiency penalty should be understood as the dissipated kinetic energy rather than either the tip leakage mass flow rate or the tip leakage loss coefficient. Thirdly, it was also observed that, at a fixed flow coefficient, the fractional change in the output power with clearance was approximately twice the fractional change in efficiency with clearance. This was explained by using an analytical model. © 2010 by ASME.
In this paper, the effect of seal clearance on the efficiency of a turbine with a shrouded rotor is compared with the effect of the tip clearance when the same turbine has an unshrouded rotor. The shrouded versus unshrouded comparison was undertaken for two turbine stage designs one having 50% reaction, the other having 24% reaction. Measurements for a range of clearances, including very small clearances, showed three important phenomena. Firstly, as the clearance is reduced, there is a "break-even clearance" at which both the shrouded turbine and the unshrouded turbine have the same efficiency. If the clearance is reduced further, the unshrouded turbine performs better than the shrouded turbine, with the difference at zero clearance termed the "offset loss." This is contrary to the traditional assumption that both shrouded and unshrouded turbines have the same efficiency at zero clearance. The physics of the break-even clearance and the offset loss are discussed. Secondly, the use of a lower reaction had the effect of reducing the tip leakage efficiency penalty for both the shrouded and the unshrouded turbines. In order to understand the effect of reaction on the tip leakage, an analytical model was used and it was found that the tip leakage efficiency penalty should be understood as the dissipated kinetic energy rather than either the tip leakage mass flow rate or the tip leakage loss coefficient. Thirdly, it was also observed that, at a fixed flow coefficient, the fractional change in the output power with clearance was approximately twice the fractional change in efficiency with clearance. This was explained by using an analytical model. © 2014 by ASME.
It is well-known that glucagon increases fractional excretion of urea in rats after a protein intravenous infusion. This effect was investigated by using: (a) in vitro microperfusion technique to measure [(14)C]-urea permeability (Pu x 10(-5) cm/s) in inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) from normal rats in the presence of 10(-7) M of glucagon and in the absence of vasopressin and (b) immunoblot techniques to determine urea transporter expression in tubule suspension incubated with the same glucagon concentration. Seven groups of IMCDs (n = 47) were studied. Our results revealed that: (a) glucagon decreased urea reabsorption dose-dependently; (b) the glucagon antagonist des-His(1)-[Glu(9)], blocked the glucagon action but not vasopressin action; (c) the phorbol myristate acetate, decreased urea reabsorption but (d) staurosporin, restored its effect; e) staurosporin decreased glucagon action, and finally, (f) glucagon decreased UT-A1 expression. We can conclude that glucagon reduces UT-A1 expression via a glucagon receptor by stimulating PKC.
Justificativa: Doses inadequadas de diálise estão associadas a maior morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes com uremia terminal em tratamento hemodialítico. Atualmente os métodos mais utilizados para medir a adequação da hemodiálise baseiam-se no cálculo da depuração fracional de uréia (Kt/V) e da taxa de redução da uréia (URR). Nesse estudo avaliou-se a reprodutibilidade do Kt/V e da URR e analisou-se o número aceitável de medidas mensais destes parâmetros para determinar de forma fidedigna a adequação da hemodiálise. Métodos: Avaliamos 43 pacientes clinicamente estáveis, em cinco sessões de hemodiálise (sessões 1 a 5), durante três semanas. Três diálises consecutivas na primeira semana (sessões 1, 2, 3) e duas sessões de meio de semana, nas duas semanas subseqüentes (sessões 4 e 5). Resultados: Não houve diferença entre a média dos Kt/Vs obtidos em diálises seqüenciais (1, 2 e 3) comparada a média dos Kt/Vs obtidos em diálises no meio da semana (2, 4 e 5). O mesmo aconteceu com a URR e com os coeficientes de variação do Kt/V e da URR. Também não encontramos diferença entre uma medida mensal (Kt/V 2) e três medidas mensais (média dos Kt/Vs 2, 4 e 5). O mesmo ocorreu com a URR. A diferença entre o Kt/V 2 e a média dos Kt/Vs 2, 4 e 5 foi de – 0,02 unidades e entre a URR 2 em relação a média das URRs 2, 4 e 5 foi de – 0,5%. Além disso, se fizermos apenas uma medida mensal (Kt/V 2) 80% dos pacientes estarão a uma distância de no máximo 0,16 unidades abaixo da média dos Kt/Vs 2, 4 e 5 e no máximo 0,12 unidades acima. Em relação a URR 80% dos pacientes estarão a uma distância de no máximo 4,37% abaixo da média das URRs 2, 4 e 5 e no máximo 3,37% acima. O grau de concordância entre o Kt/V 2 e a média dos Kt/Vs 2, 4 e 5 é bom para pontos de corte do Kt/V igual ou superior a 1,3. No caso da URR a concordância é boa para pontos de corte acima de 65%. Conclusão: Concluímos que nesta população de pacientes clinicamente estáveis os parâmetros de adequação da hemodiálise mostraram-se reprodutíveis não havendo necessidade de aumentar o número de medidas mensais da quantidade de diálise ofertada.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função renal de cães sadios, sob dois protocolos para administração de cisplatina. MÉTODOS: Todos os animais foram submetidos a três sessões de quimioterapia com cisplatina (60mg/m², iv) a intervalos de 21 dias. Foi realizada fluidoterapia com solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%, (25mL/kg/hora,iv), durante duas horas e, após administração de cisplatina, por mais uma hora. Os animais do grupo 2 receberam furosemida (2mg/kg, iv) 20 minutos antes da administração da cisplatina. A avaliação da função renal foi feita por exame clinico, urinálise, concentrações séricas de uréia e creatinina, clearance de creatinina, excreção fracionada de sódio e de potássio e razão proteína: creatinina urinária. As avaliações foram feitas imediatamente antes e 1, 2, 5, e 21 dias após cada uma das três sessões de quimioterapia. RESULTADOS: Mantiveram-se dentro da normalidade, não sendo detectados sinais de lesões ou insuficiência renal. Os animais que não receberam furosemida sofreram aumento gradativo nas concentrações séricas de creatinina e diminuição no clearance da mesma. CONCLUSÃO: O regime de fluidoterapia empregado mostra ser efetivo em minimizar a ação nefrotóxica da cisplatina e benefício adicional importante é obtido pela administração de furosemida.
BACKGROUND: Kinetic assessment of urea, the main end product of protein metabolism, could serve to assess protein catabolism in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Protein malnutrition and catabolism are poorly documented in CKD and they often are neglected clinically because of a lack of appropriate evaluation tools. HYPOTHESIS: Generation and excretion of urea are altered in dogs with CKD. ANIMALS: Nine dogs with spontaneous CKD (IRIS stages 2-4) and 5 healthy research dogs. METHODS: Endogenous renal clearance (Clrenal) of urea and creatinine was measured first. Exogenous plasma clearance (Clplasma, total body clearance) of the 2 markers then was determined by an IV infusion of urea (250-1,000 mg/kg over 20 minutes) and an IV bolus of creatinine (40 mg/kg). Extrarenal clearance (Clextra) was defined as the difference between Clplasma)and Clrenal. Endogenous urea generation was computed assuming steady-state conditions. RESULTS: Median Clrenal and Clextra of urea were 2.17 and 0.21 mL/min/kg in healthy dogs and 0.37 and 0.28 mL/min/kg in CKD dogs. The proportion of urea cleared by extrarenal route was markedly higher in dogs with glomerular filtration rate<1 mL/kg/min than in normal dogs, reaching up to 85% of the total clearance. A comparable pattern was observed for creatinine excretion, except in 1 dog, Clextra remained<20% of Clplasma. CONCLUSION: Extrarenal pathways of urea excretion are predominant in dogs with advanced CKD and justify exploring adjunctive therapies based on enteric nitrogen excretion in dogs. A trend toward increased urea generation may indicate increased catabolism in advanced CKD.
Hypernatraemia is common in critically ill patients and has been shown to be an independent predictor of mortality. Osmotic urea diuresis can cause hypernatraemia due to significant water losses but is often not diagnosed. Free water clearance (FWC) and electrolyte free water clearance (EFWC) were proposed to quantify renal water handling. We aimed to (i) identify patients with hypernatraemia due to osmotic urea diuresis and (ii) investigate whether FWC and EFWC are helpful in identifying renal loss of free water.
OBJECTIVE To determine plasma and urine concentrations of retinol, retinyl esters, retinol-binding protein (RBP), and Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) in dogs with chronic renal disease (CRD). ANIMALS 17 dogs with naturally developing CRD and 21 healthy control dogs. PROCEDURE A diagnosis of CRD was established on the basis of clinical signs, plasma concentrations of creatinine and urea, and results of urinalysis. Concentrations of retinol and retinyl esters were measured by use of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Concentrations of RBP and THP were measured by use of sensitive ELISA systems. RESULTS Dogs with CRD had higher plasma concentrations of retinol, which were not paralleled by differences in plasma concentrations of RBP. Calculated ratio of urinary total vitamin A (sum of concentrations of retinol and retinyl esters to creatinine concentration) and ratio of the concentration of urinary retinyl esters to creatinine concentration did not differ between groups. However, we detected a significantly higher retinol-to-creatinine ratio in the urine of dogs with CRD, which was paralleled by a higher urinary RBP-to-creatinine ratio. Thus, in dogs with CRD, the estimated fractional clearance of total vitamin A, retinol, and RBP was increased. Furthermore, dogs with CRD had a reduced urinary THP-to-creatinine ratio. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results of this study documented that CRD affects the concentrations of retinol in plasma and urine of dogs. Analysis of the data indicates that measurement of urinary RBP and urinary THP concentrations provides valuable information that can be helpful in follow-up monitoring of dogs with CRD.
It is claimed often in the H. pylori literature that spontaneous clearance (infection loss without attempts to treat) is uncommon, though little evidence supports this claim. Emerging evidence suggests that spontaneous clearance may be frequent in young children; however, factors that determine persistence of untreated H. pylori infection in childhood are not well understood. The author hypothesized that antibiotics taken for common infections cause spontaneous clearance of H. pylori infection in children. The Pasitos Cohort Study (19982005) investigated predictors of acquisition and persistence of H. pylori infection in children from El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, enrolled prenatally at maternal-child clinics. Children were screened for infection at target intervals of 6 months from 6-84 months of age by the 13C-urea breath test corrected for body-size-dependent variation in CO2 production. This dissertation aimed to estimate the risk of spontaneous clearance at the next test following an initial detected H. pylori infection (first detected clearance), estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the risk of first detected clearance (risk difference), and estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the rate of first detected infection (rate ratio). Data on infection status and medication history were available for 608 children followed for a mean of 3.5 years. Among 265 subjects with a first detected infection, 218 had a subsequent test, and among them, the risk of first detected clearance was 68% (95% CI: 61-74%). Children who took antibiotics during the interval between first detected infection and next test had an increased probability (risk difference of 10 percentage points) of a first detected clearance. However, there was also a similar effect of average antibiotic use >0 courses across all intervals preceding the next test. Average antibiotic exposure across all intervals preceding the first detected infection appeared to have a much stronger protective effect than interval/specific exposure when estimating incidence rate ratios (0.45 vs. 1.0). Incidental antibiotic exposure appears to influence the acquisition and duration of childhood H. pylori infection, however, given that many exposed children acquired the infection and many unexposed children cleared the infection, antibiotic exposure does not explain all infection events. ^