247 resultados para fossé de rösti


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Quand le bilinguisme individuel résout les conflits linguistiques collectifs Frontière linguistique et discours identitaires à Fribourg/Freiburg : la perspective des jeunes adultes bilingues Cette thèse aborde la question linguistique fribourgeoise et l’importance de la langue à Fribourg / Freiburg (Suisse) dans la cohabitation de ses habitants. Elle porte également sur les points de discorde des groupes linguistiques, l’influence de la langue sur la construction des identités (collectives) et son rôle comme marqueur de différenciation entre les Fribourgeois alémaniques et romands. À cette fin, une analyse de discours portant sur un débat mené dans les quotidiens fribourgeois La Liberté et les Freiburger Nachrichten a été réalisée pour établir le contexte du travail. Ce débat, d’une durée de quatre ans, portait sur la nouvelle constitution cantonale. De plus, 17 entrevues furent menées auprès de 18 jeunes adultes bilingues (français et allemand) fribourgeois, afin d’aborder la question linguistique depuis une nouvelle perspective. L’analyse de discours a démontré l’existence de différentes perceptions de l’identité collective fribourgeoise, perceptions souvent liées à l’appartenance à un groupe linguistique : d’une part, la perception d’une ville francophone comptant une minorité germanophone prédomine chez les Fribourgeois romands, alors que, d’autre part, la perception d’une ville traditionnellement bilingue caractérise davantage les Fribourgeois alémaniques, divisant ainsi les Fribourgeois en deux camps. Les uns aspirent à une identité collective (bilingue) qui inclue l’altérité respective, tandis que les autres tentent de renforcer leur propre identité en soulignant l’altérité et en négligeant plutôt les points communs. Les entrevues réalisées ont démontré que la langue est le principal marqueur de différenciation des Fribourgeois alémaniques et romands – bien avant certains paramètres tels que les normes et valeurs, la mentalité, la religion, les habitudes de vie ou la culture. Les informateurs bilingues et la plupart du temps biculturels montrent des attitudes et perceptions particulières : se distinguant de plusieurs argumentaires présents dans l’analyse de discours, ceux-ci s’approprient les deux camps et montrent un sentiment d’appartenance avec le Fribourg romand et alémanique. Ce faisant, ils dénouent la majorité des sources de conflit et des contradictions de la question linguistique fribourgeoise. Leurs attitudes et perceptions spécifiques en font les médiateurs des groupes linguistiques dans le canton-pont et posent des questions potentiellement désagréables aux acteurs sociaux impliqués dans le débat linguistique fribourgeois.


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A key trait of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development is its distributed nature. Nevertheless, two project-level operations, the fork and the merge of program code, are among the least well understood events in the lifespan of a FOSS project. Some projects have explicitly adopted these operations as the primary means of concurrent development. In this study, we examine the effect of highly distributed software development, is found in the Linux kernel project, on collection and modelling of software development data. We find that distributed development calls for sophisticated temporal modelling techniques where several versions of the source code tree can exist at once. Attention must be turned towards the methods of quality assurance and peer review that projects employ to manage these parallel source trees. Our analysis indicates that two new metrics, fork rate and merge rate, could be useful for determining the role of distributed version control systems in FOSS projects. The study presents a preliminary data set consisting of version control and mailing list data.


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A key trait of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development is its distributed nature. Nevertheless, two project-level operations, the fork and the merge of program code, are among the least well understood events in the lifespan of a FOSS project. Some projects have explicitly adopted these operations as the primary means of concurrent development. In this study, we examine the effect of highly distributed software development, is found in the Linux kernel project, on collection and modelling of software development data. We find that distributed development calls for sophisticated temporal modelling techniques where several versions of the source code tree can exist at once. Attention must be turned towards the methods of quality assurance and peer review that projects employ to manage these parallel source trees. Our analysis indicates that two new metrics, fork rate and merge rate, could be useful for determining the role of distributed version control systems in FOSS projects. The study presents a preliminary data set consisting of version control and mailing list data.


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Memorial address.


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Lukas Foss's The Prairie, a seven-movement cantata for SATB soloists, mixed chorus, and orchestra, is a well-crafted and audience-friendly setting of the poem of the same name by Carl Sandburg. Acclaimed at its 1944 premiere, The Prairie has not enjoyed a robust performance history due in large part to numerous inconsistencies between the score and parts which render the work challenging to perform. Heretofore, each conductor has individually located these inconsistencies and made the necessary adjustments for performances. In this document, resources have been assembled which identify and correct many of the inconsistencies, thus facilitating more performances in the future. The Prairie is an ideal vehicle for a project-based chorus, which is itself an opportunity to create a new community. A correlation may exist between "community" and "vulnerability;" that is, when a choral singer feels comfortably connected to fellow singers, he or she may be more likely to open up to new ways of making sounds for the ultimate service of the music. Results are inconclusive, but the project points to a successful strategy for creating an affirming new community and to positive musical and nonmusical results of intentional community-building.


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Contém resumo


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Letter (1 typed page) to Louis J. Cahill from the managing editor at Knox, Harvie and Foss [this is the letterhead] asking about the Roebling Bridge, July 7, 1948.


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Letter (1 typed page) to Louis J. Cahill from the Managing Editor [no indication of who he works for – same signature as is on the Knox, Harvie and Foss letter] saying that he has found various references to Samuel Zimmerman being active in the erection of the first suspension bridge and its Roebling successor, July 20, 1948.


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Inclut la bibliographie


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Topics include: Semicontinuity, equicontinuity, absolute continuity, metric spaces, compact spaces, Ascoli’s theorem, Stone Weierstrass theorem, Borel and Lebesque measures, measurable functions, Lebesque integration, convergence theorems, Lp spaces, general measure and integration theory, Radon- Nikodyn theorem, Fubini theorem, Lebesque-Stieltjes integration, Semicontinuity, equicontinuity, absolute continuity, metric spaces, compact spaces, Ascoli’s theorem, Stone Weierstrass theorem, Borel and Lebesque measures, measurable functions, Lebesque integration, convergence theorems, Lp spaces, general measure and integration theory, Radon-Nikodyn theorem, Fubini theorem, Lebesque-Stieltjes integration.