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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää asuntosijoittamisen kilpailukykyisyyttä eläkesäästämismuotona. Vertailu tehdään kvantitatiivisena ja vertailukohtana ovat ns. perinteiset eläkesäästämismuodot, kuten rahastosijoitus, osakesijoitus, eläkevakuutus ja pankkitilisijoitus. Vertailu on tehty neljällä eri sijoittajaprofiililla. Profiilit eroavat toisistaan säästöajan ja säästösumman suhteen. Kaikissa tapauksissa kokonaissäästösumma on 36 000 euroa. Asuntosijoituksen lähtökohtana on osakehuoneisto, joka vuokrataan eteenpäin asumiskäyttöön. Asunnon ostoon otetaan pankkilaina, jota maksetaan pois vuokratuloilla sekä omalla osuudella niin, että kuukausittainen omaosuus lainan lyhennyksestä olisi vastaavan suuruinen kuin vaihtoehtoissijoituksen ns. perinteiseen eläkesäästämistuotteeseen. Tutkielmassa esiintyvät laskelmat on tehty Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla. Analyysissä keskitytään ensisijaisesti analysoimaan verojen ja kaikkien kulujen jälkeistä sijoitusten loppuarvoa, todellista vuosittaista tuottoprosenttia sekä koko sijoitetun pääoman tuottoprosenttia koko sijoitusajalta.
Although the physical and technological properties of modified rubbers were compared with those of conventional rubbers in the earlier studies reviewed above, the extent of energy saving possible by their use has not been quantified. In the present work it is proposed to determine the energy saving possible by using the following forms of natural rubber: 1. Oil extended natural rubber, 2. peptised natural rubber, 3. latex stage compounds. The process of production and quality control of the above types of processed rubbers are proposed to be standardised. It is also planned to work out a methodology for utilising field coagula for production of constant viscosity rubbers. The variation in processing properties of rubber from popular Indian clones will be examined and those with energy advantages in the processing stage will be identified. In conclusion a recommendation for adoption of a commercially advantageous processing procedure among Indian rubber plantation industry is also given.
Originally published , 1856, under title: The Joint stock companies act, 1856. cf. Brit. mus. Catalogue.
Dendritic cells (DCs) have been described as initiators and modulators of the immune response. Recently we have shown a predominant production of interleukin-10 cytokine, low levels of interferon-gamma and inefficient T cell proliferation in patients with severe forms of chromoblastomycosis. Chromoblastomycosis starts with subcutaneous inoculation of Fonsecaea pedrosoi into tissue where DCs are the first line of defence against this microorganism. In the present study, the interaction of F. pedrosoi and DCs obtained from patients with chromoblastomycosis was investigated. Our results showed that DCs from patients exhibited an increased expression of human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR) and co-stimulatory molecules. In the presence of conidia, the expression of HLA-DR and CD86 was up-regulated by DCs from patients and controls. Finally, we demonstrate the reversal of antigen-specific anergy and a T helper type 1 response mediated by DCs incubated with F. pedrosoi conidea.
The relative contribution of dissolved nitrogen (ammonium and dissolved free amino acids DFAAs) to the nitrogen budget of the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis was assessed for colonies growing on control and ammonium-enriched reefs at One Tree Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) during the ENCORE (Enrichment of Nutrient on Coral Reef; 1993 to 1996) project. P. damicornis acquired ammonium at rates of between 5.1 and 91.8 nmol N cm(-2) h(-1) which were not affected by nutrient treatment except in the case of one morph. In this case, uptake rates decreased from 80.5 to 42.8 nmol cm(-2) h(-1) (P < 0.05) on exposure to elevated ammonium over 12 mo. The presence or absence of light during measurement did not influence the uptake of ammonium ions. Nitrogen budgets revealed that the uptake of ammonium from concentrations of 0.11 to 0.13 mu M could completely satisfy the demand of growing P. damicornis for new nitrogen. P. damicornis also took up DFAAs at rates ranging from 4.9 to 9.8 nmol N cm(-2) h(-1). These rates were higher in the dark than in the light (9.0 vs 5.1 nmol m(-2) h(-1), P < 0.001). Uptake rates were highest for the amino acids serine, arginine and alanine, and lowest for tyrosine. DFAA concentrations within the ENCORE microatolls that received ammonium were undetectable, whereas they ranged up to 100 nM within the control microatolls. The contribution of DFAAs to the nitrogen budget of P. damicornis constituted only a small fraction of the nitrogen potentially contributed by ammonium under field conditions. Even at the highest field concentrations measured during this study, DFAAs could contribute only similar or equal to 11.3% of the nitrogen demand of P. damicornis. This contribution, however, may be an important source of nitrogen when other sources such as ammonium are scarce or during periods when high concentrations of DFAAs become sporadically available (e.g. cell breakage during fish-grazing).
The purification and crystallization of two different crystal forms of the two-domain protein bovine cyclophilin 40 is reported. Tetragonal crystals grown in methyl pentanediol belong to space group P4(2)22 with unit-cell parameters a = 94.5, c = 118.3 Angstrom. Long thin needles grown from PEG belong to space group C2 with unit-cell parameters a = 125.71, b = 47.3, c = 74.6 Angstrom, beta = 93.90 degrees. The N-terminal 170 amino acids have significant homology with the well characterized human cyclophilin A. The C-terminal domain is largely made up of three copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat motif thought to be involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. Cyclophilins are frequently found as domains in larger multidomain proteins. To date, only X-ray structures of single-domain cyclophilins have been reported, and this work provides the first example of the purification and crystallization of a larger protein containing a cyclophilin domain.
INTRODUCTION: Operational classification of leprosy based on the number of skin lesions was conceived to screen patients presenting severe forms of the disease to enable their reception of a more intense multidrug regimen without having to undergo lymph smear testing. We evaluated the concordance between operational classification and bacilloscopy to define multibacillary and paucibacillary leprosy. METHODS: We selected 1,213 records of individuals with leprosy, who were untreated (new cases) and admitted to a dermatology clinic in Recife, Brazil, from 2000 to 2005, and who underwent bacteriological examination at diagnosis for ratification of the operational classification. RESULTS: Compared to bacilloscopy, operational classification demonstrated 88.6% sensitivity, 76.9% specificity, a positive predictive value of 61.8%, and a negative predictive value of 94.1%, with 80% accuracy and a moderate kappa index. Among the bacilloscopy-negative cases, 23% had more than 5 skin lesions. Additionally, 11% of the bacilloscopy-positive cases had up to 5 lesions, which would have led to multibacillary cases being treated as paucibacillary leprosy if the operational classification had not been confirmed by bacilloscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Operational classification has limitations that are more obvious in borderline cases, suggesting that in these cases, lymph smear testing is advisable to enable the selection of true multibacillary cases for more intense treatment, thereby contributing to minimization of resistant strain selection and possible relapse.
Background: Event-related potentials (ERPs) may be used as a highly sensitive way of detecting subtle degrees of cognitive dysfunction. On the other hand, impairment of cognitive skills is increasingly recognised as a hallmark of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). We sought to determine the psychophysiological pattern of information processing among MS patients with the relapsing-remitting form of the disease and low physical disability considered as two subtypes: 'typical relapsing-remitting' (RRMS) and 'benign MS' (BMS). Furthermore, we subjected our data to a cluster analysis to determine whether MS patients and healthy controls could be differentiated in terms of their psychophysiological profile.Methods: We investigated MS patients with RRMS and BMS subtypes using event-related potentials (ERPs) acquired in the context of a Posner visual-spatial cueing paradigm. Specifically, our study aimed to assess ERP brain activity in response preparation (contingent negative variation -CNV) and stimuli processing in MS patients. Latency and amplitude of different ERP components (P1, eN1, N1, P2, N2, P3 and late negativity -LN) as well as behavioural responses (reaction time -RT; correct responses -CRs; and number of errors) were analyzed and then subjected to cluster analysis. Results: Both MS groups showed delayed behavioural responses and enhanced latency for long-latency ERP components (P2, N2, P3) as well as relatively preserved ERP amplitude, but BMS patients obtained more important performance deficits (lower CRs and higher RTs) and abnormalities related to the latency (N1, P3) and amplitude of ERPs (eCNV, eN1, LN). However, RRMS patients also demonstrated abnormally high amplitudes related to the preparation performance period of CNV (cCNV) and post-processing phase (LN). Cluster analyses revealed that RRMS patients appear to make up a relatively homogeneous group with moderate deficits mainly related to ERP latencies, whereas BMS patients appear to make up a rather more heterogeneous group with more severe information processing and attentional deficits. Conclusions: Our findings are suggestive of a slowing of information processing for MS patients that may be a consequence of demyelination and axonal degeneration, which also seems to occur in MS patients that show little or no progression in the physical severity of the disease over time.
Background: Models of the maintenance of sex predict that one reproductive strategy, sexual or parthenogenetic, should outcompete the other. Distribution patterns may reflect the outcome of this competition as well as the effect of chance and historical events. We review the distribution data of sexual and parthenogenetic biotypes of the planarian Schmidtea polychroa. Results: S. polychroa lives in allopatry or sympatry across Europe except for Central and North-Western Europe, where sexual individuals have never been reported. A phylogenetic relationship between 36 populations based on a 385 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene revealed that haplotypes were often similar over large geographic distances. In North Italian lakes, however, diversity was extreme, with sequence differences of up to 5% within the same lake in both sexuals and parthenogens. Mixed populations showed "endemic" parthenogenetic lineages that presumably originated from coexisting sexuals, and distantly related ones that probably result from colonization by parthenogens independent from sexuals. Conclusions: Parthenogens originated repeatedly from sexuals, mainly in Italy, but the same may apply to other Mediterranean regions (Spain, Greece). The degree of divergence between populations suggests that S. polychroa survived the ice ages in separate ice-free areas in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and re-colonised Europe after the retreat of the major glaciers. Combining these results with those based on nuclear markers, the data suggest that repeated hybridisation between sexuals and parthenogenetic lineages in mixed populations maintains high levels of genetic diversity in parthenogens. This can explain why parthenogens persist in populations that were originally sexual. Exclusive parthenogenesis in central and western populations suggests better colonisation capacity, possibly because of inbreeding costs as well
Cotyledonary b-galactosidases were isolated and partially purified from Pitiúba cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) quiescent seeds. The purification steps consisted of precipitation of the crude extract with ammonium sulphate in the range of 20-60% saturation, acid precipitation, DEAE-Sephadex ion-exchange chromatography and Lactosyl-Sepharose affinity chromatography. This purification process gave rise to three b-galactosidases-rich fractions: b-gal I, b-gal II and b-gal III, which were purified about 5, 509, and 62 fold, respectively. They reached maximal enzyme activity at different pH ranges: 3.5-4.5 for b-gal I, 3.0-3.5 for b-gal II, and 3.0-4.0 for b-gal III. Their maximal activities were reached when the temperature of the assay medium was 60° C, and preincubation of the enzymes at different temperatures has shown that they were heat-stable up to 50° C. There were no significant differences among the partially purified enzymes as far as their response to the different effectors tested, except for Mn2+ and EDTA, which affected differently b-gal I, b-gal II, and b-gal III. They were slightly affected by Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Co2+, tartarate, molybdate, glucose, and lactose, strongly inhibited by Cu2+ and galactose, and inactivated by Hg2+. These chemical and physical properties are similar to the ones found for other plant b-galactosidases. Although through this process of purification three isoforms of this enzyme were obtained, isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide slab gel of these enzyme-proteins suggest that cotyledons of Pitiúba cowpea quiescent seeds possess four isoforms of b-galactosidases.
The present thesis work focuses on hole doped lanthanum manganites and their thin film forms. Hole doped lanthanum manganites with higher substitutions of sodium are seldom reported in literature. Such high sodium substituted lanthanum manganites are synthesized and a detailed investigation on their structural and magnetic properties is carried out. Magnetic nature of these materials near room temperature is investigated explicitly. Magneto caloric application potential of these materials are also investigated. After a thorough investigation of the bulk samples, thin films of the bulk counterparts are also investigated. A magnetoelectric composite with ferroelectric and ferromagnetic components is developed using pulsed laser deposition and the variation in the magnetic and electric properties are investigated. It is established that such a composite could be realized as a potential field effect device. The central theme of this thesis is also on manganites and is with the twin objectives of a material study leading to the demonstration of a device. This is taken up for investigation. Sincere efforts are made to synthesize phase pure compounds. Their structural evaluation, compositional verification and evaluation of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties are also taken up. Thus the focus of this investigation is related to the investigation of a magnetoelectric and magnetocaloric application potentials of doped lanthanum manganites with sodium substitution. Bulk samples of sodium substituted lanthanum manganites. Bulk samples of sodium substituted lanthanum manganites with Na substitution ranging from 50 percent to 90 percent were synthesized using a modified citrate gel method and were found to be orthorhombic in structure belonging to a pbnm spacegroup. The variation in lattice parameters and unit cell volume with sodium concentration were also dealt with. Magnetic measurements revealed that magnetization decreased with increase in sodium concentrations.
The host defense mechanism in chromoblastomycosis has not been thoroughly investigated. It has been suggested that cell- mediated immunity in patients with long- standing chromoblastomycosis is somehow impaired. As a result, these individuals became unable to develop an efficient immune reaction. Many studies have shown that monocyte- derived macrophages exhibit critical activities in immunity to microorganisms. Moreover, the ability of cells from the monocytic lineage to process and present antigens, to produce cytokines, and to provide costimulatory signals confirms their pivotal role in the initiation of specific immune responses. In the present study, it was observed that monocytes from patients with a severe form of disease had a higher production of IL- 10 and a lower expression of HLA- DR and costimulatory molecules when stimulated with specific antigen or LPS. Immune modulation with recombinant IL- 12 or anti- IL- 10 can restore the antigen- specific Th1- type immune response in chromoblastomycosis patients by up- regulating HLA- DR and costimulatory molecules in monocytes. Therefore, our data show that monocytes from patients with different clinical forms of chromoblastomycosis present distinct phenotypic and functional profiles. This observation suggests possible mechanisms that control the T cell response and influence their role in the development of pathology.
Study of 22 patients with the severe form of neurocysticercosis treated with albendazole (ABZ) administered in 6 different schedules ranging from 15 to 30 mg/kg/day for 21 to 60 days. Dextrochloropheniramine and ketoprofen were the adjuvant drugs Multiple symptoms were observed in 90 9% of patients. Intracranial hypertension was manifested in 90.9%. Hydrocephaly occurred in 86.4%. Evolution was satisfactory in 10 patients, 8 died and 4 had sequelae. Tomographic studies showed the appearance of an isolated IVth ventricle in 9 patients, after ventriculoperitoneal shunt, before ABZ treatment in 3 of them, during in 5 and after treatment in one. Median clinical follow-up duration was 10 months for the patients who died and 3-4 years for survivors. In 3 patients there was an increase in cyst size during the administration of the 15 mg/kg/day ABZ dose, which was not observed in any patient when the 30 mg/kg/day dose was used.
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