949 resultados para forearm blood flow


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We compared the effects of exercise training on neurovascular control and functional capacity in men and women with chronic heart failure (HF). Forty consecutive HF outpatients from the Heart Institute, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil were divided into the following four groups matched by age: men exercise-trained (n = 12), men untrained (n = 10), women exercise-trained (n = 9), women untrained (n = 9). Maximal exercise capacity was determined from a maximal progressive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was recorded directly using the technique of microneurography. There were no differences between groups in any baseline parameters. Exercise training produced a similar reduction in resting MSNA (P = 0.000002) and forearm vascular resistance (P = 0.0003), in men and women with HF. Peak VO(2) was similarly increased in men and women with HF (P = 0.0003) and VE/VCO(2) slope was significantly decreased in men and women with HF (P = 0.0007). There were no significant changes in left-ventricular ejection fraction in men and women with HF. The benefits of exercise training on neurovascular control and functional capacity in patients with HF are independent of gender.


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[EN] 1. The present study examined whether the blood flow to exercising muscles becomes reduced when cardiac output and systemic vascular conductance decline with dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat. A secondary aim was to determine whether the upward drift in oxygen consumption (VO2) during prolonged exercise is confined to the active muscles. 2. Seven euhydrated, endurance-trained cyclists performed two bicycle exercise trials in the heat (35 C; 40-50 % relative humidity; 61 +/- 2 % of maximal VO2), separated by 1 week. During the first trial (dehydration trial, DE), they bicycled until volitional exhaustion (135 +/- 4 min, mean +/- s.e.m.), while developing progressive dehydration and hyperthermia (3.9 +/- 0.3 % body weight loss; 39.7 +/- 0.2 C oesophageal temperature, Toes). In the second trial (control trial), they bicycled for the same period of time while maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids and stabilizing Toes at 38.2 +/- 0.1 C after 30 min exercise. 3. In both trials, cardiac output, leg blood flow (LBF), vascular conductance and VO2 were similar after 20 min exercise. During the 20 min-exhaustion period of DE, cardiac output, LBF and systemic vascular conductance declined significantly (8-14 %; P < 0.05) yet muscle vascular conductance was unaltered. In contrast, during the same period of control, all these cardiovascular variables tended to increase. After 135 +/- 4 min of DE, the 2.0 +/- 0.6 l min-1 lower blood flow to the exercising legs accounted for approximately two-thirds of the reduction in cardiac output. Blood flow to the skin also declined markedly as forearm blood flow was 39 +/- 8 % (P < 0.05) lower in DE vs. control after 135 +/- 4 min. 4. In both trials, whole body VO2 and leg VO2 increased in parallel and were similar throughout exercise. The reduced leg blood flow in DE was accompanied by an even greater increase in femoral arterial-venous O2 (a-vO2) difference. 5. It is concluded that blood flow to the exercising muscles declines significantly with dehydration, due to a lowering in perfusion pressure and systemic blood flow rather than increased vasoconstriction. Furthermore, the progressive increase in oxygen consumption during exercise is confined to the exercising skeletal muscles.


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The interaction between local and reflexive control of skin blood flow (SkBF) is unclear. This thesis isolated the roles of rectal (Tre) and local (Tloc) temperature on forearm SkBF regulation at normal and elevated body temperatures, and to investigate the interaction between local and reflexive SkBF control. While either normothermic (Tre ~37.0°C) or hyperthermic (∆Tre +1.1°C), SkBF was assessed on the dorsal aspect of each forearm in 10 participants while Tloc was manipulated in an A-B-A-B fashion between neutral (33.0°C) and hot (38.5°C). Finally, local heating to 44°C was performed to elicit maximal SkBF. Data are presented as a percentage of maximal cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), calculated as laser-Doppler flux divided by mean arterial pressure. Tloc manipulations performed during normothermia had significantly greater effects on CVC than during hyperthermia. The decreased modification to SkBF from the Tloc changes during hyperthermia suggests that strong reflexive vasodilation attenuates local SkBF control mechanisms.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the post-ischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with normal blood pressure during treatment. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty hypertensive patients (group A) with a normal clinic blood pressure (<140/ 90 mmHg) receiving antihypertensive treatment (any monotherapy; one pill per day for at least 6 months) had their treatment discontinued. Before medication withdrawal and 2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks thereafter, the following measurements were made: clinic blood pressure, home blood pressure (three times per week, morning and evening) and skin blood flow response to a 5 min forearm arterial occlusion (using laser Doppler flowmetry). The patients were asked to perform an ambulatory blood pressure recording at any time if home blood pressure was > or =160/95 mmHg on two consecutive days, and treatment was initiated again, after determination of the skin hyperemic response, if daytime ambulatory blood pressure was > or =140/90 mmHg. The same studies were performed in 20 additional hypertensive individuals in whom antihypertensive treatment was not withdrawn (group B). The allocation of patients to groups A and B was random. RESULTS: The data fom 18 patients in group A who adhered strictly to the procedure were available for analysis. Seven of them had to start treatment again within the first 4 weeks of follow-up; four additional patients started treatment again during the next 8 weeks (group A1). The seven other patients remained untreated (group A2). The skin hyperemic response decreased significantly in patients in group A1 and returned to baseline values at the end of the study, when there were again receiving antihypertensive treatment. In patients in group A2 a significant attenuation of the hyperemic response was also observed. This impaired response was present even at the end of the 6 month follow-up, at which time the patients were still untreated but exhibited a significantly greater blood pressure than before drug discontinuation. The hyperemic response of patients who did not stop treatment (group B) did not change during the course of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show a decrease in the postischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive treatment in hypertensive patients. This impaired response may be due to the development of endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodeling, or both, and might contribute to the return of blood pressure to hypertensive values after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy.


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Effet d'un bolus intraveineux de phénylephrine ou d'éphedríne sur le flux sanguin cutané lors d'une anesthésie rachidienne Introduction : La phénylephrine et l'éphedrine sont des substances vaso-actives utilisées de routine pour corriger des épisodes d'hypotension artérielle induits par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne. L'influence de ces deux vasopresseurs sur le flux sanguin cutané (FSC) dans ce contexte n'a jusqu'à maintenant pas été décrite. Cette étude évalue l'effet d'une injection intraveineuse de 75 µg de phénylephrine ou de 7.5 mg d'éphedrine sur le FSC mesuré par Laser Doppler, dans les zones concernées parle bloc sympathiqué induit par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne (membres inférieurs) et dans les zones non concernées (membres supérieurs). Méthode :Après acceptation par le Comité d'Éthique, et obtention de leur accord écrit, 20 patients devant subir une intervention chirurgicale élective en décubitus dorsal sous anesthésie. intrarachidienne ont été inclus dans cette étude randomisée en double insu. Le FSC a été mesuré en continu par deux sondes fixées l'une à la cuisse (zone avec bloc sympathique) et l'autre sur l'avantbras (zone sans bloc sympathique). Les valeurs de FSC ont été enregistrées après l'anesthésie rachidienne (valeur contrôle), puis après l'injection i.v. dè phénylephrine (10 patients) ou d'éphedrine (10 patients) pour corriger une hypotension définie comme une chute de 20 mmHg de la pression artérielle systolique. Les variations de FSC exprimées en pourcentage de la valeur contrôle moyenne (+/- écart type) ont été analysées par le test t de Student. Résultats :Les données démographiques des patients et le niveau sensitif induit par l'anesthésie rachidienne sont similaires dans les deux groupes. Aux doses utilisées, seule l'éphedrine restaure la pression artérielle aux valeurs précédant l'anesthésie rachidienne. La phénylephrine augmente le FSC de l'avant-bras de 44% (+/- 79%) et de la cuisse de 34% (+/-24%), alors que l'éphedrine diminue le débit sanguin cutané de l'avant-bras de 16% (+/- 15%) et de la cuisse de 22% (+/-11%). Conclusion : L'injection intraveineuse de phénylephrine et d'éphedrine ont des effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané, et cette réponse n'est pas modifiée par le bloc sympathique.. Cette différence peut s'expliquer par la distribution des sous-types de récepteurs adrénergiques alpha et leur prédominance relative dans les veines et les artères de différents diamètres perfusant le tissu sous-cutané et la peau. L'éphedrine, èn raison de sa meilleure efficacité pour traiter les épisodes d'hypotension artérielle après anesthésie intrarachidienne devrait être préféré à la phénylephrine, leurs effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané n'étant pas pertinents en pratique clinique. SUMMARY Background: Phenylephrine or ephedrine is routinely used to correct hypotensive episodes fallowing spinal anaesthesia (SA). The influence of these two vasopressors on skin blood flow (SBF) has not yet been described. We have therefore evaluated the effects of an i.v. bolus of 75 µg phenylephrine or 7.5 mg of ephedrine on SBF measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during sympathetic blockade induced by SA. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 20 patients scheduled for elective procedures in supine position under SA were enrolled in this double-blind randomized study. SBF was measured continuously by two probes fixed at the thigh (area with sympathic blockade) and forearm level (area without sympathic blockade) respectively. SBF values were recorded after SA (control values) and then after a bolus administration of phenylephriné (n=10) or ephedrine (n=10) when systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mmHg. Changes were expressed as percentage of control SBF values and analysed by Student's paired t-test. Results: Patient characteristics and dermatomal sensory levels were similar in both groups. Phenylephrine increases mean SBF at the forearm level by 44% (79%) [mean (SD)j and at the thigh by 34% (24%). Ephedrine decreases SBF at the forearm level by 16% (15%) and at the thigh by 22% (il%). Ephedrine bolus restores arterial blood pressure to pre-anaesthesia values, whereas phenylephrine does not. Conclusion: Administratión of phenylephrine and ephedrine has opposite effects on skin blood flow and sympathetic blockade does not modify this response. These findings could be explained by the distribution of the alpha-adrenoréceptor subtypes and their relative predominance among veins and arteries of different size perfusing the subcutaneous tissue and the skin. Ephedrine, due to its better efficacy to correct hypotensive episodes following SA, should be preferred, to phenylephrine, their opposite effects on SBF being not relevant for clinical practice.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to investigate how aging affects dermal microvascular reactivity in skin areas differentially exposed to sunlight, and therefore to different degrees of photoaging. METHODS: We assessed, in young (18-30 years, n = 13) and aged males (≥60 years, n = 13), the thigh, forearm, and forehead's skin vasodilatory response to local heating (LTH) with a LDI. In each subject and at each location, local Tskin was brought from 34°C (baseline) to 39 or 41°C for 30 minutes, to effect submaximal vasodilation, with maximal vasodilation then elicited by further heating to 44°C. RESULTS: The CVCs evaluated at baseline and after maximal vasodilation (CVCmax ) were higher in the forehead than in the two other anatomical locations. On all locations, CVCmax decreased with age but less markedly in the forehead compared to the two other locations. When expressed in % of CVCmax , the plateau increase of CVCs in response to submaximal temperatures (39 and 41°C) did not vary with age, and minimally so with location. CONCLUSION: Skin aging, whether intrinsic or combined with photoaging, reduces the maximal vasodilatory capacity of the dermal microcirculation, but not its reactivity to local heating.


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The aim of this present study was to investigate on the effects of concurrent training with blood flow restriction (BFR-CT) and concurrent training (CT) on the aerobic fitness, muscle mass and muscle strength in a cohort of older individuals. 25 healthy older adults (64.7±4.1 years; 69.33±10.8 kg; 1.6±0.1 m) were randomly assigned to experimental groups: CT (n=8, endurance training (ET), 2 days/week for 30-40 min, 50-80% VO2peak and RT, 2 days/week, leg press with 4 sets of 10 reps at 70-80% of 1-RM with 60 s rest), BFR-CT (n=10, ET, similar to CT, but resistance training with blood flow restriction: 2 days/week, leg press with 1 set of 30 and 3 sets of 15 reps at 20-30% 1-RM with 60 s rest) or control group (n=7). Quadriceps cross-sectional area (CSAq), 1-RM and VO2peak were assessed pre- and post-examination (12 wk). The CT and BFR-CT showed similar increases in CSAq post-test (7.3%, P<0.001; 7.6%, P<0.0001, respectively), 1-RM (38.1%, P<0.001; 35.4%, P=0.001, respectively) and VO2peak (9.5%, P=0.04; 10.3%, P=0.02, respectively). The BFR-CT promotes similar neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory adaptations as CT.


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Nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilation plays a key role in gastric mucosal defense, and NO-donor drugs may protect against diseases associated with gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) deficiencies. In this study, we used the ex vivo gastric chamber method and Laser Doppler Flowmetry to characterize the effects of luminal aqueous NO-donor drug S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) solution administration compared to aqueous NaNO2 and NaNO3 solutions (pH 7.4) on GMBF in Sprague-Dawley rats. SNAC solutions (600 μM and 12 mM) led to a rapid threefold increase in GMBF, which was maintained during the incubation of the solutions with the gastric mucosa, while NaNO2 or NaNO3 solutions (12 mM) did not affect GMBF. SNAC solutions (600 μM and 12 mM) spontaneously released NO at 37 °C at a constant rate of 0.3 or 14 nmol·mL-1·min-1, respectively, while NaNO2 (12 mM) released NO at a rate of 0.06 nmol·mL-1·min-1 and NaNO3 (12 mM) did not release NO. These results suggest that the SNAC-induced GMBF increase is due to their higher rates of spontaneous NO release compared to equimolar NaNO2 solutions. Taken together, our data indicate that oral SNAC administration is a potential approach for gastric acid-peptic disorder prevention and treatment.


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In this paper we argue that the effects of irregular chaotic motion of particles transported by blood can play a major role in the development of serious circulatory diseases. Vessel wall irregularities modify the flow field, changing in a nontrivial way the transport and activation of biochemically active particles. We argue that blood particle transport is often chaotic in realistic physiological conditions. We also argue that this chaotic behavior of the flow has crucial consequences for the dynamics of important processes in the blood, such as the activation of platelets which are involved in the thrombus formation.


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Peptidergic mechanisms influencing the resistance of the gastrointestinal vascular bed of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. The gut was perfused in situ via the mesenteric and the celiac arteries, and the effects of different neuropeptides were tested using bolus injections. Effects on vascular resistance were recorded as changes in inflow pressures. Peptides found in sensory neurons [substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)] all caused significant relaxation of the celiac vascular bed, as did vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), another well-known vasodilator. Except for VIP, the peptides also induced transitory gut contractions. Somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which coexist in adrenergic neurons of the C. porosus, induced vasoconstriction in the celiac vascular bed without affecting the gut motility. Galanin caused vasoconstriction and occasionally activated the gut wall. To elucidate direct effects on individual vessels, the different peptides were tested on isolated ring preparations of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. Only CGRP and VIP relaxed the epinephrine-precontracted celiac artery, whereas the effects on the mesenteric artery were variable. Somatostatin and NPY did not affect the resting tonus of these vessels, but somatostatin potentiated the epinephrine-induced contraction of the celiac artery. Immunohistochemistry revealed the existence and localization of the above-mentioned peptides in nerve fibers innervating vessels of different sizes in the gut region. These data support the hypothesis of an important role for neuropeptides in the control of the vascular bed of the gastrointestinal tract in C. porosus.


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The effect of N-2 respiration on cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity on the dorsal surface of cerebellum was examined in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, using epi-illumination microscopy. Twelve minutes of N-2 respiration resulted in a 126% increase in CBF velocity. N-2 respiration had no effect on blood pressure, indicating an underlying cerebral vasodilation. In addition, heart rate increased significantly. Systemic injections of aminophylline and the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (L-NA) did not affect the hypoxia induced increase in CBF. We conclude that C. porosus responds to hypoxia with adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) independent cerebral vasodilation, and that this is likely to be a mechanism protecting the brain from energy deficiency during prolonged dives. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The targeting of topically applied drug molecules into tissues below a site of application requires an understanding of the complex interrelationships between the drug, its formulation, the barrier properties of the skin, and the physiological processes occurring below the skin that are responsible for drug clearance from the site, tissue, and/or systemic distribution and eventual elimination. There is still a certain amount of controversy over the ability of topically applied drugs to penetrate into deeper tissues by diffusion or whether this occurs by redistribution in the systemic circulation. The major focus of our work in this area has been in determining how changes in drug structure and physicochemical properties, such as protein binding and lipophilicity, affect drug clearance into the local dermal microcirculation and lymphatics, as well as subsequent distribution into deeper tissues below an application site. The present study outlines our recent thinking on the drug molecule optimal physical attributes, in terms of plasma and tissue partitioning behaviour, that offer the greatest potential for deep tissue targeting. Drug Dev. Res. 46:309-315, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A number of studies conducted in humans and in animals have observed that events occurring early in life are associated with the development of diseases in adulthood. Salt overload and restriction during pregnancy and lactation are responsible for functional (hemodynamic and hormonal) and structural alterations in adult offspring. Our group observed that lower birth weight and insulin resistance in adulthood is associated with salt restriction during pregnancy On the other hand, perinatal salt overload is associated with higher blood pressure and higher renal angiotensin II content in adult offspring. Therefore, we hypothesised that renin-angiotensin system (RAS) function is altered by changes in sodium intake during pregnancy. Such changes may influence fetoplacental blood flow and thereby fetal nutrient supply, with effects on growth in utero and, consequently, on birth weight. Female Wistar rats were fed low-salt (LS), normal-salt (NS), or high-salt (HS) diet, starting before conception and continuing until day 19 of pregnancy, Blood pressure, heart rate, fetuses and dams` body weight, placentae weight and litter size were measured on day 19 of pregnancy. Cardiac output, uterine and placental blood flow were also determined on day 19. Expressions of renin-angiotensin system components and of the TNF-alpha gene were evaluated in the placentae. Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma and tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, as well as plasma and placental levels of angiotensins I, II, and 1-7 were measured. Body weight and kidney mass were greater in HS than in NS and LS dams. Food intake did not differ among the maternal groups. Placental weight was lower in LS dams than in NS and HS dams. Fetal weight was lower in the US group than in the NS and HS groups. The PRA was greater in IS dams than in NS and HS dams, although ACE activity (serum, cardiac, renal, and placental) was unaffected by the level of sodium intake. Placental levels of angiotensins I and II were lower in the HS group than in the ISIS and IS groups. Placental angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT(1)) gene expression and levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were higher in HS dams, as were uterine blood flow and cardiac output. The degree of salt intake did not influence plasma sodium, potassium or creatinine. Although fractional sodium excretion was higher in HS dams than in NS and LS dams, fractional potassium excretion was unchanged. In conclusion, findings from this study indicate that the reduction in fetal weight in response to salt restriction during pregnancy does not involve alterations in uterine-placental perfusion or the RAS. Moreover, no change in fetal weight is observed in response to salt overload during pregnancy. However, salt overload did lead to an increase in placental weight and uterine blood flow associated with alterations in maternal plasma and placental RAS. Therefore, these findings indicate that changes in salt intake during pregnancy lead to alterations in uterine-placental perfusion and fetal growth. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.