977 resultados para food behaviors


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With increasing demands on our time, everyday behaviors such as food purchasing, preparation, and consumption have become habitual and unconscious. Indeed, modern food values are focused on conve- nience and effortlessness, overshad- owing other values such as environ- mental sustainability, health, and pleasure. The rethinking of how we approach everyday food behaviors appears to be a particularly timely concern. In this special section, we explore work carried out and dis- cussed during the recent workshop “Food for Thought: Designing for Critical Reflection on Food Practices,” at the 2012 Designing Interactive Systems Conference in Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.


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Obesity, among both children and adults, is a growing public health epidemic. One area of interest relates to how and why obesity is developing at such a rapid pace among children. Despite a broad consensus about how controlling feeding practices relate to child food consumption and obesity prevalence, much less is known about how non-controlling feeding practices, including modeling, relate to child food consumption. This study investigates how different forms of parent modeling (no modeling, simple modeling, and enthusiastic modeling) and parent adiposity relate to child food consumption, food preferences, and behaviors towards foods. Participants in this experimental study were 65 children (25 boys and 40 girls) aged 3-9 and their parents. Each parent was trained on how to perform their assigned modeling behavior towards a food identified as neutral (not liked, nor disliked) by their child during a pre-session food-rating task. Parents performed their assigned modeling behavior when cued during a ten-minute observation period with their child. Child food consumption (pieces eaten, grams eaten, and calories consumed) was measured and food behaviors (positive comments toward food and food requests) were recorded by event-based coding. After the session, parents self-reported on their height and weight, and children completed a post-session food-rating task. Results indicate that parent modeling (both simple and enthusiastic forms) did not significantly relate to child food consumption, food preferences, or food requests. However, enthusiastic modeling significantly increased the number of positive food comments made by children. Children's food consumption in response to parent modeling did not differ based on parent obesity status. The practical implications of this study are discussed, along with its strengths and limitations, and directions for future research.^


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Contexte. Les attitudes et comportements alimentaires développés pendant la petite enfance influencent grandement la relation future du mangeur à l’égard des aliments. Le parent s’avère en ce sens des plus déterminants. Objectifs. Cette étude vise à connaître les pratiques et attitudes employées par les parents québécois d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser le « bien manger » ainsi que le repas familial agréable. Méthodes. La collecte de données a été effectuée à l’aide de cartes postales qui étaient distribuées dans six cent cinquante Centres de la Petite Enfance parmi les mille retrouvés dans la province de Québec pour ensuite être remises aux parents. L’analyse des réponses aux deux questions ouvertes figurant sur la carte postale a été effectuée en se basant sur le modèle des prises alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain. Résultats. Plus de mille (1257) cartes postales ont été retenues aux fins d’analyses. Les données recueillies permettent dans un premier temps de connaître la perception des parents quant à la notion de manger bien. Les notions de qualité et de quantité, diamétralement opposées se démarquent. Dans le cas du repas familial, la discussion, la présence de tous les membres à table ainsi que l’absence de télévision sont abondamment mentionnées. Conclusion. Cette étude permet de constater la variété des stratégies employées par les parents québécois au moment du repas. Ces données d’une grande pertinence pour la santé publique permettront de cibler les messages clés à promouvoir auprès de ces acteurs d’influence dans le développement des habitudes alimentaires des tout petits.


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Contexte. Depuis quelques décennies, on constate une diminution des occasions d’observer et de transmettre le savoir-faire culinaire aux jeunes encourageant une évolution des compétences culinaires. Cette évolution a un impact sur les choix alimentaires des jeunes et probablement sur la santé de la population. Afin d’initier les adolescents des écoles secondaires du Québec à la cuisine et de les aider à développer leur autonomie alimentaire, un programme parascolaire de 24 ateliers culinaires, les Brigades Culinaires, a été initié par la Tablée des Chefs. Objectifs. L’objectif principal est d’évaluer l’atteinte d’objectifs spécifiques d’éducation nutritionnelle, culinaire et alimentaire visés par les ateliers, et de mesurer le potentiel des ateliers pour éveiller l’intérêt des jeunes pour un choix de carrière relié à la cuisine, à la nutrition ou à l’agriculture. Méthode. Lors du projet 2013-2014, une collecte de données à l’aide de deux questionnaires a été réalisée. Un questionnaire « pré », distribué en début d’année scolaire, a permis de mesurer les connaissances et l’intérêt de futurs participants à l’égard de l’alimentation, de la nutrition et de la cuisine. Un questionnaire « post », distribué aux participants des Brigades Culinaires à la fin des ateliers, a permis de mesurer l’atteinte des objectifs spécifiques en nutrition, cuisine et alimentation. L’intérêt des jeunes pour un choix de carrière relié à la cuisine, à la nutrition ou à l’agriculture a aussi été mesuré à deux reprises. Les données ont été analysées avec SPSS pour générer des statistiques descriptives. Le projet 2013-2014 regroupait 33 écoles à travers le Québec. Ce projet a reçu une approbation éthique par le Comité d’éthique de la recherche en santé de la faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal (CERES) et a reçu l’appui financier de Québec en Forme. Résultats. Les résultats des mesures d’évaluation colligées (325 questionnaires pré et 197 questionnaires post) auprès des jeunes participants aux Brigades Culinaires sont très prometteurs. Notamment, pour 68 % des objectifs de développement de connaissances en cuisine, la majorité des participants affichent des apprentissages. Il en est de même pour 82 % des objectifs de développement d’autres apprentissages alimentaires. Les participants ont un grand intérêt pour l’emploi dans des secteurs associés à la cuisine (67 %), la nutrition (39 %) et l’agriculture (25 %) et leur participation aux ateliers des Brigades Culinaires semble d’ailleurs avoir contribué à orienter leurs choix de carrières. D’autre part, les résultats suggèrent que la participation aux ateliers des Brigades Culinaires a un impact sur l’entourage. Conclusion. La participation aux ateliers des Brigades Culinaires contribue à élever le niveau d’implication des participants à l’égard de la nutrition, de la cuisine et de l’alimentation. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de cibler les forces du programme, de même que de proposer des pistes d’actions pour continuer à élever le niveau d’implication des jeunes Québécois à l’égard de leur alimentation.


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This paper aims to analyze the possibility of having an impact of gender segmentation in food advergames on children’s attitudes and behaviors towards healthy food. A specific healthy advergame with three versions – two segmented by gender and one neutral gendered – was developed for the study. A total of 286 Portuguese children from 7 to 9 years old participated in the study and were randomly assigned to either the experimental or the control groups. After playing the advergame, children answered a structured questionnaire to evaluate liking and purchase intention of healthy food, as well as, perceived fun and perceived healthiness. The results suggested that advergames segmented by gender did not influence children’s liking, purchase intention and perceived fun of healthy food, since children already had positive eating behaviors. Moreover, we confirmed that children presented a high perceived healthiness.


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The effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for eating disorders has established a link between cognitive processes and unhealthy eating behaviors. However, the relationship between individual differences in unhealthy eating behaviors that are not related to clinical eating disorders, such as overeating and restrained eating, and the processing of food related verbal stimuli remains undetermined. Furthermore, the cognitive processes that promote unhealthy and healthy exercise patterns remain virtually unexplored by previous research. The present study compared individual differences in attitudes and behaviors around eating and exercise to responses to food and exercise-related words using a Lexical Decision Task (LDT). Participants were recruited from Colby (n = 61) and the greater Waterville community (n = 16). The results indicate the following trends in the data: Individuals who scored high in “thin ideal” responded faster to food-related words than individuals with low “thin Ideal” scores did. Regarding the exercise-related data, individuals who engage in more “low intensity exercise” responded faster to exercise-related words than individuals who engage in less “low intensity exercise” did. These findings suggest that cognitive schemata about food and exercise might mediate individual’s eating and exercise patterns.


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Unacceptable employee behavior ultimately results in higher prices for consumers. Members of the Indiana Hospitality and Restaurant Association were surveyed about the practices being used to safeguard their assets and control employee deviance in food service. They were also asked to estimate the losses that result from employee theft. This information was used to investigate whether certain policies and procedures were more effective than others in limiting their losses.


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There is increasing interest in the role the environment plays in shaping the dietary behavior of youth, particularly in the context of obesity prevention. An overview of environmental factors associated with obesity-related dietary behaviors among youth is needed to inform the development of interventions. A systematic review of observational studies on environmental correlates of energy, fat, fruit/ vegetable, snack/fast food and soft drink intakes in children (4–12 years) and adolescents (13–18 years) was conducted. The results were summarized using the analysis grid for environments linked to obesity. The 58 papers reviewed mostly focused on sociocultural and economical–environmental factors at the household level. The most consistent associations were found between parental intake and children’s fat, fruit/vegetable intakes, parent and sibling intake with adolescent’s energy and fat intakes and parental education with adolescent’s fruit/ vegetable intake. A less consistent but positive association was found for availability and accessibility on children’s fruit/vegetable intake. Environmental factors are predominantly studied at the household level and focus on sociocultural and economic aspects. Most consistent associations were found for parental influences (parental intake and education).More studies examining environmental factors using longitudinal study designs and validated measures are needed for solid evidence to inform interventions.


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Objectives To explore parents' perceptions of the eating behaviors and related feeding practices of their young children. Methods Mothers (N=740) of children aged 12 to 36 months and born in South Australia were randomly selected by birth date in four 6-month age bands from a centralized statewide database and invited to complete a postal questionnaire. Results Valid completed questionnaires were returned for 374 children (51% response rate; 54% female). Although mothers generally reported being confident and happy in feeding their children, 23% often worried that they gave their child the right amount of food. Based on a checklist of 36 specified items, 15% of children consumed no vegetables in the previous 24 hours, 11% no fruit and for a further 8% juice was the only fruit. Of 12 specified high fat/sugar foods and drinks, 11% of children consumed none, 20% one, 26% two, and 43% three or more. Six of eight child-feeding practices that promote healthy eating behaviors were undertaken by 75% parents 'often' or 'all of the time'. However, 8 of 11 practices that do not promote healthy eating were undertaken by a third of mothers at least ‘sometimes’. Conclusions In this representative sample, dietary quality issues emerge early and inappropriate feeding practices are prevalent thus identifying the need for very early interventions that promote healthy food preferences and positive feeding practices. Such programs should focus not just on the 'what', but also the 'how' of early feeding, including the feeding relationship and processes appropriate to developmental stage. Key words: Maternal feeding practices, infants, obesity


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"Principles of Addiction provides a solid understanding of the definitional and diagnostic differences between use, abuse, and disorder. It describes in great detail the characteristics of these syndromes and various etiological models. The book's three main sections examine the nature of addiction, including epidemiology, symptoms, and course; alcohol and drug use among adolescents and college students; and detailed descriptions of a wide variety of addictive behaviors and disorders, encompassing not only drugs and alcohol, but caffeine, food, gambling, exercise, sex, work, social networking, and many other areas. This volume is especially important in providing a basic introduction to the field as well as an in-depth review of our current understanding of the nature and process of addictive behaviors. Principles of Addiction is one of three volumes comprising the 2,500-page series, Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders. This series provides the most complete collection of current knowledge on addictive behaviors and disorders to date. In short, it is the definitive reference work on addictions."--publisher website


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By examining corporate social responsibility (CSR) and power within the context of the food supply chain, this paper illustrates how food retailers claim to address food waste while simultaneously setting standards that result in the large-scale rejection of edible food on cosmetic grounds. Specifically, this paper considers the powerful role of food retailers and how they may be considered to be legitimately engaging in socially responsible behaviors to lower food waste, yet implement practices that ultimately contribute to higher levels of food waste elsewhere in the supply chain. Through interviews with key actors in the Australian fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain, we highlight the existence of a legitimacy gap in corporate social responsibility whereby undesirable behaviors are pushed elsewhere in the supply chain. It is argued that the structural power held by Australia’s retail duopoly means that supermarkets are able to claim virtuous and responsible behaviors, despite counter claims from within the fresh food industry that the food supermarkets’ private quality standards mean that fresh food is wasted. We argue that the supermarkets claim CSR kudos for reducing food waste at the expense of other supply chain actors who bear both the economic cost and the moral burden of waste, and that this is a consequence of supermarkets’ remarkable market power in Australia.


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Data on sleep-related behaviors were collected for a group of central Yunnan black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China from March 2005 to April 2006. Members of the group usually formed four sleeping units (adult male and juvenile, adult female with one semi-dependent black infant, adult female with one dependent yellow infant, and subadult male) spread over different sleeping trees. Individuals or units preferred specific areas to sleep; all sleeping sites were situated in primary forest, mostly (77%) between 2,200 and 2,400 m in elevation. They tended to sleep in the tallest and thickest trees with large crowns on steep slopes and near important food patches. Factors influencing sleeping site selection were (1) tree characteristics, (2) accessibility, and (3) easy escape. Few sleeping trees were used repeatedly by the same or other members of the group. The gibbons entered the sleeping trees on average 128 min before sunset and left the sleeping trees on average 33 min after sunrise. The lag between the first and last individual entering the trees was on average 17.8 min. We suggest that sleep-related behaviors are primarily adaptations to minimize the risk of being detected by predators. Sleeping trees may be chosen to make approach and attack difficult for the predator, and to provide an easy escape route in the dark. In response to cold temperatures in a higher habitat, gibbons usually sit and huddle together during the night, and in the cold season they tend to sleep on ferns and/or orchids.


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Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) were used as a new pen-cultureed biomanipulation technique to control algal blooms in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. In order to evaluate the capacity of these two fishes to decrease algal blooms, diel feeding samplings were carried out in May (without algal blooms) and September (with algal blooms) in 2005. Based on estimated food consumption by the Elliott-Persson model, silver carp increased daily food consumption from 2.07 g dry weight per 100 g wet body weight in May before the outbreak of algal blooms to 4.98 g dry weight per 100 g wet body weight in September during algal blooms outbreak. However, no obvious variation of food consumption was observed in bighead carp during the study period. This species 1.88 and 1.54 g dry weight of plankton per 100 g wet body weight in May and September, respectively. Silver carp had a higher feeding capacity for plankton than bighead carp. Biotic factors (i.e., fish size and conspecific competition with natural species in the lake) may affect the feeding behaviors of both carps as well as seasonal variation of plankton communities in the pen.


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In this paper, we viewed the diel vertical migration (DVM) of copepod in the context of the animal's immediate behaviors of everyday concerns and constructed an instantaneous behavioral criterion effective for DVM and non-DVM behaviors. This criterion employed the function of 'venturous revenue' (VR), which is the product of the food intake and probability of the survival, to evaluate the gains and losses of the behaviors that the copepod could trade-off. The optimal behaviors are to find the optimal habitats to maximize VR. Two types of VRs are formulated and tested by the theoretical analysis and simulations. The sensed VR, monitoring the real-time changes of trade-offs and thereby determining the optimum habitat, is validated to be the effective objective function for the optimization of the behavior; whereas, the realized VR, quantifying the actual profit obtained by an optimal copepod in the sensed-VR-determined habitat, defines the life history of a specific age cohort. The achievement of a robust copepod overwintering stock through integrating the dynamics of the constituent age cohorts subjected to the instantaneous behavioral criterion for DVM clearly exemplified a possible way bridging the immediate pursuit of an individual and the end success of the population. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.