940 resultados para folin ciocalteau assay


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de atividade alelopática, antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos orgânicos (hexano, acetato de etila e metanol) das folhas de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae). Para alelopatia, foi estudado o desenvolvimento de Cucumis sativus (pepino), sendo avaliados o comprimento da raiz principal, o número de raízes secundárias e o comprimento do hipocótilo. Os dois primeiros parâmetros foram afetados por todos os três extratos testados enquanto o comprimento do hipocótilo só não foi afetado pelo extrato acetato de etila. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, avaliada pelo ensaio de CIM, o extrato hexânico apresentou inibição moderada frente ao Staphylococcus aureus (0,9 mg mL-1) e forte ao Enterococcus hirae (0,5 mg mL-1). O extrato acetato de etila apresentou forte atividade frente Candida albicans (0,3 mg mL-1) enquanto o extrato metanólico não mostrou-se ativo para os microrganismos testados. Por outro lado, o extrato metanólico apresentou a maior capacidade de seqüestrar radicais livres (Concentração Efetiva 50%-CE50 =102,0 ± 56,9 mg mL-1, com TCE50 = 30 min) no ensaio com DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila) e o maior teor de compostos fenólicos (116,2 ± 83,0 mg ácido gálico g amostra-1), avaliado pelo ensaio de Folin-Ciocalteau.


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This paper describes a chemical investigation (by high-speed counter-current chromatography) of an extract in methanol of the capitula (flower-heads) of the endemic Brazilian herb Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Fractionation of this extract by preparative chromatography and identification of the isolated compounds by spectrometric methods (IR, UV, ESI-MS, NMR) led to the identification of flavones (apigenin, luteolin and 6-methoxyluteolin) and 1,3-di-O-feruloyl glycerol. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by DPPH reduction and the total phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. It was found that the methanolic extract of L. flavescens possesses strong antioxidant activity. Additionally, the chemical profile provided useful data for a discussion of the taxonomy of the Eriocaulaceae.


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Passiflora alata Curtis, comumente conhecida como maracujá-doce, é uma das espécies do gênero Passiflora cultivadas comercialmente, sendo consumida in natura devido ao seu gosto adocicado. Ela também é utilizada em todo o mundo como ornamental e na medicina popular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de diferentes estratégias para a cultura in vitro de P. alata e a análise da produção de substâncias antioxidantes nos materiais obtidos in vitro, em comparação com as plantas in vivo. Diferentes tratamentos visando à quebra da dormência das sementes foram avaliados para a germinação in vitro ou in vivo, além da incubação das sementes sob tipos distintos de luz. Para o estabelecimento das culturas primárias, apices caulinares e segmentos nodais das plântulas derivadas da germinação in vitro foram cultivados em meio MSM . A taxa de alongamento dos brotos e o número de nós por brotos das culturas primárias foram aumentados pela adição de água de coco ao meio. Plantas derivadas dessas culturas foram utilizadas como fontes de explantes nodais, internodais e foliares. O potencial morfogênico de sementes sem tegumento foi também avaliado. Calos friáveis foram induzidos a partir de segmentos nodais e foliares na presença de PIC, e aqueles obtidos a partir de folhas em meio suplementado com PIC a 28,9 μM foram selecionados para o estabelecimento de culturas de células em suspensão. Após o desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias in vitro para P. alata, folhas de plantas in vivo foram utilizadas para a avaliação de parâmetros que afetam a extração de substâncias antioxidante. O potencial antioxidante foi determinado pelo ensaio DPPH e o conteúdo de fenóis totais foi determinado utilizando o método Folin-Ciocalteau. Após o desenvolvimento do protocolo de extração, a atividade antioxidante dos diferentes materiais in vitro foi também avaliada. A eficiência antirradicalar variou entre os sistemas de cultura estudados, sendo diretamente proporcional ao conteúdo de fenóis totais dos extratos. Esses resultados indicam que as estratégias para cultura in vitro de P. alata desenvolvidas neste trabalho representam alternativas para a multiplicação de plantas e produção de substâncias fenólicas com ação antioxidante.


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Cancer is a multistage process characterized by three stages: initiation, promotion and progression; and is one of the major killers worldwide. Oxidative stress acts as initiator in tumorigenesis; chronic inflammation promotes cancer; and apoptosis inactivation is an issue in cancer progression. In this study, it was investigated the antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antitumor properties of hexane, ether, chloroform, methanol and water extracts of five species of halophytes: A. macrostachyum, P. coronopus, J. acutus, C. edulis and A. halimus. Antioxidant activity was assessed by DPPH• and ABTS•+ methods, and the total phenolics content (TPC) was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteau method. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts was determined by the Griess method, and by evaluating the inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW- 264.7 macrophages. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts against HepG2 and THP1 cell lines was estimated by the MTT assay, and the results obtained were further compared with the S17 non-tumor cell line. The induction of apoptosis of J. acutus ether extract was assessed by DAPI staining. The highest antioxidant activities was observed in C. edulis methanol and the J. acutus ether extracts against the DPPH• radical; and J. acutus ether and A. halimus ether extracts against the ABTS•+ radical. The methanol extracts of C. edulis and P. coronopus, and the ether extract of J. acutus revealed a high TPC. Generally the antioxidant activity had no correlation with the TPC. The A. halimus chloroform and P. coronopus hexane extracts demonstrated ability to reduce NO production in macrophages (> 50%), revealing their anti-inflammatory capacity. The ether extract of J. acutus showed high cytotoxicity against HepG2 cancer cells, with reduced cellular viability even at the lowest concentrations. This outcome was significantly lower than the obtained with the non-tumor cells (S17). This result was complemented by the induction of apoptosis.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante de extrato de folhas de oliveira (EFO) (Olea europaea L.) por diferentes metodologias analíticas in vitro e in situ, para verificação de efeito em sistemas biológicos. O extrato foi obtido a partir de folhas secas de oliveira, previamente micronizadas, em metanol/água (80/20%) na proporção 1:20 (m/v), após remoção de compostos solúveis em n-hexano. Após liofilização, no EFO foi avaliado o poder redutor por Folin-Ciocalteau, conteúdo de flavonoides totais, teor de oleuropeina, poder de redução do íon férrico (FRAP) e atividade antioxidante sobre DPPHo, ABTSo+, ânion superóxido (O2o-), ácido hipocloroso (HOCl) e óxido nítrico (NOo). O extrato foi também avaliado quanto ao efeito protetor sobre danos oxidativos em eritrócitos humanos. O ácido ascórbico foi utilizado como referência. O experimento foi repetido seis vezes (n = 6) e os ensaios realizados em duplicata. O poder redutor do extrato e o conteúdo de flavonoides totais e oleuropeína foram 131,7 ± 9,4 mg equivalente de ácido gálico/g extrato seco (ms), 19,4 ± 1,3 mg equivalente de quercetina/g ms e 25,5 ± 5,2 mg oleuropeína/g ms, respectivamente. O ensaio de FRAP apresentou 281,8 ± 22,8 mg equivalente de trolox/g ms. O EFO foi efetivo na inibição dos radicais DPPHo e ABTSo+, dependente da concentração de extrato, com valores de IC50 de 13,8 ± 0,8 e 16,1 ± 1,2 µg/mL, respectivamente. Com relação à atividade antioxidante sobre espécies reativas de importância biológica, o EFO apresentou forte capacidade de inibição de O2o- (IC50 = 52,6 ± 2,1 µg/mL) e NOo (IC50 = 48,4 ± 6,8 µg/mL), quando comparado ao ácido ascórbico. Porém, a inibição de HOCl não foi tão eficiente (IC50 = 714,1 ± 31,4 µg/mL). O EFO inibiu a hemólise induzida em eritrócitos de maneira dependente da concentração (IC50 = 7,8 ± 1,1 µg/mL), assim como a peroxidação lipídica e a formação de meta-hemoglobina, com valores de IC50 de 38,0 ± 11,7 e 186,3 ± 29,7 µg/mL, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que extrato de folhas de oliveira possui efetiva atividade antioxidante em sistemas biológicos, pelo efeito sequestrador de determinadas espécies reativas que participam dos processos bioquímicos, e pela prevenção de danos oxidativos em eritrócitos humanos. Portanto, sua ingestão pode estar relacionada com a prevenção de estresse oxidativo in vivo, com consequentes benefícios à saúde.


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Purpose: To evaluate the cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of four different solvent extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Galega officinalis L Methods: The hexane, DCM, methanol and water extracts of G. officinalis were successively obtained by soxhlet extraction method. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts was assessed against human lung carcinoma (A-549), human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29), human brain glioblastoma (U-87), and colon adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) by Resazurine test. The antioxidant activity of extracts were determined by Folin-Ciocalteau, oxygen radical absorbing capacity (ORAC), and 2’.7’-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (DCFH-DA) cell-based assay while their anti-inflammatory activity was determined by nitric oxide (NO) assay. Results: DCM extract showed strong cytotoxic activity against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma cell lines, with IC50 (concentration inhibiting 50 % of cell growth) values of 11 ± 0.4 and 16 ± 3 μg/mL, respectively. The hexane extract showed moderate anticancer activity against the same cell lines (59 ± 13 and 63 ± 16 μg/mL, respectively). DCM extract also showed significant anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting NO release by 86.7 % at 40 μg/mL in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Of all test extracts, the methanol extract of G. officinalis showed the highest antioxidant activity with 2.33 ± 0.09 μmol Trolox/mg , 7.10 ± 0.9 g tannic acid equivalent (TAE), and IC50 of 44 ± 4 μg/mL. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that DCM extract may possess anticancer effect against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma, as well as serve as an anti-inflammatory agent.


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Total phenol, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavone/flavonol and flavanones/dihydroflavonol contents of hydro-alcoholic extracts, obtained by sonication, from the aerial parts of Artemisia campestris L., Anthemis arvensis L., Haloxylon scoparium Pomel, Juniperus phoenicea L., Arbutus unedo L., Cytisus monspessulanus L., Thymus algeriensis Boiss et Reut, Zizyphus lotus L (Desf.) collected in Djebel Amour (Sahara Atlas, Algeria) were quantified by spectrophotometric methods. The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from Artemisia campestris L. and Juniperus phoenicea I aerial parts were also evaluated by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antioxidant activity of the extracts and essential oils was assessed measuring the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation using two lipidic substrates (egg yolk and liposomes), the capacity for scavenging DPPH, ABTS, superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and peroxyl radicals. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by measuring the capacity for inhibiting lipoxygenase. Reducing power and chelating capacity were also assayed. The results showed different amounts of total phenols depending on the method used: A. campestris extract had the highest levels of total phenols when the measurement was made at lambda = 280 nm, whereas H. scoparium and A. unedo extracts showed the highest levels of total phenols with Folin-Ciocalteau. C. monspessulanus had the highest levels of flavones/flavonols and flavanones/dihydroflavonols. The essential oils of A. campestris and J. phoenicea were mainly constituted by alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and sabinene; and a-pinene, respectively. The methods used for assaying the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation revealed to be inadequate for extracts due to the great interferences detected. The essential oils were more active than the generality of extracts for scavenging peroxyl radicals and for inhibiting lipoxygenase, whereas A. unedo extract was the most active for scavenging ABTS, DPPH, superoxide anion radicals and it also had the best reducing capacity. In a general way, the great majority of the antioxidant activities correlated well with the phenol content although such correlation was not so clear with the flavonoid content. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia Alimentar/Qual


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O arroz é o alimento básico para milhões de pessoas no Mundo inteiro. Como tal, o seu valor nutricional é algo de extrema importância. Contudo, ao seu processamento está associado um desperdício dos resíduos que advêm do seu descasque e branqueamento, o farelo e a casca. O principal objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo do valor nutricional do grão de arroz e da valorização dos resíduos (farelo e casca) através da avaliação da atividade antioxidante. O estudo foi aplicado a três frações do bago de arroz: grão, farelo e casca, de três subvariedades diferentes: opale, ariete e ellebi. Foi avaliado o perfil de macronutrientes nas amostras de arroz, entre eles o teor de humidade, cinza, proteína e gordura. O grão foi a fração que apresentou maior teor de humidade, o farelo a que apresentou maior teor de gordura e proteína e a casca maior teor de cinza. Os compostos bioativos foram extraídos pelo método de extração sólido-liquido, usando como solvente uma mistura aquosa de metanol. A caracterização dos compostos antioxidantes dos extratos foi analisada através do teste da eliminação dos radicais livres de DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo) e pelo método de Folin-Ciocalteau. Para a identificação dos compostos bioativos foi utilizada a técnica de UPLC-PDA (Cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência - Detetor de matriz de Fotodíodos). A casca foi o extrato que continha uma maior capacidade antioxidante e um maior conteúdo de fenólicos totais (TPC), e o extrato do grão o que apresentou menor valor. Identicamente, foi na casca onde se conseguiu identificar um maior número de compostos, entre os quais se destacam os ácidos gentísico, isoferúlico, vanílico, elágico, p-cumárico e levulínico. A extração de compostos antioxidantes de farelo e casca de arroz demonstrou ser uma via bastante promissora para a valorização destes resíduos.


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This Study was designed to investigate impact of tannins on in vitro ruminal fermentation parameters as well as relationships between concentration and in vitro biological activity of tannins present in tree fruits. Dry and mature fruits of known phenolic content harvested from Acacia nilotica, A. erubescens, A. erioloba, A. sieberiana, Piliostigima thonningii and Dichrostachys cinerea tree species were fermented with rumen fluid in vitro with or without polyethylene glycol (PEG). Correlation between in vitro biological activity and phenolic concentration was determined. Polyethylene glycol inclusion increased Cumulative gas production from all fruit substrates. The largest Increase (225%) after 48 h incubation was observed in D. cinerea fruits while the least (12.7%) increase was observed in A. erubescens fruits. Organic matter degradability (48 h) was increased by PEG inclusion for all tree species except A. erubescens and P. thonningii. For D. cinerea fruits, colorimetric assays were poorly correlated to Increases In gas production due to PEG treatment. Ytterbium precipitable phenolics (YbPh) were also poorly correlated with response to PEG for A. erioloba and P. thonningii fruits. However, YbPh were strongly and positively correlated to the increase In Cumulative gas production due to PEG for A. erubescens and A. nilotica. Folin-Ciocalteau assayed phenolics (SPh) were not correlated to response to PEG in P. thonningii and A. sieberiana. It was Concluded that the PEG effect oil in vitro fermentation was closely related to some measures of phenolic concentration but the relationships varied with tree species.


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Red leaf lettuce (Lollo Rosso) was grown under three types of plastic films that varied in transparency to UV radiation (designated as UV block, UV low, and UV window). Flavonoid composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), total phenolics by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxiclant capacity by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Exposure to increased levels of UV radiation during cultivation caused the leaves to redden and increased concentrations of total phenols and the main flavonoids, quercetin and cyanidin glycosides, as well as luteolin conjugates and phenolic acids. The total phenol content increased from 1.6 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of fresh weight (FW) for lettuce grown under UV block film to 2.9 and 3.5 mg of GAE/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV low and UV window films. The antioxiclant activity was also higher in lettuce exposed to higher levels of UV radiation with ORAC values of 25.4 and 55.1 mu mol of Trolox equivalents/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV block and UV window films, respectively. The content of phenolic acids, quantified as caffeic acid, was also different, ranging from 6.2 to 11.1 mu mol/g of FW for lettuce cultivated under the lowest and highest UV exposure plastic films, respectively. Higher concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides were observed with increased exposure to UV radiation, as demonstrated by the concentrations of aglycones after hydrolysis, which were cyanidin (ranging from 165 to 793 mu g/g), quercetin (ranging from 196 to 880,mu g/g), and luteolin (ranging from 19 to 152 mu g/g). The results demonstrate the potential of the use of UV-transparent plastic as a means of increasing beneficial flavonoid content of red leaf lettuce when the crop is grown in polytunnels.


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Red leaf lettuce (Lollo Rosso) was grown under three types of plastic films that varied in transparency to UV radiation (designated as UV block, UV low, and UV window). Flavonoid composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), total phenolics by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxiclant capacity by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Exposure to increased levels of UV radiation during cultivation caused the leaves to redden and increased concentrations of total phenols and the main flavonoids, quercetin and cyanidin glycosides, as well as luteolin conjugates and phenolic acids. The total phenol content increased from 1.6 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of fresh weight (FW) for lettuce grown under UV block film to 2.9 and 3.5 mg of GAE/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV low and UV window films. The antioxiclant activity was also higher in lettuce exposed to higher levels of UV radiation with ORAC values of 25.4 and 55.1 mu mol of Trolox equivalents/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV block and UV window films, respectively. The content of phenolic acids, quantified as caffeic acid, was also different, ranging from 6.2 to 11.1 mu mol/g of FW for lettuce cultivated under the lowest and highest UV exposure plastic films, respectively. Higher concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides were observed with increased exposure to UV radiation, as demonstrated by the concentrations of aglycones after hydrolysis, which were cyanidin (ranging from 165 to 793 mu g/g), quercetin (ranging from 196 to 880,mu g/g), and luteolin (ranging from 19 to 152 mu g/g). The results demonstrate the potential of the use of UV-transparent plastic as a means of increasing beneficial flavonoid content of red leaf lettuce when the crop is grown in polytunnels.


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Thirty genuine honey samples were analyzed for pH, acidity, water, ash, net absorbance, total polyphenols (Folin-Ciocalteau method) and glucose, fructose, melezitose and erlose (as their trimethylsilyl oximes and trimethylsilyl ethers) by capillary gas chromatography. The resulting data were used, along with palynological analysis, to characterize the samples in relation to their possible source (nectar, honeydew and mixture honeys). Some minor components (carboxylic acids and cyclitols), eluting before monosaccharides, were also determined. One of these compounds was quercitol (1,3,4/2,5-cyclohexane-pentol), a deoxyinositol which has been previously determined in Quercus sp. samples. Quercitol was present in a broad concentration range (0.01-1.50 g/100 g) in honeys whose major source was honeydew but it was never higher than 0.01 g/100 g in samples characterized as nectar honeys. Quercitol concentrations appear to be related to the presence and amount of Quercus sp. honeydew as honey source, although further research is required to confirm this. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lipid oxidation is the major form of deterioration in foods because it decreases food quality and nutritional value, and may have negative health implications. Selected aromatic plant extracts from leaves, flowers and stems of rosemary, thyme and lavender were investigated for their antioxidant activity. The total polyphenol content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay and the antioxidant capacity was determined by the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, oxygen radical absorbance capacity and ferric-reducing antioxidant power assays. For all four antioxidant assays, the extracts from thyme flowers, lavender leaves and thyme leaves had the highest antioxidant activity, followed by rosemary stems, rosemary leaves, and lavender stems, and the lavender flowers and thyme stems had the lowest antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity was correlated with the polyphenol content, although minor deviations were observed. In oil-in-water emulsion, extracts from rosemary leaves and thyme leaves were most effective at retarding oxidation followed by the rosemary stems and thyme flowers. Extracts from thyme flowers and lavender leaves were less effective in the emulsion than predicted by the homogeneous antioxidant assays. This study demonstrated the potential use of plants extract as substitutes for synthetic antioxidants.