945 resultados para fluvial erosion
Dissertação mest., Biologia e Geologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2006
L’érosion des berges est un processus clé de la dynamique fluviale. Elle influence considérablement la charge sédimentaire des rivières et contrôle l’évolution latérale des chenaux. Les méthodes de caractérisation des mécanismes et des variables affectant l’érosion des berges sont toutefois imprécises et difficiles à appliquer. Ce projet a pour objectif de caractériser la dynamique actuelle des berges de deux tributaires contrastés du Saint-Laurent : les rivières Saint-François et Batiscan. Le premier objectif vise à quantifier les caractéristiques géotechniques de deux tronçons des rivières à l’étude près de l’embouchure avec le Saint-Laurent en décrivant la stratigraphie à différents sites typiques et en recueillant des échantillons de sédiments afin de mesurer différentes variables géotechniques (granulométrie, limites d’Atterberg, résistance à l’érosion mécanique, résistance à l’érosion fluviale). Le second objectif vise à quantifier les principales caractéristiques hydrodynamiques (précipitations, débits, cisaillements, vitesses) des deux sections de rivière. Le troisième et dernier objectif cherche à mesurer les taux d’érosion à l’échelle saisonnière en utilisant des relevés GPS et des chaînes d’érosion et à identifier les mécanismes d’érosion qui opèrent sur les rivières. Les résultats montrent une érosion importante des berges sur chacun des tributaires, mais les mécanismes qui la cause diffèrent. La Batiscan possède des berges dont le matériel est cohésif et ses berges sont principalement marquées par des ruptures de masse. La Saint-François présente des berges peu cohésives ce qui favorise l’érosion fluviale. Le taux de recul sur la rivière Saint-François est de l’ordre de 1 à 3 m/an dans certaines sections de la rivière. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure du cisaillement critique d’érosion fluviale à l’aide d’un chenal expérimental a été élaborée. Les cisaillements critiques obtenus se situent entre 1,19 et 13,41 Pa. Les résultats montrent que les facteurs jouant sur l’érosion des berges ont une variabilité intrinsèque et systémique difficile à mesurer. Le protocole expérimental développé dans ce projet s’est toutefois avéré utile pour étudier les principales variables qui influencent l’érosion des berges, tout en quantifiant les taux d’érosion et les mécanismes d’érosion de berge de deux tributaires importants du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ce protocole pourrait être utile dans d’autres contextes.
We use various data sets, including images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE), to examine the ejecta of the generally fresh-looking Hale crater that occurs in the rugged mountain terrain of Nereidum Montes in the northern rim materials of the Argyre impact structure on Mars. Our investigation reveals that the distal parts of the Hale crater ejecta and other basin deposits behave like viscous flows, which we attribute to the secondary flow of ejecta mixed with water–ice-rich basin materials. Consistent with water-enrichment of the basin materials, our mapping further reveals occasionally deformed surfaces, including highly conspicuous features such as mounds and fractured plateaus that we interpret to be a result of periglacial modification, subsequent (including possibly present-day) to the transient localized melting and fluvial erosion caused by Hale-impact-generated heating. In particular, our morphometric analysis of a well-defined valley system west of Hale crater suggests that it may have been formed through hydrologic/glacial activity prior to the Hale impact, with additional modification resulting from the impact and subsequent geologic and hydrologic phenomena including glacial and periglacial activity.
In this chapter, we discuss the factors controlling the mechanisms and rates of hillslope failure in temperate environments with a major focus on the Swiss Alps. We frame this presentation by defining Alpine hillslopes as either strength- or transport-limited hillslopes. We organize this discussion into individual sections that outline how hillslope processes are related to (1) the mechanical strength and bedding orientation of bedrock, (2) the competition between channelized and hillslope processes, (3) hillslope–channel coupling relationships, and (4) fluvial erosion rates. We find that hillslope angles depend on bedrock strength along nonincised channels, but are not related to this parameter in inner gorges. We also find that valley flanks host deep-seated landslides where the bedrock dips parallel to the topographic slope. In the opposite case, the valley sides are dissected by a network of bedrock channels bordered by strength-limited hillslopes. In this chapter, we illustrate that a high ratio between sediment discharge on hillslopes and in channels explains the formation of smooth landscapes with low channel densities and long response times. This chapter considers the formation of strength-limited hillslopes as a consequence of an upslope-directed coupling between channels and hillslopes. The chapter also discusses that soil-mantled hillslopes occur where fluvial incision rates are less than weathering rates of bedrock, which are limited to 0.1–0.3 mm yr−1. We finally present evidence for a decreasing trend of hillslope-derived sediment discharge during the Holocene, but predict an opposite trend in the nearest future as winters are warmer and wetter.
Arctic permafrost landscapes are among the most vulnerable and dynamic landscapes globally, but due to their extent and remoteness most of the landscape changes remain unnoticed. In order to detect disturbances in these areas we developed an automated processing chain for the calculation and analysis of robust trends of key land surface indicators based on the full record of available Landsat TM, ETM +, and OLI data. The methodology was applied to the ~ 29,000 km**2 Lena Delta in Northeast Siberia, where robust trend parameters (slope, confidence intervals of the slope, and intercept) were calculated for Tasseled Cap Greenness, Wetness and Brightness, NDVI, and NDWI, and NDMI based on 204 Landsat scenes for the observation period between 1999 and 2014. The resulting datasets revealed regional greening trends within the Lena Delta with several localized hot-spots of change, particularly in the vicinity of the main river channels. With a 30-m spatial resolution various permafrost-thaw related processes and disturbances, such as thermokarst lake expansion and drainage, fluvial erosion, and coastal changes were detected within the Lena Delta region, many of which have not been noticed or described before. Such hotspots of permafrost change exhibit significantly different trend parameters compared to non-disturbed areas. The processed dataset, which is made freely available through the data archive PANGAEA, will be a useful resource for further process specific analysis by researchers and land managers. With the high level of automation and the use of the freely available Landsat archive data, the workflow is scalable and transferrable to other regions, which should enable the comparison of land surface changes in different permafrost affected regions and help to understand and quantify permafrost landscape dynamics.
The evolution of oceanic and climatic conditions the northeast Indian Ocean during the last 7 m.y. is revealed in the sediments from Site 758. We present detailed and continuous records of d18O and d13C from planktonic foraminifers, weight percent calcium carbonate, weight percent coarse fraction, magnetic susceptibility, and geomagnetic reversals. Sample spacing of the records ranges from 3 to 10 cm and is equivalent to an average time interval of 2000 to 6000 yr. Despite the fact that core recovery ranged between 100% and 105%, recovery gaps as large as 2.7 m occurred at nearly every break between advanced hydraulic piston cores. Approximately 12% of the late Neogene sequence was not recovered in each of the two holes drilled at Site 758. To circumvent the discontinuity introduced by the gaps, a composite depth section was constructed from multiple cores taken from offset holes at Site 758. The resulting composite depth section extends continuously from 0 to 116 mbsf, from the Holocene to the upper Miocene. A detailed chronostratigraphy is based on geomagnetic reversals which extend from the Brunhes Chron to Chron 6, and on d18O stages 1 through 105, which span from 0 to 2.5 Ma. The d18O record is dominated by a ~40-k.y. cycle in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, and is followed by a change to a ~100-k.y. cycle in the late Pleistocene. The mid-Pleistocene transition between these two modes of variability occurs between d18O stages 25 and 22 (between 860 and 800 Ka). Thirteen major volcanic ash horizons from the Indonesian arc are observed throughout the sedimentary section and are dated by their relative position within the geomagnetic reversals and the d18O chronostratigraphy. Since 5 Ma, there has been a long-term decline in weight percent CaCO3 and CaCO3 mass accumulation rates, and an associated rise in non-CaCO3 mass accumulation rates. We attribute these changes to a decrease in CaCO3 productivity and an increase in terrigenous sedimentation through enhanced riverine input. Such input may be linked to rapid tectonic uplift of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau via mechanisms such as the intensification of the monsoonal rains, increased fluvial erosion, and regional glaciation. The long-term increase in percent coarse fraction since 5 Ma suggests a gradual increase in CaCO3 preservation. Higher frequency fluctuations in CaCO3 preservation are superimposed on the long-term trend and are related to climate fluctuations. The abrupt drop (-50%) in CaCO3 accumulation at 3.4 Ma signals a dramatic decrease in CaCO3 production that occurred over much of the Indian Ocean.
We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.
High resolution palynological and geochemical data of sediment core GeoB 3910-2 (located offshore Northeast Brazil) spanning the period between 19 600 and 14 500 calibrated year bp (19.6-14.5 ka) show a land-cover change in the catchment area of local rivers in two steps related to changes in precipitation associated with Heinrich Event 1 (H1 stadial). At the end of the last glacial maximum, the landscape in semi-arid Northeast Brazil was dominated by a very dry type of caatinga vegetation, mainly composed of grasslands with some herbs and shrubs. After 18 ka, considerably more humid conditions are suggested by changes in the vegetation and by Corg and C/N data indicative of fluvial erosion. The caatinga became wetter and along lakes and rivers, sedges and gallery forest expanded. The most humid period was recorded between 16.5 and 15 ka, when humid gallery (and floodplain) forest and even small patches of mountainous Atlantic rain forest occurred together with dry forest, the latter being considered as a rather lush type of caatinga vegetation. During this humid phase erosion decreased as less lithogenic material and more organic terrestrial material were deposited on the continental slope of northern Brazil. After 15 ka arid conditions returned. During the humid second phase of the H1 stadial, a rich variety of landscapes existed in Northeast Brazil and during the drier periods small pockets of forest could probably survive in favorable spots, which would have increased the resilience of the forest to climate change.
Ce mémoire a été effectué dans le cadre d'une étude pour le Ministère des Transports.
Ce mémoire a été effectué dans le cadre d'une étude pour le Ministère des Transports.
In fluvial ecosystems mineral erosion, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes are linked via organo-mineral complexation, where dissolved organic molecules bind to mineral surfaces. Biofilms and suspended aggregates represent major aquatic microbial lifestyles whose relative importance changes predictably through fluvial networks. We tested how organo-mineral sorption affects aquatic microbial metabolism, using organo-mineral particles containing a mix of 13C, 15N-labelled amino acids. We traced 13C and 15N retention within biofilm and suspended aggregate biomass and its mineralisation. Organo-mineral complexation restricted C and N retention within biofilms and aggregates and also their mineralisation. This reduced the efficiency with which biofilms mineralise C and N by 30 % and 6 %. By contrast, organo-minerals reduced the C and N mineralisation efficiency of suspended aggregates by 41 % and 93 %. Our findings show how organo-mineral complexation affects microbial C:N stoichiometry, potentially altering the biogeochemical fate of C and N within fluvial ecosystems.
Les vagues de bateau ajoutent une pression supplémentaire sur les berges de rivières et doivent être considérées dans les modèles de prédiction des taux de recul des berges. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner le rôle des vagues de bateau sur l’écoulement et le transport en suspension le long des berges en milieu fluvial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons un transect perpendiculaire à la berge de quatre courantomètres électromagnétiques (ECMs) mesurant deux dimensions de l’écoulement et deux turbidimètres (OBSs) placés dos à dos, orientés vers la berge et le large pour mesurer les conditions moyennes et turbulentes de l’écoulement longitudinal et vertical ainsi que les flux de sédiments en suspension provoqués par les vagues. Une chaloupe à moteur de 16 pieds, équipée d’un moteur 40 hp, a été utilisée afin de générer des vagues. Nous avons mesuré l’effet de trois distances à partir de la berge (5, 10, 15 m) et trois vitesses de bateau (5, 15 et 25 km/h) et cinq répliques de chaque combinaison de distance et de vitesse ont été réalisées, totalisant 45 passages. Nous avons caractérisé la variabilité des conditions d’écoulement, de vagues et de transport de sédiments et nous avons réalisé des analyses spectrales afin de séparer les portions oscillatoire et turbulente de l’écoulement généré par les vagues de bateau. L’effet de la distance et de la vitesse du bateau sur le transport de sédiments est non-linéaire et la réponse sédimentaire induite par les passages de bateau montre une variabilité importante entre les répliques et les deux sondes OBS, ce qui suggère un changement morphologique induit par les vagues de bateau. Les corrélations entre les variables d’écoulement et de transport montrent l’importance des relations entre le cisaillement et la puissance de la portion turbulente de l’écoulement avec le transport de sédiments. Cette étude a permis de quantifier les relations entre la dynamique des vagues et les flux de concentrations de sédiments en suspension, ce qui représente une contribution importante au développement de mesures de mitigation dans les environnements fluviaux où les berges sont fragilisées par le trafic plaisancier.
Current models of Pleistocene fluvial system development and dynamics are assessed from the perspective of European Lower and Middle Palaeolithic stone tool assemblages recovered from fluvial secondary contexts. Fluvial activity is reviewed both in terms of Milankovitch-scale processes across the glacial/interglacial cycles of the Middle and Late Pleistocene, and in response to sub-Milankovitch scale, high-frequency, low-magnitude climatic oscillations. The chronological magnitude of individual phases of fluvial activity is explored in terms of radiocarbon-dated sequences from the Late Glacial and early Holocene periods. It is apparent that fluvial activity is associated with periods of climatic transition, both high and low magnitude, although system response is far more universal in the case of the high magnitude glacial/ interglacial transitions. Current geochronological tools do not permit the development of high-resolution sequences for Middle Pleistocene sediments, while localised erosion and variable system responses do not facilitate direct comparison with the ice core records. However, Late Glacial and early Holocene sequences indicate that individual fluvial activity phases are relatively brief in duration (e.g. 10(2) and 10(3) yr). From an archaeological perspective, secondary context assemblages can only be interpreted in terms of a floating geochronology, although the data also permit a reinvestigation of the problems of artefact reworking. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley I Sons, Ltd.
Despite important progress on Amazonian floodplain research, the flooded forest of the Negro River igapó has been little investigated. In particular, no study has previously focused the linkage between fluvial geomorphology and the floristic variation across the course of the river. In this paper we describe and interpret relations between igapó forest, fluvial geomorphology and the spatial evolution of the igapó forest through the Holocene. Therefore, we investigate the effect of geomorphological units of the floodplain and channel patterns on tree diversity, composition and structural parameters of the late-successional igapó forest. Our results show that sites sharing almost identical flooding regime, exhibit variable tree assemblages, species richness and structural parameters such as basal area, tree density and tree heights, indicating a trend in which the geomorphologic styles seem to partially control the organization of igapó's tree communities. This can be also explained by the high variability of well-developed geomorphologic units in short distances and concentrated in small areas. In this dynamic the inputs from the species pool of tributary rivers play a crucial role, but also the depositional and erosional processes associated with the evolution of the floodplain during the Holocene may control floristic and structural components of the igapó forests. These results suggest that a comprehensive approach integrating floristic and geomorphologic methods is needed to understand the distribution of the complex vegetation patterns in complex floodplains such as the igapó of the Negro River. This combination of approaches may introduce a better comprehension of the temporal and spatial evolutionary analysis and a logic rationale to understand the vegetation distribution and variability in function of major landforms, soil distributions and hydrology. Thus, by integrating the past into macroecological analyses will sharpen our understanding of the underlying forces for contemporary floristic patterns along the inundation forests of the Negro River. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
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