27 resultados para fludarabine


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BACKGROUND: Combined Fludarabine and Cyclophosphamide is now standard first-line therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and the addition of Rituximab improves outcome.

METHODS: We adopted a modified Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab (FCR) protocol in treating 39 patients (median age 57 years) with progressive or advanced CLL. Depending on CR, treatment was given for four or six cycles.

RESULT: Twenty-six patients were treatment naïve and 13 were pre-treated. Twelve patients had progressive Binet stage A, 16 stage B and 11 stage C disease. The overall response rate (ORR) was 100%, with 75% achieving CR. Neutropenia was the major toxicity in 71/187 (38%) of the cycles. There were five deaths, two from infection and three from progressive disease. Twenty-six of 31 patients have maintained their post-treatment disease status for a median of 17 months (2-41).

CONCLUSION: We conclude that FCR is a feasible, well-tolerated and effective treatment for patients with CLL.


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Taking advantage of homeostatic mechanisms to boost tumor-specific cellular immunity is raising increasing interest in the development of therapeutic strategies in the treatment of melanoma. Here, we have explored the potential of combining homeostatic proliferation, after transient immunosuppression, and antigenic stimulation of Melan-A/Mart-1 specific CD8 T-cells. In an effort to develop protocols that could be readily applicable to the clinic, we have designed a phase I clinical trial, involving lymphodepleting chemotherapy with Busulfan and Fludarabine, reinfusion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cell containing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (exempt of growth factors), and Melan-A peptide vaccination. Six patients with advanced melanoma were enrolled in this outpatient regimen that demonstrated good feasibility combined with low toxicity. Consistent depletion of lymphocytes with persistent increased CD4/CD8 ratios was induced, although the proportion of circulating CD4 regulatory T-cells remained mostly unchanged. The study of the immune reconstitution period showed a steady recovery of whole T-cell numbers overtime. However, expansion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cells, as measured in peripheral blood, was mostly inconsistent, accompanied with marginal phenotypic changes, despite vaccination with Melan-A/Mart-1 peptide. On the clinical level, 1 patient presented a partial but objective antitumor response following the beginning of the protocol, even though a direct effect of Busulfan/Fludarabine cannot be completely ruled out. Overall, these data provide further ground for the development of immunotherapeutic approaches to be both effective against melanoma and applicable in clinic.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the results of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia treatment with fludarabine by assessing the complete hematologic response, the complete molecular response, progression-free survival, and overall survival. METHODS: We evaluated the records of six patients with T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia who were treated with fludarabine as a first-, second-, or third-line therapy, at a dose of 40 mg/m(2), for three to five days per month and 6 to 8 cycles. RESULTS: Of the six patients investigated with T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia who were treated with fludarabine, five (83.3%) were female, and their median age was 36.5 years (range 18 to 73). The median lymphocyte level was 3.4x10(9)/L (0.5 to 8.9). All patients exhibited a monoclonal T-cell receptor gamma gene rearrangement at diagnosis. Two (33.3%) patients received fludarabine as first-line treatment, two (33.3%) for refractory disease, one (16.6%) for relapsed disease after the suspension of methotrexate treatment due to liver toxicity, and one (16.6%) due to dyspesia. A complete hematologic response was achieved in all cases, and a complete molecular response was achieved in five out six cases (83.3%). During a mean follow-up period of 12 months, both the progression-free survival and overall survival rates were 100%. CONCLUSION: T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia demonstrated a high rate of complete hematologic and molecular response to fludarabine, with excellent compliance and tolerability rates. To confirm our results in this rare disease, we believe that fludarabine should be tested in clinical trials as a first-line treatment for T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia.


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Inhibition of DNA repair by the nucleoside of fludarabine (F-ara-A) induces toxicity in quiescent human cells. The sensing and signaling mechanisms following DNA repair inhibition by F-ara-A are unknown. The central hypothesis of this project was that the mechanistic interaction of a DNA repair initiating agent and a nucleoside analog initiates an apoptotic signal in quiescent cells. The purpose of this research was to identify the sensing and signaling mechanism(s) that respond to DNA repair inhibition by F-ara-A. Lymphocytes were treated with F-ara-A, to accumulate the active triphosphate metabolite and subsequently DNA repair was activated by UV irradiation. Pre-incubation of lymphocytes with 3 μM F-ara-A inhibited DNA repair initiated by 2 J/m2 UV and induced greater than additive apoptosis after 24 h. Blocking the incorporation of F-ara-A nucleotide into repairing DNA using 30 μM aphidicolin considerably lowered the apoptotic response. ^ Wild-type quiescent cells showed a significant loss in viability than did cells lacking functional sensor kinase DNA-PKcs or p53 as measured by colony formation assays. The functional status of ATM did not appear to affect the apoptotic outcome. Immunoprecipitation studies showed an interaction between the catalytic sub-unit of DNA-PK and p53 following DNA repair inhibition. Confocal fluorescence microscopy studies have indicated the localization pattern of p53, DNA-PK and γ-H2AX in the nucleus following DNA damage. Foci formation by γ-H2AX was seen as an early event that is followed by interaction with DNA-PKcs. p53 serine-15 phosphorylation and accumulation were detected 2 h after treatment. Fas/Fas ligand expression increased significantly after repair inhibition and was dependent on the functional status of p53. Blocking the interaction between Fas and Fas ligand by neutralizing antibodies significantly rescued the apoptotic fraction of cells. ^ Collectively, these results suggest that incorporation of the nucleoside analog into repair patches is critical for cytotoxicity and that the DNA damage, while being sensed by DNA-PK, may induce apoptosis by a p53-mediated signaling mechanism. Based on the results, a model is proposed for the sensing of F-ara-A-induced DNA damage that includes γ-H2AX, DNA-PKcs, and p53. Targeting the cellular DNA repair mechanism can be a potential means of producing cytotoxicity in a quiescent population of neoplastic cells. These results also provide mechanistic support for the success of nucleoside analogs with cyclophosphamide or other agents that initiate excision repair processes, in the clinic. ^


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15) is a novel microtubule depolymerization agent that induces cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in a number of cancer cell lines. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by clonal expansion of predominately nonproliferating mature B cells. Here, we present data suggesting PBOX-15 is a potential therapeutic agent for CLL. We show activity of PBOX-15 in samples taken from a cohort of CLL patients (n = 55) representing both high-risk and low-risk disease. PBOX-15 exhibited cytotoxicity in CLL cells (n = 19) in a dose-dependent manner, with mean IC(50) of 0.55 mu mol/L. PBOX-15 significantly induced apoptosis in CLL cells (n = 46) including cells with poor prognostic markers: unmutated IgV(II) genes, CD38 and zeta-associated protein 70 (ZAP-70) expression, and fludarabine-resistant cells with chromosomal deletions in 17p. In addition, PBOX-15 was more potent than fludarabine in inducing apoptosis in fludarabine-sensitive cells. Pharmacologic inhibition and small interfering RNA knockdown of caspase-8 significantly inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis. Pharmacologic inhibition of c-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis in mutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(-) CLL cells but not in unmutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(+) cells. PBOX-15 exhibited selective cytotoxicity in CLL cells compared with normal hematopoietic cells. Our data suggest that PBOX-15 represents a novel class of agents that are toxic toward both high-risk and low-risk CLL cells. The need for novel treatments is acute in CLL, especially for the subgroup of patients with poor clinical outcome and drug-resistant disease. This study identifies a novel agent with significant clinical potential.


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Acute leukaemias in relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) respond poorly to donor leucocyte infusions (DLI) compared with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), at least in part because of faster disease kinetics. Fludarabine-containing 'non-myeloablative' chemotherapy followed by further allo SCT may offer more rapid and effective disease control. We report 14 patients with relapse after allo SCT for acute leukaemia [seven acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), five acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)] or refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-t, n = 2) treated with fludarabine, high-dose cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) and granulocyte colony-simulating factor (G-CSF) with (n = 10) or without (n = 2) idarubicin (FLAG +/- Ida) or DaunoXome (FLAG-X) (n = 2) and second allo SCT from the original donor. Donors were fully human leucocyte antigen (HLA) -matched in 13 cases with a single class A mismatch in one. Actuarial overall survival was 60% and disease-free survival was 26% at 58 months. Remissions after the second SCT were longer than those after the first bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in eight of the 13 assessable patients to date. Haematopoietic recovery was rapid. Transplants were well tolerated with no treatment-related deaths. The major complication was graft-versus-host disease (GvHD, acute >/= grade II-2 cases, chronic - eight cases, two limited, six extensive) although there have been no deaths attributable to this. FLAG +/- Ida and second allo SCT is a safe and useful approach and may be more effective than DLI in the treatment of acute leukaemias relapsing after conventional allo SCT.


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Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains a significant complication in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) using a reduced intensity conditioning regimen. Although T-cell depletion (TCD) reduces the risk of GVHD after a myeloablative conditioning regimen, it is associated with an increased risk of graft failure. We have therefore examined whether TCD compromises engraftment using a fludarabine-based conditioning regimen. Fifteen patients have been transplanted using such a regimen of whom 13 underwent ex vivo TCD. All but one patient demonstrated durable engraftment and no patient receiving a TCD product developed severe GVHD. Thus, TCD may play a role in GvHD prophylaxis using such regimens.


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Le système immunitaire se doit d’être étroitement régulé afin d’éviter que des réponses immunologiques inappropriées ou de trop forte intensité ne surviennent. Ainsi, différents mécanismes permettent de maintenir une tolérance périphérique, mais aussi d’atténuer la réponse lorsque celle-ci n’est plus nécessaire. De tels mécanismes sont cependant aussi exploités par les tumeurs, qui peuvent ainsi échapper à une attaque par le système immunitaire et donc poursuivre leur progression. Ces mécanismes immunosuppresseurs nuisent non seulement à la réponse naturelle contre les cellules tumorales, mais font aussi obstacle aux tentatives de manipulation clinique de l’immunité visant à générer une réponse anti-tumorale par l’immunothérapie. L’un des mécanismes par lesquels les tumeurs s’évadent du système immunitaire est l’expression d’enzymes responsables du métabolisme des acides aminés dont l’une des principales est l’indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase (IDO). Cette dernière dégrade le tryptophane et diminue ainsi sa disponibilité dans le microenvironnement tumoral, ce qui engendre des effets négatifs sur la prolifération, les fonctions et la survie des lymphocytes T qui y sont présents. Bien que la régulation de l’expression de cette enzyme ait été largement étudiée chez certaines cellules présentatrices d’antigènes, dont les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques, peu est encore connu sur sa régulation dans les cellules tumorales humaines. Nous avons posé l’hypothèse que différents facteurs produits par les cellules immunitaires infiltrant les tumeurs (TIIC) régulent l’expression de l’IDO dans les cellules tumorales. Nous avons effectivement démontré qu’une expression de l’IDO est induite chez les cellules tumorales humaines, suite à une interaction avec des TIIC. Cette induction indépendante du contact cellulaire résulte principalement de l’interféron-gamma (IFN-g) produit par les lymphocytes T activés, mais est régulée à la baisse par l’interleukine (IL)-13. De plus, la fludarabine utilisée comme agent chimiothérapeutique inhibe l’induction de l’IDO chez les cellules tumorales en réponse aux lymphocytes T activés. Cette observation pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes en clinique sachant qu’une forte proportion d’échantillons cliniques provenant de tumeurs humaines exprime l’IDO. Enfin, les lymphocytes B, qui sont retrouvés également dans certaines tumeurs et qui interagissent étroitement avec les lymphocytes T, sont aussi susceptibles à une induction transcriptionnelle et traductionnelle de l’IDO. Cette enzyme est cependant produite sous une forme inactive dans les lymphocytes B, ce qui rend peu probable l’utilisation de l’IDO par les lymphocytes B comme mécanisme pour freiner la réponse immunitaire. Nos travaux apportent des informations importantes quant à la régulation de l’expression de la molécule immunosuppressive IDO dans les cellules cancéreuses. Ils démontrent que l’expression de l’IDO est influencée par la nature des cytokines présentes dans le microenvironnement tumoral. De plus son expression est inhibée par la fludarabine, un agent utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Ces données devraient être prises en considération dans la planification de futurs essais immunothérapeutiques, et pourraient avoir un impact sur les réponses cliniques anti-tumorales.


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Il existe plusieurs défis au développement d’une thérapie visant à stimuler l’immunité cellulaire. Dans la prévention contre certains virus et en immunothérapie du cancer, l’induction de lymphocytes T spécifiques est cependant primordiale. Dans la première partie de l’étude, nous avons porté notre attention sur la compréhension de la présentation croisée par le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I) médiée par des particules pseudo-virales (VLP) composées de la protéine de surface de potexvirus à laquelle nous avons ajouté un épitope de la protéine M1 du virus de l’influenza ou un épitope de la protéine gp100 du mélanome. Cette VLP se caractérise par sa capacité à stimuler, sans l’aide d’adjuvant, le système immunitaire et de présenter de façon croisée l’épitope inséré dans sa protéine de surface et ce, indépendamment de l’activité du protéasome. Nous avons, tout d’abord, comparé les propriétés de présentation antigénique croisée des VLP formées du virus de la mosaïque de la malva (MaMV) à celles des VLP du virus de la mosaïque de la papaye (PapMV). Les résultats confirment que ces propriétés sont partagées par plusieurs membres de la famille des potexvirus malgré des divergences de séquences (Hanafi et al. Vaccine 2010). De plus, nous avons procédé à des expériences pour préciser le mécanisme menant à la présentation de l’épitope inséré dans les VLP de PapMV. Les résultats nous confirment une voie vacuolaire dépendante de l’activité de la cathepsine S et de l’acidification des lysosomes pour l’apprêtement antigénique. L’induction de l’autophagie par les VLP semble également nécessaire à la présentation croisée par les VLP de PapMV. Nous avons donc établi un nouveau mécanisme de présentation croisée vacuolaire dépendant de l’autophagie (Hanafi et al. soumis Autophagy). En second lieu, en immunothérapie du cancer, il est aussi important de contrôler les mécanismes d’évasion immunitaire mis en branle par la tumeur. Nous avons spécifiquement étudié l’enzyme immunosuppressive indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase (IDO) (revue de la littérature dans les tumeurs humaines; Hanafi et al. Clin. Can. Res 2011) et son inhibition dans les cellules tumorales. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté d’inhiber son expression par la fludarabine, agent chimiothérapeutique précédemment étudié pour son activité inhibitrice de l’activation de STAT1 (signal transducers and activators of transcription 1). Étonnamment, nos résultats ont montré l’inhibition d’IDO dans les cellules tumorales par la fludarabine, indépendamment de l’inhibition de la phosphorylation de STAT1. Nous avons démontré que le mécanisme d’action dépendait plutôt de l’induction de la dégradation d’IDO par le protéasome (Hanafi et al. PlosOne 2014). Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont donc portés autant sur la compréhension d’une nouvelle plateforme de vaccination pouvant médier l’activation de lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques et sur le contrôle d’une immunosuppression établie par les cellules tumorales pour évader au système immunitaire. Ces deux grandes stratégies sont à considérer en immunothérapie du cancer et la combinaison avec d’autres thérapies déjà existantes pourra permettre une meilleure réponse clinique.


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The effector function of natural killer (NK) cells is regulated by activating and inhibitory receptors, termed killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). In haploidentical T-cell depleted transplantation the donor/recipient KIR mismatch significantly impacts on NK-mediated tumor cell killing, particularly in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Thirty-four high risk AML patients entered a phase I-II study of adoptive NK-cell based immunotherapy and were screened for the availability of one haploidentical KIR ligand mismatched donor. Thirteen of them resulted as having one suitable donor. NK cells were enriched from steady-state leukaphereses by using a double-step immunomagnetic separation system, consisting in depletion of CD3+ T cells followed by positive selection of CD56+ NK cells. CD56+ cells were enriched from 7,70% (1,26-11,70) to 93,50% (66,41-99,20) (median recovery 53,05% (30,97-72,85), median T-depletion 3,03 log (2,15-4,52) viability >92%) and their citotoxic activity was inalterate. All patients (4 progressions, 1 partial remission and 8 complete remissions) received NK cell infusion which was preceeded by immunosuppressive chemotherapy (fludarabine and cyclophosphamide) and followed by interleukin 2 injections. The median number of reinfused NK cells was 2,74x10(e)6/kg(1,11-5,00) and contamining CD3+ T cells were always less than 1x10(e)5/kg. The procedure was well-tolerated and no significant toxicity, including GvHD, related to NK cell infusion was observed. The donor NK cells were demonstrated in 5/10 patients. Among the 8 patients in complete remission 5 patients are stable after 18, 15, 4, 2 months of follow-up. Three other patients relapsed after 2 and 7 months. The patient in partial remission obtained a complete remission, which lasted for 6 months. The 4 patients with active/progressive disease showed the persistence of disease. This clinical observation may be correlated with in vitro studies, indicating that AML cells are capable to induce NK cell apoptosis in a dose-depend manner. In summery, a two-step enrichment of CD56+ NK cells allows the collection of a suitable number of target cells to be used as adoptive immunotherapy in AML patients. Infusion of NK cells is feasible and safe and adoptively transferred NK cells can be detected after infusion.