649 resultados para fjord


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Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) from the Gulf of Alaska were screened for temporal and spatial genetic variation with 15 microsatellite loci. Thirteen collections were examined in this study: 11 from Southeast Alaska and 2 from Prince William Sound, Alaska. Although FST values were low, a neighbor-joining tree based on genetic distance, homogeneity, and FST values revealed that collectively, the Berners Bay and Lynn Canal (interior) collections were genetically distinct from Sitka Sound and Prince of Wales Island (outer-coastal) collections. Temporal genetic variation within regions (among three years of Berners Bay spawners and between the two Sitka Sound spawners) was zero, whereas 0.05% was attributable to genetic variation between Berners Bay and Sitka Sound. This divergence may be attributable to environmental differences between interior archipelago waters and outer-coast habitats, such as differences in temperature and salinity. Early spring collections of nonspawning Lynn Canal herring were nearly genetically identical to collections of spawning herring in Berners Bay two months later—an indication that Berners Bay spawners over-winter in Lynn Canal. Southeast Alaskan herring (collectively) were significantly different from those in Prince William Sound. This study illustrates that adequate sample size is needed to detect variation in pelagic fish species with a large effective population size, and microsatellite markers may be useful in detecting low-level genetic divergence in Pacific herring in the Gulf of Alaska.


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Fjord estuaries are common along the northeast Pacific coastline, but little information is available on fish assemblage structure and its spatiotemporal variability. Here, we examined changes in diversity metrics, species biomasses, and biomass spectra (the distribution of biomass across body size classes) over three seasons (fall, winter, summer) and at multiple depths (20 to 160 m) in Puget Sound, Washington, a deep and highly urbanized fjord estuary on the U.S. west coast. Our results indicate that this fish assemblage is dominated by cartilaginous species (spotted ratfish [Hydrolagus colliei] and spiny dogfish [Squalus acanthias]) and therefore differs fundamentally from fish assemblages found in shallower estuaries in the northeast Pacific. Diversity was greatest in shallow waters (<40 m), where the assemblage was composed primarily of flatfishes and sculpins, and lowest in deep waters (>80 m) that are more common in Puget Sound and that are dominated by spotted ratf ish and seasonally (fall and summer) by spiny dogfish. Strong depth-dependent variation in the demersal fish assemblage may be a general feature of deep fjord estuaries and indicates pronounced spatial variability in the food web. Future comparisons with less impacted fjords may offer insight into whether cartilaginous species naturally dominate these systems or only do so under conditions related to human-caused ecosystem degradation. Information on species distributions is critical for marine spatial planning and for modeling energy flows in coastal food webs. The data presented here will aid these endeavors and highlight areas for future research in this important yet understudied system.


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We investigated the feeding ecology of juvenile salmon during the critical early life-history stage of transition from shallow to deep marine waters by sampling two stations (190 m and 60 m deep) in a northeast Pacific fjord (Dabob Bay, WA) between May 1985 and October 1987. Four species of Pacific salmon—Oncorhynchus keta (chum) , O. tshawytscha (Chinook), O. gorbuscha (pink), and O. kisutch (coho)—were examined for stomach contents. Diets of these fishes varied temporally, spatially, and between species, but were dominated by insects, euphausiids, and decapod larvae. Zooplankton assemblages and dry weights differed between stations, and less so between years. Salmon often demonstrated strongly positive or negative selection for specific prey types: copepods were far more abundant in the zooplankton than in the diet, whereas Insecta, Araneae, Cephalapoda, Teleostei, and Ctenophora were more abundant in the diet than in the plankton. Overall diet overlap was highest for Chinook and coho salmon (mean=77.9%)—species that seldom were found together. Chum and Chinook salmon were found together the most frequently, but diet overlap was lower (38.8%) and zooplankton biomass was not correlated with their gut fullness (%body weight). Thus, despite occasional occurrences of significant diet overlap between salmon species, our results indicate that interspecific competition among juvenile salmon does not occur in Dabob Bay.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Oceanographic, hydrologic, and climatic data collected during 1916-'87 in Puget Sound's Main Basin (~200 m x 5 km x 100 km) and approaches oscillate at low frequency between two regimes (I, II). The oscillation accounts for a large fraction of the interannual variability (41-75%) and the zero crossings between regimes span approximately a decade. ... The transition between regimes is accompanied by substantial changes in the horizontal pressure and density fields between the Pacific coast and the mixing zones leading to the Basin, as well as within the Basin itself.


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The northern lampfish (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, family Myctophidae) and northern smoothtongue (Leuroglossus schmidti, family Bathylagidae) are mesopelagic fishes, defined by their vertical distribution in the mesopelagic zone (200–1000 m) during daylight hours. Northern lampfish range from the Bering Sea to southern California (Shimada, 1948), where their abundance is highest along the continental slope and decreases over the continental shelf. They are the most abundant species in the mesopelagic zone of the Bering Sea (Pearcy et al., 1977; Sobolevsky et al., 1996), the Gulf of Alaska (Purcell, 1996), and the eastern North Pacific Ocean off Oregon (Pearcy, 1964; Pearcy et al., 1977). Northern smoothtongue also concentrate in areas bordering the continental slope and are widely distributed from southern British Columbia to the Bering Sea (Peden, 1981) and are very abundant in the Okhotsk Sea (Sobolevsky et al., 1996).


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Variation in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages through the last approximately 300 years was studied in two sediment cores, one from the heavily polluted Frierfjord, and one from the adjoining, relatively unpolluted Brevikfjord, in order to docu1ent possible dinoflagellate responses to pollution. Changes in the cyst-flora were compared with historical information on the development of industry and also with geochemistry of the sediments, reflecting aspects of pollution. In the Frierfjord core, increasing pollution was accompanied by a decrease in cyst concentration, possibly reflecting reduced production, at least of dinoflagellates, and a shift toward more heterotrophic species, possibly reflecting reduced light penetration in the euphotic zone, or increased production of prey for the heterotrophs. These trends seem to have reversed as pollution decreased after about 1975, suggesting that cyst assemblages contain signals that may prove useful for tracing the development of pollution. Cyst assemblages in the Brevikfjord core only showed minor changes.


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Sound is an important medium for communication and marine organisms have evolved to capitalize on the efficiency with which sound energy travels through water. Anthropogenic and natural sound sources contribute to ocean ambient noise, which can interfere with the use of this sensory modality by marine animals. Anthropogenic noise sources have been increasing steadily over recent decades largely due to coastal population growth, increased global transportation, and offshore industrialization. Understanding the potential impacts of anthropogenic noise requires the establishment of ambient acoustic baselines from which to measure change. Establishing baselines, especially in quiet areas still largely unaffected by anthropogenic stressors, is particularly crucial in the face of the expansion of offshore industries, increasing coastal population and growing reliance on the ocean for global transportation. Global demand for liquid natural gas (LNG), catalyzed primarily by a growing Asian market, is expected to increase significantly in the next 20 years. The geographic position of British Columbia relative to these markets, a growing supply of LNG and new technology for extraction and shipping situate British Columbia as a strong competitor in the lucrative market. The LNG industry could have many adverse impacts on these territories and ecosystems. The Kitimat Fjord System is slated for the development of these LNG export facilities increasing shipping traffic for the port and thus increasing ambient noise in the fjord system. The purpose of this study is to 1) quantify the existing sound levels in the area surrounding Gil Island and 2) identify potential source mechanisms in order to provide a baseline study of the acoustic environment in the Kitimat Fjord system prior to potential increases from LNG shipping.


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In the frame of the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA), the response of an Arctic pelagic community (<3 mm) to a gradient of seawater pCO(2) was investigated. For this purpose 9 large-scale in situ mesocosms were deployed in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (78 degrees 56.2' N, 11 degrees 53.6' E), in 2010. The present study investigates effects on the communities of particle-attached (PA; >3 mu m) and free-living (FL; <3 mu m > 0.2 mu m) bacteria by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) in 6 of the mesocosms, ranging from 185 to 1050 mu atm initial pCO(2), and the surrounding fjord. ARISA was able to resolve, on average, 27 bacterial band classes per sample and allowed for a detailed investigation of the explicit richness and diversity. Both, the PA and the FL bacterioplankton community exhibited a strong temporal development, which was driven mainly by temperature and phytoplankton development. In response to the breakdown of a picophytoplankton bloom, numbers of ARISA band classes in the PA community were reduced at low and medium CO2 (similar to 185-685 mu atm) by about 25 %, while they were more or less stable at high CO2 (similar to 820-1050 mu atm). We hypothesise that enhanced viral lysis and enhanced availability of organic substrates at high CO2 resulted in a more diverse PA bacterial community in the post-bloom phase. Despite lower cell numbers and extracellular enzyme activities in the post-bloom phase, bacterial protein production was enhanced in high CO2 mesocosms, suggesting a positive effect of community richness on this function and on carbon cycling by bacteria.


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Bacterial dioxygenase-catalysed cis-dihydroxylation of the tetracyclic arenes benzo[c]phenanthrene 2, and the isosteric compounds benzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]furan 8, and benzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophene 9, has been found to occur exclusively at fjord-region bonds. The resulting cis-dihydrodiols 7, 10 and 11 were found to be enantiopure and of similar absolute configuration. cis-Dihydroxylation was also observed in the pseudo-fjord region of the 8,9,10,11-tetrahydro-precursors (12 and 13) of benzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]furan 8, and benzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophene 9, to yield the corresponding enantiopure hexahydro cis-diols 14 and 15. A novel tandem cis-dihydroxylation and bis-desaturation of the tetrahydro-substrate, tetrahydrobenzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophene 13, catalysed by biphenyl dioxygenase, was found to yield the fjord-region cis-dihydrodiol 17 of benzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophene 9.


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Published contemporary dinoflagellate distributional data from the NE Pacific margin and estuarine environments (n = 136) were re-analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis (pCCA). These analyses illustrated the dominant controls of winter temperature and productivity on the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in this region. Dinoflagellate cyst-based predictive models for winter temperature and productivity were developed from the contemporary distributional data using the modern analogue technique and applied to subfossil data from two mid to late Holocene (~5500 calendar years before present–present) cores; TUL99B03 and TUL99B11, collected from Effingham Inlet, a 15 km long anoxic fjord located on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island that directly opens to the Pacific Ocean through Barkley Sound. Sedimentation within these basins largely comprises annually deposited laminated couplets, each made up of a winter deposited terrigenous layer and spring to fall deposited diatomaceous layer. The Effingham Inlet dinoflagellate cyst record provides evidence of a mid-Holocene gradual decline in winter SST, ending with the initiation of neoglacial advances in the region by ~3500 cal BP. A reconstructed Late Holocene increase in winter SST was initiated by a weakening of the California Current, which would have resulted in a warmer central gyre and more El Niño-like conditions.