987 resultados para five-axis CNC machines


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The paper describes some details of the mechanical and kinematics design of a five-axis mechanism. The design has been utilized to physically realize an industrial-scale five-axis milling machine that can carry a three KW spindle. However, the mechanism could be utilized in other material processing and factory automation applications. The mechanism has five rectilinear joints/axes. Two of these axes are arranged traditionally, i.e. in series, and the other three axes utilize the concept of parallel kinematics. This combination results in a design that allows three translational and two rotational two-mode degrees of freedom (DOFs). The design provides speed, accuracy and cost advantages over traditional five-axis machines. All axes are actuated using linear motors.


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Measuring and compensating the pivot points of five-axis machine tools is always challenging and very time consuming. This paper presents a newly developed approach for automatic measurement and compensation of pivot point positional errors on five-axis machine tools. Machine rotary axis errors are measured using a circular test. This method has been tested on five-axis machine tools with swivel table configuration. Results show that up to 99% of the positional errors of the rotary axis can be compensated by using this approach.


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The aim of the work was to reduce the cost and improve the performance of five-axis machines. The main performance criteria were motion cycle-time and positioning accuracy/precision. A novel machine that utilizes the concept of parallel-kinematics and linear motor technology is proposed, designed, built and controlled for this sake.


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This paper presents the design and modeling of an active five-axis compliant micromanipulator whose tip orientation can be independently controlled by large angles about two axes and the tip-position can be controlled in three dimensions. These features enable precise control of the contact point of the tip and the tip-sample interaction forces with three-dimensional nanoscale objects, including those features that are conventionally inaccessible. Control of the tip-motion is realized by means of electromagnetic actuation combined with a novel kinematic and structural design of the micromanipulator, which, in addition, also ensures compatibility with existing high-resolution motion-measurement systems. The design and analysis of the manipulator structure and those of the actuation system are first presented. Quasi-static and dynamic lumped-parameter (LP) models are then derived for the five-axis compliant micromanipulator. Finite element (FE) analysis is employed to validate these models, which are subsequently used to study the effects of tip orientation on the mechanical characteristics of the five-axis micromanipulator. Finally, a prototype of the designed five-axis manipulator is fabricated by means of focused ion-beam milling (FIB).


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In planning an s-curve speed profile for a computer numerical control (CNC) machine, centripetal acceleration and its derivative have to be considered. In a CNC machine, these quantities dictate how much voltage and current should be applied to servo motor windings. In this paper, the necessity of considering centripetal jerk in speed profile generation especially in the look-ahead mode is explained. It is demonstrated that the magnitude of centripetal jerk is proportional to the curvature derivative of the path known as "sharpness". It is also explained that a proper limited jerk motion is only possible when a G2-continuous machining path is planned. Then using a simplified mathematical representation of clothoids, a novel method for approximating a given path with a sequence of clothoid segments is proposed. Using this method, a semi-parallel G2-continuous path with adjustable deviation from the original shape for a sample machining contour is generated. Maximum permissible feed rate for the generated path is also calculated.


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Operation sequencing is one of the crucial tasks in process planning. However, it is an intractable process to identify an optimized operation sequence with minimal machining cost in a vast search space constrained by manufacturing conditions. Also, the information represented by current process plan models for three-axis machining is not sufficient for five-axis machining owing to the two extra degrees of freedom and the difficulty of set-up planning. In this paper, a representation of process plans for five-axis machining is proposed, and the complicated operation sequencing process is modelled as a combinatorial optimization problem. A modern evolutionary algorithm, i.e. the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, has been employed and modified to solve it effectively. Initial process plan solutions are formed and encoded into particles of the PSO algorithm. The particles 'fly' intelligently in the search space to achieve the best sequence according to the optimization strategies of the PSO algorithm. Meanwhile, to explore the search space comprehensively and to avoid being trapped into local optima, several new operators have been developed to improve the particle movements to form a modified PSO algorithm. A case study used to verify the performance of the modified PSO algorithm shows that the developed PSO can generate satisfactory results in optimizing the process planning problem. © IMechE 2009.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de diferentes técnicas de fresado de engranajes espiro cónicos mediante fresadoras genéricas de cinco ejes. El proyecto estará dividido en varias partes que incluirán: el diseño de la geometría de las piezas a mecanizar, el propio proceso de manufactura y su posterior metrología. Durante el transcurso del curso 2014-2015 se documentará y participará activamente en el desarrollo de dichas técnicas de fresado. Proceso que será dirigido por Álvaro Álvarez, doctorando del departamento de Mecánica de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao. El objetivo principal es llegar a ser capaz de obtener piezas de gran complejidad en su diseño y proceso de fabricación, dentro de los márgenes de calidad exigidos por las normas pertinentes y mediante un proceso novedoso y competitivo a nivel internacional.


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Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) has a wide range of application in various fields of engineering. Titanium is mainly used to manufacture aerospace components like landing gear, fuselage, wings, engines etc. and biomedical components like hip joint, knee joint, dental implants etc. Titanium has outstanding material properties such as corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, tensile strength and a very good biocompatibility which makes this material very alluring for biomedical applications. Contrary, the machinability of the material is problematic because of the phase transformations and thus, titanium alloy is a challenge for machining operation. This research is a comparative analysis between the implants manufactured by traditional method of casting and machining. The femoral stem of the hip joint replacement is designed and the component is machined using a five-axis CNC machine.The machined component was subjected to surface roughness testing, tensile testing and bulk hardness testing. The values were compared with the values of titanium implants manufactured by casting. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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This thesis describes the development of an adaptive control algorithm for Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) machines implemented in a multi-axis motion control board based on the TMS320C31 DSP chip. The adaptive process involves two stages: Plant Modeling and Inverse Control Application. The first stage builds a non-recursive model of the CNC system (plant) using the Least-Mean-Square (LMS) algorithm. The second stage consists of the definition of a recursive structure (the controller) that implements an inverse model of the plant by using the coefficients of the model in an algorithm called Forward-Time Calculation (FTC). In this way, when the inverse controller is implemented in series with the plant, it will pre-compensate for the modification that the original plant introduces in the input signal. The performance of this solution was verified at three different levels: Software simulation, implementation in a set of isolated motor-encoder pairs and implementation in a real CNC machine. The use of the adaptive inverse controller effectively improved the step response of the system in all three levels. In the simulation, an ideal response was obtained. In the motor-encoder test, the rise time was reduced by as much as 80%, without overshoot, in some cases. Even with the larger mass of the actual CNC machine, decrease of the rise time and elimination of the overshoot were obtained in most cases. These results lead to the conclusion that the adaptive inverse controller is a viable approach to position control in CNC machinery.


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An accurate estimate of machining time is very important for predicting delivery time, manufacturing costs, and also to help production process planning. Most commercial CAM software systems estimate the machining time in milling operations simply by dividing the entire tool path length by the programmed feed rate. This time estimate differs drastically from the real process time because the feed rate is not always constant due to machine and computer numerical controlled (CNC) limitations. This study presents a practical mechanistic method for milling time estimation when machining free-form geometries. The method considers a variable called machine response time (MRT) which characterizes the real CNC machine's capacity to move in high feed rates in free-form geometries. MRT is a global performance feature which can be obtained for any type of CNC machine configuration by carrying out a simple test. For validating the methodology, a workpiece was used to generate NC programs for five different types of CNC machines. A practical industrial case study was also carried out to validate the method. The results indicated that MRT, and consequently, the real machining time, depends on the CNC machine's potential: furthermore, the greater MRT, the larger the difference between predicted milling time and real milling time. The proposed method achieved an error range from 0.3% to 12% of the real machining time, whereas the CAM estimation achieved from 211% to 1244% error. The MRT-based process is also suggested as an instrument for helping in machine tool benchmarking.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Cada vez mais, os principais objetivos na indústria é a produção a baixo custo, com a máxima qualidade e com o tempo de fabrico o mais curto possível. Para atingir esta meta, a indústria recorre, frequentemente, às máquinas de comando numérico (CNC), uma vez que com esta tecnologia torna se capaz alcançar uma elevada precisão e um tempo de processamento mais baixo. As máquinas ferramentas CNC podem ser aplicadas em diferentes processos de maquinagem, tais como: torneamento, fresagem, furação, entre outros. De todos estes processos, o mais utilizado é a fresagem devido à sua versatilidade. Utiliza-se normalmente este processo para maquinar materiais metálicos como é o caso do aço e dos ferros fundidos. Neste trabalho, são analisados os efeitos da variação de quatro parâmetros no processo de fresagem (velocidade de corte, velocidade de avanço, penetração radial e penetração axial), individualmente e a interação entre alguns deles, na variação da rugosidade num aço endurecido (aço 12738). Para essa análise são utilizados dois métodos de otimização: o método de Taguchi e o método das superfícies. O primeiro método foi utilizado para diminuir o número de combinações possíveis e, consequentemente, o número de ensaios a realizar é denominado por método de Taguchi. O método das superfícies ou método das superfícies de resposta (RSM) foi utilizado com o intuito de comparar os resultados obtidos com o método de Taguchi, de acordo com alguns trabalhos referidos na bibliografia especializada, o RSM converge mais rapidamente para um valor ótimo. O método de Taguchi é muito conhecido no setor industrial onde é utilizado para o controlo de qualidade. Apresenta conceitos interessantes, tais como robustez e perda de qualidade, sendo bastante útil para identificar variações do sistema de produção, durante o processo industrial, quantificando a variação e permitindo eliminar os fatores indesejáveis. Com este método foi vi construída uma matriz ortogonal L16 e para cada parâmetro foram definidos dois níveis diferentes e realizados dezasseis ensaios. Após cada ensaio, faz-se a medição superficial da rugosidade da peça. Com base nos resultados obtidos das medições da rugosidade é feito um tratamento estatístico dos dados através da análise de variância (Anova) a fim de determinar a influência de cada um dos parâmetros na rugosidade superficial. Verificou-se que a rugosidade mínima medida foi de 1,05m. Neste estudo foi também determinada a contribuição de cada um dos parâmetros de maquinagem e a sua interação. A análise dos valores de “F-ratio” (Anova) revela que os fatores mais importantes são a profundidade de corte radial e da interação entre profundidade de corte radial e profundidade de corte axial para minimizar a rugosidade da superfície. Estes têm contribuições de cerca de 30% e 24%, respetivamente. Numa segunda etapa este mesmo estudo foi realizado pelo método das superfícies, a fim de comparar os resultados por estes dois métodos e verificar qual o melhor método de otimização para minimizar a rugosidade. A metodologia das superfícies de resposta é baseada num conjunto de técnicas matemáticas e estatísticas úteis para modelar e analisar problemas em que a resposta de interesse é influenciada por diversas variáveis e cujo objetivo é otimizar essa resposta. Para este método apenas foram realizados cinco ensaios, ao contrário de Taguchi, uma vez que apenas em cinco ensaios consegue-se valores de rugosidade mais baixos do que a média da rugosidade no método de Taguchi. O valor mais baixo por este método foi de 1,03μm. Assim, conclui-se que RSM é um método de otimização mais adequado do que Taguchi para os ensaios realizados. Foram obtidos melhores resultados num menor número de ensaios, o que implica menos desgaste da ferramenta, menor tempo de processamento e uma redução significativa do material utilizado.


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针对原沈阳自动化研究所研制开发的五轴并联铣床的结构特点 ,提出了一种改进方案 ,并对这种新的构型的运动学进行了分析 ,针对其特点 ,从新的角度给出了位置正解及反解的方程。该构型的位置正解由于使用了附加传感器并充分考虑到机构特点而使得正解方程形式非常简单并且其中只存在一次项 ,从而避免了对复杂数值解法的采用