946 resultados para first-priority relation graph


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Mobile social networks (MSNs) consist of many mobile users (individuals) with social characteristics, that provide a variety of data delivery services involving the social relationship among mobile individuals. Because mobile users move around based on their common interests and contact with each other more frequently if they have more social features in common in MSNs. In this paper, we first propose the first-priority relation graph, say FPRG, of MSNs. However, some users in MSNs may be malicious. Malicious users can break the data delivery through terminating the data delivery or tampering with the data. Therefore, malicious users will be detected in the process of looking for the data delivery routing to obtain efficient and reliable data delivery routing along the first-priority relation graph. Secondly, we propose one hamiltonian cycle decomposition of FPRG-based adaptive detection algorithm based on in MSNs under the PMC detection model (the system-level detection model).


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In mobile social networks (MSNs), the routing packet is forwarded from any user of in a group to any user of the other group until it reaches the destination group - the group where the destination is located. However, it is inevitable that malicious groups could compromise the quality and reliability of data. To alleviate such effect, analyzing the trustworthiness of a group has a positive influence on the confidence with which a group conducts transactions with that group. In our previous work, the feature-based first-priority relation graph (FPRG) of MSNs is proposed, in which two vertices (groups) are connected iff they have a first-priority relationship. In this paper, the trustworthiness computation of a group is firstly presented in the algorithm TC (Trustworthiness Computing) based on the FPRG. The trustworthiness of a group is evaluated based on the trustworthiness of neighbors and the number of malicious users in the group. We then establish the Trustworthiness-Hypercube-based Reliable Communication (THRC) algorithm in MSNs. The algorithm THRC can provide an effective and reliable data delivery routing. Finally, we also give two scenario simulations to elaborate the processes of the trustworthiness computation and reliable communication.


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The "Candid Remarks" has a special title-page but continuous pagination.


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This paper aims to summarise the current performance of ozone data assimilation (DA) systems, to show where they can be improved, and to quantify their errors. It examines 11 sets of ozone analyses from 7 different DA systems. Two are numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems based on general circulation models (GCMs); the other five use chemistry transport models (CTMs). The systems examined contain either linearised or detailed ozone chemistry, or no chemistry at all. In most analyses, MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) ozone data are assimilated; two assimilate SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography) observations instead. Analyses are compared to independent ozone observations covering the troposphere, stratosphere and lower mesosphere during the period July to November 2003. Biases and standard deviations are largest, and show the largest divergence between systems, in the troposphere, in the upper-troposphere/lower-stratosphere, in the upper-stratosphere and mesosphere, and the Antarctic ozone hole region. However, in any particular area, apart from the troposphere, at least one system can be found that agrees well with independent data. In general, none of the differences can be linked to the assimilation technique (Kalman filter, three or four dimensional variational methods, direct inversion) or the system (CTM or NWP system). Where results diverge, a main explanation is the way ozone is modelled. It is important to correctly model transport at the tropical tropopause, to avoid positive biases and excessive structure in the ozone field. In the southern hemisphere ozone hole, only the analyses which correctly model heterogeneous ozone depletion are able to reproduce the near-complete ozone destruction over the pole. In the upper-stratosphere and mesosphere (above 5 hPa), some ozone photochemistry schemes caused large but easily remedied biases. The diurnal cycle of ozone in the mesosphere is not captured, except by the one system that includes a detailed treatment of mesospheric chemistry. These results indicate that when good observations are available for assimilation, the first priority for improving ozone DA systems is to improve the models. The analyses benefit strongly from the good quality of the MIPAS ozone observations. Using the analyses as a transfer standard, it is seen that MIPAS is similar to 5% higher than HALOE (Halogen Occultation Experiment) in the mid and upper stratosphere and mesosphere (above 30 hPa), and of order 10% higher than ozonesonde and HALOE in the lower stratosphere (100 hPa to 30 hPa). Analyses based on SCIAMACHY total column are almost as good as the MIPAS analyses; analyses based on SCIAMACHY limb profiles are worse in some areas, due to problems in the SCIAMACHY retrievals.


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In this paper we use concepts from graph theory and cellular biology represented as ontologies, to carry out semantic mining tasks on signaling pathway networks. Specifically, the paper describes the semantic enrichment of signaling pathway networks. A cell signaling network describes the basic cellular activities and their interactions. The main contribution of this paper is in the signaling pathway research area, it proposes a new technique to analyze and understand how changes in these networks may affect the transmission and flow of information, which produce diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Our approach is based on three concepts from graph theory (modularity, clustering and centrality) frequently used on social networks analysis. Our approach consists into two phases: the first uses the graph theory concepts to determine the cellular groups in the network, which we will call them communities; the second uses ontologies for the semantic enrichment of the cellular communities. The measures used from the graph theory allow us to determine the set of cells that are close (for example, in a disease), and the main cells in each community. We analyze our approach in two cases: TGF-β and the Alzheimer Disease.


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This paper will give a ‘criminological perspective’ on mandatory sentencing. It will however largely avoid the issues of the effect of mandatory sentencing provisions on the judicial process and judicial independence, as this has already been covered by Sir Anthony Mason. It will also avoid the legal issues concerning the constitutional, human rights and international law aspects of mandatory sentencing which will be covered by later speakers. The aim will be to give a brief overview of research which evaluates the effects of mandatory sentencing provisions in terms of the available evidence of whether they meet their stated aims of deterrence, selective incapacitation and the reduction of crime rates. This will be done in two parts, first in relation to the more extensive experiment in mandatory sentencing in the USA which has provided some of the impetus and metaphors ("three strikes") for recent Australian developments; and second the recent mandatory sentencing provisions in Western Australia (WA) and the Northern Territory (NT). Evidence from both the US and WA (NT is hard to assess because of the lack of proper monitoring and criminal statistics) indicates that mandatory sentencing does not produce the effects of deterrence, selective incapacitation and crime reduction which are its stated justifications and does produce a range of damaging side effects in terms of distortion of the judicial process, wildly disproportionate sentencing, additional financial and social cost and deepening social exclusion of individuals and particular communities. So what is left are the less acknowledged underpinnings of mandatory sentencing in the form of the symbolic politics of law and order, the politics of social exclusion and a displacement of racial anxieties and hostilities onto the terrain of the legal. In fashioning this necessarily brief overview a number of sources have been heavily drawn upon, in particular the excellent work by Neil Morgan from UWA (Morgan, 1995;1999; 2000); Dianne Johnson and George Zdenkowski in their detailed report to the Senate Inquiry (2000); and a number of articles appearing in 1999 in an excellent special issue of the UNSW Law Journal, all of which are highly recommended for further reading.


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The Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) is often used as a focal species for landscape ecological studies: the minimum size for its lekking area is 300 ha, and the annual home range for an individual may cover 30 80 km2. In Finland, Capercaillie populations have decreased by approximately 40 85%, with the declines likely to have started in the 1940s. Although the declines have partly stabilized from the 1990s onwards, it is obvious that the negative population trend was at least partly caused by changes in human land use. The aim of this thesis was to study the connections between human land use and Capercaillie populations in Finland, using several spatial and temporal scales. First, the effect of forest age structure on Capercaillie population trends was studied in 18 forestry board districts in Finland, during 1965 1988. Second, the abundances of Capercaillie and Moose (Alces alces L.) were compared in terms of several land-use variables on a scale of 50 × 50 km grids and in five regions in Finland. Third, the effects of forest cover and fine-grain forest fragmentation on Capercaillie lekking area persistence were studied in three study locations in Finland, on 1000 and 3000 m spatial scales surrounding the leks. The analyses considering lekking areas were performed with two definitions for forest: > 60 and > 152 m3ha 1 of timber volume. The results show that patterns and processes at large spatial scales strongly influence Capercaillie in Finland. In particular, in southwestern and eastern Finland, high forest cover and low human impact were found to be beneficial for this species. Forest cover (> 60 m3ha 1 of timber) surrounding the lekking sites positively affected lekking area persistence only at the larger landscape scale (3000 m radius). The effects of older forest classes were hard to assess due to scarcity of older forests in several study areas. Young and middle-aged forest classes were common in the vicinity of areas with high Capercaillie abundances especially in northern Finland. The increase in the amount of younger forest classes did not provide a good explanation for Capercaillie population decline in 1965 1988. In addition, there was no significant connection between mature forests (> 152 m3ha 1 of timber) and lekking area persistence in Finland. It seems that in present-day Finnish landscapes, area covered with old forest is either too scarce to efficiently explain the abundance of Capercaillie and the persistence of the lekking areas, or the effect of forest age is only important when considering smaller spatial scales than the ones studied in this thesis. In conclusion, larger spatial scales should be considered for assessing the future Capercaillie management. According to the proposed multi-level planning, the first priority should be to secure the large, regional-scale forest cover, and the second priority should be to maintain fine-grained, heterogeneous structure within the separate forest patches. A management unit covering hundreds of hectares, or even tens or hundreds of square kilometers, should be covered, which requires regional-level land-use planning and co-operation between forest owners.


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This research was carried out for recognizing Natural Flora Bacteria of oil pollution in the coasts of Queshm island. In The First steps, The coasts of this Island were scrutinized as a Field of research and For knowing whether oil stains exist or not. It gets obvious That southern coasts of Queshm have got oil pollution which is created by oil tankers which carry oil of Iran continental shelf. Them oil stains were sampled from to certain stations. In The First step, primary isolation of exisiting bacteria in every oil sample was done and then purification of each bacterium was carried out. Then each purified bacterium that has got strong, recognized, typic growth was enriched oil sample of T5 station. And Bacterium C4 (gram—negative coccobacillus) was chosen as the second priority From oil sample of TA station and Bacterium B1 (gram—positive coccus) was chosen as The third priority From oil sample of TI station. All The above mentioned bacteria were biochemically, physiologically and morphologically experimented For specking The species. According To The tests done and comparing with The tests done and comparing with the reference Berge y' s, bacterium A5 Pelongs to the species pseudomonas sp and becterium C4 belongs to the species Aeromonas sp and bacterium BI belongs to The species micrococcus sp. In The Last stage, bacterium with The First priority (TA5 pseudomonas sp) was used in the planned microcosm. The sake of optimum and adapting to Laboratory conditions Each enriched and purified bacterium was given a code for station and a code For itself . Then This bacterium was studied and it was proved that it has potentiality For using oil as a source of carbon. From oil samples of 10 stations, 30 various Colonies of bacterium were Isolated, of which 20 bacteria had the highest potentiality of growth. And the other bacteria that has no typic growth were omitted From being studied. Since all of These 20 bacterium are able to use oil, a bacterium with maximum rate of growth in the presence of crude oil and Lack of other hydrocarbonic sources and with The code A5 ( gram — negative Bacillus ) was chosen as First priority From The mentioned microcosm contains sea water , suspension oil degrading bacterium , crude oil, azote and various concentrations of carbon and Incubated in 30°` and shook 150 PRA1 According to the results , index oil degrading bacterium (pseudomonas sp) belongs oil sample of T5 stations (east of sheeb draz Gulf) which growth best and have the potentiality of degrading oil in 25 glli malas and 50 glli cheese water and with 5 gill urea .


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Using phylogenetic and population genetic approaches, the present study reports the phylogeographic structure of the sharp-snouted pitviper (Deinagkistrodon acutus), a threatened snake species with commercial and medicinal importance in China. The entire mitochondrial ND2 gene (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) sequences of 86 individuals of D. acutus from 14 localities across its range in China were determined. Based on the results of phylogenetic analyses, distribution of diagnostic sites, haplotype network, and AMOVA hierarchical analysis, an cast-west division of the whole D. acutus population could be observed. Geographically, a line formed by a lake, river, and mountain chain (the Poyang Lake, Gan River to the southern end of the Wuyi Mountains), results in vicariance and approximately vertically splits the range into two and the whole population into two main lineages (western and eastern). The bifurcating tree suggested generally west to east dispersal trend. The data fit the isolation by distance (IBD) model well. Star-like clusters in haplotype network, significantly negative values of Fs statistics, and unimodal mismatch distributions all suggest recent demographic expansions in four areas. The results show that isolation, dispersal, bottleneck, and expansion jointly constitute the history of D. acutus. In a haplotype network, the excessive predominance of central haplotypes, few medium-frequency haplotypes, predominance (73.1 %) of the singletons among the derived haplotypes, most of which are connected to the central haplotype by only one mutational step, unsymmetrical campanulate unimodal curve of mismatch distributions and leftwards shift of the peaks, all suggest that the whole D. acutus population is a young population with low genetic diversity. Based on the data, the first priority for conservation action should be given to the Huangshan unit. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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IEEE Comp Soc, IFIP, Tianjin Normal Univ


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Due to global warming and shrinking fossil fuel resources, politics as well as society urge for a reduction of green house gas (GHG) emissions. This leads to a re-orientation towards a renewable energy sector. In this context, innovation and new technologies are key success factors. Moreover, the renewable energy sector has entered a consolidation stage, where corporate investors and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) gain in importance. Although both M&A and innovation in the renewable energy sector are important corporate strategies, the link between those two aspects has not been examined before. The present thesis examines the research question how M&A influence the acquirer’s post-merger innovative performance in the renewable energy sector. Based on a framework of relevant literature, three hypotheses are defined. First, the relation between non-technology oriented M&A and post-merger innovative performance is discussed. Second, the impact of absolute acquired knowledge on postmerger innovativeness is examined. Third, the target-acquirer relatedness is discussed. A panel data set of 117 firms collected over a period of six years has been analyzed via a random effects negative binomial regression model and a time lag of one year. The results support a non-significant, negative impact of non-technology M&A on postmerger innovative performance. The applied model did not support a positive and significant impact of absolute acquired knowledge on post-merger innovative performance. Lastly, the results suggest a reverse relation than postulated by Hypothesis 3. Targets from the same industry significantly and negatively influence the acquirers’ innovativeness.


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This qualitative study>addresses the question of how Ontario elementary school principals negotiate their varied work roles, through interviews with and observations of 6 principals. Using inductive data analysis, principals' negotiations were divided into 5 categories: negotiating priorities, negotiating the process, negotiating constraints, negotiating the roles of others, and negotiating the self. These principals worked within these categories simultaneously, emphasizing some more than others, dependent on the circumstances. For these principals, the time they spent with people in the school and the resulting relationships that enabled them to build were a first priority, and a large part of how each principal chose to negotiate the demands of their role arose from their personality and their personal values.


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La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, RSE, no es un tema nuevo en América Latina ni en Colombia. En los últimos 30 años el auge que ha tomado la RSE respecto al ser humano es cada vez más creciente. Esto ha hecho del tema un campo prolífico y amplio en planteamientos teóricos, en compromisos y pactos múltiples que involucran a las empresas, los gobiernos, las organizaciones internacionales y los ciudadanos. Por ello es importante abordar la filosofía y aplicación de la RSE, observando los direccionamientos que de una u otra manera han hecho los modelos de desarrollo que priorizan el crecimiento económico y, en sentido opuesto, el centrado en el desarrollo humano. La diversidad de planteamientos tiene similitud en su origen al inspirarse en las necesidades básicas de las personas, en las posturas del desarrollo humano y el desarrollo sostenible, especialmente; y en la filosofía de la RSE que elaboran las organizaciones internacionales, empresariales y las ONG´s. La pertinencia de su aplicación queda a criterio y voluntariedad de las empresas de acuerdo al entorno local que experimentan, lo que ha contribuido a su incongruencia en cuanto a la conceptualización e implementación. En ese escenario la presente investigación se propone aportar una mirada crítica con espacios de reflexión sobre la posición actual de los conceptos más sobresalientes respecto a la RSE.