959 resultados para finance and audit committee charter


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This study extends the literature on audit pricing by examining the relationship between audit fees and corporate governance factors, namely audit committee and CEO characteristics of 605 public-listed companies in Malaysia. The study specifically investigates the association between audit fees and the ethnicity attributes of the CEO (bumiputra or not) and audit committee members (i.e. proportion of bumiputra membership), as well as audit committee characteristics pertaining to the proportion of independent members, financial expertise and diligence. The findings indicate audit committee independence is significantly and positively associated with audit fees, while financial expertise has a negative association with audit fees. We however do not find any relationship between audit fees and audit committee diligence as measured by meeting frequency. In addition, the data also reveals that firms with bumiputra CEOs and bumiputra dominated audit committees hold significant and positive relationships with audit fees.


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Using data from 2004 to 2008, we find that an audit committee is an important monitoring mechanism as audit committee independence, expertise and size are associated with reduced levels of abnormal accruals, our measure of earnings management. This study also attempts to discern when the monitoring role of the audit committee is more salient for the firm. We find that ownership concentration and the presence of government officials on the audit committee are important determinants of the negative association between audit committee characteristics and earnings management. In contrast, we find no significant associations between the audit committee and abnormal accruals for Chinese firms listed only on the Chinese domestic Stock Exchanges. The paper contributes to the corporate governance literature in a transitional economy. Identifying the role of audit committees of firms listed on markets other than the domicile market demonstrates the importance of considering the institutional setting in governance research.


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This paper provides empirical evidence on the impact of audit committee characteristics on the extent of internal auditor’s contribution to financial statement audits in an emerging economy. Using a cross-sectional regression model, based on Felix, Gramling and Maletta’s (2001) study, it provides evidence of a positive relationship between internal auditor contribution to financial statement audits and three dimensions of audit committee characteristics: the proportion of independent audit committee members; the extent of audit committee members’ knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, and finance; and the extent of audit committee review of IA proposal related to program, budget and coordination. A second model examines a relationship between internal audit contribution to financial statement audits and audit fees. However, the results did not yield a significant relationship between the two variables. These results are based on a unique data set comprised of publicly available data matched with survey data from chief internal auditors or financial controllers of 90 firms listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE).


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This study explores whether the relation between internal audit quality and firm performance is associated with firm characteristics of information asymmetry and uncertainty (growth opportunities) and certain governance controls (audit committee effectiveness). The results from this preliminary study of 60 Malaysian companies show that the association between internal audit quality and firm performance is stronger for firms with high growth opportunities and that this positive association is weakened by increasing audit committee independence. These findings demonstrate the internal auditors conflicting roles and question the governance recommendations that require all members of the audit committee to be non-executive directors.


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This paper attempts to determine whether the adoption of recommended corporate governance practices by Chinese firms is associated with less earnings management proxied by abnormal accruals. We examine the role of the audit committee and ownership concentration in preventing earnings management using Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong. The results of this preliminary analysis show that the frequency of audit committee meetings is associated with reduced levels of abnormal accruals, our measure of earnings management. We conclude that audit committee activity is an important factor in constraining the propensity of managers to engage in earnings management. In contrast, we find that the size of the audit committee is associated with increased levels of abnormal accruals and suggest that increasing the size of the audit committee creates information asymmetry between the audit committee and management that reduces the monitoring capacity of the audit committee. We do not find any association between audit committee independence, financial and industry experience, or ownership concentration and abnormal accruals.


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This paper extends research on the corporate governance practices of transitional economies by examining whether the ability of the audit committee to constrain earnings management in Chinese firms is associated with the listing environment and the presence of government officials on the audit committee. Despite considerable regulatory reforms by the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, there remain incentives for Chinese firms to manage earnings. However, government initiatives to encourage domestic firms to cross-list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are accompanied by improved governance. We find that the expertise and independence of the audit committee for cross-listed (CL) Chinese firms are associated with lower abnormal accruals, our measure of earnings management. Both domestic only listed firms and CL Chinese firms appoint government officials as independent members on the audit committee. However, due to the political connection between government officials and the controlling shareholder (the State), these appointments can severely mitigate audit committee independence. Subsequently, we find a significant and positive association between audit committee independence and experience and earnings management when there are government officials on the audit committee.


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This study examines audit committee effectiveness in its association with regulatory compliance in a highly sanctioned environment. It uses the Australian continuous disclosure regime to investigate whether audit committee effectiveness is associated with a higher frequency of disclosures, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the capital market and creating more informed individual investors. The findings show that, as hypothesised, audit committee effectiveness measured as an index composed of sub-components involving audit committee size, meeting frequency, independence, member financial literacy and membership of other audit committees, is positively associated with disclosure frequency. Further tests show that it is the financial literacy sub component which is most implicated in this relationship. Company size, years of listing, the proportion of inventories and receivables to total assets, whether or not the company has been involved in a takeover offer or bid or in changes to its number of shares are significant control variables.


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Purpose This paper seeks to investigate the conditions and processes affecting the operation and potential effectiveness of audit committees (ACs), with particular focus on the interaction between the AC, individuals from financial reporting and internal audit functions and the external auditors. Design/methodology/approach A case study approach is employed, based on direct engagement with participants in AC activities, including the AC chair, external auditors, internal auditors, and senior management. Findings The authors find that informal networks between AC participants condition the impact of the AC and that the most significant effects of the AC on governance outcomes occur outside the formal structures and processes. An AC has pervasive behavioural effects within the organization and may be used as a threat, an ally and an arbiter in bringing solutions to issues and conflicts. ACs are used in organizational politics, communication processes and power plays and also affect interpretations of events and cultural values. Research limitations/implications Further research on AC and governance processes is needed to develop better understanding of effectiveness. Longitudinal studies, focusing on the organizational and institutional context of AC operations, can examine how historical events in an organization and significant changes in the regulatory environment affect current structures and processes. Originality/value The case analysis highlights a number of significant factors which are not fully recognised either in theorizing the governance role of ACs or in the development of policy and regulations concerning ACs but which impinge on their governance contribution. They include the importance of informal processes around the AC; its influence on power relations between organizational participants; the relevance of the historical development of governance in an organization; and the possibility that the AC’s impact on governance may be greatest in non-routine situations.