1000 resultados para fillet skin removal


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Um estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do método de remoção da pele do filé (com alicate e com máquina) e da técnica de curtimento (com ou sem sais de cromo, bioleather) sobre a resistência da pele de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram retiradas as peles de 40 tilápias (450 g), 20 com uso de alicates e 20 com auxílio de máquina. Após o curtimento e a retirada dos corpos-de-prova, as peles foram encaminhadas a um laboratório aclimatizado (23ºC e 50% de umidade relativa do ar) para realização dos testes de resistência em dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre cargas de 100 ± 20 mm/mm. O método de retirada da pele do filé não afetou os resultados dos testes de tração e rasgamento progressivo. A pele retirada com a máquina apresentou elongação superior (88,48%) à removida com alicate (71,09%). Peles curtidas com sais de cromo (25,54 N/mm; 12,18 N/mm²) foram mais resistentes que as curtidas sem sais de cromo (bioleather) (13,11 N/mm; 9,89 N/mm²). Peles curtidas por estas técnicas (com cromo e bioleather) podem ser utilizadas na confecção de vestuários, pois as médias dos testes de tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo foram superiores a 9,80 N/mm², 60% e 14,72 N/mm, respectivamente, valores mínimos recomendados para couros curtidos ao cromo.


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Canning operations suitable for packing mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in the form of skinless and boneless fillets in oil were studied and the process standardised. The technique of lye peeling for skin removal could be successfully applied. The storage life of the final product was tested over a period of one year and found to be quite comparable to other similar fish products.


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Objective: To evaluate surgical margins in cases of ductal carcinoma through a histopathological exam using frozen sections. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study encompassing 242 conservative surgeries, 179 of which included intraoperative frozensection histopathology and 63 intraoperative nonfreezing techniques (macroscopy/gross examination and cytology). The results of such analyses were compared with those of the histology processing following paraffin embedment and hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining. A margin was deemed free when the distance between the tumor and the surgical border was equal to or greater than two millimeters. The factors given consideration for possibly affecting the results were: age, surgical aspects (skin removal and widening of surgical margins), histopathological findings (size, affected lymph nodes, and angiolymphatic invasion), and extensive intraductal and immunohistochemical components (estrogen, progesterone, Ki-67, and HER-2 receptors). In the statistical analyses, the chi-square test was used and negative predictive values were calculated. Results: The negative predictive values were 87.1% and 79.3% for frozen and nonfrozen sections, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.14). The factors under consideration had no influence on the results of the intraoperative exam of the margins. Conclusion: The present study allowed to conclude that the intraoperative exam of the surgical margins by frozen section is not superior to a macroscopy and / or cytology exam.


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An outlier removal based data cleaning technique is proposed to
clean manually pre-segmented human skin data in colour images.
The 3-dimensional colour data is projected onto three 2-dimensional
planes, from which outliers are removed. The cleaned 2 dimensional
data projections are merged to yield a 3D clean RGB data. This data
is finally used to build a look up table and a single Gaussian classifier
for the purpose of human skin detection in colour images.


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This project was an observational study of outpatients following lower limb surgical procedures for removal of skin cancers. Findings highlight a previously unreported high surgical site failure rate. Results also identified four potential risk factors (increasing age, presence of leg pain, split skin graft and haematoma) which negatively impact on surgical site healing in this population.


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During the 160th research cruise of the FRV "Walther Herwig III" in the North Sea in May 1995 an ice-storage experiment with whiting was performed. Gutted whiting with and without spleen was stored in melting water-ice. Freshness and/or spoilage were monitored by measuring sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological indicators. It was found that besides the classical sensory assessment on the cooked sample and the EU-quality grading scheme, the microbiological counts were of major importance for the determination of the degree of freshness or spoilage. The cfu (colony forming units) of spoilage bacteria on the skin correlated significantly with time in ice. A very good correlation was also found for the cfu of spoilage bacteria with the sensory assessed odour of the cooked fillet sample. The measurement of the fish tissue with the Intellectron Fischtester VI and the determination of the creatine content in fillet are both suitable freshness and spoilage indicators. The pH-value measured in different body compartments and in musele homogenate and the ammonia content are only of limited value for freshness determination. Removal of kidney did not influence the shelf life.


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Here we describe the structural and functional characterization of a novel myotropic peptide, sauvatide, from the skin secretion of the waxy monkey frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei. Sauvatide is a C-terminally amidated decapeptide with the following primary structure – LRPAILVRTKamide – monoisotopic mass 1164.77 Da, which was found to contract the smooth muscle of rat urinary bladder with an EC50 of 2.2 nM. The sauvatide precursor, deduced from cloned skin cDNA, consists of 62 amino acid residues with a single copy of sauvatide located near the C-terminus. The mature peptide is generated from the precursor by cleavage at a classical –KR-cleavage site located proximal to the N-terminus and by removal of a –GKGK sequence at the C-terminus, the first glycyl residue acting as amide donor. Amphibian skin secretions thus continue to be a source of novel and potent biologically active peptides acting through functional targets in mammalian tissues.


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Incorporation of Ags by dendritic cells (DCs) increases when Ags are targeted to endocytic receptors by mAbs. We have previously demonstrated in the mouse that mAbs against C-type lectins administered intradermally are taken up by epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs), dermal Langerin(neg) DCs, and dermal Langerin(+) DCs in situ. However, the relative contribution of these skin DC subsets to the induction of immune responses after Ag targeting has not been addressed in vivo. We show in this study that murine epidermal LCs and dermal DCs transport intradermally injected mAbs against the lectin receptor DEC-205/CD205 in vivo. Skin DCs targeted in situ with mAbs migrated through lymphatic vessels in steady state and inflammation. In the skin-draining lymph nodes, targeting mAbs were found in resident CD8a(+) DCs and in migrating skin DCs. More than 70% of targeted DCs expressed Langerin, including dermal Langerin(+) DCs and LCs. Numbers of targeted skin DCs in the nodes increased 2-3-fold when skin was topically inflamed by the TLR7 agonist imiquimod. Complete removal of the site where OVA-coupled anti-DEC-205 had been injected decreased endogenous cytotoxic responses against OVA peptide-loaded target cells by 40-50%. Surprisingly, selective ablation of all Langerin(+) skin DCs in Langerin-DTR knock-in mice did not affect such responses independently of the adjuvant chosen. Thus, in cutaneous immunization strategies where Ag is targeted to DCs, Langerin(+) skin DCs play a major role in transport of anti-DEC-205 mAb, although Langerin(neg) dermal DCs and CD8a(+) DCs are sufficient to subsequent CD8(+) T cell responses.


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We describe, for the first time, quantification of in-skin swelling and fluid uptake by hydrogel-forming microneedle (MN) arrays and skin barrier recovery in human volunteers. Such MN arrays, prepared from aqueous blends of hydrolyzed poly(methylvinylether/maleic anhydride) (15%, w/w) and the cross-linker poly(ethyleneglycol) 10,000 Da (7.5%, w/w), were inserted into the skin of human volunteers (n = 15) to depths of approximately 300 μm by gentle hand pressure. The MN arrays swelled in skin, taking up skin interstitial fluid, such that their mass had increased by approximately 30% after 6 h in skin. Importantly, however, skin barrier function recovered within 24 h after MN removal, regardless of how long the MN had been in skin or how much their volume had increased with swelling. Further research on closure of MN-induced micropores is required because transepidermal water loss measurements suggested micropore closure, whereas optical coherence tomography indicated that MN-induced micropores had not closed over, even 24 h after MN had been removed. There were no complaints of skin reactions, adverse events, or strong views against MN use by any of the volunteers. Only some minor erythema was noted after patch removal, although this always resolved within 48 h, and no adverse events were present on follow-up.


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Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.


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L'ubiquitination est une modification des protéines conservée, consistant en l'addition de résidus « ubiquitine » et régulant le destin cellulaire des protéines. La protéine « TRAF-interacting protein » TRAIP (ou TRIP) est une ligase E3 qui catalyse l'étape finale de l'ubiquitination. TRAIP est conservé dans l'évolution et est nécessaire au développement des organismes puisque l'ablation de TRAIP conduit à la mort embryonnaire aussi bien de la drosophile que de la souris. De plus, la réduction de l'expression de TRAIP dans des kératinocytes épidermiques humains réprime la prolifération cellulaire et induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase Gl, soulignant le lien étroit entre TRAIP et la prolifération cellulaire. Comme les mécanismes de régulation de la prolifération jouent un rôle majeur dans l'homéostasie de la peau, il est important de caractériser la fonction de TRAIP dans ces mécanismes. En utilisant des approches in vitro, nous avons déterminé que la protéine TRAIP est instable, modifiée par l'addition d'ubiquitine et ayant une demi-vie d'environ 4 heures. Nos analyses ont également révélé que l'expression de TRAIP est dépendante du cycle cellulaire, atteignant un pic d'expression en phase G2/M et que l'induction de son expression s'effectue principalement au cours de la transition Gl/S. Nous avons identifié le facteur de transcription E2F1 comme en étant le responsable, en régulant directement le promoteur de TRAIP. Aussi, TRAIP endogène ou surexprimée est surtout localisée au niveau du nucléole, une organelle nucléaire qui est désassemblée pendant la division cellulaire. Pour examiner la localisation subcellulaire de TRAIP pendant la mitose, nous avons imagé la protéine TRAIP fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente, à l'intérieur de cellules vivantes nommées HeLa, à l'aide d'un microscope confocal. Dans ces conditions, TRAIP est majoritairement localisée autour des chromosomes en début de mitose, puis est arrangée au niveau de l'ADN chromosomique en fin de mitose. La détection de TRAIP endogène à l'aide d'un anticorps spécifique a confirmé cette localisation. Enfin, l'inactivation de TRAIP dans les cellules HeLa par interférence ARN a inhibé leur capacité à s'arrêter en milieu de mitose. Nos résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme sous-jacent peut être lié au point de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. - Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification which decides the cellular fate of the protein. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP) functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase mediating addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins. TRAIP interacts with the deubiquitinase CYLD, a tumor suppressor whose functional inactivation leads to skin appendage tumors. TRAIP is required for early embryonic development since removal of TRAIP either in Drosophila or mice by mutations or knock¬out is lethal due to aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Furthermore, shRNA- mediated knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK) repressed cell proliferation and induced a Gl/S phase block in the cell cycle. Additionally, TRAIP expression is strongly down- regulated during keratinocyte differentiation supporting the notion of a tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. We thus examined the biological functions of TRAIP in epithelial cell proliferation. Using an in vitro approach, we could determine that the TRAIP protein is unstable, modified by addition of ubiquitin moieties after translation and exhibits a half-life of 3.7+/-1-6 hours. Our analysis revealed that the TRAIP expression is modulated in a cell-cycle dependent manner, reaching a maximum expression level in G2/M phases. In addition, the expression of TRAIP was particularly activated during Gl/S phase transition and we could identify the transcription factor E2F1 as an activator of the TRAIP gene promoter. Both endogenous and over-expressed TRAIP mainly localized to the nucleolus, a nuclear organelle which is disassembled during cell division. To examine the subcellular localization of TRAIP during M phase, we performed confocal live-cell imaging of a functional fluorescent protein TRAIP-GFP in HeLa cells. TRAIP was distributed in the cytoplasm and accumulated around mitotic chromosomes in pro- and meta-phasic cells. TRAIP was then confined to chromosomal DNA location in anaphase and later phases of mitosis. Immune-detection of endogenous TRAIP protein confirmed its particular localization in mitosis. Finally, inactivating TRAIP expression in HeLa cells using RNA interference abrogated the cells ability to stop or delay mitosis progression. Our results suggested that TRAIP may involve the spindle assembly checkpoint.


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In an attempt to improve post-harvest skin colour in cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus, a two-factor experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of a short-term change in cage colour before harvest, followed by immersion in K+-enriched solutions of different concentrations. Snapper supplemented with 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg−1 for 50 days were transferred to black (for 1 day) or white cages (for 1 or 7 days) before euthanasia by immersing fish in seawater ice slurries supplemented with 0, 150, 300, 450 or 600 mmol L−1 K+ for 1 h. Each treatment was replicated with five snapper (mean weight=838 g) held individually within 0.2 m3 cages. L*, a* and b* skin colour values of all fish were measured after removal from K+ solutions at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h. After immersion in K+ solutions, fish were stored on ice. Both cage colour and K+ concentration significantly affected post-harvest skin colour (P<0.05), and there was no interaction between these factors at any of the measurement times (P>0.05). Conditioning dark-coloured snapper in white surroundings for 1 day was sufficient to significantly improve skin lightness (L*) after death. Although there was no difference between skin lightness values for fish held for either 1 or 7 days in white cages at measurement times up to 12 h, fish held in white cages for 7 days had significantly higher L* values (i.e. they were lighter) after 24 and 48 h of storage on ice than those held only in white cages for 1 day. K+ treatment also affected (improved) skin lightness post harvest although not until 24 and 48 h after removal of fish from solutions. Before this time, K+ treatment had no effect on skin lightness. Snapper killed by seawater ice slurry darkened (lower L*) markedly during the first 3 h of storage in contrast with all K+ treatments that prevented darkening. After 24 and 48 h of storage on ice, fish exposed to 450 and 600 mmol L−1 K+ were significantly lighter than fish from seawater ice slurries. In addition, skin redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) were strongly dependent on K+ concentration. The initial decline in response to K+ was overcome by a return of a* and b* values with time, most likely instigated by a redispersal of erythrosomes in skin erythrophores. Fish killed with 0 mmol L−1 K+ maintained the highest a* and b* values after death, but were associated with darker (lower L*) skin colouration. It is concluded that a combination of conditioning snapper in white surroundings for 1 day before harvest, followed by immersion in seawater ice slurries supplemented with 300–450 mmol L−1 K+ improves skin pigmentation after >24 h of storage on ice.


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Pain relief for removal of femoral sheath after cardiac procedures
Procedures for the non-surgical management of coronary heart disease include balloon angioplasty and intracoronary stenting. At the start of each procedure an introducer sheath is inserted through the skin (percutaneously) into an artery, frequently a femoral artery in the groin. This allows the different catheters used for the procedure to be exchanged easily without causing trauma to the skin. At the end of the procedure the sheath is removed and, if the puncture site isn't "sealed" using a device closure, firm pressure is required over the site for 30 minutes or more to control any bleeding and reduce vascular complications. Removing the sheath and the firm pressure required to control bleeding can cause pain, although this is generally mild. Some centres routinely give pain relief before removal such as intravenous morphine, or an injection of a local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the sheath (called a subcutaneous injection). Adequate pain control during sheath removal is also associated with a reduced incidence of a vasovagal reaction, a potentially serious complication involving a sudden drop of blood pressure and a slowed heart rate. Four studies were reviewed in total. Three trials involving 498 participants compared subcutaneous lignocaine, a short acting local anaesthetic, with a control group (participants received either no pain relief or an inactive substance known as a placebo). Two trials involving 399 people compared intravenous opioids (fentanyl or morphine) and an anxiolytic (midazolam) with a control group. One trial involving 60 people compared subcutaneous levobupivacaine, a long acting local anaesthetic, with a control group. Intravenous pain regimens and subcutaneous levobupivacaine appear to reduce the pain experienced during femoral sheath removal. However, the size of the reduction was small. A significant reduction in pain was not experienced by participants who received subcutaneous lignocaine or who were in the control group. There was insufficient data to determine a correlation between pain relief administration and either adverse events or complications. Some patients may benefit from routine pain relief using levobupivacaine or intravenous pain regimens. Identifying who may potentially benefit from pain relief requires clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference. The mild level of pain generally experienced during this procedure should not influence the decision as some people can experience moderate levels of pain.


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Introduction: Laser hair removal is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional methods such as shaving, waxing, among other methods. Semiconductor diode lasers are considered the most efficient light sources available and are especially well suited for clinical applications including hair reduction. The effectiveness of laser hair reduction depends on many variables, including the skin type of the patient. Material and Methods: A patient with Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV was submitted to laser hair removal of the arms with a high-power diode laser system with long pulses with a wavelength of 800 nm, a fluence of 40 J/cm2 and a pulse width of 20 ms. A 12-month follow-up assessment was performed and included photography and questionnaire. Results: Hypopigmentation was observed after a single laser hair removal section. After 6 months with the area totally covered, a gradual suntan with a sun screen lotion with an SPF of 15 was prescribed by the dermatologist. After 12 months of the initial treatment, a complete recovery of the hypopigmentation was achieved. Conclusion: Although a safe procedure, lasers for hair removal may be associated with adverse side effects including undesired pigment alterations. Before starting a laser hair removal treatment, patients seeking the eradication of hair should be informed that temporary, and possibly permanent, pigmentary changes may occur. © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd.


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Introduction: Laser hair removal is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional methods such as shaving, waxing, among other methods. Semiconductor diode lasers are considered the most efficient light sources available and are especially well suited for clinical applications including hair reduction. The effectiveness of laser hair reduction depends on many variables, including the skin type of the patient. Material and Methods: A patient with Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV was submitted to laser hair removal of the arms with a high-power diode laser system with long pulses with a wavelength of 800 nm, a fluence of 40 J/cm2 and a pulse width of 20 ms. A 12-month follow-up assessment was performed and included photography and questionnaire. Results: Hypopigmentation was observed after a single laser hair removal section. After 6 months with the area totally covered, a gradual suntan with a sun screen lotion with an SPF of 15 was prescribed by the dermatologist. After 12 months of the initial treatment, a complete recovery of the hypopigmentation was achieved. Conclusion: Although a safe procedure, lasers for hair removal may be associated with adverse side effects including undesired pigment alterations. Before starting a laser hair removal treatment, patients seeking the eradication of hair should be informed that temporary, and possibly permanent, pigmentary changes may occur.