967 resultados para ferroelectrics, domains, domain walls


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Simple meso-scale capacitor structures have been made by incorporating thin (300 nm) single crystal lamellae of KTiOPO4 (KTP) between two coplanar Pt electrodes. The influence that either patterned protrusions in the electrodes or focused ion beam milled holes in the KTP have on the nucleation of reverse domains during switching was mapped using piezoresponse force microscopy imaging. The objective was to assess whether or not variations in the magnitude of field enhancement at localised “hot-spots,” caused by such patterning, could be used to both control the exact locations and bias voltages at which nucleation events occurred. It was found that both the patterning of electrodes and the milling of various hole geometries into the KTP could allow controlled sequential injection of domain wall pairs at different bias voltages; this capability could have implications for the design and operation of domain wall electronic devices, such as memristors, in the future.


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The standard “Kittel Law” for the thickness and shape of ferroelectric, ferroelastic, or ferromagnet domains assumes mechanical equilibrium. The present paper shows that such domains may be highly nonequilibrium, with unusual thicknesses and shapes. In lead germanate and multiferroic lead zirconate titanate iron tantalate domain wall instabilities resemble hydrodynamics (Richtmyer–Meshkov and Helfrich–Hurault, respectively).


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Conducting atomic force microscopy images of bulk semiconducting BaTiO3 surfaces show clear stripe domain contrast. High local conductance correlates with strong out-of-plane polarization (mapped independently using piezoresponse force microscopy), and current- voltage characteristics are consistent with dipole-induced alterations in Schottky barriers at the metallic tip-ferroelectric interface. Indeed, analyzing current-voltage data in terms of established Schottky barrier models allows relative variations in the surface polarization, and hence the local domain structure, to be determined. Fitting also reveals the signature of surface-related depolarizing fields concentrated near domain walls. Domain information obtained from mapping local conductance appears to be more surface-sensitive than that from piezoresponse force microscopy. In the right materials systems, local current mapping could therefore represent a useful complementary technique for evaluating polarization and local electric fields with nanoscale resolution.


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The stochasticity of domain-wall (DW) motion in magnetic nanowires has been probed by measuring slow fluctuations, or noise, in electrical resistance at small magnetic fields. By controlled injection of DWs into isolated cylindrical nanowires of nickel, we have been able to track the motion of the DWs between the electrical leads by discrete steps in the resistance. Closer inspection of the time dependence of noise reveals a diffusive random walk of the DWs with a universal kinetic exponent. Our experiments outline a method with which electrical resistance is able to detect the kinetic state of the DWs inside the nanowires, which can be useful in DW-based memory designs.


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JEMS 2012 - Joint European Magnetic Symposia edited by Tiberto, P; Affronte, M; Casoli, F; Fernandez, CD; Gubbiotti, G; Marquina, C; Pratt, F; Solzi, M; Tacchi, S; Vavassori, P. 6th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) Parma, ITALY SEP 09-14, 2012


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The micromagnetic structure and energy of 180° domain walls spanning laminar crystals of iron having (100) or (110) surfaces and ranging in thickness from 145 to 580 nm have been investigated by numerical integration of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Stable equilibrium structures with two flux symmetries were obtained for both crystal orientations at all thicknesses studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We revise the SU(3)-invariant sector of N  = 8 supergravity with dyonic SO(8) gaugings. By using the embedding tensor formalism, analytic expressions for the scalar potential, superpotential(s) and fermion mass terms are obtained as a function of the electromagnetic phase ω and the scalars in the theory. Equipped with these results, we explore non-supersymmetric AdS critical points at ω ≠ 0 for which perturbative stability could not be analysed before. The ω-dependent superpotential is then used to derive first-order flow equations and obtain new BPS domain-wall solutions at ω ≠ 0. We numerically look at steepest-descent paths motivated by the (conjectured) RG flows.


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Nanofabrication has allowed the development of new concepts such as magnetic logic and race-track memory, both of which are based on the displacement of magnetic domain walls on magnetic nanostripes. One of the issues that has to be solved before devices can meet the market demands is the stochastic behaviour of the domain wall movement in magnetic nanostripes. Here we show that the stochastic nature of the domain wall motion in permalloy nanostripes can be suppressed at very low fields (0.6-2.7 Oe). We also find different field regimes for this stochastic motion that match well with the domain wall propagation modes. The highest pinning probability is found around the precessional mode and, interestingly, it does not depend on the external field in this regime. These results constitute an experimental evidence of the intrinsic nature of the stochastic pinning of domain walls in soft magnetic nanostripes


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Selective injection of magnetic domain walls in Permalloy nanostripes


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Epitaxial tetragonal 425 and 611 nm thick Pb(ZrTi)O (PZT) films are deposited by pulsed laser deposition on SrRuO-coated (100) SrTiO 24° tilt angle bicrystal substrates to create a single PZT grain boundary with a well-defined orientation. On either side of the bicrystal boundary, the films show square hysteresis loops and have dielectric permittivities of 456 and 576, with loss tangents of 0.010 and 0.015, respectively. Using piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), a decrease in the nonlinear piezoelectric response is observed in the vicinity (720-820 nm) of the grain boundary. This region represents the width over which the extrinsic contributions to the piezoelectric response (e.g., those associated with the domain density/configuration and/or the domain wall mobility) are influenced by the presence of the grain boundary. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images collected near and far from the grain boundary indicate a strong preference for (101)/(1-01) type domain walls at the grain boundary, whereas (011)/(01-1) and (101)/(1-01) are observed away from this region. It is proposed that the elastic strain field at the grain boundary interacts with the ferro-electric/elastic domain structure, stabilizing (101)/(1-01) rather than (011)/(01-1) type domain walls, which inhibits domain wall motion under applied field and decreases non-linearity. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Polarization switching processes in TAAP and DTAAP have been studied by the Merz method. The switching process in DTAAP is slower than in TAAP. The temperature dependence of switching time indicates that the crystal might contain groups of domain nuclei with different activation energies. X-ray irradiation causes an increase in the threshold field below which switching could not occur and decrease in the mobility of domain walls. Irradiation decreases the peak value of dielectric constant, Tc and increases the value of coercive field. Domain structure studies on TAAP crystals have shown that the crystals grow as both predominantly single domain and multi domains, depending on which the internal bias increases or remains unaffected upon irradiation.


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Glycine Phosphite [NH3CH2COOH3PO3], abbreviated as GPI, undergoes a para-ferroelectric phase transition from the monoclinic symmetry P2(1)/a to P2(1) at 224.7 K. We report here a systematic study of the polarization switching process in this crystal. Growth of these crystals from aqueous solution has been undertaken employing both solvent evaporation and slow cooling methods. Hysteresis loop measurements along the polar b-axis yielded a spontaneous polarization value of 0.5 muC/cm(2) and a coercive field of 2.5 kV/cm. Conventional Merz technique was employed for polarization switching studies, wherein bipolar square pulses were applied to the sample to induce domain reversal. The transient switching pulse that flows through the sample on application of the field was recorded. The maximum switching time required for domain switching was measured both as a function of electric field and temperature. The experimentally observed switching curves were fitted with the model based on the Pulvari-Kuebler theory of nucleation and growth of domains. From the experimental data, the values of mobility and activation field were obtained. It was observed that switching process in this crystal is predominantly governed by the forward growth of domain walls in the high field region. However, switching process in GPI crystal was found to be slower than that found in other glycine based ferroelectric crystals.