927 resultados para ferro metálico
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
In this work, composites were prepared using high energy mechanical milling from the precursors hydroxyapatite - HAp (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) and metallic iron ( -Fe ). The main goal here is to study composites in order to employ them in magnetic hyperthermia for cancer therapy. The produced samples were characterized by X-ray di raction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), magnetization curves as a function of applied eld (MxH), and nally measurements of magnetic hyperthermia. The XRD patterns of the milled samples HAp/Fe revealed only the presence of precursor materials. The SEM showed clusters with irregular shapes. The magnetization curves indicated typical cases of weak ferromagnetic behavior. For samples submitted to grinding and annealing, the identi ed phases were: HAp (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), hematite (Fe2O3) and Calcium Iron Phosphate (Ca9Fe(PO4)7). Analyzing the results of MxH, there was a reduction of the saturation magnetization, given that the Fe was incorporated into HAp. Hysteresis curves obtained at 300 K are characteristics of samples possessing over a phase. At 77 K, the behavior of the hysteresis curve is in uenced by the presence of hematite, which is antiferromagnetic. Already at T = 4.2 K, it is observed a weak ferromagnetic behavior. Furthermore, there is the e ect of exchange bias. Regarding the magnetic hyperthermia, the results of temperature measurements as a function of the alternating eld are promising for applications in magnetic hyperthermia and other biomedical applications.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The zero-valent iron (ZVI) mediated degradation of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) was studied under oxic condition. Operational parameters such as ZVI concentration and initial pH value were evaluated. Increase of the ZVI concentration from 1 to 5 g L−1 resulted in a sharp increase of the observed pseudo-first order rate constant of CIP degradation, reaching a plateau at around 10 g L−1. The contribution of adsorption to the overall removal of CIP and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was evaluated after a procedure of acidification to pH 2.5 with sulfuric acid and sonication for 2 min. Adsorption increased as pH increased, while degradation decreased, showing that adsorption is not important for degradation. Contribution of adsorption was much more important for DOC removal than for CIP. Degradation of CIP resulted in partial defluorination since the fluoride measured corresponded to 34% of the theoretical value after 120 min of reaction. Analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry showed the presence of products of hydroxylation on both piperazine and quinolonic rings generating fluorinated and defluorinated compounds as well as a product of the piperazine ring cleavage.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Effluents from pesticide industries have great difficulty to decontaminate the environment and, moreover, are characterized by high organic charge and toxicity. The research group Center for Chemical Systems Engineering (CESQ) at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Polytechnical School of University of São Paulo and Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte have been applying the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP's) for the degradation of various types of pollutants. These processes are based on the generation of hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive substances. Thus, this dissertation aims to explore this process, since it has been proven to be quite effective in removing organic charge. Therefore, it was decided by photo-Fenton process applied to the degradation of the fungicide Thiophanate methyl in aqueous system using annular reactor (with lamp Philips HPLN 125W) and solar. The samples were collected during the experiment and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (TOC) using a Shimadzu TOC (Shimadzu 5050A e VCP). The Doehlert experimental design has been used to evaluate the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the concentrations of methyl thiophanate (C12H14N4O4S2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron ions (Fe2+), among these parameters, was considered the best experimental conditions, [Fe2+] = 0.6 mmol/L and [H2O2] = 0.038 mol/L in EXP 5 experiment and in SOL 5 experiment, obtaining a percentage of TOC removal of 60% in the annular reactor and 75% in the solar reactor
Diferentes complexos de cobre(II), contendo ligantes do tipo base de Schiff e um grupamento imidazólico, com interesse bioinorgânico, catalítico e como novos materiais, foram preparados na forma de sais perclorato, nitrato ou cloreto e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) e espectrometria de massa Tandem (ESI-MS/MS), além de análise elementar, condutividade molar e medidas de propriedades magnéticas. Alguns destes compostos, obtidos como cristais adequados, tiveram suas estruturas determinadas por cristalografia de raios-X. As espécies di- e polinucleares contendo pontes cloreto, mostraram desdobramentos das hiperfinas nos espectros de EPR, relacionados à presença do equilíbrio com a respectiva espécie mononuclear, devido à labilidade dos íons cloretos, dependendo do contra-íon e do tipo de solvente utilizado. Adicionalmente, em solução alcalina, estes compostos estão em equilíbrio com as correspondentes espécies polinucleares, onde os centros de cobre estão ligados através de um ligante imidazolato. Em meio alcalino, estes compostos polinucleares contendo ponte imidazolato foram também isolados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas e magnéticas. Através da variação estrutural e também do ligante-ponte foi possível modular o fenômeno da interação magnética entre os íons de cobre em estruturas correlatas di- e polinucleares. Os respectivos parâmetros magnéticos foram obtidos com ajuste das curvas experimentais de XM vs T, correlacionando-se muito bem com a geometria, ângulos e distâncias de ligação entre os íons, quando comparado com outros complexos similares descritos na literatura. Posteriormente, estudaram-se os fatores relacionados com a reatividade de todas essas espécies como catalisadores na oxidação de substratos de interesse (fenóis e aminas), através da variação do tamanho da cavidade nas estruturas cíclicas ou de variações no ligante coordenado ao redor do íon metálico. Vários deles se mostraram bons miméticos de tirosinases e catecol oxidases. Um novo complexo-modelo da citocromo c oxidase (CcO), utilizando a protoporfirina IX condensada ao quelato N,N,-bis[2-(1,2-metilbenzimidazolil)etil]amino e ao resíduo de glicil-L-histidina, foi sintetizado e caracterizado através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, especialmente EPR. A adição de H2O2 ao sistema completamente oxidado, FeIII/CuII, a -55°C, ou o borbulhamento de oxigênio molecular a uma solução do complexo na sua forma reduzida, FeII/CuI, saturada de CO, resultou na formação de adutos com O2, de baixo spin, estáveis a baixas temperaturas.
The Raman spectrum of lithium hydrazinium sulphate has been recorded both in the single crystal form and in aqueous solutions. The crystal exhibits thirty-eight Raman lines having the frequency shifts 52, 70, 104, 146, 174, 220, 260, 302, 350, 454, 470, 610, 630, 715, 977, 1094, 1115, 1132, 1177, 1191, 1260, 1444, 1493, 1577, 1630, 1670, 2205, 2484, 2553, 2655, 2734, 2848, 2894, 2939, 3028, 3132, 3290 and 3330 cm.−1 The aqueous solution gave rise to six Raman lines at 452, 980, 1050–1200, 1260, 1425 and 1570 cm.−1 apart from a maximum at 180 cm.−1 in the ‘wing’ accompanying the Rayleigh line. The observed Raman lines have been assigned as arising from the vibrations of the SO4 ion, N2H5+ ion, Li-O4 group, hydrogen bond and the lattice. The influence of the hydrogen bond on the N-H stretching vibrations has been pointed out. The various features of the observed spectrum strongly support the hypothesis that the NH3 group in the crystal is rotating around the N-N axis at room temperature.
A ferroelectriclike hysteresis loop was obtained at room temperature for CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramic. The remnant polarization and coercive field for 1100 °C/5 h sintered CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics were 0.063 μC/cm2 and 195 V/cm, respectively. Remnant polarization increased while the coercive field decreased with increase in sintering temperature/duration, implying that these were microstructural dependent. The observation of the hysteresis loop for CCTO ceramic was corroborated by its pyroelectric behavior, and the pyroelectric current at room temperature was −0.0028 nA. These findings were attributed to the presence of mixed-valent Ti ions, apart from off center displacement of Ti ions in TiO6 octahedra.
The paper presents an analysis of ferro-oscillations in capacitor voltage transformers and series-compensated e.h.v. lines. The dual-input describing function is adopted to show the regions of existence and the influence of system parameters on such oscillations. A complete analytical method suitable for digital computation has been developed for determining the amplitudes of these oscillations.
Referência: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional.