961 resultados para feeding non-preference
Lagartas do gênero Spodoptera spp. são altamente polífagas, podendo causar danos econômicos em diversas culturas agrícolas. em vista de sua emergente importância na cultura do tomate, principalmente o destinado à indústria, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a não preferência, para alimentação, de lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) e Spodoptera eridania (Cramer, 1782) por genótipos de tomateiro, e classificá-los quanto aos graus de resistência. Como padrão susceptível, utilizou-se o cultivar comercial Santa Clara e, como resistente, a linhagem PI 134417, sendo avaliadas, ainda, as linhagens PI 134418, PI 126931, LA 462 e LA 716. Realizaram-se testes de não preferência, para alimentação, com e sem chance de escolha, avaliando-se a atratividade dos genótipos de tomateiro para as lagartas, em tempos pré-estabelecidos após sua liberação, além da massa foliar consumida. em geral, os genótipos LA 716 e PI 126931 foram os menos atrativos para a S. frugiperda, enquanto Santa Clara foi o mais atrativo e consumido. Quanto a S. eridania, os genótipos PI 126931, LA 462, LA 716 e PI 134418 foram os menos preferidos, para a alimentação, pelas lagartas, e Santa Clara e PI 134417 foram os mais atrativos e consumidos. Os genótipos LA e PI 126931 são moderadamente resistentes, do tipo não preferência para alimentação, para a S. frugiperda e S. eridania; PI 134418 e LA 462 são moderadamente resistentes a S. eridania; PI 134417 é susceptível a S. frugiperda e S. eridania; Santa Clara é altamente susceptível a S. frugiperda e S. eridania.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Forest plantations with Eucalyptus spp. (L'H,r) in Brazil are highly yielding. However, this activity is more and more threatened due to interactions with phytophagous insects, especially by exotic species, such as the red gum lerp psyllid Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). This study aimed to evaluate the resistance in eucalyptus against the psyllid in oviposition and biological development assays, attempting to identify potential genotypes resistant to the pest for forest plantations. In addition, we tested the hypothesis of that concentration of total phenolics and lignin, and amount of epicuticular wax were associated with the expression of resistance. Results showed that there was variation in the levels of resistance among the genotypes assessed. Oviposition non-preference was observed on Eucalyptus citriodora (Hook) in free-choice and no-choice tests, and Clone FP10 was least preferred in the no-choice test. The genotypes E. citriodora and Clone FP6 provided 100 % nymphal mortality, and Clones FP7 and FP9 also affected negatively the G. brimblecombei development by lengthening the duration of the nymphal stage and reducing adult emergence. Clone FP6 had higher concentration of total phenolics and larger contact angle formed between the water droplet and leaf surface, which may be associated with thicker layer of epicuticular wax on the leaves, and one of the causes of high nymphal mortality. Thus, the use of the resistant genotypes of eucalyptus screened against G. brimblecombei is a promising and viable alternative for forest plantations infested with this pest.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o efeito de genótipos de maracujazeiro quanto à atratividade e à não-preferência para alimentação de lagartas de Dione juno juno, em diferentes idades, através de testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP de Jaboticabal-SP, sob condições ambientais controladas (T=26=±=1°C=U.=R.= 60 ± 10% e fotofase = 14 horas), utilizando-se dos genótipos Passiflora edulis, P. gibertii, P. alata, Sul Brasil, IAC-275, Flora FB 300, P. serrato-digitata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, Maguary FB-100 e P. foetida. Para o teste com chance de escolha, foram utilizadas placas de Petri, onde foram distribuídos, de forma eqüidistante, um disco foliar (3,2 cm) de cada genótipo estudado e liberando-se em seguida, no centro da placa, 5 lagartas recém-eclodidas ou uma lagarta com 10 dias de idade por material. No teste sem chance de escolha, foi colocado apenas um disco de cada genótipo por placa de Petri (9 cm de diâmetro), mantendo-se o mesmo padrão de infestação utilizado no teste com chance. As avaliações foram realizadas em duas etapas, sendo que, na primeira, avaliou-se a atratividade, contando o número de lagartas em cada material a 1; 3; 5; 10; 15; 30; 60; 120; 240 minutos e 24 horas após a liberação das mesmas. Na segunda etapa, observou-se o consumo foliar 24 horas após o início do teste. O genótipo menos atrativo às lagartas recém-eclodidas e de 10 dias de idade foi P. alata em testes com e sem chance de escolha. O genótipo P. alata foi o menos consumido em teste com chance de escolha, sendo que, no teste sem chance, P. alata e P. foetida destacaram-se como os menos consumidos para as duas fases larvais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
During bean seed storage, yield can be lost due to infestations of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, the bean weevil. The use of resistant varieties has shown promising results in fighting these insects, reducing infestation levels and eliminating chemical residues from the beans. The expression of resistance to A. obtectus in bean varieties is frequently attributed to the presence of phytohemagglutinins, protease inhibitors and alpha-amylase, and especially to variants of the protein arcelin, which reduce the larval viability of these insects. To evaluate the effect of bean seed storage time on the resistance expression of bean varieties to A. obtectus, tests with seeds of three ages (freshly-harvested, 4-month-old, and 8-month-old) were conducted in the laboratory, using four commercial varieties: Carioca Pitoco, Ipa 6, Porrillo 70, Onix; four improved varieties containing arcelin protein: Are. 1, Arc.2, Arc. 3, Arc.4; and three wild varieties also containing arcelin protein: Arc. IS, Arc.3S, and Arc. 5S. The Arc.5S, Arc. IS, and Arc.2 varieties expressed high antibiosis levels against the weevil; Arc. I and Arc3S expressed the same mechanism, but at lower levels. The occurrence of oviposition non-preference was also observed in Arc.5S and Arc. IS. The Arc.3 and Arc. 4 varieties expressed low feeding non-preference levels against A. obtectus. The expression of resistance in arcelin-bearing, wild or improved varieties was affected during the storage of seeds, and was high under some parameters but low in others. The results showed that addition of chemical resistance factors such as protein arcelin via genetic breeding may be beneficial in improving the performance of bean crops.
This work evaluated the preference of Ascia monuste orseis among 29 cultivars of collard greens through free- and no-choice assays using female adults (attractiveness and oviposition) and third-instar larvae (feeding preference), in both laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In free-choice tests with female adults, the L, V, Y, H, A, and Z cultivars produced oviposition non-preference in butterflies. Cultivars R, P, C, and D produced feeding non-preference in third-instar larvae of A. monuste orseis in free- and no-choice tests. Our findings may be useful for genetic improvement focusing on the development of B. oleracea var. acephala cultivars resistant to A. monuste orseis.
The soybean (Glycine max (L.)) has been significantly compromised by the attack of insect pests. The stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is pointed as one of the most damaging species, reducing the quantity and quality of grain produced and requiring a large number of applications of insecticides in crops. Al-though chemical control is still the most widely used method of control, the use of resistant genotypes may represent a viable alternative in the management of this insect, reducing costs and impacts on the environment. This study evaluated the performance of nymphs of N. viridula in nine soybean genotypes under laboratory conditions (T = 25 + 2[degree]C, RH = 70 [plus or minus]10% and photoperiod = 12 h), aiming to detect possible resistance mechanisms. Thus, 25 nymphs/genotype were monitored daily by assessing the duration and mortality of the nymphal stage, the weight of nymphs and adults and the developmental period from egg to adult. The data revealed that the genotypes 'TMG-103', 'TMG-121, IAC-19', 'TMG-117', and 'IAC-24' caused 100% mortality of nymphs, indicating high levels of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference expression. 'IAC-17' also prolonged the nymphal period, indicating the occurrence of resistance. The insects from 'PI-227687' showed the lowest average weight, also indicating the occurrence of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference. Our results may be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on development of genotypes resistant to insects.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the resistance types in soybean genotypes to Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker) in laboratory. Soybean genotypes assessed were as follows: 'IAC 100'(resistance standard), 'BR16'(susceptible standard), 'Dowling', PI 227687, PI 274454, 'IGRA RA 626 RR', PI 227682, 'BRSGO 8360', 'IGRA RA 516 RR'and 'P 98Y11 RR'. Free-choice and no-choice feeding non-preference tests were done using two newly-hatched larvae per genotype or one third-instar larva per genotype in both tests. Larvae attractiveness was evaluated in different times, and at the end of the experiments the leaf area consumed was quantified. In the antibiosis test, newly-hatched larvae were individualized into Petri dishes, where leaflets of the genotypes were offered over the larval stage, and the following biological parameters were assessed: period and viability of larvae, pupae and overall (larvae + pupae), weight of larvae and pupae, sex ratio and adults longevity. Overall, in the feeding preference tests, significant differences were not found in leaf consumption among the genotypes. In the antibiosis assay, genotypes PI 227687, PI 227682 and 'IAC 100'caused 100% larval mortality and the lowest weight of larvae, ranging between 37.65 and 85.56 mg. All soybean genotypes evaluated do not exhibit feeding non-preference type resistance to S. cosmioides, and PI 227687, PI 227682 and 'IAC 100'highlighted for possessing antibiosis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objectives of this work were to study the effects of several feeding stimulants on gibel carp fed diets with or without replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM). The feeding stimulants tested were betaine, glycine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and a commercial squid extract. Three inclusion levels were tested for each stimulant (0.18, 0.5%, and 1% for betaine and 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% for the other stimulants). Two basal diets (40% crude protein) were used. one with 26% fish meal (FM), and the other with 21% fish meal and 6% MBM, Betaine at 0.1% in the fish meal group and at 0.5% in the meat and bone meal group was used in all experiments for comparison among stimulants. In the experiment on each stimulant, six tanks of fish were equally divided into two groups, one fed the FM diet, and the other fed the MBM diet. After 7 days' adaptation to the basal diet, in which the fish were fed to satiation twice a day, the fish were fed for another 7 days an equal mixture of diets containing varying levels of stimulants. Each diet contained a unique rare earth oxide as inert marker (Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3 or Nd2O3). During the last 3 days of the experiment, faeces from each tank were collected. Preference for each diet was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Gibel carp fed the FM diet had higher intake than those fed the MBM diet, but the difference was significant only in the experiments on betaine, glycine and L-methionine. None of the feeding stimulants tested showed feeding enhancing effects in FM diets. All feeding stimulants showed feeding enhancing effects in MBM diets. and the optimum inclusion level was 0.5% for betaine, 0.1% for glycine, 0.25% for L-lysine, 0.1% for L-methionine. 0.25% For L-phenylalanine. and 0.1% for squid extract. The squid extract had the strongest stimulating effect among all the stimulants tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Avaliou-se atratividade e não-preferência alimentar de lagartas recém-eclodidas de Spodoptera frugiperda por partes de plantas e plantas de variedades de algodoeiro. Testes foram realizados a 27 ± 1ºC, UR de 70% ± 10% e fotofase de 14h. Folhas, brácteas, botões florais e cascas de maçãs da variedade BRS Itamarati-90 e folhas de Fibermax-966, Fibermax-977, DeltaOpal, DeltaPenta, BRS Acala-90, Coodetec-408, Coodetec-409, Coodetec-410, BRS-Cedro, BRS-Ipê, BRS-Aroeira, IPR-96, IPR-120, BRS-Araçá, IAC-24 e BRS Itamarati-90 foram utilizadas nos testes de atratividade e não-preferência para alimentação, com e sem chance de escolha. Utilizaram-se 20 lagartas de S. frugiperda por placa de Petri (sistema de arena) por teste, com 10 repetições. Contaram-se lagartas para avaliar atratividade por 60 min e não-preferência para alimentação por 24 h. Folha foi mais atrativa e preferida para alimentação por lagartas de S. frugiperda. em livre escolha, Coodetec-410 foi mais atrativa e BRS Acala-90, Fibermax-966 e DeltaPenta, as de menor atratividade à S. frugiperda; BRS-Araçá, mais preferida para alimentação e BRS-Cedro, BRS Itamarati 90, DeltaPenta, Coodetec-408 e BRS-Aroeira, menos preferidas. Considera-se 46 min., tempo mais adequado para avaliar atratividade de algodoeiro a lagartas de S. frugiperda.
For fruit flies, fully ripe fruit is preferred for adult oviposition and is superior for offspring performance over unripe or ripening fruit. Because not all parts of a single fruit ripen simultaneously, the opportunity exists for adult fruit flies to selectively choose riper parts of a fruit for oviposition and such selection, if it occurs, could positively influence offspring performance. Such fine scale host variation is rarely considered in fruit fly ecology, however, especially for polyphagous species which are, by definition, considered to be generalist host users. Here we study the adult oviposition preference/larval performance relationship of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a highly polyphagous pest species, at the “within-fruit” level to see if such a host use pattern occurs. We recorded the number of oviposition attempts that female flies made into three fruit portions (top, middle and bottom), and larval behavior and development within different fruit portions for ripening (color change) and fully-ripe mango, Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae). Results indicate that female B. dorsalis do not oviposit uniformly across a mango fruit, but lay most often in the top (i.e., stalk end) of fruit and least in the bottom portion, regardless of ripening stage. There was no evidence of larval feeding site preference or performance (development time, pupal weight, percent pupation) being influenced by fruit portion, within or across the fruit ripening stages. There was, however, a very significant effect on adult emergence rate from pupae, with adult emergence rate from pupae from the bottom of ripening mango being approximately only 50% of the adult emergence rate from the top of ripening fruit, or from both the top and bottom of fully-ripe fruit. Differences in mechanical (firmness) and chemical (total soluble solids, titratable acidity, total non-structural carbohydrates) traits between different fruit portions were correlated with adult fruit utilisation. Our results support a positive adult preference/offspring performance relationship at within-fruit level for B. dorsalis. The fine level of host discrimination exhibited by B. dorsalis is at odds with the general perception that, as a polyphagous herbivore, the fly should show very little discrimination in its host use behavior.
Considerada importante praga do algodoeiro, a mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B pode através de sua alimentação, diminuir o vigor das plantas, trasmitir vírus e prejudicar a qualidade da fibra. Visando avaliar a resistência de genótipos de algodoeiro, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), à mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B, realizaram-se testes de atratividade e não-preferência para oviposição, com e sem chance de escolha, em telado, a temperatura ambiente. Verificou-se baixa atratividade das plantas dos genótipos Fabrika, CNPA Ita 90, Makina, Coodetec 407 e IAC 01-639 CPA 02-24 a adultos dessa mosca-branca, o que pode representar um componente de resistência destes materiais genéticos ao inseto. Os genótipos BRS Aroeira, Coodetec 406, Fabrika e Coodetec 401 apresentaram resistência do tipo não-preferência para oviposição, nos testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os números de tricomas e de glândulas de gossipol por cm² não foram adequados para se avaliar a não-preferência para oviposição de adultos da mosca-branca em genótipos de algodoeiro.