991 resultados para feeding level


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The effects of feeding level on growth, retention efficiency, faeces production and energy partitioning of redlip mullet were studied. A practical diet was used and fed at six levels from starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% of body weight (BW) to satiation for 3 weeks. The temperature was kept at 24 +/- 1 degrees C. Reducing the feeding amount resulted in significantly lower weight gain, and retention efficiency was significantly affected by feeding levels and attained the maximum at maximum feeding intake. Feeding 2% BW was the minimum required for fish to maintain growth. Fish carcass composition under different feeding levels could be divided into three groups: (1) starvation and FL1; (2) FL2 and FL3 and (3) FL4 and satiation, with significant differences among the groups but no differences in the groups except that ash content remained at constant value. Body composition of fish of group 2 was close to initial fish. The thermal-unit coefficient was 0.0381 at satiation, and significantly increased with increasing feeding levels. In order to accurately estimate basal metabolism (HeE), another trial on the relationship between HeE (kJ) and BW (g) was carried out. An exponential curve as HeE=0.1255BW(0.8386) explained this relationship. Intake energy (IE) increased from 11.30 to 63.08 kJ per fish, matching with different feeding levels. Energy allocated to growth of IE decreased with reducing feeding amount. There was a linear relationship between metabolism energy and retention energy in percentage.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to determine the optimal feeding level and feeding frequency for the culture of freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare). A randomized block design in a factorial scheme (3 × 2) with three feeding levels (30, 60 and 90 g/kg of body weight (BW)/day) and two feeding frequencies (1x and 2x/day) was set up in duplicate, representing 24 experimental units. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test for comparison between means. After 84 days, results indicated that both factors influenced fish performance. No interaction between these factors was, however, observed. Increased feeding level and feeding frequency resulted in increased feed intake. The feed conversion ratio was negatively affected by feeding level, but not affected by feeding frequency. Final weights were higher when fish were fed twice daily, at levels of 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day. Specific growth rate was higher when fish received 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day, regardless of the feeding frequency. Survival was not affected by any treatment, with mean survival rates higher than 90%. It is recommended that juveniles be fed at a level of 60 g/kg BW/day with a minimum of two meals per day, to attain optimal survival, growth and feed efficiency.


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Two feedlot trials were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding frequency (once daily in the morning, once daily in the afternoon or twice daily) and feeding level (ad libitum, 95% of ad libitum, or 90% of ad libitum) on the feedlot performance and carcass composition of beef steers. Data were collected using 196 yearling beef steers. In both trials cattle fed once daily in the morning tended to have higher gains and better feed efficiencies than cattle fed once daily in the afternoon or cattle fed twice daily. Overall, cattle restricted to 95% and 90% of ad libitum intake levels had better feed efficiencies than cattle with ad libitum access to feed. Cattle fed once daily in the morning tended to have less backfat than cattle fed once daily in the afternoon or cattle fed twice daily.


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In Finland, suckler cow production is carried out in circumstances characterized by a long winter period and a short grazing period. The traditional winter housing system for suckler cows has been insulated or uninsulated buildings, but there is a demand for developing less expensive housing systems. In addition, more information is needed on new winter feeding strategies, carried out in inexpensive winter facilities with conventional (hay, grass silage, straw) or alternative (treated straw, industrial by-product, whole-crop silage) feeds. The new feeding techniques should not have any detrimental effects on animal welfare in order to be acceptable to both farmers and consumers. Furthermore, no official feeding recommendations for suckler cows are available in Finland and, thus, recommendations for dairy cows have been used. However, this may lead to over- or underfeeding of suckler cows and, finally, to decreased economic output. In Experiment I, second-calf beef-dairy suckler cows were used to compare the effects of diets based on hay (H) or urea-treated straw (US) at two feeding levels (Moderate; M vs. Low; L) on the performance of cows and calves. Live weight (LW) gain during the indoor feeding was lower for cows on level L than on level M. Cows on diet US lost more LW indoors than those on diet H. The cows replenished the LW losses on good pasture. Calf LW gain and cow milk production were unaffected by the treatments. Conception rate was unaffected by the treatments but was only 69%. Urea-treated straw proved to be a suitable winter feed for spring-calving suckler cows. Experiment II studied the effects of feeding accuracy on the performance of first- and second-calf beef-dairy cows and calves. In II-1, the day-to-day variation in the roughage offered ranged up to ± 40%. In II-2, the same variation was used in two-week periods. Variation of the roughages offered had minor effects on cow performance. Reproduction was unaffected by the feeding accuracy. Accurate feeding is not necessary for young beef-dairy crosses, if the total amount of energy offered over a period of a few weeks fulfills the energy requirements. Effects of feeding strategies with alternative feeds on the performance of mature beef-dairy and beef cows and calves were evaluated in Experiment III. Two studies consisted of two feeding strategies (Step-up vs. Flat-rate) and two diets (Control vs. Alternative). There were no differences between treatments in the cow LW, body condition score (BCS), calf pre-weaning LW gain and cow reproduction. A flat-rate strategy can be practised in the nutrition of mature suckler cows. Oat hull based flour-mill by product can partly replace grass silage and straw in the winter diet. Whole-crop barley silage can be offered as a sole feed to suckler cows. Experiment IV evaluated during the winter feeding period the effects of replacing grass silage with whole-crop barley or oat silage on mature beef cow and calf performance. Both whole-crop silages were suitable winter feeds for suckler cows in cold outdoor winter conditions. Experiment V aimed at assessing the effects of daily feeding vs. feeding every third day on the performance of mature beef cows and calves. No differences between the treatments were observed in cow LW, BCS, milk production and calf LW. The serum concentrations of urea and long-chain fatty acids were increased on the third day after feeding in the cows fed every third day. Despite of that the feeding every third day is an acceptable feeding strategy for mature suckler cows. Experiment VI studied the effects of feeding levels and long-term cold climatic conditions on mature beef cows and calves. The cows were overwintered in outdoor facilities or in an uninsulated indoor facility. Whole-crop barley silage was offered either ad libitum or restricted. All the facilities offered adequate shelter for the cows. The restricted offering of whole-crop barley silage provided enough energy for the cows. The Finnish energy recommendations for dairy cows were too high for mature beef breed suckler cows in good body condition at housing, even in cold conditions. Therefore, there is need to determine feeding recommendations for suckler cows in Finland. The results showed that the required amount of energy can be offered to the cows using conventional or alternative feeds provided at a lower feeding level, with an inaccurate feeding, flat-rate feeding or feeding every third day strategy. The cows must have an opportunity to replenish the LW and BCS losses at pasture before the next winter. Production in cold conditions can be practised in inexpensive facilities when shelter against rain and wind, a dry resting place, adequate amounts of feed suitable for cold conditions and water are provided for the animals as was done in the present study.


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Fry of Heterobranchus bidorsalis (mean weight, 0.03g) were fed at 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% of their body weight (bw)/day in outdoor concrete tanks in New Bussa, Nigeria. The fry attained the highest average weight of 6.66g in 10 weeks when fed at 40% bw/day. Feed conversion ratio ranged from 2.13 to 9.65, the protein efficiency ratio from 1.33 to 5.93. Results indicated that H. bidorsalis are efficient feed converters. Feed intake was significantly different (p<0.05) between the treatments, specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR), production and average weight gain indicated that 40% of fish biomass was the optimum feeding level


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Penaeus monodon postlarvae were subjected to increasing feed concentrations and their growth and survival rates were recorded. Measurements were made of dissolved organic matter, and ammonia and nitrite-nitrogen concentrations. Survival was highest at the lowest feeding level and decreased as feed concentration increased. It is concluded that although organic matter enriches the food supply for P. monodon postlarvae, at higher concentration levels it can pollute the culture water, which in turn leads to mass mortality of the postlarvae. Secondly, the survival rate of P. monodon postlarvae is directly related to dissolved organic matter concentration, oxygen tension, and ammonia-nitrogen concentrations in the culture water. Even at sublethal levels these adverse environmental conditions decrease the survival rate.


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<正> 集约化养殖鱼类的投喂管理要解决三个主要问题:投喂频率(feeding frequency)、投喂水平(feeding level)以及投喂时间(feeding time)。确立鱼类最佳投喂频率(optimum feeding frequency)及最适投喂水平(optimum feeding level)的研究方法及手段在近二十年来发展迅速,鲑鳟鱼类及某些非鲑鳟鱼类的动态投喂表业已建立,然而针对适宜投喂时间(optimum feeding time)的研究却止步


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações estruturais e produtivas de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em resposta à suplementação alimentar de bovinos e a ciclos de pastejo. Os níveis de suplementação com concentrado à base de polpa cítrica, milho, farelo de soja e ureia foram 0,2, 0,6 e 1% do peso vivo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com os níveis de suplementação nas parcelas e os ciclos de pastejo nas subparcelas. Os efeitos da suplementação alimentar dos animais sobre o pasto foram detectados sobre o índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa e relação folha/colmo, em pré-pastejo. Os menores valores foram observados na suplementação de 0,2% do peso vivo. No pós-pastejo, a massa de folhas e a relação folha/colmo foram menores com a menor suplementação (0,2%). Os ciclos de pastejo afetaram as características produtivas e estruturais do pasto, bem como os índices morfogênicos do capim-marandu. Apenas a massa de material morto aumentou, enquanto o número e o peso de perfilhos não foi afetado pelos ciclos de pastejo. O pasto de capim-marandu foi influenciado pela suplementação alimentar dos bovinos. Com o suceder dos ciclos de pastejo, do verão para o outono, há redução do crescimento do pasto, com prejuízos à sua estrutura.


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O potencial genético para o crescimento de qualquer espécie animal depende das condições ambientais em que são cultivados, como competição por espaço, alimentos e oxigênio. O presente experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho produtivo de alevinos de tricogaster (Trichogaster trichopterus), uma espécie de peixe ornamental, submetidos a diferentes densidades de estocagem e índices alimentares. Os peixes (com peso médio de 0,56 g ± 0,09 e 0,96 g ± 0,13) foram divididos em dois blocos, submetidos às densidades de 5, 10 e 15 peixes/aquário e alimentados a taxas de 3, 6 e 9% do peso vivo/dia. Os peixes foram alimentados, uma vez ao dia, com ração comercial moída e mantidos em aquários (com capacidade para 100 L) dotados de filtro biológico e aeração, com renovação parcial da água. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água mantiveram-se dentro da faixa de conforto para a espécie, com diminuição do pH e da condutividade no final do período experimental, para a maior densidade (15 peixes/aquário) e índice alimentar mais elevado (9% p.v./dia). A taxa de arraçoamento afetou significativamente o comprimento final, peso final, ganho de peso, a taxa de crescimento específico e o fator de condição. Os peixes alimentados à base de 9% p.v./dia apresentaram os melhores resultados. Para as diferentes densidades de estocagem, apenas o fator de condição apresentou diferença significativa, com os melhores resultados para os peixes cultivados à densidade de 10 peixes/aquário, em relação aos cultivados à densidade de 15 peixes/aquário. Não foram observadas interações significativas entre os índices alimentares e as densidades de estocagem.


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Com esta pesquisa buscou-se avaliar diferentes níveis de arraçoamento, em porcentagem de peso corporal (PC), para juvenis de trairão em início do período de engorda. Peixes com comprimento de 15,0 ± 1,0 cm e peso de 38,5 ± 8,2 g foram distribuídos em seis aquários com 250 litros de água cada, em densidade de cinco juvenis/aquário. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualisado com três tratamentos (níveis de arraçoamento diário: 2, 4 e 6% PC) e duas repetições. Os juvenis foram alimentados com ração comercial extrusada (42% PB), às 8 e 13 h. Ao final de 45 dias, avaliaram-se a sobrevivência, a conversão alimentar aparente e os ganhos em biomassa, peso diário e comprimento. Não houve diferença para sobrevivência e ganhos em biomassa, peso diário e comprimento. Houve diferença para a conversão alimentar aparente em função do manejo adotado. Os melhores resultados de desempenho foram encontrados nos peixes alimentados com níveis de 2 e 4% PC de ração por dia. Conclui-se que a melhor taxa de arraçoamento para juvenis de trairão é de 4% PC.


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The cost of maintenance makes up a large part of total energy costs in ruminants. Metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for maintenance (MEm) is the daily ME intake that exactly balances heat energy (HE). The net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm) is estimated subtracting MEm from the HE produced by the processing of the diet. Men cannot be directly measured experimentally and is estimated by measuring basal metabolism in fasted animals or by regression measuring the recovered energy in fed animals. MEm and NEm usually, but not always, are expressed in terms of BW0.75. However, this scaling factor is substantially empirical and its exponent is often inadequate, especially for growing animals. MEm estimated by different feeding systems (AFRC, CNCPS, CSIRO, INRA, NRC) were compared by using dairy cattle data. The comparison showed that these systems differ in the approaches used to estimate MEm and for its quantification. The CSIRO system estimated the highest MEm, mostly because it includes a correction factor to increase ME as the feeding level increases. Relative to CSIRO estimates, those of NRC, INRA, CNCPS, and AFRC were on average 0.92, 0.86, 0.84, and 0.78, respectively. MEm is affected by the previous nutritional history of the animals. This phenomenon is best predicted by dynamic models, of which several have been published in the last decades. They are based either on energy flows or on nutrient flows. Some of the different approaches used were described and discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV