997 resultados para feeding adaptation


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The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of a feeding stimulant on feeding adaptation of gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) fed diets with replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM), and whether or not the juvenile gibel carp could adapt to higher MBM level in the diet. Juvenile and adult gibel carp were tested. Two and one replacement levels were used for juvenile and adult fish respectively. Each group of diets was set as two types with or without a unique rare earth oxide: Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3, Nd2O3 or Gd2O3 (only the first four rare earth oxides were used in adult diets) for four adaptation periods of 3, 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. After mixing, an equal mixture of all six diets for juvenile or four diets for adult was offered in excess for 2 days. During the last 2 days of each experiment, no feed was offered and faeces from each tank were collected. Feeding preference was expressed as relative feed intake of each diet, which was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Given some adaptation period, such as 3-28 days, the effects of MBM and squid extract inclusion on the preference to each diet were reduced. After 28 days adaptation, the preferences between groups were not significantly different.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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North temperate fish in post-glacial lakes are textbook examples for rapid parallel adaptive radiation into multiple trophic specialists within individual lakes. Speciation repeatedly proceeded along the benthic – limnetic habitat axis, and benthic – limnetic sister species diverge in the number of gill rakers. Yet, the utility of different numbers of gill rakers for consuming benthic vs. limnetic food has only very rarely been experimentally demonstrated. We bred and raised families of a benthic – limnetic species pair of whitefish under common garden conditions to test whether these species (i) show heritable differentiation in feeding efficiency on zooplankton, and (ii) whether varia- tion in feeding efficiency is predicted by variation in gill raker numbers. We used zooplankton of three different size classes to investigate prey size dependency of divergence in feeding efficiency and to investigate the effect strength of variation in the number of gill rakers. Our results show strong interspecific differences in feeding efficiency. These differences are largest when fish were tested with the smallest zooplankton. Importantly, feeding efficiency is significantly positively correlated with the number of gill rakers when using small zooplankton, also when species identity is statistically controlled for. Our results support the hypothesis that a larger number of gill rakers are of adaptive significance for feeding on zooplankton and pro- vide one of the first experimental demonstrations of trait utility of gill raker number when fish feed on zooplankton. These results are consistent with the suggested importance of divergent selection driven feeding adaptation during adaptive radiation of fish in post-glacial lakes.


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The large, bunodont postcanine teeth in living sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have been likened to those of certain fossil hominins, particularly the ’robust’ australopiths (genus Paranthropus). We examine this evolutionary convergence by conducting fracture experiments on extracted molar teeth of sea otters and modern humans (Homo sapiens) to determine how load-bearing capacity relates to tooth morphology and enamel material properties. In situ optical microscopy and x-ray imaging during simulated occlusal loading reveal the nature of the fracture patterns. Explicit fracture relations are used to analyze the data and to extrapolate the results from humans to earlier hominins. It is shown that the molar teeth of sea otters have considerably thinner enamel than those of humans, making sea otter molars more susceptible to certain kinds of fractures. At the same time, the base diameter of sea otter first molars is larger, diminishing the fracture susceptibility in a compensatory manner. We also conduct nanoindentation tests to map out elastic modulus and hardness of sea otter and human molars through a section thickness, and microindentation tests to measure toughness. We find that while sea otter enamel is just as stiff elastically as human enamel, it is a little softer and tougher. The role of these material factors in the capacity of dentition to resist fracture and deformation is considered. From such comparisons, we argue that early hominin species like Paranthropus most likely consumed hard food objects with substantially higher biting forces than those exerted by modern humans.


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Spined loach, Cobitis taenia, is a predominant fish in the river systems of the southern Caspian Sea basin. Although there is evidence of the geographical divergence of this taxon, but no information is available on morphological differences within the species populations. This study was designed to evaluate some biological factors including; morphometric and meristic characters, length-weight, age-growth, condition factor, diet, reproduction, variation and differentiation, in the Babolrud, Talar and Siahrud Rivers in south of the Caspian Sea basin. Age, sex ratio, fecundity, ova diameter and gonadosomatic index were estimated. Also, regression analyses was tested the relation between fecundity and fish length, weight, gonad weight, and also age. Totally 858 fish of which 721 were matures, were collected from these rivers by electrofishing. 37 morphometric characters, 9 meristic characters and 78 truss network system characters were estimated. Resulats of DFA analysis based on data of morphometric and meristic showd that these populations are highly (94.5%) varios from each other. In discriminate function analysis, the proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups was 61%, 65.4% and 86.5% for upstream and downstream, respectively. Clustering based on Euclidean distances among groups of centroids using an UPGMA and also principal component analysis’ results for morphometric data indicated that these populations from these three rivers were clearly distinct from each other. Regression equations between length and weight in these three populations were significantly different from Folton factor (b=3), that showed the fish has a negative Alometric growth process. Condition factor was estimated between 0.8912 to 1.2736 and 0.8131 to 1.4489 for males and females, respectively. Sex ratio (female: male) in these populations was 1.2816:1. The difference between the number of females and males was significant and females were more than males. The female and male specimens reach maturity by Tl more than 40 and 30 mm and at the age of 2+ and 1+, respectively. The mean of ova diameter was 0.5824±0.2882. The spawning took place from May to late July, at the water temperature from 18.7 to 24.0°C. The GSI values average at the beginning of the reproduction period was about 9%, with ranged from 2 to 26% in ripe mature females. The absolute and relative fecundity were 2109±792 and 579±208 respectively. The absolute fecundity was significantly related to body weight and gonads weight. Based on the pattern of gonado-somatic index, it was concluded that this fish has prolong active reproductive period, which is a type of adaptation by short-lived small fishes to environmental conditions. The macroscopic and histological results showed that the female and male have 5 and 4 stages in their maturation process, respectively. The RLG index was about 0.4732, which showed the fish is a carnivorous species. Significant difference was observed between fishes with different length and diet. The main foods of the fish were Trichoptera, Chironomidae larvae and Ephemeroptera which were their prefered food as well, however it was estimated that the food selection and diet are affected by environmental conditions.


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Phenotypic plasticity widely exists in the external morphology of animals as well as the internal traits of organs. In the present study, we studied the gut length plasticity of planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp under different food resources in large-net cage experiments in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. There was a significant difference in stocking density between these 2 years. Under a low stocking density and abundant food resources, silver carp increased their energy intake by feeding on more zooplankton. Meanwhile, silver carp adjusted their gut length to match the digestive requirements of food when exposed to different food resources. In the main growth seasons (from April to October), silver carp significantly increased their relative gut length when feeding on more phytoplankton in 2005 (p < 0.01, 9.23 +/- 1.80 in 2004 and 10.77 +/- 2.05 in 2005, respectively). There was a nearly significant negative correlation between zooplankton proportion in the diet and the relative gut length when silver carp were stocked in a high density (p = 0.112). It appears that silver carp might have evolved plasticity to change their gut length rapidly to facilitate efficient utilization of food resources. Such resource polymorphisms in the gut may be a good indication of temporal adaptation to resource conditions. Our work provided field evidence for understanding the functional basis of resource polymorphisms and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in planktivorous filter-feeding fish.


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The objectives of this work were to study the effects of several feeding stimulants on gibel carp fed diets with or without replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM). The feeding stimulants tested were betaine, glycine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and a commercial squid extract. Three inclusion levels were tested for each stimulant (0.18, 0.5%, and 1% for betaine and 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% for the other stimulants). Two basal diets (40% crude protein) were used. one with 26% fish meal (FM), and the other with 21% fish meal and 6% MBM, Betaine at 0.1% in the fish meal group and at 0.5% in the meat and bone meal group was used in all experiments for comparison among stimulants. In the experiment on each stimulant, six tanks of fish were equally divided into two groups, one fed the FM diet, and the other fed the MBM diet. After 7 days' adaptation to the basal diet, in which the fish were fed to satiation twice a day, the fish were fed for another 7 days an equal mixture of diets containing varying levels of stimulants. Each diet contained a unique rare earth oxide as inert marker (Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3 or Nd2O3). During the last 3 days of the experiment, faeces from each tank were collected. Preference for each diet was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Gibel carp fed the FM diet had higher intake than those fed the MBM diet, but the difference was significant only in the experiments on betaine, glycine and L-methionine. None of the feeding stimulants tested showed feeding enhancing effects in FM diets. All feeding stimulants showed feeding enhancing effects in MBM diets. and the optimum inclusion level was 0.5% for betaine, 0.1% for glycine, 0.25% for L-lysine, 0.1% for L-methionine. 0.25% For L-phenylalanine. and 0.1% for squid extract. The squid extract had the strongest stimulating effect among all the stimulants tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mytilus edulis adapted to cyclic temperatures by reducing the amplitude of response of oxygen consumption and filtration rate over a period of approximately two weeks, and thereby increasing their independence of temperature within the range of the fluctuating regime. When acclimated to cyclic temperature regimes within the range from 6 to 20°C, the metabolic and feeding rates, measured at different temperatures in the cycle, were not significantly different from the adapted response to equivalent constant temperatures. Physiological adaptation ofMytilus edulis to different thermal environments was reflected in their metabolic and feeding rate-temperature curves. Animals subjected to marked diel fluctuations in environmental temperature showed an appropriate region of temperature-independence, whereas animals from a population not experiencing large diel temperature fluctuations showed no region of temperature-independence. In a fluctuating thermal environment which extended above the normal environmental maxima, respiratory adaptation occurred at higher temperatures than was possible in a constant thermal environment. The feeding rate was also maintained at higher temperatures in a cyclic regime than was possible under constant thermal conditions. This represented a shortterm extension of the zone of activity in a fluctuating thermal environment. The net result of these physiological responses to high cyclic and constant temperatures has been assessed in terms of ‘scope for growth’. Animals acclimated to cyclic temperatures between 21 and 29°C had a higher scope for growth at 29°C and were less severely stressed than those maintained at the constant temperature of 29°C.


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No presente trabalho o cladócero Daphnia longispina foi utilizado como organismo modelo para a avaliação dos efeitos ecológicos da adaptação a ambientes contaminados por metais. Foram amostradas populações naturais de D. longispina num local sujeito à contaminação por metais e num local próximo, de referência, ambos localizados no sistema aquático na área envolvente à mina abandonada de São Domingos. Várias linhagens clonais de ambas as populações foram mantidas em laboratório, sob condições controladas, para a execução dos testes. Um dos testes realizados permitiu estudar e quantificar as diferenças na tolerância letal entre as linhagens clonadas de ambas as populações e também avaliar os custos associados. Utilizando vinte linhagens clonais de D. longispina das duas populações verificou-se que apenas clones sensíveis ao cobre estavam presentes na população de referência e clones resistentes ao cobre estavam presentes na população do local contaminado. Os custos associados à tolerância foram ilustrados pela determinação de taxas alimentares mais baixas para a população tolerante quando comparadas com as da população de referência. Outro dos testes realizados permitiu comparar as respostas de clones de populações de ambos os locais – contaminado e referência – à exposição a concentrações sub-letais do metal cobre. A tolerância evidenciada anteriormente ao nível letal foi confirmada ao nível sub-letal, com o clone proveniente da população do local contaminado evidenciando uma maior tolerância ao cobre quando comparado com os restantes clones, para todos os parâmetros analisados (taxas alimentares, consumo de oxigénio, crescimento e reprodução). Os efeitos da aclimatação ao cobre ao longo de várias gerações foram também avaliados num clone de D. longispina. Os resultados evidenciaram a existência de uma adaptação fisiológica ao cobre ao longo das várias gerações que, no entanto, apenas aumentou marginalmente a tolerância a níveis de cobre letais. Para além disso, observou-se também uma grande variação nas respostas do clone de D. longispina estudado, não só entre concentrações de cobre mas também entre gerações. Os resultados obtidos nos vários estudos realizados com linhagens clonais de ambas as populações de D. longispina reforçam a importância de integrar a temática do desenvolvimento de tolerância à poluição aquando da avaliação dos riscos ambientais e ecológicos de compostos químicos, como os metais, no meio ambiente.


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In the course of the ‘Livestock Revolution’, extension and intensification of, among others, ruminant livestock production systems are current phenomena, with all their positive and negative side effects. Manure, one of the inevitable secondary products of livestock rearing, is a valuable source of plant nutrients and its skillful recycling to the soil-plant interface is essential for soil fertility, nutrient - and especially phosphorus - uses efficiency and the preservation or re-establishment of environmentally sustainable farming systems, for which organic farming systems are exemplarily. Against this background, the PhD research project presented here, which was embedded in the DFG-funded Research Training Group 1397 ‘Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in organic agriculture ’ investigated possibilities to manipulate the diets of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) so as to produce manure of desired quality for organic vegetable production, without affecting the productivity of the animals used. Consisting of two major parts, the first study (chapter 2) tested the effects of diets differing in their ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and of structural to non-structural carbohydrates on the quality of buffalo manure under subtropical conditions in Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. To this end, two trials were conducted with twelve water buffalo heifers each, using a full Latin Square design. One control and four tests diets were examined during three subsequent 7 day experimental periods preceded each by 21 days adaptation. Diets consisted of varying proportions of Rhodes grass hay, soybean meal, wheat bran, maize, dates, and a commercial concentrate to achieve a (1) high C/N and high NDF (neutral detergent fibre)/SC (soluble carbohydrate) ratio (HH), (2) low C/N and low NDF/SC ratio (LL); (3) high C/N and low NDF/SC ratio (HL) and (4) low C/N and high NDF/SC (LH) ratio. Effects of these diets, which were offered at 1.45 times maintenance requirements of metabolizable energy, and of individual diet characteristics, respectively, on the amount and quality of faeces excreted were determined and statistically analysed. The faeces produced from diets HH and LL were further tested in a companion PhD study (Mr. K. Siegfried) concerning their nutrient release in field experiments with radish and cabbage. The second study (chapter 3) focused on the effects of the above-described experimental diets on the rate of passage of feed particles through the gastrointestinal tract of four randomly chosen animals per treatment. To this end, an oral pulse dose of 683 mg fibre particles per kg live weight marked with Ytterbium (Yb; 14.5 mg Yb g-1 organic matter) was dosed at the start of the 7 day experimental period which followed 21 days of adaptation. During the first two days a sample for Yb determination was kept from each faecal excretion, during days 3 – 7 faecal samples were kept from the first morning and the first evening defecation only. Particle passage was modelled using a one-compartment age-dependent Gamma-2 model. In both studies individual feed intake and faecal excretion were quantified throughout the experimental periods and representative samples of feeds and faeces were subjected to proximate analysis following standard protocols. In the first study the organic matter (OM) intake and excretion of LL and LH buffaloes were significantly lower than of HH and HL animals, respectively. Digestibility of N was highest in LH (88%) and lowest in HH (74%). While NDF digestibility was also highest in LH (85%) it was lowest in LL (78%). Faecal N concentration was positively correlated (P≤0.001) with N intake, and was significantly higher in faeces excreted by LL than by HH animals. Concentrations of fibre and starch in faecal OM were positively affected by the respective dietary concentrations, with NDF being highest in HH (77%) and lowest in LL (63%). The faecal C/N ratio was positively related (P≤0.001) to NDF intake; C/N ratios were 12 and 7 for HH and LL (P≤0.001), while values for HL and LH were 11.5 and 10.6 (P>0.05). The results from the second study showed that dietary N concentration was positively affecting faecal N concentration (P≤0.001), while there was a negative correlation with the faecal concentration of NDF (P≤0.05) and the faecal ratios of NDF/N and C/N (P≤0.001). Particle passage through the mixing compartment was lower (P≤0.05) for HL (0.033 h-1) than for LL (0.043 h-1) animals, while values of 0.034 h-1 and 0.038 h-1 were obtained for groups LH and HH. At 55.4 h, total tract mean retention time was significantly (P≤0.05) lower in group LL that in all other groups where these values varied between 71 h (HH) and 79 h (HL); this was probably due to the high dietary N concentration of diet LL which was negatively correlated with time of first marker appearance in faeces (r= 0.84, P≤0.001), while the dietary C concentration was negatively correlated with particle passage through the mixing compartment (r= 0.57, P≤0.05). The results suggest that manure quality of river buffalo heifers can be considerably influenced by diet composition. Despite the reportedly high fibre digestion capacity of buffalo, digestive processes did not suppress the expression of diet characteristics in the faeces. This is important when aiming at producing a specific manure quality for fertilization purposes in (organic) crop cultivation. Although there was a strong correlation between the ingestion and the faecal excretion of nitrogen, the correlation between diet and faecal C/N ratio was weak. To impact on manure mineralization, the dietary NDF and N concentrations seem to be the key control points, but modulating effects are achieved by the inclusion of starch into the diet. Within the boundaries defined by the animals’ metabolic and (re)productive requirements for energy and nutrients, diet formulation may thus take into account the abiotically and biotically determined manure turnover processes in the soil and the nutrient requirements of the crops to which the manure is applied, so as to increase nutrient use efficiency along the continuum of the feed, the animal, the soil and the crop in (organic) farming systems.


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Genetic differentiation among plant populations and adaptation to local environmental conditions are well documented. However, few studies have examined the potential contribution of plant antagonists, such as insect herbivores and pathogens, to the pattern of local adaptation. Here, a reciprocal transplant experiment was set up at three sites across Europe using two common plant species, Holcus lanatus and Plantago lanceolata. The amount of damage by the main above-ground plant antagonists was measured: a rust fungus infecting Holcus and a specialist beetle feeding on Plantago, both in low-density monoculture plots and in competition with interspecific neighbours. Strong genetic differentiation among provenances in the amount of damage by antagonists in both species was found. Local provenances of Holcus had significantly higher amounts of rust infection than foreign provenances, whereas local provenances of Plantago were significantly less damaged by the specialist beetle than the foreign provenances. The presence of surrounding vegetation affected the amount of damage but had little influence on the ranking of plant provenances. The opposite pattern of population differentiation in resistance to local antagonists in the two species suggests that it will be difficult to predict the consequences of plant translocations for interactions with organisms of higher trophic levels.


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) causes human epidemics across Eurasia. Clinical manifestations range from inapparent infections and fevers to fatal encephalitis but the factors that determine disease severity are currently undefined. TBEV is characteristically a hemagglutinating (HA) virus; the ability to agglutinate erythrocytes tentatively reflects virion receptor/fusion activity. However, for the past few years many atypical HA-deficient strains have been isolated from patients and also from the natural European host tick, Ixodes persulcatus. By analysing the sequences of HA-deficient strains we have identified 3 unique amino acid substitutions (D67G, E122G or D277A) in the envelope protein, each of which increases the net charge and hydrophobicity of the virion surface. Therefore, we genetically engineered virus mutants each containing one of these 3 substitutions; they all exhibited HA-deficiency. Unexpectedly, each genetically modified non-HA virus demonstrated increased TBEV reproduction in feeding Ixodes ricinus, not the recognised tick host for these strains. Moreover, virus transmission efficiency between infected and uninfected ticks co-feeding on mice was also intensified by each substitution. Retrospectively, the mutation D67G was identified in viruses isolated from patients with encephalitis. We propose that the emergence of atypical Siberian HA-deficient TBEV strains in Europe is linked to their molecular adaptation to local ticks. This process appears to be driven by the selection of single mutations that change the virion surface thus enhancing receptor/fusion function essential for TBEV entry into the unfamiliar tick species. As the consequence of this adaptive mutagenesis, some of these mutations also appear to enhance the ability of TBEV to cross the human blood-brain barrier, a likely explanation for fatal encephalitis. Future research will reveal if these emerging Siberian TBEV strains continue to disperse westwards across Europe by adaptation to the indigenous tick species and if they are associated with severe forms of TBE.


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A cause and effect relationship between glucagon-like peptide 1 (7, 36) amide (GLP-1) and cholecystokinin (CCK) and DMI regulation has not been established in ruminants. Three randomized complete block experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding fat or infusing GLP-1 or CCK intravenously on DMI, nutrient digestibility, and Cr rate of passage (using Cr(2)O(3) as a marker) in wethers. A total of 18 Targhee × Hampshire wethers (36.5 ± 2.5 kg of BW) were used, and each experiment consisted of four 21-d periods (14 d for adaptation and 7 d for infusion and sampling). Wethers allotted to the control treatments served as the controls for all 3 experiments; experiments were performed simultaneously. The basal diet was 60% concentrate and 40% forage. In Exp. 1, treatments were the control (0% added fat) and addition of 4 or 6% Ca salts of palm oil fatty acids (DM basis). Treatments in Exp. 2 and 3 were the control and 3 jugular vein infusion dosages of GLP-1 (0.052, 0.103, or 0.155 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)) or CCK (0.069, 0.138, or 0.207 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)), respectively. Increases in plasma GLP-1 and CCK concentrations during hormone infusions were comparable with increases observed when increasing amounts of fat were fed. Feeding fat and infusion of GLP-1 tended (linear, P = 0.12; quadratic, P = 0.13) to decrease DMI. Infusion of CCK did not affect (P > 0.21) DMI. Retention time of Cr in the total gastrointestinal tract decreased (linear, P < 0.01) when fat was fed, but was not affected by GLP-1 or CCK infusion. In conclusion, jugular vein infusion produced similar plasma CCK and GLP-1 concentrations as observed when fat was fed. The effects of feeding fat on DMI may be partially regulated by plasma concentration of GLP-1, but are not likely due solely to changes in a single hormone concentration.


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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the mixture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. rhamnosus strain GG, Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, and inulin on intestinal populations of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and enterobacteria in adult and elderly rats fed the same (in quality and quantity) diet. The portal plasma levels of two neuropeptides, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY (PYY), were also evaluated to assess the physiological consequences of the synbiotic treatment for the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of rats of different ages. Adult (n = 24) and elderly (n = 24) male rats were fed the AIN-93 M maintenance diet. After 2 weeks of adaptation, the diet of 12 rats of each age group was supplemented with 8% inulin and with strains GG and Bb12 to provide 2.2 x 10(9) CFU of each strain g(-1) of the diet. Blood and different regions of the GI tract were sampled from all rats after 21 days of the treatment. Treatment with the mixture of strain GG, strain BB12, and inulin induced significantly different changes in the numbers of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and enterobacteria of the stomach, small intestine, cecum, and colon microflora. Moreover, the GG, BB12, and inulin mixture increased the concentrations of NPY and PYY for adult rats. For the elderly animals, the PYY concentration was not changed, while the NPY concentration was decreased by treatment with the GG, BB12, and inulin mixture. The results of the present study indicate that the physiological status of the GI tract, and not just diet, has a major role in the regulation of important groups of the GI bacteria community, since even the outcome of the dietary modification with synbiotics depends on the ages of the animals.