1000 resultados para federal dynamics
The global economic and financial crisis is a challenge for all governments, but particularly for federal states because divided and/or shared territorial powers make federations susceptible to coordination problems in fiscal policy making. This article explores the effects of the ongoing crisis on federal relations. Three kinds of problems that may become the cause of federal tensions and conflicts are evoked: opportunism of subgovernments, centralisation and erosion of solidarity among members of the federation. Our analysis of fiscal policies and federal conflicts of 11 federations between 2007 and the present reveals three kinds of coordination problems: shirking in the use of federal government grants, rent-seeking in equalisation payments, and over-borrowing and over-spending. Our results show that shirking remained limited to few cases and occurred only in the first part of the crisis. However, rent-seeking and over-borrowing and over-spending led to a reduction of solidarity among subgovernments and to increased regulation of the fiscal discretion of the members of the federation. Subsequently, tensions in federal relations increased - although only in one case did this challenged the federal order.
This paper analyses the recent process of state decentralisation in Italy from the perspectives of political science and constitutional law. It considers the conflicting pressures and partisan opportunism of the decentralising process, and how these have adversely affected the consistency and completeness of the new constitutional framework. The paper evaluates the major institutional reforms affecting state decentralisation, including the 2001 constitutional reform and the more recent legislation on fiscal federalism. It argues that while the legal framework for decentralisation remains unclear and contradictory in parts, the Constitutional Court has performed a key role in interpreting the provisions and giving life to the decentralised system, in which regional governments now perform a much more prominent role. This new system of more decentralised multi-level government must nevertheless contend with a political culture and party system that remains highly centralised, while the administrative apparatus has undergone no comparable shift to take account of state decentralisation, leading to the duplication of bureaucracy at all territorial levels and continuing conflicts over policy jurisdiction. Unlike in federal systems these conflicts cannot be resolved in Italy through mechanisms of “shared rule”, since formal inter-governmental coordination structure are weak and entirely consultative.
"A-77 - A-87."
This prospective study was carried out from October 2003 to December 2005 and involved a cohort of 946 individuals of both genders, aged 1-89 years, from an endemic area for American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), in Para State, Brazil. The aim of the study was to analyze the dynamics of the clinical and immunological evolution of human Leishmania ( L.) infantum chagasi infection represented by the following clinical-immunological profiles: asymptomatic infection (AI); symptomatic infection (SI = AVL); subclinical oligosymptomatic infection (SOI); subclinical resistant infection (SRI); and indeterminate initial infection (III). Infection diagnosis was determined by the indirect fluorescent antibody test and leishmanin skin test. In total, 231 cases of infection were diagnosed: the AI profile was the most frequent (73.2%), followed by SRI (12.1%), III (9.9%), SI (2.6%) and SOI (2.2%). The major conclusion regarding evolution dynamics was that the III profile plays a pivotal role from which the cases evolve to either the resistant, SRI and AI, or susceptible, SOI and SI, profiles; only one of the 23 III cases evolved to SI, while most evolved to either SRI (nine cases) or SOI (five cases) and eight cases remained as III. (C) 2010 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O artigo analisa o National Performance Review (NPR), programa de reforma administrativa na gest??o do presidente Clinton, implementado em 1993, e que traduz o novo paradigma empreendedorialista proposto para o funcionamento da burocracia do governo federal americano. Na primeira parte s??o apresentados os princ??pios, objetivos e natureza da agenda, ressaltando-se as suas bases conceituais. Segue-se uma an??lise sobre a forma????o da agenda e a seq????ncia da sua implementa????o. A 3?? parte compreende uma vis??o da din??mica pol??tico-institucional, com destaque para as tens??es observadas entre o Legislativo e o Executivo, e o impacto destas nas mudan??as da agenda. Na ??ltima se????o, apresenta-se um painel emp??rico sobre alguns dos resultados em determinadas ag??ncias e departamentos do Governo, pretendendo-se oferecer contribui????es ao processo de reformas administrativas atualmente em curso no Brasil.
Em um contexto de ampliação dos lugares públicos participativos no Brasil há de se considerar expectativas de despertar valores sociopolíticos nos estudantes universitários em seu processo de qualificação cidadã e profissional, diante das críticas à formação dos administradores. Portanto, este trabalho visa compreender a dinâmica da consciência política dos estudantes da graduação em administração de uma universidade pública federal no sudeste do Brasil em sua relação com a participação cidadã nos lugares públicos participativos no estado e municípios. Adota-se o modelo analítico de consciência política para a compreensão da participação em ações coletivas de Sandoval (2001) como marco teórico, associado à literatura sobre participação cidadã. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados através de documentos, aplicação de 30 questionários e 17 entrevistas semiestruturadas, com 30 estudantes universitários da graduação em administração matriculados em 2014/1. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2004). Os resultados revelam 12 estudantes que não participam nos lugares públicos participativos e 18 estudantes que participam em pelo menos um destes lugares. O interesse em exercer a cidadania, melhorar as políticas públicas, gostar de implicar-se com os assuntos públicos e defender seus interesses em circunstâncias de conflito são as justificativas citadas pelos que participam. Evidenciam-se nos estudantes com participação mais ativa, crenças, valores e expectativas societais, articuladas à eficácia política, identidade coletiva, interesses antagônicos, sentimentos de justiça e injustiça, favorecendo a vontade de agir coletivamente, devido à percepção de conexão de seus interesses com as metas e ações coletivas dos movimentos que se envolvem. Os estudantes que não participam desconfiam dos lugares públicos participativos e demonstram desinteresse pelos assuntos públicos, embora apontem um desconforto em não participar. Suas crenças, valores e expectativas societais, associadas aos sentimentos de ineficácia política dificultam o desenvolvimento da consciência política. Conclui-se que estes estudantes possuem uma consciência política de senso comum, demonstrando valores sociais e políticos inerentes aos modismos presentes na vida cotidiana das pessoas. Já os estudantes com participação mais ativa apresentam uma consciência política de conflito, motivando-os à participação nos lugares avaliados como eficazes às suas proposições. Entretanto, o Centro Acadêmico Livre de Administração Honestino Guimarães (CALAD), principal lugar de representação e participação dos interesses dos estudantes no curso, encontra-se sem direção e participação nas instâncias institucionalizadas na universidade.
This paper aims to cast some light on the dynamics of knowledge networks in developing countries by analyzing the scientific production of the largest university in the Northeast of Brazil and its influence on some of the remaining regional research institutions in the state of Bahia. Using a methodology test to be employed in a larger project, the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) (Federal University of Bahia), the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (Uneb) (State of Bahia University) and the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc)'s (Santa Cruz State University) scientific productions are discussed in one of their most traditionally expressive sectors in academic production - namely, the field of chemistry, using social network analysis of co-authorship networks to investigate the existence of small world phenomena and the importance of these phenomena in research performance in these three universities. The results already obtained through this research bring to light data of considerable interest concerning the scientific production in unconsolidated research universities. It shows the important participation of the UFBA network in the composition of the other two public universities research networks, indicating a possible occurrence of small world phenomena in the UFBA and Uesc networks, as well as the importance of individual researchers in consolidating research networks in peripheral universities. The article also hints that the methodology employed appears to be adequate insofar as scientific production may be used as a proxy for scientific knowledge.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Organização e Administração Escolar).
This paper investigates the relationship between short term and long term in ation expectations in the US and the UK with a focus on iflation pass through (i.e. how changes in short term expectations affect long term expectations). An econometric methodology is used which allows us to uncover the relationship between in ation pass through and various explanatory variables. We relate our empirical results to theoretical models of anchored, contained and unmoored inflation expectations. For neither country do we find anchored or unmoored inflation expectations. For the US, contained inflation expectations are found. For the UK, our ndings are not consistent with the specifi =c model of contained inflation expectations presented here, but are consistent with a more broad view of expectations being constrained by the existence of an inflation target.
This paper explores an overlooked issue in the literature on federations and federalism: the relationship between federalism and democracy. Starting from the assumption that federalism per se is not enough to guarantee cooperative intergovernmental dynamics between different levels of governments, this article analyzes how democracy reinforces cooperative intergovernmental relations under a federal design. Drawing from empirical evidence of federations in the making – Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Spain – this article shows that in countries where the federal design was built under democratization, namely Brazil, Spain and South Africa, intergovernmental dynamics evolved under an increasingly cooperative mode of interaction.
We look at at the empirical validity of Schelling’s models for racial residential segregation applied to the case of Chicago. Most of the empirical literature has focused exclusively the single neighborhood model, also known as the tipping point model and neglected a multineighborhood approach or a unified approach. The multi-neighborhood approach introduced spatial interaction across the neighborhoods, in particular we look at spatial interaction across neighborhoods sharing a border. An initial exploration of the data indicates that spatial contiguity might be relevant to properly analyse the so call tipping phenomena of predominately non-Hispanic white neighborhoods to predominantly minority neighborhoods within a decade. We introduce an econometric model that combines an approach to estimate tipping point using threshold effects and a spatial autoregressive model. The estimation results from the model disputes the existence of a tipping point, that is a discontinuous change in the rate of growth of the non-Hispanic white population due to a small increase in the minority share of the neighborhood. In addition we find that racial distance between the neighborhood of interest and it surrounding neighborhoods has an important effect on the dynamics of racial segregation in Chicago.
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are new in Russia and represent project implementation in progress. The government is actively pursuing PPP deployment in sectors such as transportation and urban infrastructure, and at all levels including federal, regional and especially local. Despite the lack of pertinent laws and regulations, the PPP public policy quickly transforms into a policy paradigm that provides simplified concepts and solutions and intensifies partnership development. The article delineates an emerging model of Russia’s PPP policy paradigm, whose structure includes the shared understanding of the need for long-term collaboration between the public sector and business, a changing set of government responsibilities that imply an increasing private provision of public services, and new institutional capacities. This article critically appraises the principal dynamics that contribute to an emerging PPP policy paradigm, namely the broad government treatment of the meaning of a partnership and of a contractual PPP; a liberal PPP approval process that lacks clear guidelines and consistency across regions; excessive emphasis on positive PPP externalities and neglect of drawbacks; and unjustifiably extensive government financial support to PPPs. Whilst a paradigm appears to be useful specifically for the policy purpose of PPP expansion, it may also mask inefficiencies such as higher prices of public services and greater government risks.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as políticas de educação escolar e saúde indígena no Brasil, buscando verificar a presença das tendências de modificação observadas nas políticas sociais do país, a partir das décadas de 1980 e 1990: descentralização das políticas para as esferas subnacionais de governo; criação de mecanismos de participação da sociedade civil nos processos decisórios; estabelecimento de parcerias com instituições privadas para a provisão de serviços públicos; institucionalização de canais de controle; alteração no conteúdo das políticas e ampliação de seu alcance. O estudo foi realizado a partir de uma análise comparativa das duas políticas no nível federal e no nível local de governo. A análise no nível local foi realizada a partir do estudo de caso do Parque Indígena do Xingu. Buscou-se verificar, na trajetória das políticas, a influência dos fatores relacionados aos processos de Redemocratização e Reforma do Estado, das dinâmicas próprias das áreas de saúde e educação, da questão indígena e da agenda estatal indigenista. A partir da análise, verificamos, no nível federal, um avanço na legislação de ambos os campos, comparado com os princípios existentes antes da Constituição Federal de 1988. No que se refere à legislação, a educação escolar indígena apresenta-se mais consolidada quando comparada à saúde que ainda apresenta muitas indefinições. No Parque Indígena do Xingu percebemos uma inflexão nas duas políticas, a partir da década de 1990, que passam a buscar um crescente protagonismo indígena e a valorização de uma abordagem intercultural. No Xingu estes avanços foram resultado, sobretudo, da iniciativa das comunidades indígenas da região, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de São Paulo, na área da saúde, e com o Instituto Socioambiental, na área da educação, e com recursos, a principio, de fundações internacionais.