972 resultados para fecal incontinence


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Objective: Fecal loading, cognitive impairment, loose stools, functional disability, comorbidity and anorectal incontinence are recognized as factors contributing to loss of fecal continence in older adults. The objective of this project was to assess the relative distribution of these factors in a variety of settings along with the outcome of usual management. Methods: One hundred and twenty adults aged 65 years and over with fecal incontinence recruited by convenience sampling from four different settings were studied. They were either living at home or in a nursing home or receiving care on an acute or rehabilitation elderly care ward. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit which factors associated with fecal incontinence were present from subjects who had given written informed consent or for whom assent for inclusion in the study had been obtained. Results: Fecal loading (Homes 6 [20%]; Acute care wards 17 [57%]; Rehabilitation wards 19 [63%]; Nursing homes 21 [70%]) and functional disability (Homes 5 [17%]; Acute care wards 25 [83%]; Rehabilitation wards 25 [83%]; Nursing homes 20 [67%]) were significantly more prevalent in the hospital and nursing home settings than in those living at home (P < 0.01). Loose stools were more prevalent in the hospital setting than in the other settings (Homes 11 [37%]; Acute care wards 20 [67%]; Rehabilitation wards 17 [57%]; Nursing homes 6 [20%]) (P < 0.01). Cognitive impairment was significantly more common in the nursing home than in the other settings (Nursing homes 26 [87%], Homes 5 [17%], Acute care wards 13 [43%], Rehabilitation wards 14 [47%]) (P < 0.01). Loose stools were the most prevalent factor present at baseline in 13 of the 19 (68%) subjects whose fecal incontinence had resolved at 3 months. Conclusion: The distribution of the factors contributing to fecal incontinence in older people living at home differs from those cared for in nursing home and hospital wards settings. These differences need to be borne in mind when assessing people in different settings. Management appears to result in a cure for those who are not significantly disabled with loose stools as a cause for their fecal incontinence, but this would need to be confirmed by further research.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One hundred and seven children with faecal incontinence were evaluated and managed over a 3 year period by a multidisciplinary team. After initial clinical assessment, evaluation of defaecatory mechanisms (using a balloon model) and assessment of personal-social development and self-concept were undertaken. Management was based on initial bowel evacuation, short-term laxatives, and habit training involving systematic use of positive reinforcement; 69 children received biofeedback conditioning. Idiopathic megacolon with constipation and soiling was the most common finding (98 cases). Other diagnoses included previously undiagnosed neurogenic bowel (three cases), post-surgical anal anomalies (four cases), and psychogenic encopresis (two cases). Idiopathic megacolon was characterized by decreased rectal sensation, increased threshold for external sphincter relaxation and an inability to evacuate. Faecal incontinence was associated with an undesirably low social self-concept (70% of the 40 evaluated), but was not related to a delay in development (mean general developmental quotient = 105 ± 8, for the 35 tested). Family psychopathology warranting referral for family therapy was found in 14 children (13%). The management programme yielded a short-term (3 months) cure rate of 68% and a long-term (12 months) cure rate of 90%, with 10% having continued soiling which varied from occasional to several incidents/week. No significant improvement in self-concept was observed overall, although marked improvements were observed in some children. We conclude that disordered defaecatory dynamics are a major determinant of faecal incontinence in children. Undesirably low social self-concepts but normal developmental ability accompany this condition. Management is facilitated by a multidisciplinary approach, acknowledging the role of both behavioural and physiological components of the problem. This approach is effective in eradicating soiling in the majority of cases, comparing favourably with other published data.


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A incontinência fecal é a incapacidade de manter o controle da eliminação do conteúdo intestinal em local e tempo socialmente adequados, resultando em escape de gases e fezes. Esta condição acarreta grande prejuízo na vida social dos acometidos. A causa conhecida mais comum é o trauma perineal, porém em uma grande proporcão a incontinência é idiopática. A avaliação da função esfincteriana anal é fundamental para o diagnóstico e para a conduta terapêutica na incontinência fecal. Para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desta condição desenvolveram-se vários exames de investigação. A manometria ano-retal é considerado imprescindível na avaliação. A correlação dos dados da manometria com a gravidade da doença e com estudos eletrofisiológicos ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar os dados da manometria ano-retal e o estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo com a incontinência fecal e comorbidades. Foram estudados prospectivamente todos os pacientes com queixa clínica de incontinência fecal atendidos no ambulatório de Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Porto Alegre (RS), entre março de 1997 e junho de 2000. De todos os pacientes foram coletados dados da anamnese que os classificaram segundo escore de incontinência proposto por JORGE & WEXNER (1993). Todos foram submetidos a manometria ano-retal, estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo bilateralmente e exame proctológico. Foram excluídos os pacientes que não concluíram toda a investigação, com cirurgias colo-retais baixas prévias ou neoplasia de reto e canal anal. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram separados em grupos segundo a manometria normal ou alterada (hipotonia), presença ou não de neuropatia de nervo pudendo, por idade e por sexo. Foram estudados 39 pacientes, 85,6% do sexo feminino com idade média de 60,1 anos (±12,89). A média do escore de incontinência fecal foi de 9,30±4,93. À manometria ano-retal, vinte e três pacientes (59%) apresentaram pressões reduzidas. As pressões foram significativamente mais elevadas nos pacientes do sexo masculino. O tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo (neuropatia) foi prolongado em 14 doentes (35,9%). A idade e o tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo correlacionaram-se significativamente, r=0,422, (P=0,007). A demais correlações entre idade, pressões da manometria, tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo e escore de incontinência não foram estatisticamente significativas.


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A incontinência fecal, também conhecida como encoprese, é um transtorno de evacuação que acarreta prejuízos ao desenvolvimento psicossocial e orgânico da criança e do adolescente, e que demanda atenção e cuidado de pais e profissionais de saúde. No amplo contexto de tratamento da encoprese, a psicoterapia constitui importante recurso, sendo a terapia comportamental apontada como uma das modalidades mais promissoras e eficazes para o tratamento dessa dificuldade de eliminação. Este artigo apresenta o estudo dos efeitos do manejo comportamental de quadro de incontinência fecal em um adolescente de 14 anos, atendido em clínica-escola de Psicologia do interior do Estado de São Paulo durante 14 meses. A partir do referencial teórico da análise do comportamento, foi desenvolvido, em contexto psicoterápico, um conjunto de estratégias comportamentais com o cliente, bem como orientações aos pais, visando à gradativa extinção encoprética. No decorrer desse processo, o cliente apresentou significativas aquisições comportamentais de uso regular do banheiro e adequado controle esfincteriano, monitoradas semanalmente, que possibilitaram a plena extinção das ocorrências de sujidade, sendo avaliado o efeito em follow-up realizado três meses após o encerramento dessa intervenção.


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The aim of this study was to assess effect of adult diapers on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the independent level of performing activities of daily living (ADLs) in people with urinary or fecal incontinence. Psychological consequences of patients’ caregivers were also measured.
This quasi-experimental study was conducted at two rehabilitation centers in Thailand. People aged 15 years or greater with chronic urinary or fecal incontinence were
eligible. Study participants received adult diapers for 10 weeks after recruitment. Thai EuroQol Five Dimensions (EQ-5D) and the Barthel Index were measured at baseline and weeks
2, 6, and 10 to evaluate HRQOL and the independent level of performing ADLs, respectively. The Braden Scale was used to assess the risk of having pressure ulcers. Mean
differences in the Thai EQ-5D, the Barthel Index, and the Braden Scale, before and after receiving adult diapers, were estimated using a multilevel linear regression model.
There were ninety patients and forty-eight caregivers who took part in this study. HRQOL and independent level of performing ADLs had improved significantly by week 10
after receiving adult diapers with mean differences of 0.102 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.046–0.158) and 4.40 (95% CI, 1.74–7.07), respectively. The risk of having
pressure ulcers had significantly decreased by 67 percent (95% CI, 16 percent–78 percent) by week 10 after receiving adult diapers.
The results indicate a significant improvement of HRQOL and the independent level of performing ADLs among incontinent patients after receiving adult diapers. These results were used to inform the development of the health benefits package under the Universal Health Coverage Scheme in Thailand.


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INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: This study aims to estimate fecal, urinary incontinence, and sexual function 6 years after an obstetrical anal sphincter tear. METHODS: Among 13,213 women who had a vaginal delivery of a cephalic singleton at term, 196 women sustained an anal sphincter tear. They were matched to 588 controls. Validated questionnaires grading fecal and urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction were completed by the participants. RESULTS: Severe fecal incontinence was more frequently reported by women who had sustained an anal sphincter tear compared to the controls. Women with an anal sphincter tear had no increased risk of urinary incontinence, but reported significantly more pain, difficulty with vaginal lubrication, and difficulty achieving orgasm compared to the controls. A fetal occiput posterior position during childbirth was an independent risk factor for both severe urinary incontinence and severe sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Fecal incontinence is strongly associated with an anal sphincter tear. A fetal occiput posterior position represents a risk factor for urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.


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A person-centred approach to care in residential aged care facilities should uphold residents’ rights to independence, choice, decision-making, participation, and control over their lifestyle. Little is known about how nurses and personal care assistants working in these facilities uphold these ideals when assisting residents maintain continence and manage incontinence. The overall aim of the study was to develop a grounded theory to describe and explain how Australian residents of aged care facilities have their continence care needs determined, delivered and communicated. This paper presents and discusses a subset of the findings about the ethical challenges nurses and personal care assistants encountered whilst providing continence care. Grounded theory methodology was used for in-depth interviews with 18 nurses and personal care assistants who had experience of providing, supervising or assessing continence care in any Australian residential aged care facility, and to analyse 88 hours of field observations in two facilities. Data generation and analysis occurred simultaneously using open coding, theoretical coding, and selective coding, until data were saturated. While addressing the day-to-day needs of residents who needed help to maintain continence and/or manage incontinence, nurses and personal care assistants struggled to enable residents to exercise choice and autonomy. The main factor that contributed to this problem was that the fact that nurses and personal care assistants had to respond to multiple, competing, and conflicting expectations about residents’ care needs. This situation was compounded by workforce constraints, inadequate information about residents’ care needs, and an unpredictable work environment. Providing continence care accentuated the ethical tensions associated with caregiving. Nurses’ and personal care assistants’ responses were mainly characterised by highly protective behaviours towards residents. Underlying structural factors that hinder high quality continence care to residents of aged care facilities should be urgently addressed.


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Urinary incontinence (UI) is a geriatric syndrome that is especially prevalent in institutionalized individuals, and that causes economic and social impacts derived from treatment costs and overload of caregiver. UI also entails physical consequences to the health of the elderly, such as urinary tract infections or pressure ulcers, among other health problems. However, the existing national research on this condition is still scarce and comprises serious methodological biases. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated factors in institutionalized elderly. A cross-sectional study is presented herein, conducted between October and December, 2013 and carried out in 10 nursing homes in the city of Natal (Northeast Brazil). UI was verified through the program Minimum Data Set version 3.0, which was also used to assess fecal incontinence, urinary devices and UI control programs. Data collection included sociodemographic information, UI characterization, as well as variables related to the institution itself and to health conditions (comorbidities, medication, pelvic floor surgery, Barthel Index for functional capacity and Pfeiffer test for cognitive status). Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-Square Test (or Fisher‟s Exact Test) and the Linear Chi-Square Test, calculating the prevalence ratio with 95% confidence interval. Variables with p value under 0.20 were included in the multivariate analysis, which was performed using the Stepwise Forward logistic regression. The inclusion of variables in the final model depended on the likelihood ratio test, absence of multicollinearity and on the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. A statistical significance level of 0.05 was considered. Six (1.8%) hospitalized elderly, one individual in palliative care (0.3%) and one (0.3%) individual under the age of 60 were excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 321 elderly, mostly females, with a mean age of 81.5 years. The prevalence of UI was 59.43% and the final model revealed statistically a significant association between UI and white race, physical inactivity, stroke, mobility constraints and cognitive decline. The most frequent UI type was functional UI due to physical or cognitive disability, and incontinence control measures were applied only to a minority of residents (approximately 8%). It is concluded that UI is a health issue that affects more than half of the institutionalized elderly, and is associated with white race, physical inactivity, stroke and other geriatric syndromes such as immobility and cognitive disability. Most of these associated factors are modifiable and therefore the findings of this study highlight the importance of UI prevention and treatment in nursing homes, which include general measures, such as physical and psychosocial activities, and specific measures, such as prompted voiding


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RACIONAL: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo afetam vários sistemas orgânicos, inclusive o digestório. Neste, as lesões variam em intensidade e freqüência na dependência da doença envolvida. A descrição das diferentes manifestações digestivas tem sido pouco freqüente, pouco detalhada e, não raro, baseada em experiências individuais e levantamentos retrospectivos. Tais formas de registro de dados produzem resultados muitas vezes conflitantes entre as diferentes casuísticas. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer de forma mais consistente, por intermédio de entrevista e questionário predefinido de sintomas, o conjunto e freqüência dos sintomas digestivos observados na esclerose sistêmica progressiva, artrite reumatóide, polimiosite/dermatomiosite, doença mista do tecido conjuntivo e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Estudaram-se 99 pacientes, 90% mulheres, com idade média de 45 anos. do total, 35 tinham artrite reumatóide, 26 esclerose sistêmica progressiva, 21 lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, 12 dermatomiosite/polimiosite e 5 doença mista do tecido conjuntivo. Todos foram submetidos, por investigador treinado, a entrevista e preenchimento de um questionário de sintomas digestivos, composto de 17 itens, previamente definidos. RESULTADOS: O estudo revelou elevada prevalência de sintomas gastrointestinais nas cinco doenças investigadas, muitas vezes afetando mais de 50% dos casos. Chamou a atenção a presença significativa de sintomas negligenciados pela literatura como a incontinência fecal. Discordante de trabalhos anteriores, os pacientes desta série com artrite reumatóide apresentaram variadas queixas digestivas, surpreendendo o achado de disfagia em 1/3 deles. CONCLUSÕES: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo são causas de freqüentes e numerosos sintomas digestivos. O uso de questionários predefinidos mostrou-se instrumento válido na identificação de substancial número de sintomas, alguns deles ainda não referidos pela literatura. Por fim, foi constatada escassez de trabalhos passados e atuais relativos às manifestações gastrointestinais das doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo, o que prejudicou análises comparativas mais amplas.


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RACIONAL: Tem sido demonstrado que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a pressão média de repouso não refletem a real situação clínica do paciente portador de incontinência fecal, não traduzem a realidade funcional do canal anal, além de poder estar comprometendo a conduta a ser tomada devido ao não-encaminhamento à terapêutica específica. OBJETIVO: Com a hipótese de que contrair e manter a contração é mais importante que simplesmente contrair, mesmo com pico momentaneamente elevado de pressão, analisou-se a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária do canal anal com o intuito de quantificar a função esfincteriana relativa à continência fecal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Submeteram-se a exame manométrico anorretal 72 pacientes (56 mulheres) portadores de incontinência fecal de vários graus e 15 (9 mulheres) indivíduos continentes (normais), avaliando-se a pressão média de repouso, a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos continentes apresentaram valores normais de pressão média de repouso e de pressão máxima de contração voluntária, além de adequada capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. Os pacientes incontinentes apresentaram pressão média de repouso e pressão máxima de contração voluntária com valores pressóricos normais ou abaixo do normal e perfil semelhante de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária, ou seja, moderada na fase inicial e ruim nas fases intermediária e final, com queda da mesma superior a 35% em 78% dos pacientes. A pressão máxima de contração voluntária apresenta excelente especificidade (100%) porém, sensibilidade baixa (46%) para incontinência fecal. Comparativamente, a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária apresenta elevadas especificidade (93%) e sensibilidade (78%) para incontinência fecal. Embora a pressão máxima de contração voluntária não indique falso-positivos, apresenta 72% de falso-negativos. A probabilidade deste fato acontecer com a medida de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária é, praticamente, 20% menor, valor estatisticamente significativo. CONCLUSÃO: O indicativo de função esfincteriana é melhor analisado pela capacidade de sustentação. A capacidade de sustentação traduz com mais exatidão, a capacidade funcional do canal anal em relação à continência voluntária, sendo isoladamente, melhor que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária.


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Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders. Methods: One hundred children seen consecutively were enrolled and subdivided into three subsets according to the Roma II classification criteria: functional constipation (n = 57), functional fecal retention (n = 29) and nonretentive functional soiling (n = 14). The generic instrument Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQ-PF50®), was used to measure quality of life and to assess the impact of these disorders from the point of view of parents. The instrument measures physical and psychosocial wellbeing in 15 health domains, each of which is graded on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better health and greater wellbeing. Ten of these are then used to obtain two aggregated and summary scores: the physical and psychosocial scores. Results: No statistically significant differences were detected between subsets in terms of demographic or anthropometric characteristics. In 14 domains, children with defecation disorders scored lower than healthy children. When subsets were compared, statistically significant differences were detected between children with nonretentive functional soiling (lower scores) and those with functional constipation. Physical and psychosocial scores for the entire sample were lower than those for the group of healthy children used as controls. Conclusions: The CHQ-PF50® was considered adequate for demonstrating compromised quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders, as has been reported for other diseases, being a useful tool for making treatment decisions and for patient follow-up. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.