953 resultados para family stress


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Compared the different patterns of stress reported by mothers of children (aged 5–12 yrs) with either a chronic physical illness (cystic fibrosis) or a chronic psychological disorder (autism), and children without a physical or psychological disorder. 24 mothers from each of these 3 groups completed a short form of the Questionnaire on Resources and Stress. Each clinical group exhibited different patterns of stressful response consistent with the nature of the disorder and the requirements of care imposed on the families. Autism contributed significantly more to family stress than did cystic fibrosis. The number of children in the family was not a significant variable. Implications for the development of family intervention programs are discussed


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Objective. This study examines post-crisis family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation using the Double ABC-X Model of Family Adaptation in families with a pregnant or postpartum adolescent living at home. ^ Methods. Ninety-eight pregnant and parenting adolescents between ages 14 and 18 years (Group 1 at 20 or more weeks gestation; Group 2 at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum) and their parent(s) completed instruments congruent with the model to measure family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation. Descriptive family data was obtained. Mother-daughter data was analyzed for differences between subjects and within subjects using paired t-tests. Correlational analysis was used to examine relationships among variables. ^ Results. More than 90% of families were Hispanic. There were no significant differences between mother and daughter mean scores for family stress or communication. Adolescent coping was not significantly correlated to family coping at any interval. Adolescent family adaptation scores were significantly lower than mothers' scores at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Mean individual ratings of family variables did not differ significantly between delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis showed that stress, coping, and communication significantly influenced adaptation for mothers and daughters at all three intervals. The relative contributions of the three independent variables exhibited different patterns for mothers and daughters. Parent-adolescent communication accounted for most of the variability in adaptation for daughters at all three intervals. Daughters' family stress ratings were significant for adaptability (p = .01) during the pregnancy and for cohesion (p = .03) at delivery. Adolescent coping (p = .03) was significant for cohesion at 8 weeks postpartum. Family stress was a significant influence at all three intervals for mothers' ratings of family adaptation. Parent-adolescent communication was significant for mother's perception of both family cohesion (p < .001) and adaptability (p < .001) at delivery and 8 weeks, but not during pregnancy. ^ Conclusions. Mothers' and daughters' ratings of family processes were similar regarding family stress and communication, but were significantly different for family adaptation. Adolescent coping may not reflect family coping. Family communication is a powerful component in family functioning and may be an important focus for interventions with adolescents and parents. ^


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Background: Peanut allergy (PA) is known to impact on quality of life (QoL) of the sufferer, but little research has focused on all family members. We therefore sought to establish the impact of PA on QoL and reported anxiety of children with clinically confirmed PA, their parents and older siblings. Methods: Forty-six families, who had a child with PA, completed QoL (PedsQLTM or WHOQOL-BREF), anxiety (SCAS or STAI) and perceived stress (PSS) scales. PA children completed a PA specific QoL questionnaire (Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Parents and sibling also completed QoL proxy questionnaires for the PA child (PedsQLTM, Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Results: Mothers rated their own psychological (P < 0.01) and physical (P < 0.05) QoL significantly worse than fathers rated theirs, and had higher scores than fathers for anxiety (P < 0.05) and stress (P < 0.001). Children with PA had significantly poorer physical health-related QoL (P < 0.05), QoL within school (P < 0.01) and general QoL (P < 0.05) than their siblings did, and greater separation anxiety (P < 0.05). The majority of differences were between girls with PA and female siblings. Mothers felt that there was a greater impact on QoL for their PA child, compared with that reported by siblings, fathers or the PA children themselves (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Mothers report that they have significantly poorer QoL and suffer more anxiety and stress than fathers do; this inter-parental difference may be an important feature of family stress caused by PA. Siblings have a similar view of how QoL affects the PA child as the PA child does, while mothers may possibly overestimate this impact.


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Girls who grow up in households with an unrelated adult male reach menarche earlier than peers, a finding hypothesized to be an evolutionary strategy for families under stress. The authors tested the alternative hypothesis that nonrandom selection into stepfathering due to shared environmental and/or genetic predispositions creates a spurious relation between stepfathering and early menarche. Using the unique controls for genetic and shared environmental experiences offered by the children-of-twins design, the authors found that cousins discordant for stepfathering did not differ in age of menarche. Moreover, controlling for mother's age of menarche eliminated differences in menarcheal age associated with stepfathering in unrelated girls. These findings strongly suggest selection, and not causation, accounts for the relationship between stepfathering and early menarche.


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Les améliorations dans les protocoles de traitement pour la majorité des cancers pédiatriques ont augmenté de façon marquée les taux de survie. Cependant, des risques élevés de multiples problèmes de santé chez les survivants sont bien documentés. En ce qui concerne spécifiquement les problèmes neuropsychologiques, les principaux facteurs de risque individuels connus à ce jour (l’âge au diagnostic, le genre du patient, l’exposition aux radiations) demeurent insuffisants pour cibler efficacement et prévenir les séquelles à long terme. Les objectifs généraux de cette thèse étaient : 1) la caractérisation des trajectoires individuelles de problèmes de comportement chez une population de patients pédiatriques atteints de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë; 2) l’identification des principaux déterminants génétiques, médicaux et psychosociaux associés aux problèmes de comportements. Les hypothèses étaient : 1) Il existe une association entre les trajectoires individuelles de problèmes de comportement et a - des facteurs psychosociaux liés au fonctionnement familial, b - des polymorphismes dans les gènes modérateurs des effets thérapeutiques du méthotrexate et des glucocorticoïdes, c - des variables liées aux traitements oncologiques. 2) L'utilisation de modèles statistiques multi-niveaux peut permettre d’effectuer cette caractérisation des trajectoires individuelles et l’identification des facteurs de risque associés. 138 patients pédiatriques (0-18 ans) ayant reçu un diagnostic de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë entre 1993 et 1999 au CHU Ste-Justine ont participé à une étude longitudinale d’une durée de 4 ans. Un instrument validé et standardisés, le Child Behavior Checklist, a été utilisé pour obtenir un indice de problèmes de comportement, tel que rapporté par la mère, au moment du diagnostic, puis 1, 2, 3 et 4 ans post-diagnostic. Des données génétiques, psychosociales et médicales ont aussi été collectées au cours de cette même étude longitudinale, puis ont été exploitées dans les modélisations statistiques effectuées. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les problèmes de comportement de type internalisés et externalisés possèdent des trajectoires et des facteurs de risque distincts. Les problèmes internalisés sont des manifestations de troubles affectifs chez le patient, tels que des symptômes dépressifs ou anxieux, par exemple. Ceux-ci sont très prévalents tôt après le diagnostic et se normalisent par la suite, indiquant des difficultés significatives, mais temporaires. Des facteurs médicaux exacerbant l'expérience de stress, soit le risque de rechute associé au diagnostic et les complications médicales affectant la durée de l'hospitalisation, ralentissent cette normalisation. Les problèmes externalisés se manifestent dans le contact avec autrui; des démonstrations d’agression ou de violence font partie des symptômes. Les problèmes externalisés sont plus stables dans le temps relativement aux problèmes internalisés. Des variables pharmacologiques et génétiques contribuent aux différences individuelles : l'administration d’un glucocorticoïde plus puissant du point de vue des effets pharmacologiques et toxicologiques, ainsi que l’homozygotie pour l’haplotype -786C844T du gène NOS3 sont liés à la modulation des scores de problèmes externalisés au fil du temps. Finalement, le niveau de stress familial perçu au diagnostic est positivement corrélé avec le niveau initial de problèmes externalisés chez le patient, tandis que peu après la fin de la période d’induction, le niveau de stress familial est en lien avec le niveau initial de problèmes internalisés. Ces résultats supportent l'idée qu'une approche holistique est essentielle pour espérer mettre en place des interventions préventives efficaces dans cette population. À long terme, ces connaissances pourraient contribuer significativement à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients. Ces travaux enrichissent les connaissances actuelles en soulignant les bénéfices des suivis longitudinaux et multidisciplinaires pour comprendre la dynamique de changement opérant chez les patients. Le décloisonnement des savoirs semble devenir incontournable pour aspirer dépasser le cadre descriptif et atteindre un certain niveau de compréhension des phénomènes observés. Malgré des défis méthodologiques et logistiques évidents, ce type d’approche est non seulement souhaitable pour étudier des processus dynamiques, mais les travaux présentés dans cette thèse indiquent que cela est possible avec les moyens analytiques actuels.


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En las Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo se proporcionan cuidados altamente especializados al paciente. Sin embargo en la práctica, en la mayoría de los casos se olvida y no se tiene en cuenta, la posibilidad de afrontamiento de crisis


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OBJETIVOS: Identificar e medir a magnitude do risco de desnutrição associada a fatores determinantes da capacidade materna de cuidado infantil: estrutura familiar, escolaridade, trabalho, saúde física e saúde mental maternas. MÉTODOS: Delineou-se um estudo de casos e controles. Foram selecionados 101 casos (crianças com peso/idade abaixo do percentil 5) e 200 controles (crianças com peso/idade acima do percentil 25) mediante inquéritos antropométricos realizados durante três Dias Nacionais de Vacinação, em 1996 e 1997. Os dados foram obtidos em entrevistas realizadas nos domicílios com as mães das crianças. Para detectar o efeito-líquido de cada fator em estudo, realizou-se análise de regressão logística multivariada e hierarquizada. Tais fatores e as possíveis variáveis de controle foram agrupados em blocos, ordenados segundo a precedência com que influiriam sobre o estado nutricional infantil. Adotaram-se p<0,20 para seleção das variáveis de controle (mediante análise univariada) e p<0,05 para identificação de associação estatisticamente significativa entre fatores de estudo e desnutrição infantil. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados como fatores de risco de desnutrição: (a) estrutura familiar adversa indicada pela ausência de companheiro (odds ratio [OR] = 2,2; IC95%, 1,1-4,5); (b) internação materna durante a gravidez (OR=3,5; IC95%, 1,6-7,7); (c) precária saúde mental materna expressa pela presença de três a quatro sintomas de depressão (OR=3,1; IC95%, 0,9-10,3); (d) fatores de estresse familiar, no caso, indícios de alcoolismo em pelo menos um membro da família (OR=2,1; IC95%, 1,2-3,9). A idade da criança no início/retorno da mãe ao trabalho também se associou de modo independente à presença de desnutrição, porém os efeitos variaram: retorno precoce (criança com menos de quatro meses) não significou risco ou proteção; volta da mãe ao trabalho quando a criança tinha entre quatro meses e 12 meses constituiu fator de proteção. CONCLUSÕES: Evidenciou-se que fatores potencialmente definidores da capacidade materna de cuidado exercem efeito independente sobre o estado nutricional infantil.


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A review of Families & Change: Coping With Stressful Events and Transitions-4th edition by Sharon J. Price, Christine A. Price and Patrick C. McKenry.


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Food insecurity (FI) affects millions of people in the United States and is associated with medical problems, as well as poorer physical and emotional-behavioral adjustment. Failure to thrive is a condition where children fail to gain an appropriate amount of weight, and it can cause long-term effects on cognitive and psychomotor development. While the extent to which FI may contribute to FTT is unclear, FI may contribute both directly through inadequate caloric or nutrient intake and indirectly through increased family stress, parental depression and a chaotic family environment. We present an overview of how FI and FTT may interact, followed by a case study from our multidisciplinary clinic for children with FTT. The importance of screening for FI as well as FTT is discussed. We describe ways for individuals, organizations, and agencies to help reduce the effects of FI in both individuals and their communities.


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This study explored the nature of two construals of meaning, benefit finding and sense making, in parents of a child with Asperger syndrome, and examined relations between both meaning constructs and the Double ABCX family stress model variables (initial stressor and pile-up of demands, appraisal, social support, coping strategies and adjustment) [H.I. McCubbin, J.M. Patterson, Social Stress and the Family: Advances and Developments in Family Stress Theory and Research, Haworth, New York, 1983, pp. 7-37]. A total of 59 parents completed questionnaires. Content analyses of parents' responses to questions inquiring about gains and sense making explanations revealed 8 benefit and 12 sense making themes. Results of correlations indicated that one or more of the meaning variables were related to each of the Double ABCX model predictors of parental adjustment. The meaning variables were positively related to adaptive coping processes: social support, self-efficacy, and problem-focused and emotional approach coping strategies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study explored influences on adoption, maintenance and cessation of smoking among young women as they experienced life transitions: leaving home, gaining employment or attending college/university, marriage and parenthood. Standardized, open-ended telephone interviews were conducted with 80 women (including never smokers, continuing smokers, recent adopters and quitters) aged 24-29 years, recruited from participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. The social context of smoking (socializing with other smokers, drinking alcohol and going to pubs and clubs) was perceived to be a predominant influence on smoking from the time young women left home until they settled into a committed relationship or started their own family. Stress was identified as an important factor as they experienced lifestyle changes. An increased sensitivity to the negative aspects of smoking after turning 21 was reported, and around the mid-20s the women became concerned about the addictive nature of cigarettes. Motherhood was seen to carry increased responsibilities to protect children from passive smoking and there was a perceived importance of positive role modelling to protect children from becoming smokers themselves. This study highlights the need for public health campaigns to address the social role that smoking plays in young women's lives, and the perceived use of cigarettes for stress relief. Life changes such as settling down with a partner and the contemplation of motherhood provide opportunities for targeted interventions to promote quitting.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether parent report of family resilience predicted children’s disaster-induced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general emotional symptoms, independent of a broad range of variables including event-related factors, previous child mental illness and social connectedness. ---------- Methods: A total of 568 children (mean age = 10.2 years, SD = 1.3) who attended public primary schools, were screened 3 months after Cyclone Larry devastated the Innisfail region of North Queensland. Measures included parent report on the Family Resilience Measure and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)–emotional subscale and child report on the PTSD Reaction Index, measures of event exposure and social connectedness. ---------- Results: Sixty-four students (11.3%) were in the severe–very severe PTSD category and 53 families (28.6%) scored in the poor family resilience range. A lower family resilience score was associated with child emotional problems on the SDQ and longer duration of previous child mental health difficulties, but not disaster-induced child PTSD or child threat perception on either bivariate analysis, or as a main or moderator variable on multivariate analysis (main effect: adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) = 0.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.13–2.44). Similarly, previous mental illness was not a significant predictor of child PTSD in the multivariate model (ORadj = 0.75, 95%CI = 0.16–3.61). ---------- Conclusion: In this post-disaster sample children with existing mental health problems and those of low-resilience families were not at elevated risk of PTSD. The possibility that the aetiological model of disaster-induced child PTSD may differ from usual child and adolescent conceptualizations is discussed.


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Educational stress is common among school children and adolescents, especially in Asian countries. This study aims to identify factors associated with perceived educational stress among students in China. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted with 1627 students (Grades 7–12) from six secondary schools in rural and urban areas of Shandong Province. A wide range of individual, family, school and peer factors were associated with stress measured using the Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA). Rural school location, low school connectedness, perceived poor academic grades, female gender, older age and frequent emotional conflicts with teachers and peers were among the strongest correlates, and most of them are school- or study-related. Unexpectedly, family and parental factors were found to have little or no association with children’s perceived educational stress. These findings may offer directions for interventions in secondary school settings.


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Objective To examine the impact of applying for funding on personal workloads, stress and family relationships. Design Qualitative study of researchers preparing grant proposals. Setting Web-based survey on applying for the annual National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grant scheme. Participants Australian researchers (n=215). Results Almost all agreed that preparing their proposals always took top priority over other work (97%) and personal (87%) commitments. Almost all researchers agreed that they became stressed by the workload (93%) and restricted their holidays during the grant writing season (88%). Most researchers agreed that they submitted proposals because chance is involved in being successful (75%), due to performance requirements at their institution (60%) and pressure from their colleagues to submit proposals (53%). Almost all researchers supported changes to the current processes to submit proposals (95%) and peer review (90%). Most researchers (59%) provided extensive comments on the impact of writing proposals on their work life and home life. Six major work life themes were: (1) top priority; (2) career development; (3) stress at work; (4) benefits at work; (5) time spent at work and (6) pressure from colleagues. Six major home life themes were: (1) restricting family holidays; (2) time spent on work at home; (3) impact on children; (4) stress at home; (5) impact on family and friends and (6) impact on partner. Additional impacts on the mental health and well-being of researchers were identified. Conclusions The process of preparing grant proposals for a single annual deadline is stressful, time consuming and conflicts with family responsibilities. The timing of the funding cycle could be shifted to minimise applicant burden, give Australian researchers more time to work on actual research and to be with their families.