953 resultados para family business succession


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The transfer of businesses contributes to the dynamics and the development of the economy in Austria. Successful transfers generate numerous positive impacts. Securing both employment and investment, creating new jobs and stimulating growth are some of these effects. Failed transfers can contribute to negative effects, including the loss of jobs and an economic slowdown. Over recent years the number of business handovers in Austria has been rising. The forecasts show that this number will remain high over the next few years. Between 2015 and 2024 more than 42,000 economically sound SMEs will face the challenge of finding an appropriate successor. This means that 26 % of all Austrian SMEs (excluding one-person businesses) and 29 % of all employees in these companies will be affected. The aim of this paper is to provide a multi-faceted discussion of the relevance of affective components in family business transfers. A “good” relationship between the successor and the departing owner fosters the success of a transfer. This relationship involves, among others, the willingness to share relevant information, openness and respect. The satisfaction (with the completed business transfer) is closely interrelated with the relationship between the successor and the departing owner. Consequently, we can assume that affective and emotional components can indeed shape the success of business transfers. Based on that, new future research opportunities are outlined.


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Indigenous firms in Mexico, as in most developing countries, take the shape of family businesses. Regardless of size, the most predominant ones are those owned and managed by one or more families or descendent families of the founders. From the point of view of economics and business administration, family business is considered to have variety of limitations when it seeks to grow. One of the serious limitations is concerning human resource, which is revealed at the time of management succession. Big family businesses in Mexico deal with human resource limitations adopting measures such as the education and training of the successors, the establishment of management structure that makes control by the owner family possible and divisions of roles among the owner family members, and between the owner family members and the salaried managers. Institutionalization is a strategy that considerable number of family businesses have adopted in order to undergo the succession process without committing serious errors. Institutionalization is observed in such aspects as the establishment of the requisite condition to be met by the candidate of future successor and the screening by an institution which is independent of the owner family. At present these measures allow for the continuation of family businesses in an extremely competitive environment.


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Rather often we have to confront with the pessimistic views on the future of the family business. Contrary to these prognosis, the FB is not only present but also improving its position in the global economy and playing a key role in the European economy too. They represent 60 % of employment and more than 60 million jobs in the private sector. Among many internal challenges of FB in the five years’ time, the importance of the ‘company succession’ is increasing together with the renewing technology and ‘attracting the right sills/ talents’ (Global Family Survey, 2015). This article is focusing on the transfer of socio-economic wealth (SEW) as a key intangible asset within the intergenerational changes in the FB. The paper outlines the various concepts (narrow vs. broad) of the SEW and special attention is paid to the risk prone [taken] and risk adverse entrepreneurial attitudes. In this relation, the authors made distinction between the ‘opportunity’ and ‘necessity entrepreneurs’. Using empirical experiences based on multi-site company case studies in the three INSIST project countries, the various sub-sections are focusing on the transfer of the following key components of the SEW to the next generation: trust-based social-system, generic human values (i.e. openness, mutual respect, correctness, reliability, responsibility etc.) and ‘practice based – embedded collective knowledge’. Key lesson of this analysis is the following: transferring physical assets in the succession process seems to us less important than the transfer of the intangible one embedded in the company’s culture community. Further systematic national and international investigations – combining quantitative and qualitative research tools – are necessary to acquire more accurate picture on the impacts of transferring both intangible and tangible assets in the succession process in the FB.


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This research, still at an early stage, and then presented in a poster format, intended to explain the management of organizational performance of a family business in the succession process using the case study method. The scripts for semi-structured interviews that will apply to managers, owners and other workers who are deemed suitable for the investigation, which include relatives of the owners of the company are being developed. For this work the model of organizational performance management developed by David Otley in 1999 [1], consisting of five questions that seek to explain the existing performance management in any organization is utilized.


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In this study, I examine the board of directors as a part of family business governance. Both boards and governance have increased their attractiveness as a research topic lately. Research on boards has concentrated mostly on the study of different board attributes, like composition, and the relationship of these attributes to the firm’s performance. Family business governance studies are criticized for ignoring the multifaceted needs of companies. More research observing the context and contingencies affecting the governance and board of directors is needed. The objective of this study is to clarify: 1) how the board participates in family business governance, and 2) how the board develops along with the firm’s and family’s development. The study is implemented as qualitative research, and the longitudinal process approach has been used as it provides the opportunity to examine development in context. Selection criteria for the two cases selected for this study are: active board of directors, at least one implemented succession, and interviewees available from two generations and from different positions in the firm. The data consists of interviews and secondary data, and it is collected from different data sources. The analysis was done selecting first some critical events from both cases to closer examination, and analysing them by using content analysis technique. Several conclusions were drawn basing on the findings. First, the family business board participates in the firm’s activities much more widely than it is customary to think. Second, the family business board is not a static part of the business, but it develops and it has to develop for different reasons. Third, ownership is not only the basis for the board’s activities or existence, but the relationship between the board and ownership is two-way. The board contributes to a large extent to the ownership decisions, and in this way to the management of ownership. Fourth, according to the cases, the board has many unrecognized possibilities to facilitate succession in family firms.


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A tanulmány a család és a vállalkozás pénzügyeinek kapcsolata, az utódlás finanszírozásának kérdései, a pénzügyi menedzsment, a hitelfelvétel és eladósodottság, a tőke forrása, a családon kívüli tőkebevonás és az eladás pénzügyi vonatkozásai mentén vizsgálja a családi vállalkozások pénzügyei sajátosságait. Ilyen sajátosságok bőséggel vannak, a családi cégek a nem családiaktól számos vonásukban különböznek, még pénzügyi tekintetben is egyedi jellemzőkkel bírnak. Ezek a pénzügyi ismérvek nem a szektorra jellemző diszfunkcionalitások, hanem a családi cégek alapvető jellemzőiből fakadó üzleti viselkedésmódok. A szerző jelen munkájában arra vállalkozik, hogy rávilágítson a családi vállalkozások pénzügyeinek ismérveire. ______ Family businesses play an important role in every economy of the world’s countries and they differ from non-family ones along several features. They have also unique characteristics in their financial affairs. The author of this work undertakes to highlight that the characteristics of family business finances are not improper functionalities of the sector but unique business behaviours of family businesses stemming from their basic characteristics. The study examines the peculiarities of family business finances along the relationship of financial affairs of the family and the business, the financial challenges of succession, the financial management, the source of the borrowing and the capital, the indebtedness and the financial aspects of selling.


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Contemporary strategic-planning processes don’t help family businesses cope with some of the big problems they face. Owner managers admit that they are confronted with issues, such as those associated with succession and inter-generational transfer that cannot be resolved merely by gathering additional data, defining issues more clearly, or breaking them down into small problems. Preparing for succession is often put off or ignored, many planning techniques don’t generate fresh ideas and implementing solutions is often fraught with political peril. This paper presents a framework to explore the idea of wicked problems, its relevance to succession planning in family businesses and its implications for practice and policy. A wicked problem has many and varied elements, and is complex as well as challenging. These problems are different to hard but ordinary problems, which people can solve in a finite time period by applying standard techniques. In this paper the authors argue that the wicked problem of family business succession requires a different approach to strategy, founded on social planning processes to engage multiple stakeholders and reconcile family/business interests to foster a joint commitment to possible ways of resolution. This requires academics and practitioners to re-frame traditional business strategic planning processes to achieve more sustainable family business futures.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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The purpose of this chapter is to review and synthesise the prior work on kinship in family firms and to open up future research avenues for this interesting and important topic. The study shows that kinship is highly relevant in family firms by revisiting the concept of family and kinship as well as the definition of family firms. This chapter explores important aspects related to family firms, such as continuity of generations, succession, inheritance and resource provision and links these to kinship. These aspects are identified as four functions of kinship and indicate the possible research gaps, thereby suggesting future kinship research avenues.


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This article`s main purpose consists in showing how family and ownership cultures may influence the process of making a ""well-performing"" organization, based on an empirical study in family business in Brazil. The study aimed to find critical moments of company`s history and the focus was to compare critical moments with the three-dimension model of family business development proposed by Davis et al. (1996). Through facts sequence, research was organized so as to find how the process influenced company`s professionalization. The article concludes that family and its value and culture may impact on the evolution, and the first step to organize a company is to organize the family that leads the company.


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Family businesses are among the longest-lived most prevalent institutions in the world and they are an important source of economic development and growth. Ownership is a key to the business life of the firm and also one main key in family business definition. There is only a little portfolio entrepreneurship or portfolio business research within family business context. The absence of empirical evidence on the long-term relationship between family ownership and portfolio development presents an important gap in the family business literature. This study deals with the family business ownership changes and the development of portfolios in the family business and it is positioned in to the conversation of family business, growth, ownership, management and strategy. This study contributes and expands the existing body of theory on family business and ownership. From the theoretical point of view this study combines insights from the fields of portfolio entrepreneurship, ownership, and family business and integrate them. This crossfertilization produces interesting empirical and theoretical findings that can constitute a basis for solid contributions to the understanding of ownership dynamics and portfolio entrepreneurship in family firms. The research strategy chosen for this study represents longitudinal, qualitative, hermeneutic, and deductive approaches.The empirical part of study is using a case study approach with embedded design, that is, multiple levels of analysis within a single study. The study consists of two cases and it begins with a pilot case which will form a preunderstanding on the phenomenon. Pilot case develops the methodology approach to build in the main case and the main case will deepen the understanding of the phenomenon. This study develops and tests a research method of family business portfolio development focusing on investigating how ownership changes are influencing to the family business structures over time. This study reveals the linkages between dimensions of ownership and how they give rise to portfolio business development within the context of the family business. The empirical results of the study suggest that family business ownership is dynamic and owners are using ownership as a tool for creating business portfolios.


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Low-molecular-weight compounds such as jasmonic, abscisic and salicylic acids are commonly thought to be regulators of plant stress responses. However, it is becoming clear that these molecules, often referred to as phytohormones, are only a part of bigger groups of compounds with biological activity. We propose that the concept of "hormone families" may help to better understand plant physiological responses by taking into account not only the alleged main regulators, but also their precursors, conjugates and catabolites. Novel approaches to profile potentially active compounds in plants are discussed.


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It is argued that joint stock companies would be transformed from family firms to managerial firms with their development in size and scope. Such managerial firms would have many small shareholders; hence the ownership and management of the firm would be separated. However, in many developing countries including Peru, family businesses, in which families control both ownership and management, still play an important role in the national economy. After the liberalization of economy, which started in Peru in the 1990s, the national market has become more competitive due to the increase in participation of foreign capitals. To secure competitiveness, it is indispensable for family businesses to obtain management resources such as financial, human and technological resources from outside of the families. In order to do so without losing the control over ownership and management, Peruvian family businesses have incorporated companies with distinct characteristics to the extent that they can secure the control over ownership and management inside of their group. While keeping exclusive control of companies in traditional sectors, they actively seek alliance with other families and foreign capitals in competitive sectors. The management of companies with different degrees of control allows them to survive in today's rapidly changing business environment.