954 resultados para física médica
El objetivo general del proyecto, realizado en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Salamanca, fue la elaboración de un material de apoyo a la docencia, con carácter de libro electrónico multimedia. Los objetivos específicos que pretendíamos conseguir fueron los siguientes: 1. Proporcionar conocimientos básicos sobre los fundamentos físicos de la imagen médica 2. Proporcionar conocimientos útiles sobre los agentes físicos y su utilización en la vertiente diagnóstica. 3. Desarrollar capacidades y destrezas a través de la utilización de los conocimientos adquiridos. 4. Aumentar la motivación del estudiante y proporcionarle una cierta responsabilidad sobre la dirección de su aprendizaje. 5. Proporcionar a los profesores una herramienta de apoyo a la docencia en uno de los temas que tienen mayor actualidad. La herramienta de desarrollo utilizada fue director de macromedia, una de las más potentes que existen para la creación de este tipo de aplicaciones. Los módulos o unidades didácticas que componen la obra repasan los fundamentos físicos y técnicos que soportan el desarrollo de la tecnología relacionado con la imagen médica, y permiten a los alumnos que cursan estudios biosanitarios la comprensión del fenómeno físico sin necesidad de un nivel explicativo o de desarrollo matemático propios de textos más especializados y clásicos. En este sentido, la explicación de los temas se basa en un lenguaje sencillo complementado con una iconografía abundante que ofrece una 'visión' práctica y permite al estudiante y al profesional sanitario la aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos. El material elaborado ha sido entregado, como libro electrónico multimedia, en ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca para formar parte de su fondo editorial en el presente año (con la autorización de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Junta de Castilla y León).
Monográfico con el título: 'Avances tecnológicos digitales en metodologías de innovación docente en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud en España'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Monográfico con el título: 'Avances tecnológicos digitales en metodologías de innovación docente en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud en España'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The Quality Control services for diagnostic imaging is essential to ensure that their activities occur as planned. Procedures are aimed at a positive cost-benefit to the institution and risk-benefit to the patients. And this requires trained and skilled professionals working with high technology equipment. The company PhyMED Consultores em Física Médica e Radioproteção Ltda., a Pioneer in the field of Medica Physics in Rio Grande do Sul, is dedicated to providing consulting services in healthcare. Physicists are experienced working in many areas of diagnostic imaging
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Tratado elemental de física general y médica : estractado de las obras de Pelletan, Despretz, etc. /
Tomo 2 impreso por Benito Hortelano y Compañía.
En este libro de Prácticas están contenidas prácticas de alto interés pedagógico, bajo costo y no coincidentes con otras. La obra contiene la información necesaria para realizar siete experiencias de laboratorio en otros tantos días, a razón de cuatro horas de trabajo por día. Las prácticas se realizarán por parejas, aunque en algunos casos la misma variable será medida por cada uno de los componentes de la pareja por métodos distintos. Así se obtiene un mejor aprovechamiento crítico de los resultados y la evaluación de cada alumno. El Programa de Prácticas está diseñado para un máximo de once grupos. Los contenidos de las prácticas son: 1. Introducción a la teoría de errores. 2. Determinación de densidades mediante el picnómetro y la balanza de Jolly. 3. Elasticidad por tracción: Ley de Hooke. 4. Medida de la tensión superficial de un líquido mediante el método del cuentagotas y un estalagmómetro. 5. Termometría. 6. Determinación del equivalente mecánico del calor. 7. Fenómenos de refracción. Determinación de las características de una lente.
A novel AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) system with thirteen sensors it was implemented and characterized in vitro using magnetic phantoms. The system presenting coils in a coaxial arrangement with one pair of excitation coil outside and thirteen pairs of detection coils inside. A first-order gradiometric configuration was utilized for optimal detection of magnetic signals. Several physical parameters such as baseline, number of turns, excitation field and diameters were studied for improvement of the signal/noise ratio. This system exhibits an enhanced sensitivity and spatial resolution, due to the higher density of sensors/area. In the future those characteristics will turn possible to obtain images of magnetic marker or tracer in the gastrointestinal tract focusing on physiological and pharmaceutical studies. ACB emerged due to its interesting nature, noninvasiveness and low cost to investigate gastrointestinal parameters and this system can contribute for more accurate interpretation of biomedical signals and images
Radiotherapy is a multidisciplinary speciality which uses complex equipment and radiation sources for delivery of treatment, using high-energy ionizing radiation to treat cancer at several stages of complexity. Since radiation therapy is a technique which involves a precalculated radiation dose, it shall be established quality assurance programs that provide an efficient and safety treatment. The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) report No. 50 has recommended dose uniformity between 5% of the prescribed dose throughout the region of interest. This is one of the most primordial points that justify the importance of a suitable attendance of the equipments quality and performance. For quality control, the medical physicist will be involved with establishing and running a Quality Control Program (QCP). He must adapt or develop the procedures of equipment acceptance and commissioning, besides verifying the use of principles and accepted protocols of national and international reports to assure the correct quality, quantity, and placement of radiation during the performance of a radiological procedure, establishing adequate protocols to ensure accurate patient dosimetry. This present work consists of a description of the activities carried through the Sectors of Radiation Therapy of the Hospital of Clinics of the Campinas State University (Unicamp), particularly in the implementation of the Quality Control Program
There are diseases in vertebrates associated with the structure of bone tissue that directly affect the locomotor system of the animal. Being a endoskeleton, the diagnosis of these diseases becomes difficult in vivo. The characterization of the physical structure of the bone tissue of healthy animals becomes a major tool in the diagnosis comparison of live animals. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the average value of the key physical properties of the bone structure used in the clinical diagnosis, such as: bone density, porosity, and mass attenuation coefficient of 59.6 keV photons of bone tissue and bovine and equine check variations in these values. The samples were provided by the pathology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of Botucatu-SP, which are of one male equine and one female bovine animals, using the radio and metacarpus, together with these materials were supplied the historic them. They were withdrawn ten samples in cuts of 10cm over the bone . These samples were submitted to the wet method of immersion in water for the density, by the method of attenuation of gamma radiation of radioisotope 241Am, it is estimated the mass attenuation coefficient, and then were dried in the oven for determining the content moisture. In determining the porosity of the samples was tight ground, in order to obtain the density of particles. The results for the mass attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation to the levels of saturated humidity, environment humidity, dry humidity respectively 0289 ± 0039; 0286 ± 0040 and 0297 ± 0042. And the density of particles was 2.2691 g/cm3
Mode of access: Internet.
A urolitíase é um problema de escala mundial, que ocorre em todas as regiões, culturas e grupos raciais. A incidência desta doença vem aumentando ao redor do mundo e dados mostram que no Brasil estima-se que são afetados 5% da população com uma taxa de recorrência de 2,5%. Conhecer a composição mineral e estrutura interna dos cálculos é um passo importante para tentar entender melhor a fisiopatologia desta doença. Quatro cálculos urinários infecciosos, íntegros de grande volume (diâmetro maior que 20 mm), sendo dois provenientes da bexiga e dois de rins, obtidos cirurgicamente no setor de urologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE/UERJ) foram analisados usando microtomografia (μCT) e difração de raios X por policristais (DRXP). As imagens microtomográficas foram obtidas usando tubo de raios X microfoco na estação TomoLab e radiação síncrotron (SR-μCT) na linha de Física Médica, ambos no Laboratório Síncrotron Elettra, Trieste, Itália. As medidas de DRXP foram realizadas na linha de Difração de Raios X do Laboratório Nacional de luz Síncrotron, Campinas, Brasil. Para os cálculos de bexiga foram encontradas quatro fases cristalinas: estruvita (STV), oxalato mono (COM) e dihidratado (COD) e hidroxiapatita (HAp). Nos cálculos renais foram encontrados STV e HAp, sendo predominante a primeira fase cristalina. A quantidade de material amorfo (não-cristalino) foi maior que 60% da composição das amostras. A técnica convencional utilizada foi eficaz para análise dos cálculos urinários inteiros e possibilitou a visualização de estruturas internas sem interferência de procedimentos prévios de preparação da amostra. As análises de DRXP com fonte síncrotron aliadas ao método Rietveld foram determinantes para identificação e quantificação dos minerais presentes nas varias camadas das amostras. Pode-se constatar a complementaridade entre a μCT e a DRXP para caracterização microestrutural e mineralógica de cálculos urinários humanos.
The development of computed tomography systems with energy resolving detectors is a current challenge in medical physics and biomedical engineering. A computed tomography system of this kind allows getting complementary informations relatively to conventional systems, that can help the medical diagnosis, being of great interest in medicine. The work described in this thesis is related to the development of a computed tomography system using micropattern gaseous detectors, which allow storing, simultaneously, information about the interaction position and the energy of each single photon that interacts with the detector. This kind of detectors has other advantages concerning the cost and characteristics of operation when compared with solid state detectors. Tomographic acquisitions were performed using a MicroHole & Strip Plate based detector, which allowed reconstructing cross-sectional images using energy windows, applying the energy weighting technique and performing multi-slice and tri-dimensional reconstructions. The contrast-to-noise ratio was improved by 31% by applying the energy weighting technique, comparing with the corresponding image obtained with the current medical systems. A prototype of a computed tomography with flexibility to change the detector was developed, making it possible to apply different detectors based on Thick-COBRA. Several images acquired with these detectors are presented and demonstrate their applicability in X-ray imaging. When operating in NeCH4, the detector allowed a charge gain of 8 104, an energy resolution of 20% (full width at half maximum at 8 keV), a count rate of 1 106 Hz/mm2, a very stable operation (gain fluctuations below 5%) and a spacial resolution of 1.2 mm for an energy photon of 3.6 keV. Operating the detector in pure Kr allowed increasing the detection efficiency and achieving a charge gain of 2 104, an energy resolution of 32% (full width at half maximum at 22 keV), a count rate of 1 105 Hz/mm2, very stable operation and a spatial resolution of 500 m. The software already existing in the group was improved and tools to correct geometric misalignments of the system were also developed. The reconstructions obtained after geometrical correction are free of artefacts due to the referred misalignments.