962 resultados para extruded soybean
This experiment was conducted to compare the performance of 1260 chicks fed diets containing soybean meal plus soybean oil (SBM + oil), whole extruded soybean (ESB) and whole steam toasted soybean (TSB), with two protein levels. A complete randomized design was used, with six treatments and 3 replicates of each sex. The treatments consisted of a factorial arrangement 2 x 3 x 2 to test three soybean types (SBM + oil, ESB and TSB), two protein levels (optimum and suboptimum) and two sexes. From 1 to 49 days of age, the tested soybean types did not affect the diet intake. However, ESB provided higher weight gain in relation to SBM + oil, but it did not differ from TSB. The feed:gain ratio obtained with ESB and TSB was better in relation to SBM + oil. There was no difference between the nutritional value of TSB and ESB, because they provided similar performance to the birds.
The objective of this work was to determine productive and fertility responses of Holstein-Friesian heifers and cows to supplementation with extruded linseed and soybean as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Supplementation had a positive effect on profitability, with significant increases in milk yield in supplemented cows, but not in heifers. Treatments had no effect on milk fat content, but higher milk protein contents were observed with supplementation. A higher conception rate was found for supplemented heifers, but not for cows. Fat sources containing PUFAs are recommended for dairy cattle supplementation, since they improve fertility in heifers and milk yield in cows.
Três ensaios biológicos foram realizados com o objetivo de determinar o conteúdo de energia metabolizável e do coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo da soja integral processada por diferentes métodos (extrusão e tostagem) e do farelo de soja reconstituído com óleo. No primeiro e segundo ensaios, foram utilizadas a metodologia tradicional de coleta total de excretas, utilizando pintos no primeiro ensaio e galos no segundo. No terceiro ensaio, empregou-se a metodologia de alimentação forçada (Sibbald, 1976) com galos adultos. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, as sojas testadas apresentaram composições bromatológicas semelhantes. Os processamentos usados para a soja integral conferiram diferenças na digestibilidade dos nutrientes da soja e os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo obtidos para a soja extrusada e para o farelo de soja com adição de óleo foram superiores aos obtidos para soja tostada pelo vapor. Os valores de energia metabolizável obtidos para a soja extrusada foram superiores aos encontrados para a soja tostada pelo vapor e para o farelo de soja com adição de óleo, que foram semelhantes entre si.
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a composição em aminoácidos e os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos da soja integral extrusada, tostada e do farelo de soja reconstituído de óleo. Foi utilizada a metodologia da alimentação forçada (Sibbad, 1976) com galos adultos. Para o cálculo dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos das sojas testadas, foram consideradas as perdas endógenas e metabólicas obtidas de galos em jejum. Os dados médios de digestibilidade verdadeira de todos os aminoácidos testados foram de 91,1% para a soja extrusada, 78,6% para a soja tostada e 90,5% para o farelo de soja. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a digestibilidade dos aminoácidos da soja integral tostada foi inferior a da soja extrusada e farelo de soja + óleo, que por sua vez foram semelhantes entre si. Portanto, pode-se afirmar que os diferentes tipos de processamentos da soja integral conferem a esse alimento características nutricionais distintas para aves.
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida para se avaliar o valor nutricional da soja integral submetida a diferentes processamentos. Quatro ensaios de metabolismo foram conduzidos para determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS), do extrato etéreo (CDEE) e dos aminoácidos e os valores de energia metabolizável aparente e verdadeira da soja integral desativada (SID) e extrusada (SIE) e das misturas de farelo de soja com óleo degomado de soja (FSO) ou com óleo ácido de soja (FSOA). Nos ensaios um e dois, utilizou-se a metodologia tradicional de coleta total de excretas com pintos e galos, respectivamente. A metodologia da alimentação forçada com galos adultos intactos foi utilizada no ensaio três, e com galos cecotomizados, no ensaio quatro. Os CDMS e CDEE e a energia metabolizável determinados com galos foram superiores aos determinados com pintos. Os maiores valores de CDMS, CDEE e de energia metabolizável foram obtidos para FSO, seguidos pelos da SIE e FSOA, e os menores, para a SID. O processo de extrusão proporcionou melhores resultados no aproveitamento da gordura do grão de soja e, conseqüentemente, da energia. Entretanto, a digestibilidade dos aminoácidos não foi influenciada pelos processamentos. Os diferentes processamentos conferiram à soja integral características nutricionais que se distinguiram, principalmente quanto ao valor de energia metabolizável, que também variou com a idade das aves.
Cem juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus; PV = 100.0 ± 5.0 g) foram distribuídos em 10 tanques-rede com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação da enzima fitase (0, 1.000 e 2.000 UFA/kg) sobre a disponibilidade de minerais em alguns alimentos energéticos (milho, milho extrusado, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz e farelo de sorgo) e protéicos (farelo de soja extrusado, farelo de soja, farelo de girassol, farelo de algodão e glúten de milho) utilizados na alimentação de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Para determinação dos coeficientes de disponibilidade aparente (CDA) do cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), zinco (Zn), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe) e manganês (Mn), foram confeccionadas 31 rações, marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de crômio III uma referência (ração purificada) e 30 contendo os dez alimentos e os diferentes níveis de suplementação da enzima fitase. O CDA dos nutrientes foi calculado com base no teor de crômio da ração e das fezes. A fitase aumenta, nos vegetais, a disponibilidade do Mg, Cu, Zn e Mn, os quais apresentam tendência diferenciada, em razão do seu valor biológico e do nível de suplementação de enzima.
Os parâmetros de fermentação ruminal de dietas contendo silagem de sorgo úmido em substituição à de milho úmido foram estudados em 12 fêmeas bovinas, com peso médio de 584 kg. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos: substituição do milho úmido pelo sorgo úmido ensilado, nos níveis de 0, 50 e 100%. As dietas continham grão úmido de milho ou de sorgo ensilados, soja extrusada, uréia, feno de aveia (Avena sativa sp.), suplemento mineral e monensina. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro do feno de aveia. Não houve diferença sobre produção total de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGVs) no rúmen, porcentagem molar dos ácidos acético, propiônico e butírico, relação acético/propiônico, pH ruminal, concentração de N-NH3 no rúmen, fluxo e volume de líquidos do rúmen, nos diferentes tratamentos. A degradabilidade da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro do feno não apresentou diferenças. Não se constatou melhora nos parâmetros de fermentação ruminal com a associação dos grãos.
An experiment with 400 laying hens Hy Line with 26 weeks of age was conducted to compare the performance of laying hens fed during four cycles of 28 days with diets containing soybean meal (SM) plus soybean oil (SBM+oil), whole extruded soybean (ESB) and whole steam toasted soybean (TSB). A completely design randomized blocks was used, with 10 treatments and five replicates and eight laying hens in each experimental unit. The treatments consisted on the replacement of SBM per ESB and TSB at the levels 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%; and as control the SBM with or without addition of oil. The results obtained showed that the hens were able to regulate the feed intake to maintain the energy intake only at lower energetic levels, however they tended to over intake energy with the increase of energy levels of the diets. The addition of oil or soybeans in the diets improved feed: gain ratio, however worsened the energy efficiency in relation to the diet without oil. The processing of soybean provided differences on the performance of laying hens and the ESB showed to be superior to TSB. The hens had higher use of the oil added to the soybean meal (SBM + oil) and ESB in relation to TSB. However, the values of AMEn obtained for the ESB were 12% higher, in average, to those determined for the SBM + oil and for the TSB.
The effects of exogenous enzymes supplementation on kibble diets for dogs formulated with soybean meal (SBM) as a substitute for poultry by-product meal (PM) was investigated on nutrient digestibility, fermentation products formation, post-prandial urea response and selected faecal bacteria counts. Two kibble diets with similar compositions were used in two trials: PM-based diet (28.9% of PM; soybean hulls as a fibre source) and SBM-based diet (29.9% of SBM). In experiment 1, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0, without enzyme addition; SBM-1, covered after extrusion with 7500U protease/kg and 45U cellulase/kg; and SBM-2, covered with 15000U protease/kg and 90U cellulase/kg. In experiment 2, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0; SBM-1, covered with 140U protease/kg; 8U cellulase/kg, 800U pectinase/kg, 60U phytase/kg, 40U betaglucanase/kg and 20U xylanase/kg; and SMB-2, covered with 700U protease/kg, 40U cellulase/kg, 4000U pectinase/kg, 300U phytase/kg, 200U betaglucanase/kg and 100U xylanase/kg. Each experiment followed a block design with six dogs per diet. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by orthogonal and polynomial contrasts (p<0.05). In both experiments, nutrients and energy digestibility did not differ between diets (p>0.05). SBM consumption resulted in increased faecal moisture and production (p<0.05), without effect on faecal score. Higher concentration of propionate, acetate and lactate, and lower ammonia and pH were found in the faeces of dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). Higher post-prandial urea was verified in dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the addition of enzymes increased faecal concentration of propionate, acetate and total short-chain fatty acid (p<0.05) and tended to reduce post-prandial urea concentration (p=0.06). Although with similar digestibility, SBM shows a worse utilization of absorbed amino acids than the PM. Soybean oligosaccharides can beneficially change gut fermentation product formation. Enzymes can increase the gut fermentation activity and improve the SBM proteic value. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
This study aimed to define the process conditions to obtain snacks from the by-products of rice and soybean with physical characteristics suitable for marketing. Therefore, the effects of moisture and extrusion temperature on the expansion and color of the products obtained experimentally obtained were evaluated, and the proximate composition of the by-products and that of the snack with greater desirability were determined. Response surface methodology and rotational central composite design were used, and desirability test based on the regression models adjusted was applied. The most desirable snack, with the highest expansion index (3.39), specific volume (13.5 mL.g-1), and the chromaticity coordinate a* (2.79), was obtained under 12 g.100 g-1 moisture and 85ºC of temperature in the third zone of the extruder. The snack produced under these conditions attained content of protein and lipid content 41 and 64% higher than that of the traditional corn snack. It can be concluded that producing extruded snack made form a mixture of broken grains, rice bran, and soybean okara (81:9:10) is technologically feasible, enabling the development of a new product with good nutritional value that can improve the diet of children, the main consumers of this type of food.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Waterlogging of soils is common in nature. The low availability of oxygen under these conditions leads to hypoxia of the root system impairing the development and productivity of the plant. The presence of nitrate under flooding conditions is regarded as being beneficial towards tolerance to this stress. However, it is not known how nodulated soybean plants, cultivated in the absence of nitrate and therefore not metabolically adapted to this compound, would respond to nitrate under root hypoxia in comparison with non-nodulated plants grown on nitrate. A study was conducted with (15)N labelled nitrate supplied on waterlogging for a period of 48 h using both nodulated and non-nodulated plants of different physiological ages. Enrichment of N was found in roots and leaves with incorporation of the isotope in amino acids, although to a much smaller degree under hypoxia than normoxia. This demonstrates that nitrate is taken up under hypoxic conditions and assimilated into amino acids, although to a much lesser extent than for normoxia. The similar response obtained with nodulated and non-nodulated plants indicates the rapid metabolic adaptation of nodulated plants to the presence of nitrate under hypoxia. Enrichment of N in nodules was very much weaker with a distinct enrichment pattern of amino acids (especially asparagine) suggesting that labelling arose from a tissue source external to the nodule rather than through assimilation in the nodule itself.
A tracer experiment is carried out with transgenic T (variety M 7211 RR) and non-transgenic NT (variety MSOY 8200) soybean plants to evaluate if genetic modification can influence the uptake and translocation of Fe. A chelate of EDTA with enriched stable (57)Fe is applied to the plants cultivated in vermiculite plus substrate and the (57)Fe acts as a tracer. The exposure of plants to enriched (57)Fe causes the dilution of the natural previously existing Fe in the plant compartments and then the changed Fe isotopic ratio ((57)Fe/(56)Fe) is measured using a quadrupole-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer equipped with a dynamic reaction cell (DRC). Mathematical calculations based on the isotope dilution methodology allow distinguishing the natural abundance Fe from the enriched Fe (incorporated during the experiment). The NT soybean plants acquire higher amounts of Fe from natural abundance (originally present in the soil) and from enriched Fe (coming from the (57)Fe-EDTA during the experiment) than T soybean ones, demonstrating that the NT soybean plants probably absorb higher amounts of Fe, independently of the source. The percentage of newly incorporated Fe (coming from the treatment) was approximately 2.0 and 1.1% for NT and T soybean plants, respectively. A higher fraction (90.1%) of enriched Fe is translocated to upper parts, and a slightly lower fraction (3.8%) is accumulated in the stems by NT plants than by T ones (85.1%; 5.1%). Moreover, in both plants, the Fe-EDTA facilitates the transport and translocation of Fe to the leaves. The genetic modification is probably responsible for differences observed between T and NT soybean plants.
Expanded products have been developed by extrusion of non-conventional highly nutritious raw materials such as amaranth and chickpea blended with bovine lung. As sensory acceptance of these snacks is restricted, this study aimed at improving their texture, through the addition of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and disodium inosinate (IMP) flavor enhancers to the feeding material, or to the flavor added after the extrusion. Sensory and mechanical analyses showed that both enhancers affected texture, assessed by sensory and instrumental methods. Addition of IMP together with MSG to the chickpea-based snacks presented the best results. This beneficial effect was not observed in the amaranth-based snack, suggesting that IMP and MSG can favorably impact texture of extruded products depending on the amount and type of protein present
The aim of this study was to compare REML/BLUP and Least Square procedures in the prediction and estimation of genetic parameters and breeding values in soybean progenies. F(2:3) and F(4:5) progenies were evaluated in the 2005/06 growing season and the F(2:4) and F(4:6) generations derived thereof were evaluated in 2006/07. These progenies were originated from two semi-early, experimental lines that differ in grain yield. The experiments were conducted in a lattice design and plots consisted of a 2 m row, spaced 0.5 m apart. The trait grain yield per plot was evaluated. It was observed that early selection is more efficient for the discrimination of the best lines from the F(4) generation onwards. No practical differences were observed between the least square and REML/BLUP procedures in the case of the models and simplifications for REML/BLUP used here.