895 resultados para extrato aquoso
A Echinodorus macrophyllus (Alismataceae), conhecida como chapéu de couro no Brasil, é usada popularmente para tratar doenças reumáticas e inflamatórias. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os efeitos antiinflamatórios do extrato aquoso de E. macrophyllus (EAEm) e suas frações etanólicas no modelo murino de air pouch. Para a obtenção das frações, 7 g do EAEm foram aplicadas em uma coluna cromatográfica aberta de sílica gel eluída com diferentes concentrações de etanol. Os cromatogramas do EAEm/frações foram obtidos usando um sistema de HPLC. Foram obtidas quatro frações, duas delas com maior rendimento. Resumidamente, a bolha de ar foi induzida pela injeção de 5 mL de ar estéril (s.c) no dorso de camundongos SW machos (25-35 g). Após 3 dias, mas 3 mL de ar estéril foram injetados para manter a bolha. No sexto dia, cada grupo (n = 4) foi tratado intraperitoneal (ip) ou oralmente (v.o) com EAEm (25 ou 250 mg/kg), Fr20 ou Fr40 (2,5, 25, 50 ou 100 mg/kg) e os controles com indometacina (10 mg/kg, v.o.) ou veículo (salina). Uma hora depois, 1 mL de salina ou de carragenina 1% estéril foi injetada dentro da bolha. Após 4 h, a cavidade foi lavada com NaCl 0,9%, EDTA 2 mM (1 mL), para a determinação do número de leucócitos, volume do exsudato e concentração de proteínas. Células do exsudato foram preparadas em citocentrífuga e coradas pelo método do Panótico para a contagem diferencial dos leucócitos. Cortes histológicos coletados dos diferentes grupos foram fixados com formol tamponado 10% (pH 7,4) por 7 dias, corados com HE e analisados em MO. A análise da expressão da iNOS e da COX-2 foi realizada em células do exsudato por RT-PCR. O acúmulo de nitrito (NO2−) no sobrenadante do cultivo de células RAW 264.7 foi determinado usando um ensaio colorimétrico baseado na reação de Griess. Os resultados foram expressos como média EP e comparados usando ANOVA seguido de teste de Dunnet. Os experimentos foram realizados em triplicata. No modelo air pouch, a injeção de carragenina 1% aumentou tanto a migração celular quanto a concentração de proteína no exsudato. Contudo, enquanto o pré-tratamento com a Fr40 aumentou a resposta inflamatória, o pré-tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20, sobretudo por via i.p., inibiu esta resposta quando comparado ao grupo controle tratado apenas com o veículo. Assim, foram observadas as seguintes razões de inibição da migração de células: EAEm, i.p. a 25 mg/kg (66,44%) e a 250 mg/kg (87,27%) e Fr20 a 2,5 mg/kg (26,89%), 25 mg/kg (60,06%), 50 mg/kg (63,13%) e a 100 mg/kg (77,47%). Em relação à contagem diferencial, o EAEm e a Fr20 afetaram principalmente o número de neutrófilos, inibindo sua migração no exsudato. O EAEm e a Fr20 também reduziram a concentração total de proteínas no exsudato principalmente no tratamento i.p.; EAEm a 25 e 250 mg/kg mostrou 3,33 0,55 e 2,05 0,51 mg/mL, respectivamente, quando comparado aos grupos controles (Indometacina 2.88 0.64 mg/mL; Veículo 5.48 0.88 mg/mL). A Fr20 a 2,5, 25, 50 e 100 mg/kg mostrou 4,788 0,444, 1,417 0,519, 2,474 0,529 e 2,215 0, 361 mg/mL. A análise histológica mostrou infiltrado celular, principalmente composto de leucócitos polimorfonucleares ao longo da derme inflamada de animais tratados com veículo. O tratamento com o EAEm ou Fr20 reduziu a infiltração de leucócitos no tecido inflamado. Além disso, o tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20 mostrou atividade supressora sobre a expressão de iNOS e COX-2, e mostrou efeitos inibitórios na produção de NO induzida por LPS. Concluindo, todos estes resultados confirmam o potencial antiinflamatório sugerido para esta planta e fornecem uma base para a compreensão de seus mecanismos moleculares de ação. Contudo, outros estudos devem ser realizados para melhor elucidar as vias pelas quais o EAEm e a Fr20 exercem seus efeitos antiinflamatórios. Além disso, estudos fitoquímicos devem ser realizados para identificar os compostos ativos no EAEm e na Fr20.
Coriandrum sativum, conhecido popularmente como coentro, é um vegetal usado na alimentação humana. Também é utilizado como planta medicinal para tratamento de diabetes, complicações gastrintestinais, e como um antiedêmico, antisséptico e emenagogo. Em investigações acerca dos efeitos do extrato de plantas, é importante a determinação de alguns parâmetros físico-químicos. Diversos modelos experimentais têm sido usados, inclusive com o emprego de radionuclídeos. Em procedimentos da Medicina Nuclear que auxiliam o diagnóstico de doenças, o tecnécio-99m (99mTc) é o radionuclídeo mais utilizado. Hemácias marcadas com 99mTc estão entre as várias estruturas celulares que podem ser marcadas com este radionuclídeo e usadas como radiofármaco. Para a marcação com 99mTc é necessária a presença de um agente redutor, e o mais utilizado é o cloreto estanoso (SnCl2). As terapias com drogas e condições de dieta além de doenças podem alterar a marcação de constituintes sanguíneos, bem como a biodistribuição de diferentes radiofármacos. A exposição às vibrações geradas por plataforma oscilatória produz exercícios de corpo inteiro. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a preparação de um extrato do Coriandrum sativum, através de parâmetros físico-químicos, verificar os efeitos desse produto natural na radiomarcação de constituintes sanguíneos e em associação à vibração gerada pela plataforma na biodistribuição de Na99mTcO4 e na concentração de alguns biomarcadores. O extrato de coentro teve a o pico de absorbância em 480 nm. O extrato de coentro foi inversamente correlacionado com a concentração na condutividade elétrica. Foi encontrado o maior valor de pH na menor concentração do extrato (0,5 mg/mL). Não houve uma alteração significativa na marcação de constituintes sanguíneos com 99mTc. E a associação do extrato de coentro e vibração gerada por plataforma com frequência de 12 Hz teve efeito no baço, como observado na fixação do radiofármaco nesse órgão e ação em alguns órgãos alternando a concentração de alguns biomarcadores. Em conclusão, parâmetros físico-químicos podem ser úteis para caracterizar o extrato estudado. Provavelmente, as propriedades redox associadas com substâncias desse extrato podem ser os responsáveis pela ausência do efeito na radiomarcação de constituintes sanguíneos. A determinação da captação do Na99mTcO4 em diferentes órgãos permite verificar que o extrato de coentro sozinho não foi capaz de interferir na biodistribuição do radiofármaco. Contudo o tratamento de animais com vibração gerada pela plataforma alterou significativamente a fixação do pertecnetato de sódio no baço e a concentração do colesterol, triglicerídeo, CK e bilirrubina.
Uso do extrato aquoso de folhas de nim para o controle de Spodoptera frugiperda na cultura do milho.
Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used to obtain several radiobiocomplexes utilized to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood constituents, as red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, have been labeled with 99mTc. Natural and synthetic drugs can alter the labeling of these constituents. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of a Buzhong YiQi Wan extract to alter (i) the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, (ii) the RBC morphology, and (iii) osmotic fragility of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The data showed that the BYQW extract (i) could affect labeling of blood constituintes with 99mTc, (ii) could affect the membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and (iii) could not alter the shape of RBC. Probably, these findings would be associated with properties of the substances present in the aqueous extract of BYQW. This study has multiple disciplinary aspects in knowledge areas: Radiobiology, Botanic, Phytotherapy and Haematology
Radiobiocomplexes are used to obtain images in nuclear medicine and employed in basic research. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) have also been employed as radiobiocomplexes and used also experimental model for evaluation of the biological effects of natural or synthetic drugs. The analysis of the morphology and the morphometrics parameters (perimeter/área ratio) can be used to evaluate the effects of drugs upon the structure of the membrane of red blood cells. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) is a spice used as herbal medicine to treat diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro and in vivo treatment with an aqueous cinnamon extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphology of red blood cells from Wistar rats. In the in vitro treatment, isolated blood sample from animals were incubated with cinnamon extract. In the in vivo treatment, blood samples were also withdrawn from animals treated with cinnamon extract. In both cases, the radiolabeling of blood constituents was done. The morphological analysis of red blood cells was also done. As control, blood or animals treated with NaCl 0.9%. The data obtained on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc experiments indicated that the in vitro treatment with cinnamon extract was capable to decrease signiicantly (p<0.05) the percentage of radioactivity in cellular compartments and on the fixation of cellular and plasma proteins. These effects were not observed on the in vivo treatment. The results obtained for the morphology of red blood cells suggest that the in vitro and in vivo treatments did not alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio. The in vitro treatment with aqueous cinnamon extract could affect the membrane structures related with the oxidation status of the stannous ion pertechnetate ion, altering the labeling of blood constituentes with 99mTc. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Medicinal plants have been studied and used in the world. Lantana camara has medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The aim was to verify the effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, and to evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara on the morphology of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The results showed that lantana extract has decreased the fixation of radioactivity on the IF-P. This effect was not observed in the BC compartment and in IF-BC. The BC-%ATI was decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC was washed. The osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried out. In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated that (i) an increase of the hemolysis and (ii) modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the Lantana camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the chemical compounds of this studied extract
Blood constituents labelled with technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used with radiobiocomplexes in several procedures in nuclear medicine. Some natural and sintetic drugs are capable to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells (RBC) and on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. The aim of this study was evaluate the effect of an extract of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa on the labeling of blood constituints with 99mTc, on the morphology of RBC and on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium perthecnetate in Wistar rats. On the in vitro studies the Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa decreased significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI on plasma proteins and on the in vitro morhology of RBC, the passion fruit peel flour altered the shape and the perimeter/área ratio. On the in vivo estudies the extract did not altered the %ATI in blood constituents, and did not altered the shape of RBC. Although, on the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate (Na99mTcO4) this extract decreased significantly (p<0.05) the uptake in duodenum, spleen, pâncreas and blood, and increased the uptake in stomach. It can be suggested that the effects presented by this extract could be a result of some substances contained in this extract that could alter the binding of 99mTc to plasma proteins, the morphology of RBC and the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate. This study was multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Effects of a Cordia salicifolia (porangaba) extract on the labeling of blood cells (BCs) with technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) and on the morphology of red BCs were evaluated. Labeling of cellular and molecular structures with (99m)Tc depends on a reducing agent. Some physical characteristics, as visible absorbance spectrum, electric conductivity, and refractive index of this porangaba extract, were also determined. Blood samples from Wistar rats were incubated with porangaba extract or with 0.9% NaCl (control). Labeling of blood constituents with (99m)Tc was performed. Plasma (P) and BCs, both soluble (SF-P and SF-BC) and insoluble (IF-P and IF-BC) fractions, were separated. The radioactivity in each fraction was counted, and the percentage of radioactivity incorporated (%ATI) was calculated. Blood smears were prepared, fixed, and stained, and the morphology of the red BCs was evaluated. Data showed an absorbance peak at 480 nm and electric conductibility and refractive index concentration-dependent. Porangaba extract decreased significantly (P < .05) the BC, IF-P, and IF-BC %ATI, and no modifications were verified on the shape of red BCs. Analysis of the results reveals that some physical parameters could be useful to aid in characterizing the extract studied. Moreover, it is possible that chemical compounds of this extract could have chelating/redox actions or be capable of binding to plasma and/or cellular proteins
The antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of five edible tropical fruits (Spondias lutea, Hancornia speciosa, Spondias purpurea, Manilkara zapota and Averrhoa carambola) was investigated using different methods. The amount of phenolic compounds was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The M. zapota had Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) higher than the other fruits. Extracts showed neither reducing power nor iron chelation (between 0.01 and 2.0 mg/mL). H. speciosa exhibited the highest superoxide scavenging activity (80%, 0.5 mg/mL). However, at high concentrations (8.0 mg/mL) only A. carambola, S. purpurea and S. lutea scavenging 100% of radicals formed. M. zapota and S. purpurea had higher phenolic compound levels and greater OH radical scavenging activity (92 %, 2.0 mg/mL). Antiproliferative activity was assessed with 3T3 fibroblasts and cervical tumor cells (HeLa). The most potent extract was S. purpurea (0.5 mg/mL), which inhibited HeLa cell proliferation by 52%. The most fruits showed antioxidant and antiproliferative properties, characterizing them as functional foods.
This work determined the efficacy of the insecticide methyl parathion and the natural pesticide azadirachtin present in the aqueous extract of dry neem leaves (AEDNL) to Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenoidea) control in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). The efficacy of methyl parathion was evaluated in an experiment consisting of six treatments (0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mg methyl parathion/L water) and five exposure times (2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h). The efficacy of azadirachtin present in AEDNL was assessed in an experiment consisting of seven treatments (0,0; 25; 50; 75; 100; 125; e 150 mL/L water) and five exposure times (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h). The efficacy of methyl parathion increased with increasing concentration and exposure time. The highest control efficacy was obtained with a concentration of 7 mg methyl parathion/L at all exposure times. In this treatment, the highest efficacies were observed at 16 and 24 h of exposure, with a control rate of 96.2 and 97.0%, respectively. For the AEDNL, the highest control efficacy (89.2%) was obtained with a concentration of 2.9 mg/L after 120 h of exposure. The efficacy in the treatments employing 1.47 and 1.18 mg/L was 83.9 and 82.5%, respectively, after 120 h of exposure. Methyl parathion presented a higher efficacy in the control of A. penilabiatus than the AEDNL. The AEDNL was moderately effective in the control of the parasite.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of water extract from sunflower fresh leaves on the germination and initial development of conventional and transgenic soybean cultivars, and of the invasive hairy beggartick (Bidens pilosa L.). Experiments were carried out at Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, in 2007. Fresh leaves from sunflower were ground in a blender at the proportion 200g/1L distilled water, resulting in crude extract (100%), in which pH was measured. Dilutions of 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% were done from the crude extract, and only distilled water was used as control. Statistical analysis (Tukey 5% probability) indicated that only the highest extract concentrations (60%, 80% and 100%) influenced the analyzed parameters for conventional and transgenic soybean. Beggartick seeds, however, had germination percentage completely inhibited when 40% water extract was applied, which indicates that sunflower straw could be used as a natural herbicide. Nevertheless, field studies must be carried out to prove such effect.
The family Meliaceae has been identified as one of the most promising for biological control, as most species have biologically active compounds. Among the species, the Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is that stands out most for its efficiency and low toxicity, and it is utilized to control insects, fungi and nematodes. The aim of this work was to verify the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Neem on germination of lettuce, soybeans, maize, beans and Bidens pilosa, as a way to control this weed. The extract was obtained by grinding 200g/L of fresh leaves of the Neem (considered extract 100%) and diluting in distilled water at concentrations of 80, 60, 40, and 20%, and a control with only water. The seeds were kept in the germination chamber at a temperature of 25 degrees C, with photoperiod of 12 hours of light. The aqueous extract affected the germination percentage and average length root of lettuce, with values of 1% and 0.1, cm respectively. For the soybeans, the extract influenced negatively the average time of germination and average speed of germination. There was a drastic reduction of the average root length at higher concentration for soybean, corn and beans. For Bidens pilosa all the parameters analyzed were negatively affected, which means sensitivity to the extract. The bioassay performed in the laboratory showed that the aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Azadirachta indica has allelopathic effect on all species.
The Cuphea mesostemon specie, known as sete-sangrias, is widely used as a diuretic substance in popular medicine. As the toad urinary bladder is an epithelium analogous to the distal nephron of mammals, it is used in order to study the transport water and electrolytes in many laboratories. This preparation permits excellent observation in water flow, from the urinary bladder lumen to the external side or the serosal one (water re-absorption), by means of gravimetrical measures. In the present work the hydrosmotic effect of aqueous extract (AE) of sete-sangrias leaf was studied. A 20% solution was added to the serosal side (S) of the bladder preparation, and the water flow was measured every 15 minutes after that. The results showed that 4mL of AE in the S side, increased the JH20 in a significant manner (p<0,05). This effect had a dose - response shape, with the volumes of 0,2mL, 0,4mL and 0,8mL of AE in the S bath. The hydro-osmotic effect of the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) was studied as well and a significant stimulation (p<0,05) in the JH2O was observed with the magnitude of 150%. The AE effect was similar to the ADH one, and was not antagonized by this hormone. We concluded that Cuphea possesses an anti-diuretic activity similar to that presented by ADH, in toad urinary bladder, in vitro.
The vegetal species, Allium cepa, known as onion, is widely used in the folk medicine as diuretic, besides it has been used on the bronchitis, cough, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension treatment. In this study we evaluate the onion aqueous extract (AE) effect on water flow and electrolytes in anesthetized Wistar rats, besides we also evaluate arterial pressure alterations. Two groups were studied: Group 1 (control) - oral tratment with 1.0 mL of distilled water, and Group 2 (experimental) - oral treatment with 1.0 mL of AE 20%. The rats were anesthetized and we canulate the trachea, left carotide artery (for arterial pressure measurement and blood collecting), jugular vein (to execute inulin perfusion - to register glomerular filtration), and urinary bladder (to collect urine). The Group 1 results had shown that the animals had not presented significant alterations (p>0.05) in the analyzed parameters. The animals of Group 2 had a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the arterial pressure (22.0%). However, there were not significant alterations in renal parameters (p>0.05). These results show that the treatment with the AE lead a hypotensor effect in anesthetized Wistar rats, but not followed by renal parameters alterations.