971 resultados para externalizing symptoms


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The development of emotional regulation capacities in children at high versus low risk for externalizing disorder was examined in a longitudinal study investigating: a) whether disturbances in emotion regulation precede and predict the emergence of externalizing symptoms; and b) whether sensitive maternal behavior is a significant influence on the development of child emotion regulation. Families experiencing high (n=58) and low (n=63) levels of psychosocial adversity were recruited to the study during pregnancy. Direct observational assessments of child emotion regulation capacities and maternal sensitivity were completed in early infancy, at 12 and 18-months, and at 5-years. Key findings were as follows. First, high risk children showed poorer emotion regulation capacities than their low risk counterparts at every stage of assessment. Second, from 12-months onwards, emotion regulation capacities showed a degree of stability, and were associated with behavioral problems, both concurrently and prospectively. Third, maternal sensitivity was related to child emotion regulation capacities throughout development, with poorer emotion regulation in the high risk group being associated with lower maternal sensitivity. The results are consistent with a causal role for problems in the regulation of negative emotions in the etiology of externalizing psychopathology, and highlight insensitive parenting as a potentially key developmental influence.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for the development of depression and delinquent behavior. Children and adolescents with ADHD also experience difficulty creating/maintaining high quality friendships and parent-child relationships, and these difficulties may contribute to the development of co-morbid internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescence. However, there is limited research examining whether high quality friendships and parent-child relationships mediate the relation between ADHD and the emergence of these co-morbid symptoms at the transition to high school. This study examines the mediating role of relationship quality in the association between ADHD and depressive symptoms/delinquent behaviors at this developmentally significant transition point. Results revealed significant indirect effects of grade 6 attention problems on grade 9 depressive symptoms through friendship quality and quality of the mother-child relationship in grade 8. Interventions targeting parent and peer relationships may be valuable for youth with ADHD to promote successful transitions to high school.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Étant donné que le sommeil ainsi que les problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés durant l’enfance sont associés à plusieurs aspects du développement social, affectif et cognitif de l’enfant, il apparait essentiel d’étudier ces deux indicateurs de l’autorégulation chez les enfants ainsi que de comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent à leur émergence. L’objectif général de la thèse était donc de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés au développement de l’autorégulation psychophysiologique, telle que mesurée par la qualité du sommeil de l’enfant, ainsi que l’autorégulation émotionnelle et comportementale, telle qu’indiquée par la présence de symptômes intériorisés et extériorisés chez l’enfant. La thèse est composée de deux articles de nature empirique. L’objectif du premier article de la thèse était d’examiner les liens qui existent entre quatre comportements parentaux (i.e., la sensibilité maternelle, le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, l'orientation mentale de la mère et la qualité des interactions père-enfant) et le sommeil de l’enfant, de façon longitudinale et prospective. Les trois comportements maternels ont été mesurés avec 70 dyades mère-enfant, tandis que la qualité des interactions père-enfant a été évaluée chez 41 de ces familles. À 12 mois, l’orientation mentale maternelle et la sensibilité maternelle ont été évaluées. Le soutien à l'autonomie maternel a été mesuré à 15 mois, tandis que la qualité des interactions père-enfant a été évaluée à 18 mois. Le sommeil des enfants a été mesuré à 3 et 4 ans en utilisant un agenda de sommeil rempli par la mère. Les résultats indiquaient qu’en contrôlant pour le statut socioéconomique familial et le fait d’aller en garderie ou non, la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant est liée à la proportion de sommeil ayant lieu la nuit chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Le deuxième article visait à étudier les effets d’interaction entre le sommeil de l’enfant et la sensibilité maternelle en ce qui a trait au développement des problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés. À 1 et 4 ans, 55 dyades mère-enfant ont participé à deux visites à domicile. À 1 an, la sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée et les mères ont complété l’agenda du sommeil de l’enfant. À 4 ans, les mères ont rempli le Child Behavior Checklist pour évaluer les symptômes intériorisés et extériorisés chez leur enfant. Les résultats ont montré que la sensibilité maternelle interagit avec la durée du sommeil de l’enfant. Ainsi, les résultats ont indiqué une relation négative entre la sensibilité maternelle et les problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés, mais seulement chez les enfants qui dorment plus la nuit. Les résultats présentés dans les deux articles ont été discutés, ainsi que leurs implications théoriques et cliniques.


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Les mauvais traitements représentent un facteur de risque pouvant entraver le développement normal des enfants qui en sont victimes. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre le concept d’état de stress post-traumatique-complexe (ÉSPT-C) et ce, en permettant l’évaluation rigoureuse de ses symptômes et en documentant sa relation avec d’autres variables. La présente thèse est composée de deux articles empiriques. L’objectif du premier article est d’obtenir une mesure de l’ÉSPT-C pour une population francophone. Pour ce faire, les qualités psychométriques de la traduction francophone du Structured Interview of Disorders of Extreme Stress-Self-Report (SIDES-SR) ont été testées par le biais d’analyses préliminaires auprès de 438 adultes canadiens-français provenant de la population générale et de l’Université de Montréal. Les résultats démontrent que l’instrument possède une structure factorielle de 5 facteurs comparable à celle obtenue pour l’instrument en anglais dans sa version originale. Les facteurs obtenus sont : 1) les croyances pessimistes par rapport aux autres et au futur, 2) la gestion des affects, 3) l’évitement des contacts physiques et sexuels, 4) la somatisation et 5) la prise de risques. La cohérence interne de 4 facteurs sur 5 varie d’acceptable à très satisfaisante alors que leur stabilité temporelle et leur validité convergente, divergente et concurrente ressortent comme étant assez satisfaisantes. Le but du deuxième article de cette thèse est d’examiner l’apport des symptômes d’ÉSPT-C retrouvés chez les mères et de leurs pratiques parentales (supervision et utilisation abusive de la punition) pour expliquer les symptômes d’ordre psychologique chez leurs enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle (AS). Les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères et leurs pratiques éducatives ont été évalués auprès de 96 mères à l’aide de mesures auto-rapportées alors que les symptômes de leur enfant ont été mesurés à partir d’un instrument qui leur était destiné. Les résultats suggèrent qu’en contrôlant les variables sociodémographiques et les caractéristiques de l’AS de l’enfant, les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères sont liés à plusieurs symptômes retrouvés chez les enfants après le dévoilement de l’AS qu’ils ont subie. Le rôle modérateur de la supervision maternelle dans la relation entre l’ÉSPT-C des mères et les symptômes de dépression et d’opposition des enfants a également été démontré. Les implications théoriques et cliniques concernant les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce projet doctoral sont finalement abordées.


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L’objectif général de la thèse était d’élargir les connaissances scientifiques sur le sommeil des enfants. La thèse est composée de quatre articles empiriques. Le premier visait à estimer la validité de l’actigraphie comme mesure de sommeil chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire en la comparant à la polysomnographie, et à examiner si son emplacement influence sa validité. 12 enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans ont porté simultanément un actigraphe à la cheville et un au poignet pendant une nuit d’enregistrement polysomnographique. Les résultats démontrent que l’actigraphie permet une bonne détection du sommeil, mais qu’elle détecte moins bien l’éveil. Cet article suggère également que les jeunes enfants nécessitent un algorithme adapté à leur niveau d’activité nocturne. Enfin, la validité de l'actigraphie semble similaire pour le poignet et la cheville. Le deuxième article visait à comparer trois mesures de sommeil souvent utilisées avec de jeunes enfants, soit les agendas de sommeil, l’échelle des problèmes de sommeil du Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) et l’actigraphie, afin de déterminer leurs similarités et leurs divergences quant aux variables de sommeil qui en sont dérivées. 80 familles ont participé à cette étude lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 2 ans. Les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les mères ont complété un agenda de sommeil durant cette même période. Les deux parents ont aussi rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que ces mesures de sommeil évaluent des aspects différents du sommeil de l’enfant, et suggèrent une concordance particulièrement faible entre les mesures subjectives et objectives. Le troisième article visait à évaluer l’apport unique de la sécurité d’attachement dans la prédiction du sommeil de l’enfant. 62 dyades mère-enfant ont été rencontrées à deux reprises. La sécurité d’attachement et la dépendance ont été évaluées par observation à l’aide du Q-Sort d’attachement lorsque l’enfant avait 15 mois. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 3 jours consécutifs. Les résultats indiquent que la sécurité d'attachement a une contribution unique à la prédiction de la durée du sommeil nocturne et de l'efficacité du sommeil nocturne. Ainsi, cette étude suggère que plus les enfants ont un attachement sécurisant envers leur mère, plus grandes sont la durée et la qualité de leur sommeil quelques mois plus tard. Le quatrième article visait à examiner la relation entre le sommeil et les comportements extériorisés. 64 familles ont participé à cette étude. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les parents ont complété le CBCL. Lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 4 ans, les parents ainsi que l’éducateur(trice) de garderie ont rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que le sommeil de l’enfant est associé aux comportements extériorisés concomitants et à l’augmentation de ceux-ci à travers le temps. Par ailleurs, les relations entre la qualité de sommeil et les comportements extériorisés étaient modérées par le sexe de l’enfant, c’est-à-dire significatives seulement chez les garçons. Les résultats des quatre articles sont finalement intégrés dans la discussion générale.


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Early timing of adrenarche, associated with relatively high levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in children, has been associated with mental health and behavioral problems. However, little is known about effects of adreneracheal timing on brain function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of early adrenarche (defined by high DHEA levels independent of age) on affective brain function and symptoms of psychopathology in late childhood (N = 83, 43 females, M age 9.53 years, s.d. 0.34 years). Results showed that higher DHEA levels were associated with decreased affect-related brain activity (i) in the mid-cingulate cortex in the whole sample, and (ii) in a number of cortical and subcortical regions in female but not male children. Higher DHEA levels were also associated with increased externalizing symptoms in females, an association that was partly mediated by posterior insula activation to happy facial expressions. These results suggest that timing of adrenarche is an important moderator of affect-related brain function, and that this may be one mechanism linking early adrenarche to psychopathology.


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The present investigation aims to identify the factors which differentiate violent from non-violent juvenile offenders, with a particular emphasis on the association between internalizing psychiatric morbidity (i.e. anxiety and depression), impulsivity, substance misuse, and violence. A total of 323 incarcerated male juvenile offenders from one of three Youth Detention Centers (YDCs) in China were recruited between August 2007 and November 2008. Interviews were conducted by trained psychiatrists using the Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11), the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED), and the Birleson Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS) to assess impulsivity, anxiety and depression, respectively. The Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) was also used to assess psychiatric diagnoses. Violent offenders had significantly higher BIS-11 total scores, and attention and nonplanning subscale scores (p<0.05). In the multiple logistic regression model, substance use disorders (SUD) and BIS-11 total scores independently predicted violence. Prison-based treatment services designed to reduce impulsivity and substance misuse in juvenile detention facilities should be prioritized.


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Despite known mental health (MH) disparities faced by Latino children relative to children from other minority groups of similar socioeconomic status (SES), little is known about how Latina mothers make MH decisions for their children. The present study examined links between Latina mothers' mental health literacy (MHL), including the recognition of and response to child psychiatric symptoms, and maternal acculturation factors as well as interpersonal violence (IPV) related symptomatology. Participants were 80 Latina mothers from Denver, Colorado and Modesto, California with at least one child between the ages of 8-12 years. Mothers were presented vignettes depicting child internalizing and externalizing disorders as well as interviewed about their help seeking behaviors. Maternal acculturation was not related to identification of disorders, but was related to more symptoms recognized for child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Acculturation predicted use of formal source of care for child internalizing and externalizing disorder. Women demonstrated a preference for informal source of care, with the exception of IPV-related child symptoms, where women demonstrated a preference for formal source of care. IPV-related symptoms did not moderate the relationship between acculturation and MHL. The relationship between maternal acculturation, IPV related symptomatology and their combined effect on MHL for child psychiatric disorders are discussed.


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Objective: Healthy relationships between adolescents and their caregivers have been robustly associated with better youth outcomes in a variety of domains. Youth in contact with the child welfare system are at higher risk for worse outcomes including mental health problems and home placement instability. A growing body of literature points to youth mental health problems as both a predictor and a consequence of home placement instability in this population; the present study aimed to expand our understanding of these phenomena by examining the interplay among the caregiver-child relationship, youth mental health symptoms, and placement change over time. Method: The sample consisted of 1,179 youths aged 11-16, from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, a nationally representative sample of children in contact with the child welfare system. We used bivariate correlations and autoregressive cross-lagged path analysis to examine how youths’ reports of their externalizing and internalizing symptoms, their relationship with their caregivers, and placement changes reciprocally influenced one another over three time points. Results: In the overall models, early internalizing symptoms significantly negatively predicted the quality of the caregiver-child relationship at the next time point, and early externalizing symptoms predicted subsequent placement change. In addition, later externalizing symptoms negatively predicted subsequent reports of relationship quality, and later placement changes predicted subsequent externalizing problems; these relationships were significant only at the trend level (p < .10). The quality of the relationship was significantly negatively correlated with externalizing and internalizing problems at all time points, and all variables demonstrated autoregressive stability over time. Conclusions: Our findings support the importance of comprehensive interventions for youth in contact with the child welfare system, which target not only youth symptoms in isolation, but also the caregiver-child relationship, as a way to improve social-emotional outcomes in this high-risk population.


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This study examined the psychometric properties of the parent version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS-P); 484 parents of anxiety disordered children and 261 parents in a normal control group participated in the study. Results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for six intercorrelated factors, that corresponded with the child self-report as well as with the classification of anxiety disorders by DSM-IV (namely separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, social phobia, panic/agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fear of physical injuries). A post-hoc model in which generalized anxiety functioned as the higher order factor for the other five factors described the data equally well. The reliability of the subscales was satisfactory to excellent. Evidence was found for both convergent and divergent validity: the measure correlated well with the parent report for internalizing symptoms, and lower with externalizing symptoms. Parent-child agreement ranged from 0.41 to 0.66 in the anxiety-disordered group, and from 0.23 to 0.60 in the control group. The measure differentiated significantly between anxiety-disordered children versus controls, and also between the different anxiety disorders except GAD. The SCAS-P is recommended as a screening instrument for normal children and as a diagnostic instrument in clinical settings. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Clinical studies of asthmatic children have found an association between lung disease and internalizing behavior problems. The causal direction of this association is, however, unclear. This article examines the nature of the relationship between behavior and asthma problems in childhood and adolescence. Methods: Data were analyzed on 5135 children from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy and its outcomes (MUSP), a large birth cohort of mothers and children started in Brisbane, Australia, in 1981. Lung disease was measured from maternal reports of asthma/bronchitis when the children were aged 5 and maternal reports of asthma symptoms when the children were aged 14. Symptoms of internalizing behaviors were obtained by maternal reports (Child Behavior Checklist) at 5 years and by maternal and children's reports at 14 years (Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self Report). Results: Although there was no association between prevalence of asthma and externalizing symptoms, asthma and internalizing symptoms were significantly associated in cross-sectional analyses at 5 and 14 years. In prospective analyses, after excluding children with asthma at 5 years, internalizing symptoms at age 5 were not associated with the development of asthma symptoms at age 14. After excluding children with internalizing symptoms at 5 years, those who had asthma at 5 years had greater odds of developing internalizing symptoms at age 14. Conclusion: Children who have asthma/bronchitis by the age of 5 are at greater risk of having internalizing behavior problems in adolescence.


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To evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of current categorical approaches to classify childhood psychopathological conditions, this dissertation examined whether children with a single diagnosis of an anxiety disorder (ANX only) and children with an anxiety diagnosis comorbid with other diagnoses (i.e., anxiety + anxiety disorder [ANX + ANX], anxiety + depressive disorder [ANX + DEP], and anxiety + disruptive disorder [ANX + EXT]) could be differentiated using external validation criteria of clinical phenomenology (i.e., levels of anxiety, depression, and internalizing, externalizing and total behavior problems). This study further examined whether the four groups could be differentiated in terms of their interaction patterns with their parents and peers, respectively. The sample consisted of 129 youth and their parents who presented to the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program (CAPP) housed within the Child and Family Psychosocial Research Center at Florida International University, Miami. Youth were between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. A battery of questionnaires was used to assess participants' clinical presentation in terms of levels of anxiety, depression, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Family and peer interaction were evaluated through rating scales and through behavior observation tasks. Statistics based on the parameter estimates of the structured equation models indicated that all the comorbid groups were significantly different from the pure anxiety disorder group when it came to depression indices of clinical phenomenology. Further, significant differences appeared mainly in terms of the ANX + DEP comorbid group relative to the other comorbid groups. In terms of Parent-child interaction the ANX + EXT and the ANX + DEP comorbid groups were differentiated from the pure anxiety disorder and ANX + ANX comorbid group when it came to the appraisal of the parent/child relationship by the parent, and the acceptance subscale according to the mother report. In terms of peer-child interaction the ANX + EXT and the ANX + DEP comorbid groups were statistically significantly different from the pure anxiety disorder only when it came to the positive interactions and the social skills as rated by mother. Limitations and future research recommendations are discussed.


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Secondary analysis of 581 adoptees was utilized to determine if parental age is related, either genetically or environmentally, to the development of psychopathology. The significant results showed that proband adoptees (with psychopathology in biologic relatives) with younger birthparents had increased alcohol abuse and those with younger birthfathers had increased antisocial personality while adoptees with older birthparents had increased depression. Analyses on control adoptees (with background free of known genetic disturbances) showed that those with younger adoptive mothers had increased antisocial personality and drug abuse and those with younger adoptive fathers had increased antisocial personality while adoptees with older adoptive fathers had increased depression. Implications of these findings are that adoptees with both younger birth and adoptive parents are more likely to have externalizing symptoms, while adoptees with both older birth and adoptive parents are more like to have internalizing symptoms. This information is beneficial to those involved in adoption placement.