999 resultados para expression of power


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Energy-based direct methods for transient stability analysis are potentially useful both as offline tools for planning purposes as well as for online security assessment. In this paper, a novel structure-preserving energy function (SPEF) is developed using the philosophy of structure-preserving model for the system and detailed generator model including flux decay, transient saliency, automatic voltage regulator (AVR), exciter and damper winding. A simpler and yet general expression for the SPEF is also derived which can simplify the computation of the energy function. The system equations and the energy function are derived using the centre-of-inertia (COI) formulation and the system loads are modelled as arbitrary functions of the respective bus voltages. Application of the proposed SPEF to transient stability evaluation of power systems is illustrated with numerical examples.


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In this study we describe the isolation and characterisation of the parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) gene from the teleost Fugu rubripes. The gene has a relatively simple structure, compared with tetrapod PTHrP genes, composed of three exons and two introns, encompassing 2.25 kb of genomic DNA. The gene encodes a protein of 163 amino acids, with a putative signal peptide of 37 amino acids and a mature peptide of 126 amino acids. The overall homology with known tetrapod PTHrP proteins is low (36%), with a novel sequence inserted between positions 38 and 65, the absence of the conserved pentapeptide (TRSAW) and shortened C-terminal domain. The N-terminus shows greater conservation (62%), suggesting that it may have a hypercalcaemic function similar to that of tetrapod PTHrP. In situ localisation and RT–PCR have demonstrated the presence of PTHrP in a wide range of tissues with varying levels of expression. Sequence scanning of overlapping cosmids has identified three additional genes, TMPO, LDHB and KCNA1, which map to human chromosome 12, with the latter two mapping to 12p12-11.2. PTHrP in human also maps to this chromosome 12 sub-region, thus demonstrating conservation of synteny between human and Fugu.


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We tested if modulation in mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2) can be related to protective effects of phototherapy in skeletal muscle. Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into five groups receiving either one of four laser doses (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 J) or a no-treatment control group. Laser irradiation (904 nm, 15 mW average power) was performed immediately before the first contraction for treated groups. Electrical stimulation was used to induce six tetanic tibial anterior muscle contractions. Immediately after sixth contraction, blood samples were collected to evaluate creatine kinase activity and muscles were dissected and frozen in liquid nitrogen to evaluate mRNA expression of COX-1 and COX-2. The 1.0 and 3.0 J groups showed significant enhancement (P < 0.01) in total work performed in six tetanic contractions compared with control group. All laser groups, except the 3.0 J group, presented significantly lower post-exercise CK activity than control group. Additionally, 1.0 J group showed increased COX-1 and decreased COX-2 mRNA expression compared with control group and 0.1, 0.3 and 3.0 J laser groups (P < 0.01). We conclude that pre-exercise infrared laser irradiation with dose of 1.0 J enhances skeletal muscle performance and decreases post-exercise skeletal muscle damage and inflammation.


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Objective:Gene expression studies have revealed several molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma with distinct clinical and biological behaviours. DNA microarray studies correlated with immunohistochemical profiling of breast carcinomas using cytokeratin (CK) markers, Her2/neu, oestrogen receptor (ER), and basal myoepithelial cell markers have identified five breast tumour subtypes: (i) luminal A (ER+; Her2/neu-), (ii) luminal B (ER+; Her2/neu+), (iii) Her2 overexpression (ER-; Her2/neu+), (iv) basal-like (ER-; Her2/neu-, CK5/6 and 14+), and (v) negative for all markers. Luminal carcinomas express cytokeratins in a luminal pattern (CK8/18), and the basal-like type expresses CK5/6 and CK14 or basal epithelial cell markers. CK5/6, CK8/18, and smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression were assessed in cell blocks and compared with expression in surgical specimens.Methods:Sixty-two cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology with cell blocks and available surgical specimens were included. Cell blocks containing at least 10 high-power fields each with at least 10 tumour cells and surgical specimens were immunostained for CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA.Results:Percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 77, 100, 100, 92 and 94 for CK5/6; 98, 66, 96, 80 and 95 for CK8/18; and 92, 96, 85, 98 and 95 for SMA.Conclusion:The identification of CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA by immunohistochemistry in cell blocks can be a reliable method that yields results close to those obtained in surgical specimens, and can contribute to the classification of breast carcinomas with luminal and basal expression patterns, providing helpful information in the choice of treatment and in the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors.


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Multiple recent studies provide evidence that both human and nonhuman primates possess motor planning abilities. I tested for the demonstration of motor planning in two previously untested primate species through two experiments. In the first experiment, I compared the extent to which squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella) plan their movements in a grasping task. Individuals were presented with an inverted cup that required being turned and held upright in order to extract a food reward from the inside of the cup. This task was most efficiently solved by using an initially awkward inverted grasp that affords a comfortable hand and arm orientation at the end of the movement (known as end-state comfort). While certain individuals from both species exhibited end-state comfort, many of the capuchins never demonstrated this type of motor planning. Furthermore, the squirrel monkeys used the efficient grasp significantly more than the capuchins. In the second experiment, I presented the capuchins with another grasping task to test if they would express motor planning abilities in a different context. Here, the capuchins were offered a dowel that was baited on either the left or right end. A radial grasp with the thumb pointing towards the baited end was considered to be the most efficient grasp because it afforded a comfortable final position. The capuchins switched hands and used an overhand radial grasp on the dowel significantly more often than not, thus demonstrating motor planning in this task. The grasps typically utilized by these two closely related species differ considerably in that capuchins are capable of exercising precision grips, whereas squirrel monkeys are limited to whole-handed power grips. Moreover, unlike capuchins, squirrel monkeys are not particularly dexterous nor are they capable of precise manipulative actions. It is therefore more beneficial for squirrel monkeys to plan their movements efficiently because they are less capable of compensating for inappropriate initial grasps. Due to the appreciable variability in the expression of motor planning skills across species, I proposed that morphological constraints might explain the observed discrepancies in movement planning among different primate species.


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Platelets are known to contain platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin, alpha-chemokines containing the CXC motif, but recent studies extended the range to the beta-family characterized by the CC motif, including RANTES and Gro-alpha. There is also evidence for expression of chemokine receptors CCR4 and CXCR4 in platelets. This study shows that platelets have functional CCR1, CCR3, CCR4, and CXCR4 chemokine receptors. Polymerase chain reaction detected chemokine receptor messenger RNA in platelet RNA. CCR1, CCR3, and especially CCR4 gave strong signals; CXCR1 and CXCR4 were weakly positive. Flow cytometry with specific antibodies showed the presence of a clear signal for CXCR4 and weak signals for CCR1 and CCR3, whereas CXCR1, CXCR2, CXCR3, and CCR5 were all negative. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting with polyclonal antibodies to cytoplasmic peptides clearly showed the presence of CCR1 and CCR4 in platelets in amounts comparable to monocytes and CCR4 transfected cells, respectively. Chemokines specific for these receptors, including monocyte chemotactic protein 1, macrophage inflammatory peptide 1alpha, eotaxin, RANTES, TARC, macrophage-derived chemokine, and stromal cell-derived factor 1, activate platelets to give Ca(++) signals, aggregation, and release of granule contents. Platelet aggregation was dependent on release of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and its interaction with platelet ADP receptors. Part, but not all, of the Ca(++) signal was due to ADP release feeding back to its receptors. Platelet activation also involved heparan or chondroitin sulfate associated with the platelet surface and was inhibited by cleavage of these glycosaminoglycans or by heparin or low molecular weight heparin. These platelet receptors may be involved in inflammatory or allergic responses or in platelet activation in human immunodeficiency virus infection.


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The cadherin superfamily members play an important role in mediating cell-cell contact and adhesion (Takeichi, M., 1991. Cadherin cell adhesion receptors as a morphogenetic regulator. Science 251, 1451-1455). A distinct subfamily, neither belonging to the classical or protocadherins includes Fat, the largest member of the cadherin super-family. Fat was originally identified in Drosophila. Subsequently, orthologues of Fat have been described in man (Dunne, J., Hanby, A. M., Poulsom, R., Jones, T. A., Sheer, D., Chin, W. G., Da, S. M., Zhao, Q., Beverley, P. C., Owen, M. J., 1995. Molecular cloning and tissue expression of FAT, the human homologue of the Drosophila fat gene that is located on chromosome 4q34-q35 and encodes a putative adhesion molecule. Genomics 30, 207-223), rat (Ponassi, M., Jacques, T. S., Ciani, L., ffrench, C. C., 1999. Expression of the rat homologue of the Drosophila fat tumour suppressor gene. Mech. Dev. 80, 207-212) and mouse (Cox, B., Hadjantonakis, A. K., Collins, J. E., Magee, A. I., 2000. Cloning and expression throughout mouse development of mfat 1, a homologue of the Drosophila tumour suppressor gene fat [In Process Citation]. Dev. Dyn. 217, 233-240). In Drosophila, Fat has been shown to play an important role in both planar cell polarity and cell boundary formation during development. In this study we describe the characterization of zebrafish Fat, the first non-mammalian, vertebrate Fat homologue to be identified. The Fat protein has 64% amino acid identity and 80% similarity to human FAT and an identical domain structure to other vertebrate Fat proteins. During embryogenesis fat mRNA is expressed in the developing brain, specialised epithelial surfaces the notochord, ears, eyes and digestive tract, a pattern similar but distinct to that found in mammals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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