619 resultados para exemplar


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The Sydney Opera House Facilities Management Exemplar Project (SOH FM Exemplar Project) aims to develop innovative research on facility management (FM) with the focus on asset maintenance. The project utilises the Sydney Opera House (SOH), one of most unique buildings in Australia, to research and create innovative FM strategies and models that will have a direct beneficial role for the Australian facilities management industry as well as the economy as a whole. The procurement, benchmarking and digitisation are crucial in improving the performance of FM. The procurement develops strategic plan and deployment framework enabling products, services, etc. meet objectives of performance, economic, environment, etc. Benchmarking is a technology used to compare practice and assess performance against the competitors recognised as industry leaders who achieve most successful activities in the field. Digitisation develops digitized FM modelling that facilitates the integration and automation of facility management. The project carries out the research on all the three areas as well as the relationship between them. It aims to develop an integrated approach for the improvement of FM performance.


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The paper presents an interim summary of research and case studies being undertaken in the Sydney Opera House FM Exemplar Project covering procurement, benchmarking and building information models. The final outcomes of the FM Exemplar Project will be presented through various forums open to all FM practitioners and published in Australia and elsewhere through relevant journals. Sydney Opera House is an Australian icon, attracting some 4.5 million visitors per year who admire its built form and enjoy an evening of theatre. The building is the attraction, part of the experience. Therefore, facilities management is critical to the success of the Sydney Opera House enterprise and an ideal subject for the study of facilities management. Significantly the three research themes are heavily intertwined – effective risk sharing in procurement requires historic information and benchmarks for future performance, benchmarking gathers vast quantities of data that can only be exploited if properly related to one another and a building information model provides the means to manage such data. The case studies are emerging as real-life examples of how one organisation is addressing FM issues common to many, and will provide useful lessons for practitioners pursing similar strategies in their own organisations.


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In pre-Fitzgerald Queensland, the existence of corruption was widely known but its extent and modes of operation were not fully evident. The Fitzgerald Report identified the need for reform of the structure, procedures and efficiency in public administration in Queensland. What was most striking in the Queensland reform process was that a new model for combatting corruption had been developed. Rather than rely upon a single law and a single institution, existing institutions were strengthened and new institutions were introduced to create a set of mutually supporting and mutually checking institutions, agencies and laws that jointly sought to improve governmental standards and combat corruption. Some of the reforms were either unique to Queensland or very rare. One of the strengths of this approach was that it avoided creating a single over-arching institution to fight corruption. There are many powerful opponents of reform. Influential institutions and individuals resist any interference with their privileges. In order to cause a mass exodus from an entrenched corruption system, a seminal event or defining process is needed to alter expectations and incentives that are sufficient to encourage significant numbers of individuals to desert the corruption system and assist the integrity system in exposing and destroying it. The Fitzgerald Inquiry was such an event. This article also briefly addresses methods for destroying national corruption systems where they emerge and exist.


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In pre-Fitzgerald Queensland, the existence of corruption was widely known but its extent and modes of operation were not fully evident. The Fitzgerald Report identified the need for reform of the structure, procedures and efficiency in public administration in Queensland. What was most striking in the Queensland reform process was that a new model for combating corruption had been developed. Rather than rely upon a single law and a single institution, existing institutions were strengthened and new institutions were instituted to create a set of mutually supporting and mutually checking institutions, agencies and laws that jointly sought to improve governmental standards and combat corruption. Some of the reforms were either unique to Queensland or very rare. One of the strengths of this approach was that it avoided creating a single overarching institution to fight corruption. There are many powerful opponents of reform. Influential institutions and individuals resist any interference with their privileges. In order to cause a mass exodus from an entrenched corruption system, a seminal event or defining process is needed to alter expectations and incentives that are sufficient to encourage significant numbers of individuals to desert the corruption system and assist the integrity system in exposing and destroying it. The Fitzgerald Inquiry was such an event. The article also briefly addresses methods for destroying national corruption system where they emerge and exist.


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Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques


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Sebastião Pacheco Varella nasceu em Aveiro, Portuga em 1671 e morreu na mesma cidade , em 170 6. Notável pregador e muito hábil nas línguas latina, espanhola, francesa e italiana, o autor publicou ‘Numero vocal’. O ‘Sermão da seráfica Madre Santa Teresa, na manhã da sua festa, pregado em Aveiro no ano de 1700’, em Coimbra, em 1701; ‘Sermão da seráfica Madre Santa Teresa, na tarde da sua festa, pregado em Aveiro, no dito anno’, em Coimbra, em 1701; e ‘Sermão da bem-aventuraria Santa Joana, Princesa de Portugal e Senhora de Aveiro, pregado no mosteiro da mesma vila em que viveu e morreu na ultima tarde do seu tríduo’, em Lisboa, em 1702. Essa edição é a primeira da obra, que é um conjunto de princípios inspirados na fé católica e no exemplo de São João Batista, como objetivo de orientar os monarcas católicos em suas ações. Segundo Inocêncio, ‘Varella reúne em seu favor os votos de alguns críticos ilustrados’. Morais o "cita" no Dicionário muitas vezes, autorizando com ele o uso de vários termos, e o P. Francisco José Freyre não duvidou qualificá-lo de autor de bastante propriedade na locução e de linguagem corrente’


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Gerardus Johannes Vossius, filólogo e erudito holandês, nasceu em Heidelberg em 1577 e morreu em Amsterdã em 1649. Em 1632, transferiu-se para Amsterdã onde ensinou história no então fundado Athenaeum. Suas obras mais notáveis são sobre as heresias dos historiadores antigos. ‘Rethorices contractae’ é uma obra produzida em 1606, que contém regras sobre retorica e oratória. Formada por cindo livros ou partes o autor apresenta a natureza, o gênero e os tipos de retórica, o uso de figuras de linguagens e o estilo dos discursos para emprego nas diversas situações. No final do livro, encontra-se o índice remissivo de assuntos.


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Assim como a medicina, a psiquiatria não consiste em uma disciplina teórica, mas sim, em uma práxis, um projeto teórico que somente se justifica pelo projeto prático. Trata-se, portanto, de um campo de intervenção. A psiquiatria utiliza diversas abordagens teóricas e científicas com uma finalidade prática. O objeto de estudo do campo, entretanto, não se confunde com o objeto destas abordagens. O objeto da psiquiatria pode ser definido em vertentes reducionistas e não-reducionistas. No contexto atual, há uma tendência a uma polarização. Por um lado, o objeto da psiquiatria é concebido como o objeto das demais especialidades médicas, enquanto doença mental, localizado no cérebro e resultando em práticas que privilegiam as abordagens biológicas. Por outro, em vertentes mais amplas de definição, ele consiste no sofrimento psíquico e social ou em disfunções internas socialmente inapropriadas, o que envolve múltiplos níveis e dimensões biológico, fenomenológico, cultural. Esta concepção do objeto da psiquiatria demanda uma multiplicidade e pluralidade de abordagens tanto no plano teórico quanto no plano prático. A presente tese afirma que uma perspectiva multinível e plural é imperiosa à práxis psiquiátrica. A tese está dividida em duas partes. Na primeira, realiza-se uma discussão filosófica na psiquiatria, mediante o método da investigação conceitual, visando um refinamento teórico do campo, que tende a gerar práticas mais efetivas. Três problemas filosóficos que perpassam a psiquiatria são discutidos: a distinção explicação-compreensão; o problema mente-cérebro e a distinção fato-valor. Aponta-se uma solução pragmatista para cada um destes problemas. Na segunda parte, realiza-se um estudo de caso com o exemplar esquizofrenia, analisando os múltiplos níveis do fenômeno mediante a apresentação das abordagens biológicas, fenomenológicas e antropológicas da esquizofrenia na contemporaneidade, enfocando, respectivamente, as hipóteses neurodesenvolvimentais, as alterações na consciência pré-reflexiva de si e as concepções do fenômeno em contextos não-ocidentais. A esquizofrenia corresponde a uma categoria de alta validade, tendo uma importante participação de fatores genético-biológicos. Ainda assim, o modelo biomédico se mostra insuficiente para dar conta da complexidade da experiência do adoecimento nesta condição. Portanto, uma perspectiva multinível e plural se faz mandatória. E se esta perspectiva se aplica à esquizofrenia, aplicar-se-á também a todos os transtornos mentais, com importantes implicações para a práxis psiquiátrica, seja no âmbito da teoria e pesquisa, seja no âmbito da clínica e da elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde mental, ajustando-se melhor, por exemplo, aos propósitos do Global Mental Health.


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Do humans and animals learn exemplars or prototypes when they categorize objects and events in the world? How are different degrees of abstraction realized through learning by neurons in inferotemporal and prefrontal cortex? How do top-down expectations influence the course of learning? Thirty related human cognitive experiments (the 5-4 category structure) have been used to test competing views in the prototype-exemplar debate. In these experiments, during the test phase, subjects unlearn in a characteristic way items that they had learned to categorize perfectly in the training phase. Many cognitive models do not describe how an individual learns or forgets such categories through time. Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural models provide such a description, and also clarify both psychological and neurobiological data. Matching of bottom-up signals with learned top-down expectations plays a key role in ART model learning. Here, an ART model is used to learn incrementally in response to 5-4 category structure stimuli. Simulation results agree with experimental data, achieving perfect categorization in training and a good match to the pattern of errors exhibited by human subjects in the testing phase. These results show how the model learns both prototypes and certain exemplars in the training phase. ART prototypes are, however, unlike the ones posited in the traditional prototype-exemplar debate. Rather, they are critical patterns of features to which a subject learns to pay attention based on past predictive success and the order in which exemplars are experienced. Perturbations of old memories by newly arriving test items generate a performance curve that closely matches the performance pattern of human subjects. The model also clarifies exemplar-based accounts of data concerning amnesia.


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Mental health is unevenly distributed in the Northern Ireland population. Administrative data on psychotropic medication prescribing is increasingly being used in research into population mental health. This paper illustrates how these data indicate concentrations of poor mental health in Northern Ireland, e.g. within deprived neighbourhoods, at interfaces, among older persons admitted to care homes and among persons bereaved through sudden death or suicide. This briefing also aims to widen the debate about mental health from a disorder/service paradigm to a whole population approach.