8 resultados para eudaimonia


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Reflexión sobre la felicidad a partir de la contraposición de la noción actual del término con el concepto aristotélico de 'eudaimonía'.


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This thesis explores aspects of teachers’ obligation to implement and discuss what are referred to in the Swedish national school curricula as “fundamental values” (“värdegrunden” in Swedish). The aim is to describe and analyze dilemmas in interpretations of and teachers’ work with these fundamental values. Four questions are related to this aim. The first addresses difficulties discussed in conversations between seven upper secondary teachers, during nine meetings over the course of one year. In these conversations the teachers reflected upon how to interpret the fundamental values in relation to their daily practice. The second question focuses on the considerable diversity of Swedish schools and examines the work of the teachers through a perspective of intersectionality. The third question concerns how Martha Nussbaum’s theory of emotions as judgments of value could be used for an understanding of the identified dilemmas. The fourth question focuses on ways in which the participating teachers’ discussions may contribute to a wider discussion about possible aims and circumstances of teachers’ work with the fundamental values. Chapter 2 introduces the theoretical framework of the study, Martha Nussbaum’s (2001) ethical thinking on emotions as judgments of value. She argues that emotions have four common cognitive components. They have (1) external objects, and are directed towards these objects. They are (2) intentional, reflecting a person’s particular point of view, his or her special way of beholding the object, and (3) consist of judgments, i.e. views of how things in the world are. According to Nussbaum’s Aristotelian ethics, emotions also (4) mirror the individual’s vision of what a good human life is like, and the vulnerability of it. The concept of eudaimonia, a fulfilled or flourishing life, is central. Chapter 3 focuses on ideas of ethnicity, and on the specific obligation mentioned in the curriculum of counteracting xenophobia and intolerance in a multicultural society. Chapter 4 discusses various aspects of the teachers’ thoughts on religiosity within Swedish society (often depicted as one of most secular in the world) and within the educational system that is non-denominational. Chapter 5 draws attention to different ways in which the teachers view and teach pupils about sexual orientation. Chapter 6 presents conclusions on potential advantages of and challenges involved in Nussbaum’s Aristotelian theory of emotions, when applied to teachers’ views of and practical work with the fundamental values described in the curriculum. One advantage is that emotions may be intellectually scrutinized and morally assessed, on grounds that are known beforehand and discussed in a democratic process. The non-productive division between emotions, on the one hand, and intellectual and moral capabilities, on the other, is transcended by Nussbaum’s theory. An important challenge is to reflect upon when to discuss the cognitive content of pupils’ emotions, and when it is appropriate to state what is right or wrong, and try to influence pupils accordingly. Keywords: Emotions, vulnerability, values education, religious education, teaching, Martha Nussbaum, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation.


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Resumo não disponível.


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The Brazilian juridical ordain has suffered several transformations on Family Law as of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which incorporated the changes in socio-cultural values and behaviors that appeared in the post-modern Brazilian society, with the repersonalization of the family, beginning with the principles of human dignity, affectivity and familiar solidarity; occurring an enlargement of the concept of family, increasing the relevance of socioaffectivity and eudaimonia. The general purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the constitutional interpretations of paradigmatic cases of the Brazilian Superior Courts checking the conditions and behaviors required to achieve the principles of affectivity and familiar solidarity. To do so, uses an exploratory and descriptive research trough books, scientific papers, jurisprudence, monographs and consult to specialized magazines to identify the reasons and specific purposes of the principles of affectivity and family solidarity within the constitutional norms, systematizing the primary meaning of these principles, then to observe the trial of patriotic courts, the criteria and standards of behavior used in their application. The analysis of recent decisions of the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice on the topic of the familiar relations, utilizing the new interpretative approach to the law that considers man as an ontological being of language, demonstrate that the affectivity and familiar solidarity are constitutional principles concretized in decisions, that don’t affect the principle of protection of the juridical security, that is, don’t cause uncertainty despite the incipient specification of criteria to its use


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The study presents the possibility of interpretation of axiological values of tourism as a practice conceived on a human being or Dasein as being-in-the-world of tourism. The value, as an object of Axiology, was considered the predictor of the human being conduct in the phenomenon reflecting this same value in tourism. The aim was to comprehend and interpret through the way of being of Dasein in tourism, which axiological values are chosen to the practice of tourism and the intentional feelings directed to these values. A phenomenological hermeneutics research with exploratory characteristics was accomplished in order to survey the values. Ten episodic interviews were conducted from the hermeneutic situation - constituted by fore-having, fore-sight and fore-conception of each Dasein interviewed, by adopting a sympathetic conduct and sympathy of Max Scheler and the use of emotional intuition to capture the intentional feelings, interpreted afterwards by the analysis of a Martin Heidegger's phenomenology in Being and Time. The results showed that, even without categorisation, the totality of the living experiences, the way of being of positive values outnumber the negatives ones in the existence of each Dasein, leading them to the Learning, which are comprising: experiences to provide self-knowledge, historical-cultural values, and memory as part of the learning experiences, hospitality as a way of openness and socio-cultural exchange, solidarity and peace. Intentional feelings directed at the values for the choice for practicing tourism were: love, happiness, pleasure, respect and trust. Four evidences were found concerning the use of sentimental perspective and intentional feeling of Scheler and regarding the logic of the heart of Pascal used by this author. The sociocultural interrelationships and exchanges form the basis for developing tourism as phenomenon. Therefore the character being-with or Mitsein is prevalent in tourism activities. Despite the learning was the purpose of the experiences, the ultimate goal was the improvement and personal enrichment of Dasein´s humanity development. The study also showed the hermeneutic phenomenological seeing opens the access of the living experiences of values, without making arbitrarily judgment and achieve "to the thing themselves", which, by the overlapping of categories, dispositions and intentional feelings, form the evaluative experiences and are possible to access through the fundamental ontology of Heidegger. The study contributes to broaden the vision concerning to the totality of tourism and the practitioners Dasein of it. As possibilities for deepening studies, was pointed out: the total person of Scheler; the care or Sorge as a form of love in Heidegger; happiness and pleasure in the practice of tourism and human flourishing or eudaimonia.


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A Christian doctrine of happiness differs greatly from contemporary and pseudo-Christian conceptions of happiness, which are measured subjectively and by the accumulation of external goods. In order to develop a fresh account with objective standards, I critique, integrate and revise Aristotle and Augustine’s accounts of happiness. Additionally, I rely heavily on scriptures to present a telos of godlikeness that in turn informs a robust account of makarios. Throughout the thesis, the argument is made that happiness (eudaimonia) and blessedness (makarios) are equivalents. Despite the skepticism of liberal theologians, Christian happiness (makarios) is promised in the New Testament and achievable in this life. Fundamentally, makarios is relational, active, constant, and dependent.


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Het onderzoek beoogt het vergroten van het inzicht in het verband tussen het ervaren van hedonisme en eudemonisme bij activiteiten enerzijds en depressie en welbevinden anderzijds bij ouderen op somatische afdelingen in verpleeghuizen, teneinde te kunnen bijdragen aan een verbetering van hun kwaliteit van leven. Het betrof een cross-sectioneel survey onderzoek met het ervaren hedonisme en eudemonisme als predictoren, de ernst van depressieve symptomen als primaire uitkomstmaat en welbevinden als secundaire uitkomstmaat. In totaal namen 59 bewoners deel aan dit onderzoek met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 87.9 jaar (SD = 5.9), waarvan 51 (86.4%) vrouwen. Bewoners met ernstige gedrags- of communicatiestoornissen werden uitgesloten. De mate van depressieve symptomen werd gemeten met de Geriatrische Depressie Schaal (GDS-8) (Gerritsen et al., 2007); de levenstevredenheid met de Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWSL) (Arrindell, Heesink, & Feij, 1999); het positief en negatief affect met de Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Engelen, Peuter, Victoir, Diest, & Van den Bergh, 2006); de hedonische en eudemonische ervaringen bij activiteiten met een voor dit onderzoek ontwikkelde vragenlijst; en de afhankelijkheid bij de Activiteiten Dagelijks Leven (ADL) met de Barthel Index (Mahoney & Barthel, 1965). Er waren significante negatieve verbanden tussen depressieve symptomen en het ervaren van hedonisme, R² = .14, B = -.56, 95% Cl [-1.07, -.06] en van eudemonisme, R² = .12, B = -.53, 95% Cl [-1.05, .00]. De regressieanalyse van hedonisme én eudemonisme samen gaf echter geen significante effecten op depressieve symptomen. Opvallend was de sterke correlatie (r = .90) tussen hedonische en eudemonische ervaringen. Er zijn geen verbanden gevonden tussen het ervaren van hedonisme en eudemonisme aan de ene kant en het subjectief welbevinden aan de andere kant, te weten levenstevredenheid, positief en negatief affect. Echter bij instrumentele activiteiten van het dagelijks leven (o.a. boodschappen doen en bed opmaken) had eudemonisme een positief verband, R² = .20, B = 3.55, 95% Cl [.75, 6.34] en hedonisme een negatief verband, R² = .20, B = -2.71, 95% Cl [-.5.50, .08] met negatief affect.