990 resultados para ethylene selective oxidation
Nitroxyl radicals such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) are highly selective oxidation catalysts for the conversion of primary alcohols into the corresponding aldehydes. In this study, direct tethering of TEMPO units onto linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has afforded macromolecular catalysts that exhibit solubility in both aqueous and organic solvents. Recovery of the dissolved polymer-supported catalyst has been carried out by precipitation with a suitable solvent such as diethyl ether. The high catalyst activities and selectivities associated traditionally with nitroxyl-mediated oxidations of alcohols are retained by the series of "linker-less" linear PEG-TEMPO catalysts in which the TEMPO moiety is coupled directly to the PEG support. Although the selectivity remains unaltered, upon recycling of the linker-less polymer-supported catalysts, extended reaction times are required to maintain high yields of the desired carbonyl compounds. Alternatively, attachment of two nitroxyl radicals onto each functionalized PEG chain terminus via a 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid linker affords branched polymer-supported catalysts. In stark contrast to the linker-less catalysts, these branched nitroxyls exhibit catalytic activities up to five times greater than 4-methoxy-TEMPO alone under similar conditions. In addition, minimal decrease in catalytic activity is observed upon recycling of these branched macromolecular catalysts via solvent-induced precipitation. The high catalytic activities and preservation of activity upon recycling of these branched systems is attributed to enhanced regeneration of the nitroxyl species as a result of intramolecular syn-proportionation.
Novel non-toxic poly(ethylene glycol)-supported 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) moieties are demonstrated to give an excellent interfacial catalysis for the selective oxidation of alcohols to the corresponding carbonyl species in biphasic media and investigation for the recovery of these new macromolecular catalysts via precipitation with diethyl ether after catalysis has also been briefly studied.
Laktoosi eli maitosokeri on tärkein ainesosa useimpien nisäkkäiden tuottamassa maidossa. Sitä erotetaan herasta, juustosta ja maidosta. Laktoosia käytetään elintarvike- ja lääketeollisuuden raaka-aineena monissaeri tuotteissa. Lääketeollisuudessa laktoosia käytetään esimerkiksi tablettien täyteaineena. Hapettamalla laktoosia voidaan valmistaa laktobionihappoa, 2-keto-laktobionihappoa ja laktuloosia. Laktobionihappoa käytetään biohajoavien pintojen ja kosmetiikkatuotteiden valmistuksessa, sekä sisäelinten säilöntäliuoksissa, joissa laktobionihappo estää happiradikaalien aiheuttamien kudosvaurioiden syntymistä. Tässä työssä laktoosia hapetettiin laktobionihapoksi sekoittimella varustetussa laboratoriomittakaavaisessa panosreaktorissa käyttäenkatalyyttinä palladiumia aktiivihiilellä. Muutamissa kokeissa katalyytin promoottorina käytettiin vismuttia, joka hidastaa katalyytin deaktivoitumista. Työn tarkoituksena oli saada lisää tietoa laktoosin hapettamisen kinetiikasta. Laktoosin hapettumisessa laktobionihapoksi havaittiin selektiivisyyteen vaikuttavan muunmuassa reaktiolämpötila, paine, pH ja käytetyn katalyytin määrä. Katalyyttiä kierrättämällä eri kokeiden välillä saatiin paremmat konversiot, selektiivisyydet ja saannot. Parhaat koetulokset saatiin hapetettaessa synteettisellä ilmalla 60 oC lämpötilassa ja 1 bar paineessa. Tehdyissä kokeissa pH:n säätö tehtiin manuaalisesti, joten pH ei pysynyt koko ajan haluttuna. Laktoosin konversio oli parhaimmillaan 95 %. Laktobionihapon suhteellinen selektiivisyys oli 100% ja suhteellinen saanto 100 %. Kinetiikan matemaattinen mallinnus tehtiin Modest-ohjelmalla käyttäen kokeista saatuja mittaustuloksia.Ohjelman avulla estimoitiin parametreja ja saatiin matemaattinen malli reaktorille. Tässä työssä tehtiin kineettinen mallinnus myös ravistelureaktorissa tehdyille laktoosin hapetuskokeille, missä pH pysyi koko ajan haluttuna 'in-situ' titrauksen avulla. Työn yhteydessä selvitettiin myös mahdollisuutta käyttää monoliittikatalyyttejä laktoosin hapetusreaktiossa.
La gran eficiència, selectivitat i les condicions suaus exhibides per les reaccions que tenen lloc al centre actiu de les metal·looxigenases són la font d'inspiració per la present dissertació. Amb l'objectiu de dissenyar catalitzadors d'oxidació eficients hem fet ús de dues estratègies: la primera consisteix en el disseny de complexos amb baix pes molecular inspirats en aspectes estructurals de la primera esfera de coordinació del centre metàl·lic d'enzims de ferro i de manganès. Aquests complexos s'han estudiat com a catalitzadors en l'oxidació selectiva d'alcans i d'alquens fent servir oxidants "verds" com ara l'H2O2. La segona estratègia està basada en l'ús de la química supramolecular per tal de desenvolupar estructures moleculars auto-acoblades amb la forma i les propietats químiques desitjades. Concretament, la construcció de nanocontenidors amb un catalitzador d'oxidació incrustat a la seva estructura ens permetria dur a terme reaccions més selectives, tal com passa en les reaccions catalitzades per enzims.
A series of multicarboxylic acid appended imidazolium ionic liquids ( McaILs) with chloride [ Cl](-) or bromide [ Br](-) as anions have been synthesized and characterized. Deprotonation of these ionic acids gives the corresponding zwitterions. Re-protonation of the zwitterions with strong Bronsted acids gives a series of new ionic acid-adducts, many of which remained as room-temperature ionic liquids. A new catalytic system, McaIL/PdCl2 for the selective catalytic oxidation of styrene to acetophenone with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant has been attempted. In the presence of McaILs, it is found that the quantity of palladium chloride PdCl2 used can be greatly reduced while the activity ( TOF) and selectivity towards acetophenone are enhanced sharply. It is also shown that the catalytic properties of this system could be finely tuned through the molecular design of the McaILs. The best TOF value obtained so far is 146 h(-1) with 100% conversion of styrene at 93% selectivity to acetophenone. In addition, the catalytic activity has been maintained for at least ten catalytic cycles.
This work deals with the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) using metal supported catalysts. Catalysts were prepared from the immobilisation of preformed monometallic (Au, Pd) and bimetallic (AuCu, AuPd) nanoparticles on commercial oxides (TiO2, CeO2). Au-TiO2 catalyst was found to be very active for HMF oxidation; however, this system deactivated very fast. For this reason, we prepared bimetallic gold-copper nanoparticles and an increase in the catalytic activity was observed together with an increase in catalyst stability. In order to optimise the interaction of the metal active phase with the support, Au and AuCu nanoparticles were supported onto CeO2. Au-CeO2 catalyst was found to be more active than the bimetallic one, leading to the conclusion that in this case the most important feature is the interaction between gold and the support. Catalyst pre-treatments (calcination and washing) were carried out to maximise the contact between the metal and the oxide and an increase in the FDCA production could be observed. The presence of ceria defective sites was crucial for FDCA formation. Mesoporous cerium oxide was synthesised with the hard template method and was used as support for Au nanoparticles to promote the catalytic activity. In order to study the role of active phase in HMF oxidation, PdAu nanoparticles were supported onto TiO2. Au and Pd monometallic catalysts were very active in the formation of HMFCA (5-hydroxymethyl-2-furan carboxylic acid), but Pd was not able to convert it, leading to a low FDCA yield. The calcination of PdAu catalysts led to Pd segregation on the particles surface, which changed the reaction pathway and included an important contribution of the Cannizzaro reaction. PVP protected PdAu nanoparticles, synthesised with different morphologies (core-shell and alloyed structure), confirmed the presence of a different reaction mechanism when the metal surface composition changes.
Ultrathin alumina monolayers grafted onto an ordered mesoporous SBA-15 silica framework afford a composite catalyst support with unique structural properties and surface chemistry. Palladium nanoparticles deposited onto Al-SBA-15 via wet impregnation exhibit the high dispersion and surface oxidation characteristic of pure aluminas, in conjunction with the high active site densities characteristic of thermally stable, high-area mesoporous silicas. This combination confers significant rate enhancements in the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of cinnamyl alcohol over Pd/Al-SBA-15 compared to mesoporous alumina or silica supports. Operando, liquid-phase XAS highlights the interplay between dissolved oxygen and the oxidation state of palladium nanoparticles dispersed over Al-SBA-15 towards on-stream reduction: ambient pressures of flowing oxygen are sufficient to hinder palladium oxide reduction to metal, enabling a high selox activity to be maintained, whereas rapid PdO reduction and concomitant catalyst deactivation occurs under static oxygen. Selectivity to the desired cinnamaldehyde product mirrors these trends in activity, with flowing oxygen minimising CO cleavage of the cinnamyl alcohol reactant to trans-β-methylstyrene, and of cinnamaldehyde decarbonylation to styrene. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde was investigated by time-resolved synchronous DRIFTS/MS/XAS over silica and alumina supported Pd nanoparticles. Alcohol and oxygen reactant feeds were cycled through the catalyst bed while dynamic measurements of the palladium oxidation state, molecular adsorbates and evolved product distribution were made simultaneously on a sub-second timescale. Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles remained in a partially oxidised state
The selective oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde over ultrathin Au overlayers on Pd(1 1 1) and Au/Pd(1 1 1) surface alloys has been investigated by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mass spectrometry. Pure gold is catalytically inert towards crotyl alcohol which undergoes reversible adsorption. In contrast, thermal processing of a 3.9 monolayer (ML) gold overlayer allows access to a range of AuPd surface alloy compositions, which are extremely selective towards crotonaldehyde production, and greatly reduce the extent of hydrocarbon decomposition and eventual carbon laydown compared with base Pd(1 1 1). XPS and CO titrations suggest that palladium-rich surface alloys offer the optimal balance between alcohol oxidative dehydrogenation activity while minimising competitive decomposition pathways, and that Pd monomers are not the active surface ensemble for such selox chemistry over AuPd alloys. Crown Copyright © 2008.
Highly ordered mesoporous alumina was prepared via evaporation induced self assembly and was impregnated to afford a family of Pd/meso-Al2O3 catalysts for the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of allylic alcohols under mild reaction conditions. CO chemisorption and XPS identify the presence of highly dispersed (0.9–2 nm) nanoparticles comprising heavily oxidised PdO surfaces, evidencing a strong palladium-alumina interaction. Surface PdO is confirmed as the catalytically active phase responsible for allylic alcohol selox, with initial rates for Pd/meso-Al2O3 far exceeding those achievable for palladium over either amorphous alumina or mesoporous silica supports. Pd/meso-Al2O3 is exceptionally active for the atom efficient selox of diverse allylic alcohols, with activity inversely proportional to alcohol mass.
The utility of a hierarchically ordered nanoporous SBA-15 architecture, comprising 270 nm macropores and 5 nm mesopores (MM-SBA-15), for the catalytic aerobic selective oxidation of sterically challenging allylic alcohols is shown. Detailed bulk and surface characterization reveals that incorporation of complementary macropores into mesoporous SBA-15 enhances the dispersion of sub 2 nm Pd nanoparticles and thus their degree of surface oxidation. Kinetic profiling reveals a relationship between nanoparticle dispersion and oxidation rate, identifying surface PdO as the catalytically active phase. Hierarchical nanoporous Pd/MM-SBA-15 outperforms mesoporous analogues in allylic alcohol selective oxidation by (i) stabilizing PdO nanoparticles and (ii) dramatically improving in-pore diffusion and access to active sites by sesquiterpenoid substrates such as farnesol and phytol. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
Here, we report on the first application of high-pressure XPS (HP-XPS) to the surface catalyzed selective oxidation of a hydrocarbon over palladium, wherein the reactivity of metal and oxide surfaces in directing the oxidative dehydrogenation of crotyl alcohol (CrOH) to crotonaldehyde (CrHCO) is evaluated. Crotonaldehyde formation is disfavored over Pd(111) under all reaction conditions, with only crotyl alcohol decomposition observed. In contrast, 2D Pd5O4 and 3D PdO overlayers are able to selectively oxidize crotyl alcohol (1 mTorr) to crotonaldehyde in the presence of co-fed oxygen (140 mTorr) at temperatures as low as 40 °C. However, 2D Pd5O4 ultrathin films are unstable toward reduction by the alcohol at ambient temperature, whereas the 3D PdO oxide is able to sustain catalytic crotonaldehyde production even up to 150 °C. Co-fed oxygen is essential to stabilize palladium surface oxides toward in situ reduction by crotyl alcohol, with stability increasing with oxide film dimensionality.
In-situ, synchronous MS/XANES reveals the Pd catalyzed selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol is regulated by the balance between the oxidation state and reducibility. Dynamic XANES measurements provide a new, rapid method to determine redox kinetics of nanoparticles and identify important parameters to optimize catalyst design. © 2012 American Chemical Society.
The heterogeneously catalysed selective aerobic oxidation of alcohols is an important tool for the synthesis of valuable chemical intermediates and a hot topic within both academic and industrial arenas. In this mini-review, selected aspects of catalyst formulation, process operating conditions, and progress in identifying the active sites and surface reaction mechanisms notably through the application of synchrotron radiation, are highlighted. © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry.