995 resultados para ethyl diazoacetate


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Catalytic cyclopropanation reactions of olefins with ethyl diazoacetate were carried out using copper(I) diphosphinoamine (PPh2)(2)N(R) (R = Pr-i, H, Ph and -CH2-C6H4-CH=CH2) complexes at 40 degrees C in chloroform. High yields of the cyclopropanes were obtained in all cases. The rate of the reaction was influenced by the nuclearity of the complex and the binding mode of the ligand which was either bridging or chelating. Comparison of isostructural complexes shows that the rate follows the order R = Pr-i > H > Ph, where R is the substituent on the N. However, cyclopropane formation versus dimerization of the carbene, and trans to cis ratios of cyclopropane was similar in all cases. The nearly identical selectivity for different products formed was indicative of a common catalytic intermediate. A labile "copper-olefin" complex which does not involve the phosphine or the counterion is the most likely candidate. The differences in the reaction rates for different complexes are attributed to differences in the concentration of the catalytically active species which are in equilibrium with the catalytically inactive copper-phosphinoamine complex. To test the hypothesis a diphosphinoamine polymer complexed to copper(I) was used as a heterogeneous catalyst. Leaching of copper(I) and deactivation of the catalyst confirmed the proposed mechanism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Some heterogeneous catalysts, cupric oxide supported on different supports, were prepared and employed to catalyze the cyclopropanation of styrene and 2,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexadiene with ethyl diazoacetate (EDA). The catalytic performance for cyclopropanation strongly depends on the nature of the support. A novel catalyst, CUO/TiO2-Al2O3, in which Al2O3 is modified with a monolayer TiO2, is found to be most active and selective for the cyclopropanation reaction. The yields of 93 and 94% cyclopropanes are obtained for styrene and 2,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexadiene at 40 degreesC as the substrates, respectively. The activity and selectivity in cyclopropanes are optimized with a monolayer dispersion of cupric oxide on the corresponding supports. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação descreve estudos desenvolvidos segundo três metodologias para a funcionalização de meso-tetra-arilporfirinas; uma delas baseada na funcionalização com diazo compostos, outra na reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura e a terceira na reacção de metátese. O presente documento é composto por quatro partes distintas. Na primeira parte são feitas considerações gerais sobre propriedades e aplicações de macrociclos porfirínicos. Na segunda parte é apresentado o trabalho realizado na funcionalização de porfirinas com diazo compostos através de reacções de inserção com um catalisador de ródio(II). Este estudo envolveu a preparação de duas porfirinas com grupos O-H e N-H nas posições para dum substituinte meso-fenilo. Os estudos iniciaram-se com a reacção de 5-(4-hidroxifenil)-10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com diazoacetato de etilo na presença de Rh2(OAc)4. Obteve-se o produto esperado de inserção com bons rendimentos. A reacção de 5-(4-aminofenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com esse diazo composto na presença de Rh2(OAc)4 mostrou um perfil diferente do da reacção com o outro porfirinato. Foram obtidos três produtos, a saber: produto de bis-inserção e dois outros contendo o grupo funcional amida. Este capítulo descreve ainda a síntese de glicoporfirinas e de glicoclorinas através de reacções de inserção e de ciclopropanação envolvendo, respectivamente, os complexos 5-(4-hidroxifenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 5,10,15,20- tetraquis(pentafluorofenil)porfirinatozinco(II) com α-diazoacetatos com substituintes sacarídicos. Foram usados, como catalisadores, Rh2(OAc)4 e CuCl, respectivamente, na reacção de inserção e na de ciclopropanação. Tendo em vista a sua aplicação em PDT, os novos produtos foram descomplexados e a unidade glicosídica foi desprotegida. Estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que os compostos obtidos são bons geradores dessa espécie citotóxica. Foram também realizados estudos de avaliação da actividade fotodinâmica em células humanas tumorais HeLa e em células humanas saudáveis HaCaT. Estudos de viabilidade celular, após tratamento fotodinâmico, mostraram que as glicoclorinas são mais eficazes na fotoinactivação das células tumorais. Apenas o derivado da clorina com a unidade de galactose mostrou selectividade para a linha celular tumoral, inibindo o crescimento desta e não causando efeito significativo na linha celular saudável. Este fotossensibilizador não foi tóxico na ausência de luz e depois do tratamento fotodinâmico e em condições sub-letais, provocou vacuolização citoplasmática e retracção pronunciada nas células tumorais, enquanto que nas células saudáveis os danos sofridos foram escassos. Nos estudos de localização celular este fotossensibilizador localizou-se na membrana citoplasmática e nos lisossomas tanto nas células HeLa como nas HaCaT. Na terceira parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados obtidos nos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura. O complexo 2-(4,4,5,5,-tetrametil-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-il)-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) foi o composto escolhido como reagente de partida. Usando a reacção de Suzuki foi possível sintetizar complexos β-bromoarilporfirínicos em bons rendimentos. Estes complexos foram sujeitos à reacção de Suzuki com pinacolborano, tendo sido possível obter os produtos de acoplamento esperados e ainda derivados diméricos de complexos porfirínicos ligados por unidades fenileno. Esta metodologia reacional, catalisada por paládio, permitiu ainda sintetizar novos derivados quinolona-porfirina através da reacção do complexo porfirínico β-borilado anteriormente referido com bromo-quinolonas Nsubstiuídas com grupos alquílicos e glicosídicos. Deste modo foram obtidos derivados quinolona-porfirina em bons rendimentos. Com vista a realizar estudos de potencial aplicação em PACT, foram hidrolisados os grupos éster da unidade de quinolona e clivados os grupos protectores das unidades glicosídicas desses derivados. No estudo por MS Tandem (MS/MS) foi possível verificar que os isómeros dos derivados quinolona-porfirina sofrem as mesmas vias de fragmentação, confirmando as suas estruturas análogas. Foi possível ainda distinguir os derivados em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da posição C-6 da quinolona daqueles em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da sua posição C-7. Os estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que as porfirinas β- substituídas com unidades de quinolona são melhores geradoras desta espécie citotóxica do que a tetrafenilporfirina e que a eficiência que têm em gerar essa espécie é afectada pela posição da ligação entre a porfirina e a quinolona, assim como com o tipo do N-substituinte da quinolona. As bases livres dos conjugados quinolona-porfirinatos foram testadas como fotossensibilizadores em PACT em células do parasita Leishmania Braziliensis, tendo-se observado que estes compostos têm capacidade para fotoinactivar este parasita. Na quarta parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados dos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de metátese com catalisador de Grubbs, visando a obtenção de novos macrociclos com grupos triazolilo. Verificouse que a eficiência da reacção de metátese cruzada entre 2-vinil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazóis N-substituídos dependia das condições reaccionais e do triazol usado em cada caso. Foi possível ainda concluir que o impedimento estéreo das espécies envolvidas é um dos responsáveis pelo ciclo catalítico prosseguir por uma via secundária, originando uma espécie de ruténio pouco eficiente como catalisador. Este estudo foi estendido à reacção dos 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazois seleccionados com 2-butadienil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatoniquel(II); em cada caso foi possível obter uma mistura de isómeros dos derivados triazol-porfirina, geralmente em maiores rendimentos globais do que na reacção com 2-vinil-5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II). Este facto será indicativo de que a reacção de metátase com esse derivado porfirínico segue, predominantemente, a via mais eficiente.


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A ring-contractive and highly diastereoselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement occurs when N-methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine is treated with sub-stoichiometric amounts of copper or rhodium salts, in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate, giving ethyl cis-N-methyl-3-ethenyl proline (4).


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The reaction of 2-chloro-3-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (3) with the anion of ethyl cyanoacetate led to a mixture of two epimeric fused-ring cyclopropane compounds, characterised as exo- and endo-1-cyano-1 -ethoxycarbonyl-1a-methyl-1a,7a-dihydro-1H-cyclopropa[b]naphthalene-2,7-dione (8) and (9). Various hydrolysis products of these were prepared and an X-ray crystallographic analysis was carried out on one of them, 1-carbamoyl-1 -carboxy-1a-methyl-1a,7a-dihydro-1H-cyclopropa[b]-naphthalene-2,7-dione (17). The reaction of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (1) with ethyl diazoacetate gave a fused pyrazoline derivative, 3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy-9a-methyl-1,9a-dihydro-benz[f]indazol-9-one (22), while reaction of 2-methyl-3-nitro-1,4-naphthoquinone (5) with diazomethane led to a fused Δ2-isoxazoline N-oxide, 3a-methyl-3,3a-dihydroisoxazolo[3,4-b]naphthalene-4,9-dione 1-oxide (26).


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The reactivity of the new complex [RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(3,5-Me(2)piperidine)], complex 1, was investigated for ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of norbornene (NBE) and norbornadiene (NBD) in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) in CHCl(3). The aim is to observe the combination of PPh(3) and an amine as ancillary ligands concerning the steric hindrance and the electronic perturbation in the properties of the N-bound site when replacing the amines. Thus, the results with 1 were compared to the results obtained when the amine is piperidine (complex 2). Reaction with 1 provides 70% yield of isolated polyNBE (M(n) =8.3 x 10(4) g/mol; PDI = 2.03), whereas 2 provides quantitative reaction (M(n) = 1.2 x 10(5) g/mol; PDI = 1.90) with [NBE]/[Ru] = 5000, [EDA]/[Ru] = 48 and 1.1 mu mol of Ru for 5 min at 25 degrees C. The resulting polymers showed c.a. 62% of trans-polyNBE, determined by (1)H NMR, and T(g) = 32 degrees C, determined by DSC and DMTA. For ROMP of NBD, 1 showed quantitative yield with PDI =2.62 when [NBD]/[Ru] = 5000 for 20 min at 25 degrees C, whereas the reaction with 2 reached 55% with PDI = 2.16 in the same conditions. It is concluded that the presence of the two methyl groups in the piperidine ring provides an increase in the induction period to produce the Ru-carbene species justifying better polyNBE results with 2, and a greater amine(sigma)-> Ru(pi)-> monomer synergism which contributed to the best activation of less tensioned olefin as NBD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polynorbornadiene and polynorbornene were synthesized via ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) with [RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(amine)] as catalyst precursors, amine = piperidine (1) or perhydroazepine (2) in the presence of 5 mu L of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) ([monomer]/[Ru] = 5000; 40 degrees C with 1; 25 degrees C with 2). The effects of the solvent volume (2-8 mL of CHCl(3)) reaction time (5-120 min) and atmosphere type (argon and air) on the yields were investigated to observe the behavior of the two different precursors. Quantitative yields were obtained for 60 or 120 min regardless of the starting volumes, either in argon or air, with both Ru species. However, low yields were obtained for short times (5-30 min) when the reactions are performed with large volumes (6-8 mL). In argon, the yields were larger with 2, associated to a faster propagation reaction controlled by the Ru active species. In air, the yields were larger with 1, associated to a higher resistance to O(2) of the starting and propagating Ru species. The different activities between 1 and 2 are discussed considering the steric hindrance and electronic characteristics of the amines such as ancillary ligands and their arrangements with PPh(3) and Cl(-) ions in the metal centers. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polynorbonerne with high molecular weight was obtained via ring opening metathesis polymerization using catalysts derived from [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2) L] (1 for L = PPh(2) Bz; 2 for L = piperidine) type of complexes when in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate in CHCl(3). The polymer precipitated within a few minutes at 50 degrees C when using 1 with ca. 50% yield ([NBE]/[Ru] = 5000). Regarding 2, for either 30 min at 25 C or 5 min at 50 degrees C, more than 90% of yields are obtained; and at 50 C for 30 min a quantitative yield is obtained. The yield and PDI values are sensitive to the [NBE]/[Ru] ratio. The reaction of 1 with either isonicotinamide or nicotinamide produces six-coordinated complexes of [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2)(L)(2)] type, which are almost inactive and produce only small amounts of polymers at 50 C for 30 min. Thus, we Concluded that the novel complexes show very distinct reactivities for ROMP of NBE. This has been rationalized on account of a combination of synergistic effects of the phosphine-amine ancillary ligands. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Copolymers of norbornene (NBE) with norbomadiene (NBD) were obtained via ROMP with [RuCl2(PPh3)(2)(L)] type complexes as initiators (1 for L = piperidine and 2 for L = 3,5-Me(2)piperidine). The reactions were performed using a fixed quantity of NBE (5000 equivalents/[Ru]) for different concentrations of NBD (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 equivalents/ [Ru]) in CHCl3, initiated with ethyl diazoacetate at room temperature. The presence of NBD in the NBE chains was characterized by H-1 and C-13 NMR. Whereas the copolymer microstructure was influenced neither by the NBD quantity nor by the initiator type, the N-n and PDI values were improved when increasing the NBD quantity in the medium. When raising the NBD amount, DMA results indicated increased cross-linking with increasing T-g and E ' storage modulus, as well as the fact that SEM micrographs indicated decreased pore sizes in the porous isolated copolymers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (E-EPA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that has been used in a range of neuropsychiatric conditions with some benefits. However, its mechanism of action is unknown. Here, we investigate its effects on in vivo brain metabolism in first-episode psychosis (FEP). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 T was performed in the temporal lobes of 24 FEP patients before and after 12 weeks of treatment in the context of a larger double-blind, placebo-controlled E-EPA augmentation study. Treatment group effects for glutathione (F1,12=6.1, p=0.03), and a hemisphere-by-group interaction for glutamine/glutamate (F1,20=4.4, p=0.049) were found. Glutathione increased bilaterally and glutamate/glutamine increased in the left hemisphere following E-EPA administration. Improvement in negative symptoms correlated with metabolic brain changes, particularly glutathione (r=-0.57). These results suggest that E-EPA augmentation alters glutathione availability and modulates the glutamine/glutamate cycle in early psychosis, with some of the metabolic brain changes being correlated with negative symptom improvement. Larger confirmatory studies of these postulated metabolic brain effects of E-EPA are warranted.


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A fast and accurate procedure has been researched and developed for the simultaneous determination of maltol and ethyl maltol, based on their reaction with iron(III) in the presence of o-phenanthroline in sulfuric acid medium. This reaction was the basis for an indirect kinetic spectrophotometric method, which followed the development of the pink ferroin product (λmax = 524 nm). The kinetic data were collected in the 370–900 nm range over 0–30 s. The optimized method indicates that individual analytes followed Beer’s law in the concentration range of 4.0–76.0 mg L−1 for both maltol and ethyl maltol. The LOD values of 1.6 mg L−1 for maltol and 1.4 mg L−1 for ethyl maltol agree well with those obtained by the alternative high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). Three chemometrics methods, principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS) and principal component analysis–radial basis function–artificial neural networks (PC–RBF–ANN), were used to resolve the measured data with small kinetic differences between the two analytes as reflected by the development of the pink ferroin product. All three performed satisfactorily in the case of the synthetic verification samples, and in their application for the prediction of the analytes in several food products. The figures of merit for the analytes based on the multivariate models agreed well with those from the alternative HPLC-UV method involving the same samples.


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The crystal structure of the modified unsymmetrically N, N'-substituted viologen chromophore, N-ethyl- N'-(2-phosphonoethyl)-4, 4'-bipyridinium dichloride 0.75 hydrate. (1) has been determined. Crystals are triclinic, space group P-1 with Z = 2 in a cell with a = 7.2550(1), b = 13.2038(5), c = 18.5752(7) Å, α = 86.495(3), β = 83.527(2), γ = 88.921(2)o. The two independent but pseudo-symmetrically related cations in the asymmetric unit form one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chains through short homomeric phosphonic acid O-H...O links [2.455(4), 2.464(4)A] while two of the chloride anions are similarly strongly linked to phosphonic acid groups [O-H…Cl, 2.889(4), 2.896(4)Å]. The other two chloride anions together with the two water molecules of solvation (one with partial occupancy) form unusual cyclic hydrogen-bonded bis(Cl...water) dianion units which lie between the layers of bipyridylium rings of the cation chain structures with which they are weakly associated.