7 resultados para ethnoarchaeology
This paper discusses the ongoing ethnoarchaeological research carried out in Yamana shell middens of Tierra del Fuego. Ethnoarchaeology is used in this research as a tool to improve the archaeological methodology by testing it against anthropological, ethnographical and ethnological sources for achieving more accurate reconstructions of past societies. The ethnographical/ethnological information also is coupled with an experimental approach devised to understand physical and social processes, such as site formation processes and resource use and management. Specifically, this experimental approach was applied to the archaeological sites Tunel VII and Lanashuaia I (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Desde a década de 1970, a etnoarqueologia tem sido realizada na região amazônica com diferentes temas, problemas e objetivos. Independentemente das suas perspectivas, esses trabalhos têm contribuído para o entendimento da pré-história amazônica, ampliando as possibilidades para interpretar o registro arqueológico. Além disso, contribuem na crítica e na revisão dos paradigmas tradicionais que dominaram por muito tempo as explicações sobre os modos de vida das populações amazônicas do presente e do passado. Esse artigo apresenta um panorama desses trabalhos etnoarqueológicos, salientando sua importância para o entendimento da pré-história amazônica e para a continuidade das pesquisas arqueológicas na região.
This paper explores analytically the contemporary pottery-making community of Pereruela (north-west Spain) that produces cooking pots from a mixture of red clay and kaolin. Analyses by different techniques (XRF, NAA, XRD, SEM and petrography) showed an extremely high variability for cooking ware pottery produced in a single production centre, by the same technology and using local clays. The main source of chemical variation is related to the use of different red clays and the presence of non-normally distributed inclusions of monazite. These two factors induce a high chemical variability, not only in the output of a single production centre, but even in the paste of a single pot, to an extent to which chemical compositions from one"workshop", or even one"pot", could be classified as having different provenances. The implications for the chemical characterization and for provenance studies of archaeological ceramics are addressed.
Los Nükák son un pueblo indígena nómada del nordeste amazónico, ubicados en el departamento del Guaviare que basa su supervivencia en prácticas de caza y recolección principalmente. Desde su contacto con la sociedad mayoritaria, esta población se ha encontrado amenazada en su pervivencia como pueblo, en especial por las características de la población de colonos que ingresó a su territorio, el conflicto armado que los impacta provocando muertes y desplazamientos, y un nuevo departamento como lo es el Guaviare (1991) con grandes dificultades sociales, políticas y económicas; siendo la salud de los Nükák una de las más afectadas en medio de este complejo contexto. Ante esta necesidad, se hace imperativo generar una estrategia para el funcionamiento integral de los servicios de salud específica para esta comunidad, que reconozca por un lado la realidad local y su influencia en el citado pueblo y por otro, la percepción que tiene dicho pueblo sobre su salud, analizando el contexto de los Nükák a partir de un estado del arte y su sentir a partir de encuestas aplicadas a mujeres casadas de dicho pueblo. Este estudio es una expresión novedosa e intercultural de la Atención primaria desde la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad, de la operatividad del primer y segundo nivel de atención, del diagnóstico, la rehabilitación, las redes integradas e integrales, la participación, la intersectorialidad, entre otros elementos adaptados a la cultura Nükák que articulados son la estrategia para el funcionamiento integral del servicio de salud para el pueblo Nükák de San José del Guaviare.
This article presents some of the results of ethnoarchaeological research on ceramic technology I have conducted among the Asurini do Xingu, an Amazonian indigenous population inhabiting a village in the margins of the Xingu River, Para, Brazil. Based on collected data, presented throughout the article, I discuss the reasons behind the formal, quantitative, spatial and relational variability of the Asurini ceramic vessels. This work will demonstrate that these distinct dimensions of variability are related to the potters` technological choices during the vessels` production process, the ceramic teaching-learning structure, and the type, frequency, method and context of use of the same vessels. I try to make clear the different practical and symbolic aspects that may influence the production, use, reuse, storage and discard processes of the vessels. Furthermore, I compare the Asurini context with other ethnographic contexts and try to distinguish regularities that may serve as interpretative references to the study of archaeological ceramic assemblages.
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The pottery found in the burials of El Cano is uniform in style to these made in the coclesanos valleys between 700 and 1000 AD. The coefficient of variability of the different pottery forms, evidence diverse standardizations values for polychrome and non-polychrome ceramics. Moreover, data of funerary contexts from the Cano recently excavated, suggest that elite has controlled ceramic production. This control over the production of certain goods reveals that these were important in the support or proper operational of the chiefdoms in Panama and mark the phase of splendour of this culture.