873 resultados para ethnicity - Africa - Tanzania
The Kilombero Malaria Project (KMP) attemps to define opperationally useful indicators of levels of transmission and disease and health system relevant monitoring indicators to evaluate the impact of disease control at the community or health facility level. The KMP is longitudinal community based study (N = 1024) in rural Southern Tanzania, investigating risk factors for malarial morbidity and developing household based malaria control strategies. Biweekly morbidity and bimonthly serological, parasitological and drug consumption surveys are carried out in all study households. Mosquito densities are measured biweekly in 50 sentinel houses by timed light traps. Determinants of transmission and indicators of exposure were not strongly aggregated within households. Subjective morbidity (recalled fever), objective morbidity (elevated body temperature and high parasitaemia) and chloroquine consumption were strongly aggregated within a few households. Nested analysis of anti-NANP40 antibody suggest that only approximately 30% of the titer variance can explained by household clustering and that the largest proportion of antibody titer variability must be explained by non-measured behavioral determinants relating to an individual's level of exposure within a household. Indicators for evaluation and monitoring and outcome measures are described within the context of health service management to describe control measure output in terms of community effectiveness.
Using data from the 2004 wave of the Afrobarometer survey, this study examines correlates of household hardship in three countries of sub-Saharan Africa: Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Findings provide partial support for the hypothesized relationship. Specifically, poverty reduction initiatives and informal assistance are associated with reduced hardship while civic engagement is related to an increase in household hardship. We also note that certain demographic characteristics are linked to hardship. Policy and practice implications are suggested. © The Author(s) 2011.
Aurinkosähköjärjestelmien käyttäminen sähkön tuotannossa on kasvanut viime vuosina teknologian hinnan laskun ja tiukentuvien ympäristömääräyksien seurauksena. Monet aurinkosähköön keskittyvät yritykset etsivät uusia markkinoita Afrikan kehittyvistä maista. Aurinkosähkön avulla voidaan vastata kehittyvien maiden kasvavaan sähköntarpeeseen ja samalla vähentää maiden hiilidioksidipäästöjä sekä nostaa maiden kehittyvää elintasoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aurinkosähköjärjestelmien viemistä kahteen Afrikan kehittyvään maahan Tansaniaan ja Etelä-Afrikkaan. Työn tavoitteena on kohdemaiden liiketoimintaympäristöjen tutkiminen ja markkinapotentiaalin selvittäminen suomalaisen sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikkaan keskittyvän pk-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Työssä selvitetään Tansanian ja Etelä-Afrikan liiketoimintaympäristöjen ja aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden erityispiirteet. Tuloksissa käsitellään myös sopivinta kansainvälistymistapaa tutkitulle pk-yritykselle sekä haasteita, joita yritys kohtaa Afrikan markkinoilla. Kansainvälistymismalleista tutkimuksessa käsitellään Uppsala-mallia ja verkostomallia.
Mehr als die Hälfte aller HIV-positiven Tansanier sind Frauen. Ihre schwächere gesellschaftliche Stellung ist einer der Faktoren, der dazu beiträgt, dass sie einem erhöhten Infektionsrisiko ausgesetzt sind. Aufgrund geringerer Bildungschancen und einer anhaltenden gesellschaftlichen Idealvorstellung von der Frau als Mutter sind Frauen auch auf dem Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt. Im Kontext von HIV/AIDS werden afrikanische Frauen häufig als passive Opfer der Epidemie dargestellt und es wird zu selten aufgezeigt, wie sie als Akteure eigene Strategien im Kampf gegen die Krankheit entwickeln. In letzter Zeit gewinnen Frauenorganisationen an Bedeutung, denn viele Frauen wollen ausdrücklich eigenverantwortlich und ohne Männer arbeiten. Eine solche Organisation ist die in meiner Arbeit vorgestellte NGO KIWAMWAKU („Kikundi cha Wanawake Mwanga kupambana na Ukimwi“ – Vereinigung von Frauen aus Mwanga zum Kampf gegen AIDS). Meine Forschung hat gezeigt, dass Frauen ihre gesellschaftliche Stellung durch das Engagement in einer NGO verbessern können. Sie können ein eigenes Einkommen erwirtschaften und nützliche Kenntnisse etwa in der Führung einer Organisation erlangen. Allerdings profitieren nicht alle Beteiligten gleichermaßen. Die drei Leiterinnen der erforschten NGO verfügten über die meisten Vorteile; sie profitierten finanziell, aber auch ideell, denn sie genossen durch ihre Arbeit hohes Ansehen im gesamten Mwanga-Distrikt. Dagegen konnten einige der Klientinnen nur in sehr geringem Maße von Interventionen profitieren. Letztlich bin ich jedoch überzeugt davon, dass durch solche Frauenorganisationen ein wichtiger Prozess angestoßen worden ist, durch den Frauen mittel- oder langfristig eine stärkere Stellung innerhalb der tansanischen Gesellschaft erlangen können, was sich wiederum positiv auf die immer noch steigenden HIV/AIDS-Infektionsraten auswirken kann.
BACKGROUND: Estimates of the decrease in CD4(+) cell counts in untreated patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are important for patient care and public health. We analyzed CD4(+) cell count decreases in the Cape Town AIDS Cohort and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: We used mixed-effects models and joint models that allowed for the correlation between CD4(+) cell count decreases and survival and stratified analyses by the initial cell count (50-199, 200-349, 350-499, and 500-750 cells/microL). Results are presented as the mean decrease in CD4(+) cell count with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) during the first year after the initial CD4(+) cell count. RESULTS: A total of 784 South African (629 nonwhite) and 2030 Swiss (218 nonwhite) patients with HIV infection contributed 13,388 CD4(+) cell counts. Decreases in CD4(+) cell count were steeper in white patients, patients with higher initial CD4(+) cell counts, and older patients. Decreases ranged from a mean of 38 cells/microL (95% CI, 24-54 cells/microL) in nonwhite patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study 15-39 years of age with an initial CD4(+) cell count of 200-349 cells/microL to a mean of 210 cells/microL (95% CI, 143-268 cells/microL) in white patients in the Cape Town AIDS Cohort > or =40 years of age with an initial CD4(+) cell count of 500-750 cells/microL. CONCLUSIONS: Among both patients from Switzerland and patients from South Africa, CD4(+) cell count decreases were greater in white patients with HIV infection than they were in nonwhite patients with HIV infection.
This paper explores the diverse ways that children and young people negotiate their social identities and construct their life course trajectories on the street, based on ethnographic research with street children in Tanzania. Drawing on the concept of a ‘street career’, I show how differences of age, gender and ethnicity intersect with the time spent on the street, to influence young people’s livelihood strategies, use of public space, access to services, and adherence to cultural rites of passage. Using the notion of ‘gender performativity’, I analyse how young people actively reconfigure gender norms and the concept of ‘the family’ on the street.
Shaming men, performing power: female authority in Zimbabwe and Tanzania on the eve of colonial rule
BACKGROUND: Estimates of the decrease in CD4(+) cell counts in untreated patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are important for patient care and public health. We analyzed CD4(+) cell count decreases in the Cape Town AIDS Cohort and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: We used mixed-effects models and joint models that allowed for the correlation between CD4(+) cell count decreases and survival and stratified analyses by the initial cell count (50-199, 200-349, 350-499, and 500-750 cells/microL). Results are presented as the mean decrease in CD4(+) cell count with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) during the first year after the initial CD4(+) cell count. RESULTS: A total of 784 South African (629 nonwhite) and 2030 Swiss (218 nonwhite) patients with HIV infection contributed 13,388 CD4(+) cell counts. Decreases in CD4(+) cell count were steeper in white patients, patients with higher initial CD4(+) cell counts, and older patients. Decreases ranged from a mean of 38 cells/microL (95% CI, 24-54 cells/microL) in nonwhite patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study 15-39 years of age with an initial CD4(+) cell count of 200-349 cells/microL to a mean of 210 cells/microL (95% CI, 143-268 cells/microL) in white patients in the Cape Town AIDS Cohort > or =40 years of age with an initial CD4(+) cell count of 500-750 cells/microL. CONCLUSIONS: Among both patients from Switzerland and patients from South Africa, CD4(+) cell count decreases were greater in white patients with HIV infection than they were in nonwhite patients with HIV infection.
BACKGROUND Proper diagnosis of skin diseases relies on dermatopathology, the most important diagnostic technique in dermatology. Unfortunately, there are few dermatopathology institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, where little is known about the spectrum of histopathological features observed. OBJECTIVES To investigate the spectrum of dermatopathological diagnoses made in a sub-Saharan African reference centre of a large, mainly rural area. PATIENTS/METHODS To retrospectively evaluate all dermatopathological diagnoses made over a period of 5 years at the Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania. RESULTS There were a total of 1554 skin biopsy specimens. In 45% of cases, there were inflammatory diseases, most frequently lichenoid conditions. Cutaneous neoplasms represented 30.4% of all diagnoses, with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and, less frequently, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) being the two most common neoplastic conditions. The latter also reflected the intensive management of persons with albinism in the RDTC. The distribution of histological diagnoses seemed to correlate with the overall clinical spectrum of cutaneous diseases managed in the RDTC. CONCLUSIONS In this African study inflammatory conditions are the main burden of skin diseases leading to a diagnostic biopsy. Our findings provide further evidence that KS, primarily related to the high prevalence of HIV infection is an epidemiological problem. Both SCC and basal cell carcinoma represent another relatively common malignant cutaneous neoplasms, reflecting the presence of specific populations at risk. The challenging spectrum of histological diagnoses observed in this specific African setting with basic working conditions shows that development of laboratory services of good standards and specific training in dermatopathology are urgently needed.
Abstract The potential impacts of climate change and environmental variability are already evident in most parts of the world, which is witnessing increasing temperature rates and prolonged flood or drought conditions that affect agriculture activities and nature-dependent livelihoods. This study was conducted in Mwanga District in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania to assess the nature and impacts of climate change and environmental variability on agriculture-dependent livelihoods and the adaptation strategies adopted by small-scale rural farmers. To attain its objective, the study employed a mixed methods approach in which both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used. The study shows that farmers are highly aware of their local environment and are conscious of the ways environmental changes affect their livelihoods. Farmers perceived that changes in climatic variables such as rainfall and temperature had occurred in their area over the period of three decades, and associated these changes with climate change and environmental variability. Farmers’ perceptions were confirmed by the evidence from rainfall and temperature data obtained from local and national weather stations, which showed that temperature and rainfall in the study area had become more variable over the past three decades. Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of climate change vary depending on the location, age and gender of the respondents. The findings show that the farmers have limited understanding of the causes of climatic conditions and environmental variability, as some respondents associated climate change and environmental variability with social, cultural and religious factors. This study suggests that, despite the changing climatic conditions and environmental variability, farmers have developed and implemented a number of agriculture adaptation strategies that enable them to reduce their vulnerability to the changing conditions. The findings show that agriculture adaptation strategies employ both planned and autonomous adaptation strategies. However, the study shows that increasing drought conditions, rainfall variability, declining soil fertility and use of cheap farming technology are among the challenges that limit effective implementation of agriculture adaptation strategies. This study recommends further research on the varieties of drought-resilient crops, the development of small-scale irrigation schemes to reduce dependence on rain-fed agriculture, and the improvement of crop production in a given plot of land. In respect of the development of adaptation strategies, the study recommends the involvement of the local farmers and consideration of their knowledge and experience in the farming activities as well as the conditions of their local environment. Thus, the findings of this study may be helpful at various levels of decision making with regard to the development of climate change and environmental variability policies and strategies towards reducing farmers’ vulnerability to current and expected future changes.