871 resultados para ethically questionable sales behaviors


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[ES] Actualmente las organizaciones necesitan dar prestigio a sus equipos de ventas, conocedoras de la influencia que tienen los vendedores sobre el éxito o fracaso de la empresa y de la deteriorada imagen que la sociedad ha tenido tradicionalmente de los vendedores, debido en parte, a la utilización de prácticas éticamente cuestionables por parte de los mismos.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a model of the role managers and peers play in shaping salespeople's ethical behaviour. The model specifies that sales manager personal moral philosophies, whether sales managers themselves are rewarded according to the outcomes or behaviours of their salespeople, sales team job security, intra-team cooperation, and sales team tactical performance all influence sales team ethical standards. In turn, ethical standards influence the probability that sales team members will behave (un)ethically when faced with ethical dilemmas. Design/methodology/approach – The model is tested on a sample of 154 Finnish sales managers. Data were collected via mail survey. Analysis was undertaken using structural equation modelling. Findings – Ethical standards appear to be shaped by several factors; behaviour-based management controls increase ethical standards, relativist managers tend to manage less ethically-minded sales teams, job insecurity impedes the development of ethical standards, and sales teams' cooperation activity increases ethical standards. Sales teams are less likely to engage in unethical behaviour when the teams have strong ethical standards. Research limitations/implications – Cross-sectional data limits generalisability; single country data may limit the ability to generalise to different sales environments; additional measure development is needed; identification of additional antecedent factors would be beneficial. Practical implications – Sales managers should consciously develop high ethical standards in sales teams if they wish to reduce unethical behaviour. Ethical standards can be improved if sales managers change their own outward behaviour (exhibit a less relativistic ethical philosophy), foster cooperation amongst salespeople, and develop perceptions of job security. How sales managers are rewarded may shape how they approach the management of ethical behaviour in their sales teams. Originality/value – This paper appears to be the first to simultaneously examine both sales manager-specific and sales team-specific antecedents to sales team ethical standards and behaviours. As such, it provides an important base for research in this critical area.


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There is a lack of integrative conceptual models that would help to better understand the underlying reasons for the alleged problems of MBA education. To address this challenge, we draw on the work of Pierre Bourdieu to examine MBA education as an activity with its own ‘economy of exchange’ and ‘rules of the game.’ We argue that application of Bourdieu’s theoretical ideas elucidates three key issues in debate around MBA education: the outcomes of MBA programs, the inculcation of potentially problematic values and practices through the programs, and the potential of self-regulation such as accreditation and ranking for impeding development of MBA education. First, Bourdieu’s notions of capital – intellectual, social and symbolic – shed light on the ‘economy of exchange’ in MBA education. Critics of MBA programs have pointed out that the value of MBA degrees lies not only in ‘learning.’ Bourdieu’s framework allows further analysis of this issue by distinguishing between intellectual (learning), social (social networks), and symbolic capital (credentials and prestige). Second, the concept of ‘habitus’ suggests how values and practices are inculcated through MBA education. This process is often a ‘voluntary’ one where problematic or ethically questionable ideas may be regarded as natural. Third, Bourdieu’s reflections on the ‘doxa’ and its reproduction and legitimation illuminate the role of accreditation and ranking in MBA education. An analysis of such self-regulation explains in part how the system may turn out impeding change.


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The KIT receptor protein-tyrosine kinase plays an important role during embryonic development. Activation of KIT is crucial for the development of various cell lineages such as melanoblasts, stem cells of the haematopoietic system, spermatogonia and intestinal cells of Cajal. In mice, many mutations in the Kit gene cause pigmentation disorders accompanied by pleiotropic effects on blood cells and male fertility. Previous work has demonstrated that dominant white Franches-Montagnes horses carry one copy of the KIT gene with the p.Y717X mutation. The targeted breeding of white horses would be ethically questionable if white horses were known to suffer from anaemia or leukopenia. The present study demonstrates that no statistically significant differences in peripheral blood parameters are detectable between dominant white and solid-coloured Franches-Montagnes horses. The data indicate that KIT mutations may have different effects in mice, pigs, and horses. The KIT p.Y717X mutation does not have a major negative effect on the haematopoietic system of dominant white horses.


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I develop the argument that our current decision-making framework, utility theory, when used by itself, is 1) descriptively incomplete, 2) theoretically flawed, and 2) ethically questionable. In response, I offer an exploratory framework that incorporates both consequentialist and non-consequentialist motivations. Adding a commitment function provides a synthesis which remedies the problems associated with the sole use of utility theory. Finally, I show how philosophers Immanuel Kant, W.D. Ross, and Martin Buber provide an ethical basis for the framework.


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A gyógyszeripar egyszerre tartozik a leginkább csodált és a legtöbbet kritizált iparágak közé. Az iparág produktumai életeket menthetnek, emberek millióinak könnyítik meg az életét, és a gyógyszereknek köszönhetően számos korábbi gyilkos kór vált ismeretlenné a fejlett országokban. Mindezek mellett azonban az iparágat számos kritika is éri: túl magas árakkal dolgozik, etikátlan promóciós praktikákkal él, magára hagyja a világ szegényeit, kétes etikai hátterű klinikai kísérleteket végez, és állami intézményekkel köt háttéralkukat. A CSR koncepciójának intenzív jelenléte az iparágban többek között a fenti ellentmondásokra adott válaszként is értelmezhető (erre utalnak a későbbiekben bemutatandó kvalitatív kutatás eredményei is). Az alábbi tanulmányban arra teszek kísérletet, hogy feltárjam, a magyar gyógyszeripar szereplői hogyan látják társadalmi felelősségüket, milyen programokat valósítanak meg CSR kezdeményezéseik során. Milyen kihívások várnak a gyógyszeripari cégek vezetőire, és milyen dilemmákkal szembesülnek társadalmi felelősségvállalásuk kapcsán? Mennyiben találhatók meg a nemzetközi kutatások által feltárt nézőpontok a hazai cégek CSR interpretációiban, illetve vannak-e a magyar gyógyszeriparnak sajátosságai ebben a tekintetben? / === / The pharmaceutical industry is among the most admired and most criticized of all. The pharmaceutical products can save lives, they make the lives of millions of people lot easier, and many legendary diseases were eradicated from the world thanks to the innovations of the industry. However, the industry receives many criticisms in the same time: the big pharma is often accused of working with high prices, applying immoral marketing practices, abandoning the poor, having a no money-no cure attitude, doing ethically questionable clinical trials, etc. This contradiction can be one reason why pharmaceutical industry is among the most CSR-oriented sectors. In this paper I investigate what the CSR initiatives and activities of the pharmaceutical companies look like in Hungary. How do the managers of these firms react to the challenges of the industry? What is their perception about the contradictions described in the previous paragraph? Are there Hungarian peculiarities regarding CSR principles and actions? During research I also wanted to identify patterns of CSR activities of the Hungarian pharmaceutical firms in order to create clusters that group companies with similar characteristics.


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Adaptive selling (AS) and customer-oriented selling (COS) constitute two key customer-directed selling behaviors for the success of the modern sales force. However, knowledge regarding the organizational factors that can induce salespeople to engage in those behaviors is strikingly limited. Against this background, we develop a comprehensive model that delineates the influences of formal and informal sales controls on AS and COS and, through them, on sales unit effectiveness. Based on a sample of sales managers in a major European Union country, we present new evidence that (a) formal and informal sales controls exert differential impact on salespeople's AS and COS behaviors; (b) AS directly and positively influences sales unit effectiveness; (c) COS affects sales unit effectiveness only indirectly, i.e. by fostering AS; and (d) outcome and cultural controls directly improve sales unit effectiveness. We conclude with a discussion of our findings for academics and practitioners.


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Purpose: Businesses cannot rely on their customers to always do the right thing. To help researchers and service providers better understand the dark (and light) side of customer behavior, this study aims to aggregate and investigate perceptions of consumer ethics from young consumers on five continents. The study seeks to present a profile of consumer behavioral norms, how ethical inclinations have evolved over time, and country differences. ---------- Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from ten countries across five continents between 1997 and 2007. A self-administered questionnaire containing 14 consumer scenarios asked respondents to rate acceptability of questionable consumer actions. ---------- Findings: Overall, consumers found four of the 14 questionable consumer actions acceptable. Illegal activities were mostly viewed as unethical, while some legal actions that were against company policy were viewed less harshly. Differences across continents emerged, with Europeans being the least critical, while Asians and Africans shared duties as most critical of consumer actions. Over time, consumers have become less tolerant of questionable behaviors. ---------- Practical implications: Service providers should use the findings of this study to better understand the service customer. Knowing what customers in general believe is ethical or unethical can help service designers focus on the aspects of the technology or design most vulnerable to customer deviance. ---------- Multinationals already know they must adapt their business practices to the market in which they are operating, but they must also adapt their expectations as to the behavior of the corresponding consumer base. Originality/value: This investigation into consumer ethics helps businesses understand what their customer base believes is the right thing in their role as customer. This is a large-scale study of consumer ethics including 3,739 respondents on five continents offering an evolving view of the ethical inclinations of young consumers.


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Current models of sales force strategy imply formidable information processing demands, which leads us to take a cognitive approach to studying the issue of sales force strategy. We focus on how top-level executives use mental models of sales force performance to simplify the issue of sales force strategy. We interviewed 74 senior executives responsible for their firms’ selling function using the repertory grid approach, as this methodology has been shown to be particularly effective at uncovering the collective cognitive maps on which executives’ decisions and behaviors are based. Executives identified a broad set of 37 strategic concepts that they felt distinguish the sales force efforts of directly competing companies. A second set of sales executives classified the 37 concepts into capabilities, resources, and organizational context concepts. Based on the classification results and feedback from both sets of executives, we developed research propositions for examining sales force strategy and provide directions for future research.


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More than ever before, firms in the industrial marketplace are focusing on the contribution of the salesperson and selling role to organizational success. Considerable recent research shows that not only in-role but also extra-role behaviors-organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)-are important in modeling salesperson performance. Yet, to date little effort has focused on examining the impact of OCB on relevant performance outcomes. Employing a sample of 207 industrial field salespeople from two companies and industries across the United States, this study reveals differences in impact of OCB on four diverse performance outcome types. The findings are discussed in terms of managerial applicability to industrial sales organizations, and a resulting set of next research steps is presented.


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There is increasing interest in the role the environment plays in shaping the dietary behavior of youth, particularly in the context of obesity prevention. An overview of environmental factors associated with obesity-related dietary behaviors among youth is needed to inform the development of interventions. A systematic review of observational studies on environmental correlates of energy, fat, fruit/ vegetable, snack/fast food and soft drink intakes in children (4–12 years) and adolescents (13–18 years) was conducted. The results were summarized using the analysis grid for environments linked to obesity. The 58 papers reviewed mostly focused on sociocultural and economical–environmental factors at the household level. The most consistent associations were found between parental intake and children’s fat, fruit/vegetable intakes, parent and sibling intake with adolescent’s energy and fat intakes and parental education with adolescent’s fruit/ vegetable intake. A less consistent but positive association was found for availability and accessibility on children’s fruit/vegetable intake. Environmental factors are predominantly studied at the household level and focus on sociocultural and economic aspects. Most consistent associations were found for parental influences (parental intake and education).More studies examining environmental factors using longitudinal study designs and validated measures are needed for solid evidence to inform interventions.