970 resultados para ethanol reforming


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The work investigates the feasibility of a new process aimed at the production of hydrogen with inherent separation of carbon oxides. The process consists in a cycle in which, in the first step, a mixed metal oxide is reduced by ethanol (obtained from biomasses). The reduced metal is then contacted with steam in order to split the water and sequestrating the oxygen into the looping material’s structure. The oxides used to run this thermochemical cycle, also called “steam-iron process” are mixed ferrites in the spinel structure MeFe2O4 (Me = Fe, Co, Ni or Cu). To understand the reactions involved in the anaerobic reforming of ethanol, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used, coupled with the mass analysis of the effluent, to study the surface composition of the ferrites during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformations during the temperature program. This study was paired with the tests on a laboratory scale plant and the characterization through various techniques such as XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy, elemental analysis... on the materials as synthesized and at different reduction degrees In the first step it was found that besides the generation of the expected CO, CO2 and H2O, the products of ethanol anaerobic oxidation, also a large amount of H2 and coke were produced. The latter is highly undesired, since it affects the second step, during which water is fed over the pre-reduced spinel at high temperature. The behavior of the different spinels was affected by the nature of the divalent metal cation; magnetite was the oxide showing the slower rate of reduction by ethanol, but on the other hand it was that one which could perform the entire cycle of the process more efficiently. Still the problem of coke formation remains the greater challenge to solve.


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The catalytic activity of Ni/La(2)O(3)-Al(2)O(3) Catalysts modified with noble metals(Pt and Pd) was investigated in the steam reforming of ethanol. The catalysts were characterized by ICP, S(BFT), X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed reduction, UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure (XANES). The results showed that the formation of inactive nickel aluminate was prevented by the presence of La(2)O(3) dispersed on the alumina. The promoting effect of noble metals included a marked decrease in the reduction temperatures of NiO species interacting with the support. due to the hydrogen spillover effect, facilitating greatly the reduction of the promoted catalysts. it was seen that the addition of noble metal stabilized the Ni sites in the reduced state throughout the reaction, increasing ethanol conversion and decreasing coke formation, irrespective of the nature or loading of the noble metal. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cobalt catalysts were prepared on supports of SiO(2) and gamma-Al(2)O(3) by the impregnation method, using a solution of Co precursor in methanol. The samples were characterized by XRD, TPR, and Raman spectroscopy and tested in ethanol steam reforming. According to the XRD results, impregnation with the methanolic solution led to smaller metal crystallites than with aqueous solution, on the SiO(2) support. On gamma-Al(2)O(3), all the samples exhibited small crystallites, with either solvent, due to a higher Co-support interaction that inhibits the reduction of Co species. The TPR results were consistent with XRD results and the samples supported on gamma-Al(2)O(3) showed a lower degree of reduction. In the steam reforming of ethanol, catalysts supported on SiO(2) and prepared with the methanolic solution showed the best H(2), CO(2) and CO selectivity. Those supported on gamma-Al(2)O(3) showed lower H(2) selectivity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Catalysts derived from Co/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-type precursors modified with La and Ce were characterized by XANES and tested in ethanol steam reforming. The reaction data showed that, with a molar ratio of water: ethanol = 3:1 in the feed, addition of Ce and La favored acetaldehyde production. Increasing the water content (water:ethanol = 5:1) decreased the acetaldehyde formation by favoring the adsorption of water molecules on these samples, enhancing the acetaldehyde conversion. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Catalyst precursors composed of Ni/Mg/Al oxides with added La and Ce were tested in ethanol steam reforming (ESR) reactions. La and Ce were added by anion-exchange. The oxides were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analysis. The catalyst precursors consist of a mixture of oxides, with the nickel in the form of NiO strongly interacting with the support Mg/Al. The XPS analysis showed a lanthanum-support interaction, but no interaction of Ce species with the support. The reaction data obtained with the active catalysts showed that the addition of Ce and La resulted in better H(2) production at 550 degrees C. The CeNi catalyst provided the higher ethanol conversion, with lower acetaldehyde production, possibly clue to a favoring of water adsorption on the weakly interacting clusters of CeO(2) on the surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of support on the properties of rhodium and cobalt-based catalysts for ethanol steam reforming was studied in this work, by comparing the use of magnesia, alumina and Mg-Al oxide (obtained from hydrotalcite) as supports. It was found that metallic rhodium particles with around 2.4-2.6 nm were formed on all supports, but Mg-Al oxide led to the narrowest particles size distribution; cobalt was supposed to be located on the support, affecting its acidity. Rhodium interacts strongly with the support in the order: alumina> Mg-Al oxide > magnesia. The magnesium-containing catalysts showed low ethene selectivity and high hydrogen selectivity while the alumina-based ones showed high ethene selectivity, assigned to the Lewis sites of alumina. The Mg-Al oxide-supported rhodium and cobalt catalyst was the most promising sample to produce hydrogen by ethanol reforming, showing the highest hydrogen yield, low ethene selectivity and high specific surface area during reaction. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mesoporous silica supported Ni nanoparticles have been investigated for hydrogen production from ethanol steam reforming. Ethanol reforming is structure-sensitive over Ni, and also dependent on support mesostructure; three-dimensional KIT-6 possessing interconnected mesopores offers superior metal dispersion, steam reforming activity, and on-stream stability against deactivation compared with a two-dimensional SBA-15 support.


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This work deals with a study on the feasibility of a new process, aimed at the production of hydrogen from water and ethanol (a compound obtained starting from biomasses), with inherent separation of hydrogen from C-containing products. The strategy of the process includes a first step, during which a metal oxide is contacted with ethanol at high temperature; during this step, the metal oxide is reduced and the corresponding metallic form develops. During the second step, the reduced metal compound is contacted at high temperature with water, to produce molecular hydrogen and with formation of the original metal oxide. In overall, the combination of the two steps within the cycle process corresponds to ethanol reforming, where however COx and H2 are produced separately. Various mixed metal oxides were used as electrons and ionic oxygen carriers, all of them being characterized by the spinel (inverse) structure typical of Me ferrites: MeFe2O4 (Me=Co, Ni, Fe or Cu). The first step was investigated in depth; it was found that besides the generation of the expected CO, CO2 and H2O, the products of ethanol anaerobic oxidation, also a large amount of H2 and coke were produced. The latter is highly undesired, since it affects the second step, during which water is fed over the pre-reduced spinel at high temperature. The behavior of the different spinels was affected by the nature of the divalent metal cation; magnetite was the oxide showing the slower rate of reduction by ethanol, but on the other hand it was that one which could perform the entire cycle of the process more efficiently. Still the problem of coke formation remains the greater challenge to solve.


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This work deals with a study on the feasibility of a new process, aimed at the production of hydrogen from water and ethanol (a compound obtained starting from biomasses), with inherent separation of hydrogen from C-containing products. The strategy of the process includes a first step, during which a metal oxide is contacted with ethanol at high temperature; during this step, the metal oxide is reduced and the corresponding metallic form develops. During the second step, the reduced metal compound is contacted at high temperature with water, to produce molecular hydrogen and with formation of the original metal oxide. In overall, the combination of the two steps within the cycle process corresponds to ethanol reforming, where however COx and H2 are produced separately. Various mixed metal oxides were used as electrons and ionic oxygen carriers, all of them being characterized by the spinel structure typical of M-modified non-stoichiometric ferrites: M0,6Fe2,4O4 (M = Co, Mn or Co/Mn). The first step was investigated in depth; it was found that besides the generation of the expected CO, CO2 and H2O, the products of ethanol anaerobic oxidation, also a large amount of H2 and coke were produced. The latter is highly undesired, since it affects the second step, during which water is fed over the pre-reduced spinel at high temperature. The behavior of the different spinels was affected by the nature of the divalent metal cation. The new materials were tested in terms of both redox proprieties and catalytic activity to generate hydrogen. Still the problem of coke formation remains the greater challenge to solve.


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Devido ao efeito estufa, a produção de hidrogênio a partir da reação de reforma do bioetanol tem se tornado um assunto de grande interesse em catálise heterogênea. Os catalisadores à base de Pt são empregados nos processos de purificação de H2 e também em eletrocatalisadores das células a combustível do tipo membrana polimérica (PEMFC). O hidrogênio obtido a partir da reforma do etanol contém como contaminante o acetaldeído e pequenas quantidades de CO. Assim, pode-se prever que muitas reações podem ocorrer na presença de catalisadores de Pt durante o processo de purificação do H2 e mesmo no próprio eletrocatalisador. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o comportamento do acetaldeído na presença de catalisadores de Pt. Para tanto foram preparados dois catalisadores, Pt/SiO2 e Pt/USY, contendo 1,5% de metal em ambos. Também foi estudado um eletrocatalisador (comercial) de Pt suportado em carvão (Pt/C). Os catalisadores foram caracterizados através das técnicas de análise textural, difração de raios X (DRX), quimissorção de H2, reação de desidrogenação do ciclohexano, espectroscopia no infravermelho de piridina adsorvida, dessorção a temperatura programada de n-butilamina (TPD de n-butilamina), dessorção a temperatura programada de CO2 (TPD-CO2), análise termogravimétrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de dispersão de energia (EDS). Os testes catalíticos foram realizados entre as temperaturas de 50 e 350 C em corrente contendo acetaldeído, H2 e N2. Foi observado que as propriedades ácido-básicas dos suportes promovem as reações de condensação com formação de éter etílico e acetato de etila. O acetaldeído em catalisadores de Pt sofre quebra das ligações C-C e C=O. A primeira ocorre em uma ampla faixa de temperaturas, enquanto a segunda apenas em temperaturas abaixo de 200 C. A quebra da ligação C-C produz metano e CO. Já a quebra da ligação C=O gera carbono residual nos catalisadores, assim como espécies oxigênio, que por sua vez são capazes de eliminar o CO da superfície dos catalisadores. Nota-se que o tipo de suporte utilizado influencia na distribuição de produtos, principalmente a baixas temperaturas. Além disso, constatou-se que a descarbonilação não é uma reação sensível à estrutura do catalisador. Verificou-se também a presença de resíduos sobre os catalisadores, possivelmente oriundos não somente da quebra da ligação C=O, mas também de reações de polimerização


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A produção de energia é um dos grandes desafios deste século, principalmente com a necessidade no desenvolvimento de processos que utilizem preferencialmente fontes renováveis. Nesse contexto, é claro o interesse por pesquisas baseada no hidrogênio. Porém, os ganhos ambientais efetivos estão associados também à matéria-prima usada no processo de geração do hidrogênio, senso assim mais significativo quando do uso de fontes renováveis. No presente trabalho foi estudado o efeito da adição de diferentes teores de CeO2 em catalisadores de NiZnO, preparados pelo método da co-precipitação. Os catalisadores foram estudados frente à reação de reforma a vapor do etanol (RVE) para produção de H2, e no decorrer do trabalho foi pertinente incluir o estudo da reforma a vapor da acetona (RVA), como complemento dos estudos da RVE. Além disso, esta é uma molécula modelo para reforma a vapor do bio-óleo. Nos sistemas catalíticos sintetizados houve a formação da liga NiZn3, o que aparenta proporcionar um efeito sinérgico entre esses elementos. Observou-se um efeito altamente promotor do CeO2 com relação a diminuição do coque formado, devido a uma menor da formação da acetona, durante as etapas de reforma do etanol. O que consequentemente interferiu na produção de H2. O catalisador contendo 20% de CeO2 denominado NiZn20Ce apresentou um desempenho altamente promissor, pois de acordo com as análises de DRIFT, a presença do CeO2 levou a formação de espécies de formiato, o que consequentemente interferiu em uma menor formação de coque e maior produção de H2. Foi comprovado também que a natureza dos depósitos carbonáceos depende tanto do substrato utilizado quanto das etapas precursoras inicias que levarão a formação desse coque, sendo o ponto chave para um melhor desempenho do catalisador.


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Steam reforming of ethanol over CuO/CeO2 was studied. Acetaldehyde and hydrogen were mainly produced at 260degreesC. At 380degreesC, acetone was the main product, and 2 mol of hydrogen was produced from 1 mol of ethanol. The formation of hydrogen accompanied by the production of acetone was considered to proceed through the following, consecutive reactions: dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. aldol condensation of the acetaldehyde, and the reaction of the aldol with the lattice oxygen [O(s)] on the catalyst to form a surface intermediate, followed by its dehydrogenation and decarboxylation. The overall reaction was expressed by2C(2)H(5)OH + H2O --> CH3COCH3 + CO2 + 4H(2). Ceria played an important role as an oxygen supplier. The addition of MgO to CuO/CeO2 resulted in the production of hydrogen at lower temperatures by accelerating aldol condensation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.