997 resultados para ethanol as fuel


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Due to rapidly diminishing international supplies of fossil fuels, such as petroleum and diesel, the cost of fuel is constantly increasing, leading to higher costs of living, as a result of the significant reliance of many industries on motor vehicles. Many technologies have been developed to replace part or all of a fossil fuel with bio-fuels. One of the dual fuel technologies is fumigation of ethanol in diesel engines, which injects ethanol into the intake air stream of the engine. The advantage of this is that it avoids any costly modification of the engine high pressure diesel injection system, while reducing the volume of diesel required and potentially increasing the power output and efficiency. This paper investigates the performance of a diesel engine, converted to implement ethanol fumigation. The project will use both existing experimental data, along with generating computer modeled results using the program AVL Boost. The data from both experiments and the numerical simulation indicate desirable results for the peak pressure and the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). Increase in ethanol substitution resulted in elevated combustion pressure and an increase in the IMEP, while the variation of ethanol injection location resulted in negligible change. These increases in cylinder pressure led to a higher work output and total efficiency in the engine as the ethanol substitution was increased. In comparing the numerical and experimental results, the simulation showed a slight elevation, due to the inaccuracies in the heat release models. Future work is required to improve the combustion model and investigate the effect of the variation of the location of ethanol injection.


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Vanadium pentoxide xerogels (VXG) incorporating meso(3- and 4-pyridyl)porphyrin cobalt(III) species coordinated to four [Ru(bipy)(2)Cl](+) complexes were employed as gas sensing materials capable of detecting small amounts of water in commercial ethanol and fuel supplies. According to their X-ray diffraction data, the original VXG lamellar framework was maintained in the nanocomposite material, but the interlamellar distance increased from 11.7 to 15.2 angstrom, reflecting the intercalation of the porphyrin species into the vanadium pentoxide matrix. The films generated by direct deposition of the nanocomposite aqueous suspensions exhibited good electrical and electrochemical performance for application in resistive sensors. The analysis of water in ethanol and fuels was carried out successfully using an especially designed electric setup incorporating a laminar gas flow chamber and interdigitated gold electrodes coated with the nanocomposites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PtSn/CeO(2)-C electrocatalyst was prepared in a single step by an alcohol-reduction process using ethylene glycol as solvent and reducing agent and CeO(2) (15 wt%) and Vulcan XC72 (85 wt%) as supports. The performance for ethanol oxidation was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy. The electrocatalytic activity of the PtSn/CeO(2)-C electrocatalyst was higher than that of the PtSn/C electrocatalyst. FTIR studies for ethanol oxidation on PtSn/C electrocatalyst showed that acetaldehyde and acetic acid were the principal products formed, while on PtSn/CeO(2)-C electrocatalyst the principal products formed were CO(2) and acetic acid.


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The purpose of this paper is to describe the benefits of sugar cane ethanol in Brazil, appointing the productivity of this type of fuel based on hectares of plantation, its carbon dioxide cycle and the contribution to reduce the greenhouse effect. In the following step the uses of ethanol for hydrogen production by steam reforming is analyzed and some comparison with natural gas steam reforming is performed. The sugar cane industry in Brazil, in a near future, in the hydrogen era, could be modified according to our purpose, since besides the production of sugar, and ethylic and anhydric alcohol, Brazilian sugar cane industry will also be able to produce biohydrogen.Fuel cells appear like a promising technology for energy generation. Among several technologies in the present, the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is the most appropriate for vehicles application, because it combines durability, high power density, high efficiency, good response and it works at relatively low temperatures. Besides that it is easy to turn it on and off and it is able to support present vibration in vehicles. A PEMFC's problem is the need of noble catalysts like platinum. Another problem is that CO needs to be in low concentration, requiring a more clean hydrogen to avoid fuel cell deterioration.One part of this paper was developed in Stockholm, where there are some buses within the CUTE (clean urban transport for Europe) project that has been in operation with FC since January 2004. Another part was developed in Guaratingueta, Brazil. Brazil intends to start up a program of FC buses. As conclusion, this paper shows the economical analysis comparing buses moved by fuel cells using hydrogen by different kinds of production. Electrolyze with wind turbine, natural gas steam reforming and ethanol steam reforming. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ethanol-gasoline fuel blends are increasingly being used in spark ignition (SI) engines due to continued growth in renewable fuels as part of a growing renewable portfolio standard (RPS). This leads to the need for a simple and accurate ethanol-gasoline blends combustion model that is applicable to one-dimensional engine simulation. A parametric combustion model has been developed, integrated into an engine simulation tool, and validated using SI engine experimental data. The parametric combustion model was built inside a user compound in GT-Power. In this model, selected burn durations were computed using correlations as functions of physically based non-dimensional groups that have been developed using the experimental engine database over a wide range of ethanol-gasoline blends, engine geometries, and operating conditions. A coefficient of variance (COV) of gross indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) correlation was also added to the parametric combustion model. This correlation enables the cycle combustion variation modeling as a function of engine geometry and operating conditions. The computed burn durations were then used to fit single and double Wiebe functions. The single-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used the least squares method to compute the single-Wiebe parameters, while the double-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used an analytical solution to compute the double-Wiebe parameters. These compounds were then integrated into the engine model in GT-Power through the multi-Wiebe combustion template in which the values of Wiebe parameters (single-Wiebe or double-Wiebe) were sensed via RLT-dependence. The parametric combustion models were validated by overlaying the simulated pressure trace from GT-Power on to experimentally measured pressure traces. A thermodynamic engine model was also developed to study the effect of fuel blends, engine geometries and operating conditions on both the burn durations and COV of gross IMEP simulation results.


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Increasing prices for fuel with depletion and instability in foreign oil imports has driven the importance for using alternative and renewable fuels. The alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol, butyl alcohol, and natural gas are of interest to be used to relieve some of the dependence on oil for transportation. The renewable fuel, ethanol which is made from the sugars of corn, has been used widely in fuel for vehicles in the United States because of its unique qualities. As with any renewable fuel, ethanol has many advantages but also has disadvantages. Cold startability of engines is one area of concern when using ethanol blended fuel. This research was focused on the cold startability of snowmobiles at ambient temperatures of 20 °F, 0 °F, and -20 °F. The tests were performed in a modified 48 foot refrigerated trailer which was retrofitted for the purpose of cold-start tests. Pure gasoline (E0) was used as a baseline test. A splash blended ethanol and gasoline mixture (E15, 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline by volume) was then tested and compared to the E0 fuel. Four different types of snowmobiles were used for the testing including a Yamaha FX Nytro RTX four-stroke, Ski-doo MX Z TNT 600 E-TEC direct injected two stroke, Polaris 800 Rush semi-direct injected two-stroke, and an Arctic Cat F570 carbureted two-stroke. All of the snowmobiles operate on open loop systems which means there was no compensation for the change in fuel properties. Emissions were sampled using a Sensors Inc. Semtech DS five gas emissions analyzer and engine data was recoded using AIM Racing Data Power EVO3 Pro and EVO4 systems. The recorded raw exhaust emissions included carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), total hydrocarbons (THC), and oxygen (O2). To help explain the trends in the emissions data, engine parameters were also recorded. The EVO equipment was installed on each vehicle to record the following parameters: engine speed, exhaust gas temperature, head temperature, coolant temperature, and test cell air temperature. At least three consistent tests to ensure repeatability were taken at each fuel and temperature combination so a total of 18 valid tests were taken on each snowmobile. The snowmobiles were run at operating temperature to clear any excess fuel in the engine crankcase before each cold-start test. The trends from switching from E0 to E15 were different for each snowmobile as they all employ different engine technologies. The Yamaha snowmobile (four-stroke EFI) achieved higher levels of CO2 with lower CO and THC emissions on E15. Engine speeds were fairly consistent between fuels but the average engine speeds were increased as the temperatures decreased. The average exhaust gas temperature increased from 1.3-1.8% for the E15 compared to E0 due to enleanment. For the Ski-doo snowmobile (direct injected two-stroke) only slight differences were noted when switching from E0 to E15. This could possibly be due to the lean of stoichiometric operation of the engine at idle. The CO2 emissions decreased slightly at 20 °F and 0 °F for E15 fuel with a small difference at -20 °F. Almost no change in CO or THC emissions was noted for all temperatures. The only significant difference in the engine data observed was the exhaust gas temperature which decreased with E15. The Polaris snowmobile (semi-direct injected two-stroke) had similar raw exhaust emissions for each of the two fuels. This was probably due to changing a resistor when using E15 which changed the fuel map for an ethanol mixture (E10 vs. E0). This snowmobile operates at a rich condition which caused the engine to emit higher values of CO than CO2 along with exceeding the THC analyzer range at idle. The engine parameters and emissions did not increase or decrease significantly with decreasing temperature. The average idle engine speed did increase as the ambient temperature decreased. The Arctic Cat snowmobile (carbureted two-stroke) was equipped with a choke lever to assist cold-starts. The choke was operated in the same manor for both fuels. Lower levels of CO emissions with E15 fuel were observed yet the THC emissions exceeded the analyzer range. The engine had a slightly lower speed with E15.


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A statistical modeling method to accurately determine combustion chamber resonance is proposed and demonstrated. This method utilises Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) through the use of the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm to yield a probability density function for the combustion chamber frequency and find the best estimate of the resonant frequency, along with uncertainty. The accurate determination of combustion chamber resonance is then used to investigate various engine phenomena, with appropriate uncertainty, for a range of engine cycles. It is shown that, when operating on various ethanol/diesel fuel combinations, a 20% substitution yields the least amount of inter-cycle variability, in relation to combustion chamber resonance.


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 This project is based on production of biofuel from lignocellulosic waste. Hemp hurds were used for the production of ethanol. This was achieved by treating hemp at high temperature followed by enzymatic reaction and fermentation. Different techniques were used to detect the changes occurred on hemp structure and product quantification.


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A introdução da tecnologia flex-fuel resultou em um expressivo aumento do consumo de etanol no Brasil, tornando-o principal concorrente da gasolina nos postos de combustíveis. Apesar disso, diferentemente da gasolina, a oferta de etanol sofre com a sazonalidade da safra de cana de açúcar, mostrando-se insuficiente para atender a demanda, incorrendo em altos preços nos períodos de entressafra. Além destes fatores, a expansão do uso de etanol como combustível enfrenta a ausência de políticas públicas claras que incentivem o mercado, assim como uma estrutura logística que permita o escoamento do produto a baixos custos. O presente trabalho buscou demonstrar como se comportam espacialmente os preços de etanol e gasolina no Brasil. Observou-se que os preços de etanol combustível ao consumidor foram menores quanto mais próximos das regiões produtoras e maiores conforme se distanciam, até se tornarem desvantajosos para o consumidor de alguns estados na medida em que a paridade de preços frente à gasolina supera o limite técnico de 70%. Observou-se também que a sazonalidade distinta das duas regiões produtoras do país define padrões sazonais de áreas que predominantemente consomem etanol ou gasolina, conforme a paridade de 70%. Este resultado indica que a necessidade de estoques e fluxos de produtos depende não apenas das condições logísticas, mas também da combinação da sazonalidade das regiões produtoras. Por fim, intencionou-se entender como e em que proporção os preços ao produtor do estado de São Paulo relacionam-se com os preços ao consumidor de outras regiões do país. Este estudo demonstrou que a velocidade de transmissão dos preços não está relacionada com a distância e que fatores logísticos e características específicas de cada mercado são os principais determinantes do comportamento dos preços ao consumidor em relação às alterações nos preços ao produtor do estado de São Paulo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper describes 2 alternative methodologies for the determination of selected aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, acrolein, and benzaldehyde) by capillary electrophoresis (CE), the first approach is based on the formation of aldehyde-bisulfite adducts and employs free solution CE with reversed electroosmotic flow and indirect detection, using 10 mmol/L 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (pH 4.5) containing 0.2 mmol/L cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as the electrolyte. This novel methodology showed a fairly good sensitivity to concentration, with detection limits with respect to a single aldehyde on the order of 10-40 mu g/L, a reasonable analysis time (separation was achieved in <8 min), and no need for sample manipulation. A second approach was proposed in which 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivatives of the aldehydes were detected in a micellar electrolyte medium (20 mmol/L berate buffer containing 50 mmol/L sodium dodecyl sulfate and 15 mmol/L beta-cyclodextrin). This latter methodology included a laborious sample preconcentration step and showed much poorer sensitivity (0.5-2 mg/L detection limit, with respect to a single aldehyde), despite the use of sodium chloride to promote sample stacking. Both methodologies proved adequate to evaluate aldehyde levels in vehicular emissions. Samples from the tailpipe exhaust of a passenger car vehicle without a catalytic converter and operated with an ethanol-based fuel were collected and analyzed; the results showed high levels of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde (0.41-6.1 ppm, v/v). The concentrations estimated by the 2 methodologies, which were not in good agreement, suggest the possibility of striking differences in sample collection efficiency, which was not the concern of this work.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS