47 resultados para espinélio


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The development and study of detectors sensitive to flammable combustible and toxic gases at low cost is a crucial technology challenge to enable marketable versions to the market in general. Solid state sensors are attractive for commercial purposes by the strength and lifetime, because it isn t consumed in the reaction with the gas. In parallel, the use of synthesis techniques more viable for the applicability on an industrial scale are more attractive to produce commercial products. In this context ceramics with spinel structure were obtained by microwave-assisted combustion for application to flammable fuel gas detectors. Additionally, alternatives organic-reducers were employed to study the influence of those in the synthesis process and the differences in performance and properties of the powders obtained. The organic- reducers were characterized by Thermogravimetry (TG) and Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG). After synthesis, the samples were heat treated and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), analysis by specific area by BET Method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Quantification of phases and structural parameters were carried through Rietveld method. The methodology was effective to obtain Ni-Mn mixed oxides. The fuels influenced in obtaining spinel phase and morphology of the samples, however samples calcined at 950 °C there is just the spinel phase in the material regardless of the organic-reducer. Therefore, differences in performance are expected in technological applications when sample equal in phase but with different morphologies are tested


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Were synthesized spinel-type ferrites with general formula Ni0,8Mg0.2-xMxFe2O4, where M represents the doping Mn, Co or Mn + Co simultaneously, x ranges for the values 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1. The value of x was divided by 2 in cases where M equals Mn and Co conjugates. We used the citrate precursor method and heat treatment to obtain the phases at 1100°C. The materials were characterized by XRD, TGA/ DTGA, SEM, MAV and reflectivity measurements by the method of waveguide. Powders to 350°C/3.5 h were crystalline and nanosized. According to the results this temperature all powders have a percentage of ferrite phase over 90%. The composition had the addition of Mn and Co simultaneously showed a higher percentage of secondary phase NiO, 5.8%. The TGA/DTGA curves indicate that this sample reached phase (s) crystalline (s) at lowest temperatures. The X-ray diffractograms of the samples calcined at 350°C and 1100°C were treated with the Rietveld refinament technique. The powders calcined at 1100 °C/3h in air show to be 100% except spinel phase composition with 0.02 doping. The micrographs show clusters of particles with sizes smaller than 1 μm in calcination temperature of 1100°C which agreed with the result of Rietveld refinement. In the compositions doped with Mn were higher values of magnetization (45.90 and 53.20 Am2/kg), which did not cause high microwave absorption. The theoretical calculation of magnetization (MT) was consistent with the results, considering that there was agreement between the increase of magnetization experimental and theoretical. It was observed that there was the interrelation of the final effect of absorption with the thickness of MARE, the composition of ferrimagnetic materials and in particular the specific values of frequency. The analysis shows that the reflectivity increases in the concentration of cobalt increased the frequency range and also for absorption 10.17 GHz and 84%, respectively. The best result of chemical homogeneity and the value of 2.96 x 10-2 tesla coercive field were crucial for high performance ferrite absorber with 0.1 cobalt. The Cobalt has high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, it is associated with an increased coercive field, Hc. Therefore, this property improves the results of reflectivity of spinel ferrites


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A campanha dos refratários magnesianos aplicados como revestimento de trabalho de panelas de aciaria depende da soma de diversos fatores como resistência à corrosão, resistência à oxidação do carbono, estabilidade termomecânica, entre outros. A concepção microestrutural do refratário pode influenciar de forma benéfica ou deletéria no desempenho do refratário in situ. Nesta tese de doutorado os refratários magnesianos comerciais de panela de aciaria foram estudados sob três diferentes aspectos: redução da oxidação prematura do carbono, formação da fase espinélio de alumina e magnésio e resistência ao choque térmico e ao dano por choque térmico. Para reduzir a oxidação precoce do carbono foi desenvolvido um coating cerâmico que atua como uma eficiente barreira física, reduzindo o contato do oxigênio da atmosfera de aquecimento com o carbono presente no refratário. Como resultado reduz-se a oxidação prematura do carbono e eleva-se a vida útil do revestimento. A formação da fase espinélio de magnésia e alumina também influencia o desempenho termomecânico destes refratários, principalmente devido ao incremento volumétrico decorrente de sua formação. Nesta tese foram estudados os mecanismos de formação desta fase in situ, demonstrando experimentalmente o caminho preferencial que leva à formação desta fase mineralógica. O comportamento termomecânico dos refratários magnesianos foi determinado em função da resistência ao choque térmico (parâmetros R, R\'\'\') e quanto à resistência ao dano por choque térmico (parâmetro R\'\'\'\' e Rst). Estes parâmetros foram correlacionados com as respectivas características microestruturais destes refratários. Os resultados apresentados por esta tese de doutorado compõe uma importante ferramenta técnica para as indústrias produtoras de aço e de refratários por fornecer subsídio técnico e científico para fundamentar alterações em refratários já existentes e colaborar com o desenvolvimento de novos refratários de engenharia com elevado desempenho e maior vida útil.


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The development and study of detectors sensitive to flammable combustible and toxic gases at low cost is a crucial technology challenge to enable marketable versions to the market in general. Solid state sensors are attractive for commercial purposes by the strength and lifetime, because it isn t consumed in the reaction with the gas. In parallel, the use of synthesis techniques more viable for the applicability on an industrial scale are more attractive to produce commercial products. In this context ceramics with spinel structure were obtained by microwave-assisted combustion for application to flammable fuel gas detectors. Additionally, alternatives organic-reducers were employed to study the influence of those in the synthesis process and the differences in performance and properties of the powders obtained. The organic- reducers were characterized by Thermogravimetry (TG) and Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG). After synthesis, the samples were heat treated and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), analysis by specific area by BET Method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Quantification of phases and structural parameters were carried through Rietveld method. The methodology was effective to obtain Ni-Mn mixed oxides. The fuels influenced in obtaining spinel phase and morphology of the samples, however samples calcined at 950 °C there is just the spinel phase in the material regardless of the organic-reducer. Therefore, differences in performance are expected in technological applications when sample equal in phase but with different morphologies are tested


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Lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos afloram no litoral dos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM). Essas rochas ocorrem sob a forma de diques e intrudem o Orógeno Ribeira, de idade Neoproterozóica/Cambro-Ordoviciana, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul durante o Cretáceo Superior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a NE-SW, seguindo a estruturação das rochas encaixantes. Os lamprófiros são classificados como monchiquitos e camptonitos e exibem, respectivamente, textura hipocristalina e holocristalina. Apresentam também textura panidiomórfica, fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e olivina, imersos em matriz formada essencialmente por esses mesmos minerais, além de biotita, kaersutita e minerais opacos. O camptonito apresenta ainda plagioclásio na matriz. Os diabásios alcalinos são hipocristalinos a holocristalinos, equigranulares a inequigranulares, com fenocristais de olivina e/ou clinopiroxênio e/ou plagioclásio, em uma matriz composta essencialmente por esses minerais. As rochas estudadas caracterizam séries alcalinas miaskíticas, com os lamprófiros sendo tanto sódicos, potássicos e ultrapotássicos e os diabásios alcalinos como predominantemente sódicos. Modelagens petrogenéticas envolvendo possíveis processos evolutivos mostram que é improvável que os lamprófiros sejam cogenéticos por processos evolutivos envolvendo tanto cristalização fracionada, com ou sem assimilação concomitante, quanto hibridização. O mesmo ocorre para os diabásios alcalinos. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais e indica que esse magmatismo alcalino está relacionado a fontes lherzolíticas com fusão parcial na zona de estabilidade do espinélio, isto é, a poucas profundidades. Os dados litogeoquímicos e isotópicos do sistema Sr-Nd das rochas estudadas sugerem tanto o envolvimento de fontes férteis, associadas ao manto sublitosférico, quanto de fontes enriquecidas, relacionadas ao manto litosférico subcontinental. Modelagens de mistura binária revelam que a petrogênese dos lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos envolveu uma grande participação de um componente fértil misturado com contribuições menores de um componente enriquecido. Idades TDM (760-557 Ma) obtidas sugerem remobilização do manto litosférico no Neoproterozóico, talvez relacionadas à subducção da Placa São Francisco preteritamente à colisão do Orógeno Ribeira. Altas razões CaO/Al2O3 para os líquidos lamprofíricos menos evoluídos, altos teores de Zr, correlações negativas Zr/Hf e Ti/Eu e associação com carbonatitos indicam condições metassomáticas de alto CO2/H2O. Em escala local, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera não isotérmica parecem mais aplicáveis. No entanto, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera isotérmica (com o envolvimento de plumas) parecem mais indicados num contexto regional, considerando-se outras províncias alcalinas contemporâneas e correlatas.


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Xenólitos ultramáficos, carregados até a superfície da Terra por magmatismo básico alcalino intraplaca, fornecem evidências diretas da natureza e processos envolvidos em modificações do manto litosférico subcontinental, como fusão parcial e metassomatismo. Estes xenólitos têm sido utilizados para identificar processos relacionados a evolução da litosfera continental, estimar a composição original do manto e a escala das heterogeneidades mantélicas. Raramente xenólitos ultramáficos mantélicos são encontrados em ambientes convergentes, no entanto na Patagônia (sul da América do Sul), diversas ocorrências são identificadas em basaltos alcalinos na região de arco e back arc da Cordilheira do Andes. Estes xenólitos oportunizam o estudo dos processos de interação entre a cunha mantélica, a placa oceânica subductada e a astenosfera. Nesta dissertação são apresentados dados petrográficos, mineralógicos, geoquímicos e de isótopos de Sr e O em 22 xenólitos ultramáficos de dois centros vulcânicos Mioceno-Holoceno distintos: Cerro del Mojon (41°06’S-70°13’W) e Estancia Alvarez (40°46’S-68°46’W), localizados na borda NW do Platô de Somuncura, norte de Patagônia (Argentina). A suíte de xenólitos ultramáficos do Cerro del Mojon consiste de espinélio dunitos e harzburgitos mantélicos anidros (Grupo1), espinélio lherzolitos mantélicos anidros (Grupo 2a) e hidratados (Grupo 2b) e espinélio clinopiroxenitos crustais (Grupo 3). Os xenólitos mantélicos do Grupo 1 são depletados (empobrecidos em ETR pesados e HFSE, com baixas razões 87Sr/86Sr em Cpx – 0,7028-0.7037), de alta PT (16-19 kbar, 950-1078 ºC), e têm evidências de metassomatismo críptico (enriquecimento em K, Na ETR leves) atribuído a componentes derivados de sedimentos da placa oceânica subductada, EM 2 (87Sr/86Sr em RT até 0,7126, 87Rb/86Sr até 1,66 e δ18O até +6.78‰). Estes valores anomalamente altos foram obtidos em amostras com bolsões de reação ao redor do espinélio, induzidos pela percolação de fluidos metassomáticos sob altas pressões seguida por descompressão (Sp+fluido→ Cpx+Ol+Sp+melt-andesítico-traquítico). Os xenólitos do Grupo 2 são moderadamente depletados (empobrecidos em HFSE, com baixas a altas razões 87Sr/86Sr em RT e Cpx – 0,7031-0,7045 e δ18O +5-6.2‰), de baixa PT (14-15 kbar, 936-942 ºC), e têm evidências de metassomatismo modal e críptico (enriquecimento em ETR leves, Na, K, Ti, Sr, Hf e anfibólio modal). O metassomatismo críptico parece estar relacionado ao mesmo agente metassomatizante do Grupo 1, mas ocorre em menor intensidade. O metassomatismo modal, no entanto, tem outra origem, podendo ser derivado de fontes mantélicas profundas. A quebra do anfibólio metassomático durante a descompressão e ascensão dos xenólitos até a superfície formou bolsões de reação ao redor do anfibólio (Anf→Cpx+Ol+Sp+melts-basálticos & andesíticos). A suíte de xenólitos ultramáficos de Estancia Alvarez consiste de espinélio harzburgitos anidros mantélicos (Grupo 1a) e espinélio dunitos anidros crustais (Grupo 1b), ambos com veios de serpentina. Os xenólitos mantélicos do Grupo 1a são depletados (empobrecidos em ETR leves e HFSE), de profundidades variadas (P entre 11-18 kbar) e de baixa T (877-961 ºC). Estes xenólitos têm enriquecimento em ETR leves, B, Rb e K, que pode estar relacionado a percolação de fluidos ricos em H2O e LILE gerados pela desidratação de filossilicatos dos sedimentos da placa oceânica (EM 2), como evidenciado por veios de serpentina e altas razões 87Sr/86Sr (0,7046-0,7298), 87Rb/86Sr (0,07-5,63) e valores de δ18O (até +7,88‰).


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Nickel-based catalysts supported on alumina have been widely used in various reactions to obtain synthesis gas or hydrogen. Usually, higher conversion levels are obtained by these catalysts, however, the deactivation by coke formation and sintering of metal particles are still problems to be solved. Several approaches have been employed in order to minimize these problems, among which stands out in recent years the use of additives such as oxides of alkali metals and rare earths. Similarly, the use of methodologies for the synthesis faster, easier, applicable on an industrial scale and to allow control of the microstructural characteristics of these catalysts, can together provide the solution to this problem. In this work, oxides with spinel type structure AB2O4, where A represents divalent cation and B represents trivalent cations are an important class of ceramic materials investigated worldwide in different fields of applications. The nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) was oxides of spinel type which has attracted considerable interest due to its applicability in several areas, such as chemical sensors, flat panel displays, optical limiters, electrode materials, pigments, electrocatalysis, electronic ceramics, among others. The catalyst precursor NiCo2O4 was prepared by a new chemical synthesis route using gelatine as directing agent. The polymer resin obtained was calcined at 350°C. The samples were calcined at different temperatures (550, 750 and 950°C) and characterized by X ray diffraction, measurements of specific surface area, temperature programmed reduction and scanning electron microscopy. The materials heat treated at 550 and 750°C were tested in the partial oxidation of methane. The set of techniques revealed, for solid preparations, the presence of the phase of spinel-type structure with the NiCo2O4 NixCo1-xO solid solution. This solid solution was identified by Rietveld refinement at all temperatures of heat treatment. The catalyst precursors calcined at 550 and 750°C showed conversion levels around 25 and 75%, respectively. The reason H2/CO was around 2 to the precursor treated at 750°C, proposed reason for the reaction of partial oxidation of methane, one can conclude that this material can be shown to produce synthesis gas suitable for use in the synthesis Fischer-Tropsch process


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Inorganic pigment comprises a host lattice, which is part of the chromophore component (usually a transition metal cation) and possible components modifiers, which stabilize, add or restate the properties pigments. Among the materials with spinel, ferrites, and the chromite stand out, because they have broad technological importance in the area of materials, applicability, pigments, catalytic hydrogenation, thin film, ceramic tiles, among others. The present work, pigments containing CuFe2O4, CuCr2O4,e CuFeCrO4, were synthesized by a method that makes use of gelatin as organic precursor using their application to ceramic pigments. The pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy in the UV-visible and Colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of the synthetic route used, with respect to powders synthesized, there is the formation of spinel phase from 500°C, with an increase in crystallinity and the formation of other phases. The pigments were shown to be crystalline and the desired phases were obtained. The copper chromite have hues ranging from green to black according to the calcination temperature, while the copper chromite doped with iron had brownish. The ferrites showed copper color and darker brown to black, which may indicate an interesting factor because of the importance of black pigment


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Oxide type spinel AB2O4 presents structure adjusted for application in the automobile industry. The spinel of cobalt has many practical applications had its excellent physical and chemical properties such as catalyst in hydrocarbon oxidation reaction. The CeO2 has been used in many of these processes because it assigns to a material with excellent thermal resistance and mechanics, high capacity of oxygen stockage (OSC) among others properties. This work deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of spinel of cobalt and CeO2 with fluorita structure, obtained for method of Pechini and method of Gel-Combustion. The process of Pechini, the puff was obtained at 300 ºC for 2 h in air. In the process of Gel-Combustion the approximately at 350 ºC material was prepared and burnt for Pyrolysis, both had been calcined at 500 ºC, 700 ºC, 900 ºC and 1050 ºC for 2 h in air. The materials of the calcinations had been characterized by TG/DTA, electronic microscopy of sweepings (MEV), spectroscopy of absorption in the infra-red ray (FTIR) and diffraction of X-rays (DRX). The obtained material reaches the phase oxide at 450 oC for Pechini method and 500 °C for combustion method. The samples were submitted catalytic reaction of n-hexane on superficies of materials. The reactor function in molar ration of 0, 85 mol.h-1.g-1 and temperature of system was 450 °C. The sample obtained for Pechini and support in alumine of superficial area of 178,63 m2.g-1 calcined at 700 ºC, give results of catalytic conversions of 39 % and the sample obtained for method of gel-combustion and support in alumina of 150 mesh calcined at 500 ºC result 13 % of conversion. Both method were selective specie C1


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Synthetic inorganic pigments are the most widely used in ceramic applications because they have excellent chemical and thermal stability and also, in general, a lower toxicity to man and to the environment. In the present work, the ceramic black pigment CoFe2O4 was synthesized by the polymerization Complex method (MPC) in order to form a material with good chemical homogeneity. Aiming to optimize the process of getting the pigment through the MPC was used a fractional factorial design 2(5-2), with resolution III. The factors studied in mathematical models were: citric acid concentration, the pyrolysis time, temperature, time and rate of calcination. The response surfaces using the software statistica 7.0. The powders were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectroscopy in the UV-visible. Based on the results, there was the formation of phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with spinel structure. The color of the pigments obtained showed dark shades, from black to gray. The model chosen was appropriate since proved to be adjusted and predictive. Planning also showed that all factors were significant, with a confidence level of 95%


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Magnetic ceramics have been widely investigated, especially with respect to intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of these materials. Among the magnetic ceramic materials of technological interest, there are the ferrites. On the other hand, the thermal treatment of ceramic materials by microwave energy has offered various advantages such as: optimization of production processes, high heat control, low consumption of time and energy among others. In this work were synthesized powders of Ni-Zn ferrite with compositions Ni1- xZnxFe2O4 (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.75 mols) by the polymeric precursor route in two heat treatment conditions, conventional oven and microwave energy at 500, 650, 800 and 950°C and its structural, and morphological imaging. The materials were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/ DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray spectroscopy and energy dispersive (EDS) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of ferrite with spinel-type cubic structure. The extrinsic characteristics of the powders obtained by microwave calcination and influence significantly the magnetic behavior of ferrites, showing particles ferrimagnéticas characterized as soft magnetic materials (soft), is of great technological interest. The results obtained led the potential application of microwave energy for calcining powders of Ni-Zn ferrite