739 resultados para esophagus perforation


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UNLABELLED Topography of the esophagus in atrial fibrillation ablation. INTRODUCTION The close anatomic relationship of the posterior wall of the left atrium (LA) and the thermosensitive esophagus creates a potential hazard in catheter ablation procedures. METHODS AND RESULTS In 30 patients (pts) with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing catheter ablation, we prospectively studied the course and contact of the esophagus in relation to LA and the topographic proximity to ablation lines encircling the right-sided and left-sided pulmonary veins (PV) as well as to the posterior line connecting the encircling lines using the electromagnetic mapping system for reconstruction of LA and for tagging of the esophagus. This new technique of anatomic tagging of the esophagus was validated against the CT scan as a standard imaging procedure. The esophageal course was highly variable, extending from courses in direct vicinity to the left- or right-sided PV as well as in the midportion of the posterior LA. In order to avoid energy application in direct proximity to the esophagus, adjustments of the left and right PV encircling lines were necessary in 14/30 pts (47%) and 3/30 (10%). In 30 pts (100%), the mid- to inferior areas of the posterior LA revealed contact with the esophagus. Therefore, posterior and inferior linear ablation lines were abandoned and shifted to superior in 29 pts (97%). CONCLUSIONS Anatomic tagging of esophagus revealed a highly variable proximity to different areas of the posterior LA suggesting individual adjustment of encircling and linear ablation lines in AF ablation procedures to avoid the life threatening complication of esophagus perforation.


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Necrotizing enterocolitis is a disease of the newborn that may involve the small intestine and/or the colon, and the stomach. To our knowledge, massive necrosis of the small intestine with concomitant involvement of the esophagus has never been reported. A case of a 6-month-old boy with necrotizing enterocolitis and pan-necrosis of the small intestine, cecum, and the lower third of the esophagus is presented. After 70 days of treatment, intestinal transit was established by an anastomosis between the first centimeter of jejunum and the ascending colon. Finally, esophageal transit was established by a total gastric transposition with cervical esophagogastric anastomosis. The patient was maintained under total parenteral nutrition, and after 19 months he developed fulminant hepatic failure due to parenteral nutrition; he then underwent combined liver and small bowel transplantation. After 2 months, the patient died due to undefined neurologic complications, probably related to infection or immunosuppressive therapy.


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Résumé: Introduction : L'utilisation de méthodes endoscopiques peu invasives est en constante augmentation pour le traitement des lésions tumorales précoces de l'oesophage. Le but du traitement comprend l'éradication complète de tous les foyers de dysplasie ou de carcinome in situ, notamment dans les métaplasies intestinales de l'oesophage de Barrett, qui peuvent dégénérer en adénocarcinome. Plusieurs techniques d'ablation de la muqueuse oesophagienne (laser, argon plasma, electrocoagulation, photothérapie dynamique, résection endoscopique) ont été utilisées jusqu'à présent, mais aucune n'a vraiment donné entière satisfaction. Les techniques actuelles de résections endoscopiques par fibroscopie sont entre autres limitées par le grand nombre de séances nécessaires à l'éradication complète de la lésion et par la petite taille des fragments de muqueuse obtenus, ce qui rend l'analyse histologique difficile. Dans notre étude animale, nous avons évalué la faisabilité, l'efficacité et la sécurité d'une méthode de résection endoscopique à l'aide d'un nouvel oesophagoscope rigide. Matériel et méthode : Le résectoscope est formé d'un oesophagoscope rigide avec une fenêtre distale transparente à travers laquelle la muqueuse et une partie de la sous-muqueuse sont aspirées et ensuite réséquées avec une anse thermique. Les diverses fenêtres utilisées ont une taille comprise entre 2.2 et 4.4 cm. Le mouton a été choisi en raison de la ressemblance de son oesophage avec celui de l'humain en ce qui concerne l'épaisseur de son oesophage et sa structure histologique. Nous avons effectué 55 résections hémi-circonférentielles sur 21 animaux et 11 résections circonférentielles sur 11 autres. La Mitomycine-C, une substance qui inhibe la prolifération fibroblastique, a été utilisée dans 8 résections circonférentielles à différents intervalles de temps afin d'empêcher la survenue de sténoses oesophagiennes. Résultats : Toutes les résections hémi-circonférentielles ont permis d'obtenir des fragments compacts de tissu avec des bords nets, ce qui permet une excellente étude histologique. La surface du tissu prélevé était en corrélation avec la taille de la fenêtre du resectoscope. Nous avons ainsi pu obtenir des fragments avec des dimensions comprises entre 6 et 12 cm2. Pour les résections circonférentielles, les tissus étaient obtenus en 2 parties, en inversant de 180° la position de l'appareil. La profondeur de la résection a été optimale dans 58 cas sur 65 avec une découpe précise au niveau de la sous-muqueuse sans lésion de la couche musculaire sous- jacente. Il n'y a pas eu de complications après les résections hémi-circonférentielles. Les complications engendrées par les résections circonférentielles (sténose, perforation) n'ont plus été rencontrées après application locale de Mitomycine-C administrée à des intervalles de temps bien précis. Conclusion : Notre méthode de résection endoscopique de la muqueuse oesophagienne offre une nouvelle approche très prometteuse par rapport aux options déjà disponibles. Elle apparaît supérieure en ce qui concerne la taille de tissu prélevé, la précision et régularité de la profondeur de résection, ainsi que la facilité et sûreté du diagnostic histologique et des marges de sécurité. Les résections hémi-circonférentielles se sont révélées sûres chez le modèle animal. Cette nouvelle technique mérite de plus amples investigations pour les résections circonférentielles avant son utilisation chez l'humain. Abstract: Background and Study Aims: We undertook this retrospective study to evaluate the frequency and prognosis of endoscopic treatment of laterally spreading tumors (LSTs) in the rectum. The recurrence rate for lesions of the lower rectum was compared with that of the upper rectum. Patients and Methods: During the period from July 1989 to June 2002, a total of 1237 rectal tumors were detected. LSTs accounted for 6.9% (85/1237) of all rectal tumors. A total of 224 tumors of the lower rectum were detected among the 1237 rectal tumors. LSTs accounted for 16.1 % (36/224) of all the lower rectal tumors. From 85 LST lesions, 67 were evaluated for their prognosis after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). Patients whose LSTs had been resected were followed up by endoscopy at the following frequencies: once 15 (22.4%); twice (more than 1 year), 20 (29.9%); three times (more than 3 years), 21(31.3%); and four times or more (more than 5 years), 11 (16.4%). Results: A total of 67 patients with endoscopically treated LSTs were followed up by endoscopy. We observed recurrences in two lesions of the upper rectum (2/38, 5.3%) and five lesions of the lower rectum (5/29, 17.2%) (P = 0.2364); all seven lesions were resected piecemeal. LSTs whose horizontal margin reached the pectinate line frequently recurred in the lower rectum, at a rate of 80% (4/5). However, all patients were completely cured by additional endoscopic resections, the greatest number of treatments being four. Conclusion: For early detection of recurrence and successful endoscopic cure, further colonoscopic examination within a few months after the first treatment is necessary.


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We report here the case of a 55 year old female that underwent surgery for a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus (middle third). Four months after surgery, she complains of neck pain, for which she is prescribed non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID). A CT-scan and a Barium swallow are then normal. After three weeks of treatment, the patient is admitted on emergency to the Intensive Care Unit for a resuscitation hematemesis and atrial fibrillation with a fast ventricular response. The symptoms are stabilized after the transfusion of a few packed red blood cells. A few hours later, however, a massive hematemesis recurs and the patient dies despite intense resuscitation measures. Autopsy reveals three gastric ulcers, one of which had perforated through the cardiac left ventricular wall


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Three horses (age 17 - 23 years) were referred to the equine clinic of the University of Berne due to colic, fever, tachycardia and tachypnea. All horses showed pleural effusion. Clinical findings in 2 of the horses were highly suggestive of an intra-thoracic esophageal perforation. Severe septic pleuropneumonia without suspicion of an esophageal lesion was diagnosed in the 3rd horse. In addition, an 11 year old stallion was referred to the equine clinic for treatment of a presumptive large colon impaction. The horse was given laxatives after nasogastric intubation. Subsequent dramatic clinical deterioration and signs consistent with severe pleuropneumonia suggest that esophageal perforation had occurred when passing the nasogastric tube. All 4 horses were euthanized due to a poor prognosis. Esophageal perforation was diagnosed or confirmed post mortem in all cases. A hypertrophy of the tunica muscularis of the intra-thoracic esophagus was found in 3 of 4 horses.


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Purpose: To evaluate prospectively the actual bladder perforation incidence during transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURB) performed by residents and to identify possible predisposing factors to such condition. Patients and Methods: Thirty-four patients with bladder tumor were submitted to TURB in our academic institution in April 2006, and were prospectively studied. Procedures were all done by senior residents under an attending direct supervision. All patients had a cystograms performed after the procedure by the injection of 400 mL of saline-diluted contrast solution with low-pressure infusion through the Foley catheter. The cystograms were evaluated blindly by a single radiologist. All patients were examined by cystoscopy and/or CT every 3 months for the first 2 years postoperatively. Results: The cystogram showed contrast leaking compatible with bladder perforation in 17 (50%) cases. None of the perforations were recognized intraoperatively by the surgeon. All perforations were extraperitoneal and managed conservatively. There was no significant correlation between the incidence of bladder perforation and the patient age (p = 0.508), the tumor stage (p = 0.998), the tumor grade (p = 0.833), the number of lesions (p = 0.394), and the tumor size (p = 0.651). The only factor that had impact on the development of bladder perforation was tumor localization at the bottom of the bladder (p = 0.035; OR, 6750; 95% CI, 1.14, 39.8). Conclusion: Asymptomatic perforations of the bladder wall occur very frequently after a TURB procedure performed by residents in training and, most of the time, are not noticed by the surgeon. Localization of the tumor at bladder dome was the only factor that negatively influenced perforation rates.


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Background: Mucin immunoexpression in adenocarcinoma arising in Barrett's esophagus (BE) may indicate the carcinogenesis pathway. The aim of this study was to evaluate resected specimens of adenocarcinoma in BE for the pattern of mucins and to correlate to the histologic classification. Methods: Specimens were retrospectively collected from thirteen patients who underwent esophageal resection due to adenocarcinoma in BE. Sections were scored for the grade of intestinal metaplasia. The tissues were examined by immunohistochemistry for MUC2 and MUC5AC antibodies. Results: Eleven patients were men. The mean age was 61 years old (varied from 40 to 75 years old). The tumor size had a mean of 4.7 +/- 2.3 cm, and the extension of BE had a mean of 7.7 +/- 1.5 cm. Specialized epithelium with intestinal metaplasia was present in all adjacent mucosas. Immunohistochemistry for MUC2 showed immunoreactivity in goblet cells, while MUC5AC was extensively expressed in the columnar gastric cells, localizing to the surface epithelium and extending to a variable degree into the glandular structures in BE. Tumors were classified according to the mucins in gastric type in 7/13 (MUC5AC positive) and intestinal type in 4/13 (MUC2 positive). Two tumors did not express MUC2 or MUC5AC proteins. The pattern of mucin predominantly expressed in the adjacent epithelium was associated to the mucin expression profile in the tumors, p = 0.047. Conclusion: Barrett's esophagus adenocarcinoma shows either gastric or intestinal type pattern of mucin expression. The two types of tumors developed in Barrett's esophagus may reflect the original cell type involved in the malignant transformation.


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Drinking hot mate has been associated with risk for esophageal cancer in South America. Thus. the aims of this study were to evaluate the modifying effects of mate intake on DNA damage and esophageal carcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and thermal injury (TI) in male Wistar rats. At the initiation phase of carcinogenesis, rats were treated with DEN (8 x 80 mg/kg) and submitted to TI (water at 65 degrees C, 1 ml/rat, instilled into the esophagus). Concomitantly, the animals received mate (2.0% w/v) for 8 weeks. Samples of peripheral blood were collected 4 h after the last DEN application for DNA damage analysis. At weeks 8 and 20, samples from esophagus and liver were also collected for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Mate significantly decreased DNA damage in leukocytes, cell proliferation rates in both esophagus and liver and the number of preneoplastic liver lesions from DEN/TI-treated animals at week 8. A significant lower incidence of esophageal papillomas and liver adenomas and tumor multiplicity was observed in the animals previously treated with mate at week 20. Thus, mate presented protective effects against DNA damage and esophageal and liver carcinogenesis induced by DEN. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nitric oxide has been pointed out as the main agent involved in the vasodilatation, which is the major symptom of septic shock. However, there must be another mediator contributing to the circulatory failure observed in sepsis. This study aimed to investigate the endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by acetylcholine and the factors involved in this relaxation, using aortic rings isolated from rats submitted to cecal ligation and perforation (CLP), 2 h after induction of sepsis, which characterizes the hyperdynamic phase of sepsis. Under inhibition of constitutive NO-synthases (cNOS), the relaxation induced by acetylcholine was greater in the aortic rings of rats submitted to CLP compared with sham-operated rat aortic rings. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin normalized this response, and the concentration of the stable metabolite of prostacyclin in the aorta of CLP rats increased in basal conditions and after stimulation with acetylcholine. Acetylcholine-induced NO production was lower in the endothelial cells from the aorta of CLP rats compared with sham rat aorta, but the protein expression of the cNOS was not altered. Moreover, iNOS protein expression could not be detected. Therefore, prostacyclin, and not only nitric oxide, is a mediator of the vasorelaxation induced by acetylcholine in aortas from rats submitted to CLP. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be related to greater sensitization to foods. Objective: To evaluate sensitization to foods in patients with refractory GERD. Methods: Patients with refractory GERD after using at least 40 mg of a proton pump inhibitor were given a restriction diet based on the results of skin prick testing and atopy patch testing with foods. The characteristics of sensitized patients were compared with those of nonsensitized patients in relation to atopy and number of eosinophils in the esophageal mucosa. Results: The prevalence of sensitization to foods was 27.7%. Asthmatic patients showed higher sensitization to foods (P = .008). Eosinophils were determined to be present in the esophageal mucosa in 15.8% of patients, and this correlated with greater sensitization to foods (P = .01). One case of eosinophilic esophagitis was confirmed. A diet excluding identified sensitizing foods led to clinical improvement regarding GERD symptoms (P = .004). Conclusion: The presence of eosinophils in esophageal mucosa associated with greater sensitization to foods and the response to a restriction diet in patients with positive test results suggest that refractory GERD can represent an initial stage of eosinophilic esophagitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010;105:359-363.


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Background: Zenker`s diverticulum (ZD) is a rare condition with a reported prevalence of 0.01% to 0.11% in the general population. Endoscopic treatment consists of the division of the septum between the diverticulum and the esophagus, within which the cricopharyngeal muscle is contained. Diathermic monopolar current, argon plasma coagulation, and laser have been used to incise the muscular septum with satisfactory results. The main limitation of endoscopic treatment is the occurrence of complications. Perforation and hemorrhage are reported in as many as 23% and 10% of patients, respectively. Objective: The aim of this study was to use the technique of endoscopic diverticulotomy by using a harmonic scalpel in patients with ZD and to demonstrate the feasibility of using flexible and rigid devices in ZD treatment. Design: Case series study. Standard protocol was used for patient management, endoscopic procedure, and data collection. Setting: Single endoscopist demonstrating preliminary results. Patients: Five patients (4 men; median standard deviation [SD] age 69.6 +/- 9.06 years, range 59-83 years) with ZD were treated with this technique. All patients reported dysphagia and halitosis. The diagnosis was based on clinical, endoscopic, and radiographic findings. Interventions: All patients received general anesthesia and were placed in the left lateral position. A standard videogastroscope (9.8 mm) and a stiff guidewire were used to insert and achieve an adequate exposure of the ZD septum. The septum was divided using a harmonic scalpel under thin endoscope (5.2 mm) visualization through a soft diverticuloscope. Main Outcome Measurement: Feasibility of an endoscopic technique by using rigid and flexible devices to treat ZD. Results: Four patients (80%) were successfully treated in 1 session. The median SD size of the diverticulum was 3.6 +/- 0.89 cm (range 3-5 cm). Median SD procedure time was 17.33 +/- 2.33 minutes (range 15-20 minutes) in 6 procedures. No hemorrhage or perforation occurred. One patient (20%) required a second session to complete dissection of the ZD septum. All patients demonstrated improvement of dysphagia score after treatment. Limitations: Small case series design. Conclusions: Endoscopic treatment of ZD by harmonic scalpel through a soft diverticuloscope was feasible and effective in this small case series. Larger studies are warranted to further evaluate this technique.


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Dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma may arise in patients with Barrett`s esophagus after fundoplication esophageal pH monitoring showing no acid in esophagus. This suggests the need to develop methodology to evaluate the occurrence of ultra-distal reflux (1 cm above the LES). The objective of the study was to compare acid exposition in three different levels: 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, 1 cm above the LES and in the intrasphincteric region. Eleven patients with Barrett`s esophagus after Nissen fundoplication with no clinical, endoscopic and radiologic evidence of reflux were selected. Four-channel pH monitoring took place: channel A, 5 cm above the upper border of the LES; channel B, 1 cm above the LES; channel C, intrasphincteric; channel D, intragastric. The results of channels A, B and C were compared. There was significant increase in number of reflux episodes and a higher fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel A. There was significant decrease in fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel C. Two cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma were diagnosed in the studied patients. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is more exposed to acid than the region 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, although this exposure occurred in reduced levels. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is less exposed to acid than the intrasphincteric region.


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The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of preoperative gastric secretory and hormonal response, to the appearance of Barrett`s esophagus in the esophageal stump following subtotal esophagectomy. Thirty-eight end-stage chagasic achalasia patients submitted to esophagectomy and cervical gastric pull-up were followed prospectively for a mean of 13.6 +/- 9.2 years. Gastric acid secretion, pepsinogen, and gastrin were measured preoperatively in 14 patients who have developed Barrett`s esophagus (Group I), and the results were compared to 24 patients who did not develop Barrett`s esophagus (Group II). In the group (I), the mean basal and stimulated preoperative gastric acid secretion was significantly higher than in the group II (basal: 1.52 vs. 1.01, p = 0.04; stimulated: 20.83 vs. 12.60, p = 0.01). Basal and stimulated preoperative pepsinogen were also increased at the Group I compared to Group II (Basal = 139.3 vs. 101.7, p = 0.02; stimulated = 186.0 vs. 156.5, p = 0.07. There was no difference in preoperative gastrin between the two groups. Gastritis was present during endoscopy in 57.1% of the Group I, while it was detected in 16.6% of the Group II, p = 0.014. Barrett`s esophagus in the esophageal stump was associated to high preoperative levels of gastric acid secretion, serum pepsinogen, and also gastritis in the transposed stomach.


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Background: Subtotal esophagectomy and gastric pull-up with cervical anastomosis is the main treatment for advanced achalasia. This surgical technique has been associated to esophagitis and also Barrett`s epithelium following esophagectomy. Aim: To analyze late clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic findings in the esophageal stump (ES) mucosa after subtotal esophagectomy in patients treated for advanced chagasic achalasia. Methods: 101 patients submitted to esophagectomy and cervical gastroplasty were followed-up prospectively for a mean of 10.5 +/- 8.8 years. All patients underwent clinical, endoscopic and histopathological evaluation every 2 years. Gastric acid secretion was also assessed. Results: The incidence of esophagitis in the esophageal stump (45.9% at 1 year; 71.9% at 5 years, and 70.0% at 10 years follow-up); gastritis in the transposed stomach (20.4% at 1 year, 31.0% at 5 years, and 40.0% at 10 or more years follow-up), and the occurrence of ectopic columnar metaplasia and Barrett`s Esophagus in the ES (none until 1 year; 10.9% between 1 and 5 years; 29.5% between 5 and 10 years; and 57.5% at 10 or more years follow-up), all rose over time. Gastric acid secretion returns to its preoperative values 4 years postoperatively. Esophageal stump cancer was detected in the setting of chronic esophagitis in five patients: three squamous cell carcinomas and two adenocarcinomas. Conclusion: (1) Esophagitis and Barrett`s esophagus in the esophageal stump rose over time. (2) These mucosal alterations and the development of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are probably due to exposure to duodenogastric reflux, and progressively higher acid output in the transposed stomach.