996 resultados para escaner de mesa
As espécies forrageiras, principalmente dos gêneros Brachiaria e Panicum, desempenham importante papel nas regiões pecuárias e têm auxiliado o desenvolvimento da indústria de sementes no Brasil, o qual se transformou em maior produtor, consumidor e exportador de sementes de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu' por meio do teste de tetrazólio conduzido mediante dois procedimentos. Foram utilizados 5 lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu' de origens diferentes, avaliados pelo teste de germinação, após escarificação ou não com ácido sulfúrico, e pelo teste de tetrazólio com duas formas de avaliação: método convencional, sob estéreo microscópio, e análise de imagens digitalizadas, obtidas de sementes agrupadas em placa de vidro de alta transparência, com definição de 1200 dpi. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. A avaliação de lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha 'Marandu', conduzida por meio do teste de tetrazólio, com observação das imagens digitalizadas das sementes é equivalente à efetuada sob estéreo microscópio.
Tomato postharvest losses are very high in Brazil and the goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of handling and the transport of tomato fruits, cultivar Romana on the steps of harvesting, weight and transportation to the packinghouse, pointing some critical points. Tomatoes were harvested at plastic boxes, weighted and shipped to a packinghouse. Fruits taken directly from the plant were determined as reference. The parameters evaluated were weight loss and mechanical injury and tomato physical quality after storage during 21 days. It was observed an increasing on the weight loss, external damage, and postharvest losses, after storage. Handling and transportation were the cause of an increase in 6.6% in external damage and 1.93% of weight loss after storage, when comparing harvested fruits and fruits evaluated on the packing-house. The main reason for postharvest losses was due to mechanical injury caused during transportation mainly due to the compressure force among fruits and against the plastic boxes.
The cleanness level in fresh market tomatoes cleaning equipment is essential for consumer acceptance and conservation of product quality. However, the washing process in cleaning current equipments demands an excessive volume of water, leading to serious economic and environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to contribute with technical information for the washing system optimization. The conventional washing system currently used in cleaning equipment, which consists of perforated PVC pipes, was compared with a proposed system which uses commercial sprays. Characteristic curves (flow rate versus pressure) for both systems were determined in lab conditions and the respective water consumptions were compared. The results confirmed the excess of water consumption in the conventional washing systems, and the proposed system proved that is possible to reduce it, and the use of sprays allowed the rational use of the water.
Quality evaluation of classification was done in two fresh market tomatoes packing house, using electronically and mechanical equipments in two harvest periods, summer and winter seasons. The main goal of this work was to evaluate size and color grading conformity with the standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization and size grading obtainded with the one established by the packer. The cultivar studied was Carmen. The results showed that there was no grade conformity with the fresh tomato quality standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization. The grade conformity obtained when compared with the one programmed by the packer, was only for large sizes, in both equipments. The electronically equipment has presented better performance, over the mechanical, considering grading quality and fruits post-harvest quality. However, the electronically equipment must be constantly monitored to achieve efficiency and investment return. On the other side, for mechanical equipment it will be necessary to review the actual system of size grading, in order to follow the fresh tomato quality standards.
On the last years, in Brazil, sorting and classifying fruits and vegetables using packing lines have increased. This work aimed at characterizing the cleaning process for fresh market tomatoes at two packing lines, one imported and one national located at Campinas, São Paulo State. Characterization included data, number, types and brushes velocity, water use, fruit standing time and cleaning efficiency. Standing time was measured correlating to fruit diameter (CEAGESP). For measuring cleaning efficiency an equipment was developed that was mainly composed of a ring involved with white cloth. Samples were taken before and after the cleaning step and evaluated using a colorimeter HUNTER Lab. The results showed a strong difference between the two equipments. The imported equipment showed lower number on brushes and rotation than national one, however a higher water consumption. For imported equipments this relation was not found. Both packing lines showed the same cleaning efficiency. Cleaning efficiency is related to be an interaction among the studies parameters, and it could be necessary a better management than the one used on both equipments.
The post-harvesting cleaning process in fresh market tomatoes production is essential to the consumer acceptance, since the degree of dirtiness of the fruits is directly related to its quality. However, the washing stage of the cleaning process of commercial packinghouse demands an excessive water volume, bringing serious environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to compare the cleaning efficiency in two cleaning systems through the evaluation of different operational conditions of the cleaning process, related with the brush rotation, water flow and fruit standing time under the system. It was compared the conventional system utilized in commercial equipment with a system using commercial sprays. The results showed that the cleaning efficiency was not directly related to the water volume used, but to the water pressure, standing time and brushes rotation. Therefore, the use of commercial sprays can bring benefits to the cleaning efficiency, increasing it up to 13%, and to the environmental, decreasing water consumption.
Dando sequ??ncia aos debates iniciados em 2004 e 2005 e que tiveram como produto o livro ???Gest??o por compet??ncias em organiza????es de governo???, a Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o vers??o 2009 prop??e-se a suprir uma lacuna importante: discutir a atua????o do Sistema de Escolas de Governo da Uni??o em face das diretrizes da Pol??tica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (PNDP) ??? Decreto n?? 5.707 de 23 de fevereiro de 2006
A MRPA Diversidade e Capacita????o em Escolas de Governo reuniu especialistas e dirigentes de variadas origens para pensar a constru????o de alternativas para a inser????o dos temas diversidade, igualdade de g??nero, igualdade racial e direitos humanos nos programas de capacita????o e forma????o desenvolvidos em escolas de governo
O livro materializa a quintess??ncia dos debates travados pelo seleto grupo de representantes educadores ??? de diversas institui????es brasileiras ??? no ciclo de reuni??es promovidas sob a coordena????o da ENAP e que foram realizadas em Bras??lia, em 2006. ?? uma obra que busca ampliar as discuss??es sobre conceitos de educa????o que se desenrolam ao longo da vida, especialmente na contemporaneidade, no contexto da sociedade global que tem exigido compet??ncias e capacidades cada vez mais complexas para a forma????o profissional, notadamente para o setor de servi??os p??blicos
Este material ?? uma tradu????o dos Toolkits da Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o que foram fornecidos ?? ENAP por meio do Projeto de Coopera????o ???Parceria para a Excel??ncia da Gest??o no Setor P??blico???. Esse projeto foi estabelecido entre a Escola e a Canada School of Public Service, com apoio da Ag??ncia Canadense de Desenvolvimento Internacional, e teve vig??ncia entre 2003 e 2007. Este material foi criado para ensinar os potenciais Coordenadores de Mesas-redondas de Pesquisa-A????o (MRPA) a desenvolver o conhecimento e o know-how que lhe permitir??o conduzir Mesas-redondas.
A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, ENAP, em parceria com a Canada School of Public Service, CSPS, vem implementando novas metodologias de abordagem de temas importantes para a melhoria da administra????o p??blica. Em 09 de novembro de 2004 foi instalada a primeira Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o, ferramenta de pesquisa que tem por objetivo reunir profissionais e especialistas para encontrar solu????es para os desafios enfrentados no servi??o p??blico. O resultado dos debates ?? a publica????o de um material que possa ser ??til a servidores e dirigentes no desempenho de tarefas ou na implementa????o de novas ferramentas de trabalho. A ENAP, cumprindo seu papel de auxiliar na difus??o de conhecimentos no setor p??blico federal, pretende realizar novas mesas periodicamente.
A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, ENAP, em parceria com a Canada School of Public Service, CSPS, vem implementando novas metodologias de abordagem de temas importantes para a melhoria da administra????o p??blica. Em 09 de novembro de 2004 foi instalada a primeira Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o, ferramenta de pesquisa que tem por objetivo reunir profissionais e especialistas para encontrar solu????es para os desafios enfrentados no servi??o p??blico. O resultado dos debates ?? a publica????o de um material que possa ser ??til a servidores e dirigentes no desempenho de tarefas ou na implementa????o de novas ferramentas de trabalho. A ENAP, cumprindo seu papel de auxiliar na difus??o de conhecimentos no setor p??blico federal, pretende realizar novas mesas periodicamente.
A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, ENAP, em parceria com a Canada School of Public Service, CSPS, vem implementando novas metodologias de abordagem de temas importantes para a melhoria da administra????o p??blica. Em 09 de novembro de 2004 foi instalada a primeira Mesa-redonda de Pesquisa-A????o, ferramenta de pesquisa que tem por objetivo reunir profissionais e especialistas para encontrar solu????es para os desafios enfrentados no servi??o p??blico. O resultado dos debates ?? a publica????o de um material que possa ser ??til a servidores e dirigentes no desempenho de tarefas ou na implementa????o de novas ferramentas de trabalho. A ENAP, cumprindo seu papel de auxiliar na difus??o de conhecimentos no setor p??blico federal, pretende realizar novas mesas periodicamente.