7 resultados para erythroleukoplakia
Erythroplakia is considered to represent a premalignant condition and is felt to be at high risk to progress to oral cancer development. When the lesion presents with red and white mucosal alterations concomitantly, the term erythroleukoplakia is used. However, in erythroleukoplakia lesions, the red or erythroplakia areas have been shown to be most likely to demonstrate dysplastic changes compared to the white hyperkeratotic areas. We present a case of patient with erythroleukoplakia involving the lower lip that was treating with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with 0.8 mm focus, 5 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous. After the surgery, the vaporized surface was protected with a fibrinolisine + chloramphenicol cream. To date, after 6 months, there has been no clinically evident recurrence on the vermilion area. The functional and esthetic results observed were judged to be excellent.
The second part of the present review article presents and discusses the current literature regarding cytodiagnostic aspects, pathogenesis, therapy, incidence of recurrence, and malignant transformation rate of oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral erythroleukoplakia (OEL). Oral cytopathology, eventually in combination with DNA cytometry, can add valuable information to conventional histopathology, but is not able yet to replace the aforementioned. Numerous molecular genetic variants have been studied in precancerous lesions to gain knowledge about the prognosis of these lesions. Still, there are no evidence-based parameters available to safely detect precursor lesions that will undergo malignant transformation in the future. Excision of OE and OEL should be performed with a margin of safety using the CO2 laser or a scalpel. Data about incidence of recurrence and malignant tranformation rates of OE are mostly based upon case reports or case series. The OEL has a significantly higher risk of malignant transformation than oral leukoplakias.
Oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral erythroleukoplakia (OEL; synonym: speckled leukoplakia) are working diagnoses for red and red-white lesions of the oral mucosa after exclusion of all other possible diagnoses for lesions with a similar clinical appearance. A good knowledge of oral medicine and possible differential diagnoses of oral mucosal pathologies is mandatory to correctly detect OE and OEL on this exclusion basis. In the present review article in a series of two, epidemiologic data, etiologic factors, possible differential diagnoses, and the histopathologic characteristics of OE and OEL will be presented and discussed regarding the current literature. A thorough histopathologic examination of these epithelial precursor lesions is mandatory to recognise the presence and the severity of epithelial dysplasia, which is a decisive factor for the subsequent treatment planning.
Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.
Stomatologic lesions at risk to develop an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) such as oral leukoplakia, erythroplakia/erythroleukoplakia, or oral lichen planus, need an early detection, diagnosis and a long-term/lifelong follow-up to prevent malignant transformation. In the following report, two patients are presented with oral mucosal lesions, who were referred, diagnosed, treated, and underwent follow-up examinations at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Bern. These two cases emphasize the importance of early detection and managment of precancerous lesions or initial stages of OSCC. Additionally, risk factors, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption and their influence on stomatologic lesions and their prognosis, will be discussed.
Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.
Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.